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2013 Ottawa Cycling Plan and Ottawa Pedestrian Plan

The Transportation Master Plan - Part 1 includes the plans and policies for active transportation in the city, formerly documented under the 2013 Ottawa Cycling Plan and Ottawa Pedestrian Plan. The Transportation Master Plan Part 1 was approved at the City Council meeting of April 26, 2023. Part 1 included the Active Transportation Projects and Networks, and TMP Policies related to active transportation. The new Part 1 documents replace the 2013 Ottawa Cycling Plan and Pedestrian Plan.

 Here are the approved TMP -Part 1 materials

 If you would like more information on the Transportation Master Plan including the active transportation components please visit the project page(link is external) or contact the TMP team at opens email application)

The 2013 Ottawa Cycling Plan (OCP2013) is a long-term strategy to strengthen and support cycling in the city. It was developed as part of the Building a Liveable Ottawa process, which also led to updates of the City's Official Plan, Transportation Master Plan, Ottawa Pedestrian Plan and Infrastructure Master Plan.

The project and network maps that support the OCP2013 can be found in the on-line GeoOttawa(link is external) mapping tool, in the Layer List tool under Cycling and Cycling Plan. A complete description on how to use GeoOttawa(link is external) can be found in Annex C of the cycling plan.

2013 Ottawa Cycling Plan [ PDF 21.3 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)

The existing pedestrian network and the future Affordable Pedestrian Network projects approved in the  Ottawa Pedestrian Plan (OPP) 2013 can be viewed in map format on-line at GeoOttawa(link is external). Under the drop-down menu "More Layers" click on Pedestrian Plan to initiate. A complete list of the future Affordable Pedestrian Network projects can be found in Annex E of the Ottawa Pedestrian Plan.

2013 Ottawa Pedestrian Plan [ PDF 6.8 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)

Transportation Master Plan Update

Ottawa has grown into a city of one million residents. Over the next 25 years, that number is expected to grow to more than 1.4 million. With that kind of growth, we need to revisit how people, vehicles and goods move through our city.

As we set the vision for our updated Transportation Master Plan(link is external), we have important decisions to make as individuals and as a city. While some might be easy, others will require more thought. We need to have thoughtful and meaningful discussions to ensure Ottawa becomes the most liveable mid-sized city in North America.

Transportation decisions affect all of Ottawa’s residents and businesses. No matter if you walk, drive, cycle, bus, take the light rail transit or scoot, whether you ship products or have them delivered, or whether you own or share a car, how people and goods move through the city affects you. All the choices we make moving forward will require some give and take. Tell us what’s important to you and how our transportation system can move us in the right direction for decades to come.