Old Ottawa East Community Design Plan

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Old Ottawa East Community Design Plan

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Executive Summary

1.0 Background

Old Ottawa East is located between the Rideau Canal and the Rideau River and extends the full length of Main Street from Colonel By Drive on the north to the McIlraith Bridge on the south.

The goal of this Community Design Plan [PDF version 3.4 MB](CDP) Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) is to focus on Main Street but also be responsive to a vision of the community as a whole. The plan is meant to provide a broad and integrated 20-year vision and guidance for the growth of Old Ottawa East.

The Background section of the CDP sets out its goal and objectives. It also provides the policy and regulatory context, demographic profile as well as the community vision and themes of the Plan.

2.0 Existing Conditions

The community divides naturally into the corridors, precincts and neighbourhoods that physically comprise it. Main Street and Hawthorne Avenue are the primary corridors that can be divided into precincts as they exhibit distinct characteristics and functions. The neighbourhoods are distinguished by their historic development and are predominantly residential in nature with the exception of the area adjacent to the Lees Transit Station, which holds the potential for a greater range of uses. The characteristics of these various districts within the community are surveyed and described, along with an indication of their potential for future growth and change. The condition of the existing infrastructure is also described including an indication of the maintenance history and operational issues.

3.0 Land Use and Design Strategies

The corridors, precincts and neighbourhoods are used as the framework to focus the policy direction of the CDP. Certain general and common policies are outlined for the Main Street corridor. All of the precincts within the Mainstreet corridor and the contiguous neighbourhoods are then addressed specifically in order to provide a comprehensive vision for future growth and change. Maps are provided to supplement and illustrate the policy direction with respect to Schedule B Amendments to the Official Plan, Schedule A – Land Use, Urban Design Strategy, Parks and Open Space, Heritage Resources, Built Form.

4.0 Implementation Strategy

This section outlines the means that will be used to implement the strategic directions of this Plan. They include the following key components:

  • Official Plan Amendment to change the land use designation along Main Street to General Urban and the section of Hawthorne between Colonel By and Main Street to Traditional Mainstreet as well as modifications to the Major Open Space along the Rideau River;
  • Zoning amendments affecting specific lands to achieve land use and design objectives;
  • Requirements with respect to Built Heritage;
  • Intensification targets within the precincts designated Traditional Mainstreet and the Mixed Use Centre at the east end of Lees Avenue.
  • Requirements for affordable housing;
  • 3D images illustrating the building envelopes permitted by the zoning;
  • Diagrams illustrating the proposed building envelope for the TM zone;
  • The Mainstreet Transportation and Streetscape study (August 2000) – Key Recommendations;
  • List of Capital Improvements for the community;
  • Strategic upgrading of infrastructure within the community;
  • Design Guidelines for the built form and streetscape of Mainstreet, key characteristics for the adjacent neighbourhoods and a Demonstration Plan illustrating the potential form of development of properties currently owned by the Oblate Fathers, Sisters of the Sacred Heart and St. Paul University.

This CDP [PDF version 3.4 MB] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) and Secondary Plan along with the related Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments were approved by City Council on August 25, 2011. With no appeals being received following the statutory notification all related amendments are now in full force and effect.