Drop-in swimming and aquafit

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Explore drop-in activities

Participating in drop-in recreation is a great way to stay active and have fun without a big commitment. Many residents appreciate the flexibility of our drop-in programs, which fit easily into their schedules. Whether you're interested in swimming, aquafit, group fitness, sports, skating, ice sports, racquet sports, or curling, there's something for everyone at City of Ottawa recreation centres, pools and arenas.

Drop in and discover how easy and enjoyable it can be to stay active and meet new people. Your next favorite activity is just a visit away!

How it works

Currently, there’s no online tool to find programs by type, but you can view them by location. Some facilities also have printed schedules at their counters.

  1. Find your facility - Use the search page or type the facility’s name in the search bar at the top of any page.
  2. View schedules - Check the drop-in schedules on the facility’s page.
  3. Check reservations - See if reservations are needed. If so, click the Reservation button and follow the steps to register online. Reservations open at 6 pm two days before the program date.
  4. Payment - No payment is taken online for drop-in programs. Pay-as-you-go or explore our memberships or multi-visit passes for savings. These apply to swimming, skating, sports and fitness alone or combined. Ensure you have time to pay the admission fee before the session starts.
  5. Cancellations - If you can’t attend, cancel your reservation to free up the spot for someone else. You can find the cancellation link in your email confirmation or on the reservation landing page. Alternatively, you can call the facility to cancel. Check the facility page for any cancellations or holiday changes.

Reservations and cancellations

Reservations requirements for drop-in swim programs are different at each pool. The schedules on the pools’ web pages indicate which programs do not require reservations. 

Where required, you are encouraged to reserve a space in advance. In-person walk-in reservations will be accepted when space allows. 

Schedules and reservation links (where applicable) can be found on the facility pages. The schedules found on those pages are subject to change. If reservations are not required, this will be noted in the schedule. 


  • Reserve your space as of 6 pm for up to two days in advance.
  • On the facility page, select the button above the schedule to reserve your spot.
  • If you are unable to reserve a spot online, you can make a walk-in reservation on the day of, if there are spaces remaining.
  • Please arrive on time for your program.
    • Your spot will be reserved up to 10 minutes after the session has started. If you arrive later than 10 minutes after your scheduled start time, your spot may be given to another individual or your visit may be cut short.
  • Payment can be made on-site. Please note our pin pads do not currently accept "tap".


Cancel drop-in reservations(link is external)




  • Lane swim: Continuous lane swim workout. Children age eight to 10 must pass the facility's swim test. Only essential equipment will be provided for use on deck, you are welcome to bring your own equipment. Maximum of 2 people per reservation.
  • Preschool swim: An unstructured swim time with limited pool space allowing for playtime for preschool-aged children and their parents, ages 5 and under. Children 5 years of age and under: maximum 2 children per responsible person 14 years of age and older.
  • Public swim: An unstructured swim time open to all ages. Non-swimmers aged 10 and under, and all children aged 7 and under must be accompanied by a participating adult or youth, at least 14 years of age, responsible for the direct supervision of the child and actively swimming within arms reach at all times. Children aged 8, 9 and 10 must be tested to demonstrate their ability to swim 25 metres uninterrupted in order to be permitted to swim unaccompanied. Only essential equipment will be provided for use on deck. You are welcome to bring your own equipment. Maximum of 6 people per reservation.
  • Wave swim: A swim with the waves activated at a wave pool open to all ages. Non-swimmers aged 10 and under, and all children aged 7 and under must be accompanied by a participating adult or youth, at least 14 years of age, responsible for the direct supervision of the child and actively swimming within arms reach at all times. Children 5 years of age and under: maximum 2 children per responsible person 14 years of age and older. Children aged 8, 9 and 10 must be tested to demonstrate their ability to swim 25M uninterrupted in order to be permitted to swim unaccompanied.
  • Women’s only – Family swim: An unstructured swim designed for females-only and their children, boys over the age of 6 are not permitted. Adult females do not have to bring a child to these swims. Children 5 years of age and under: maximum 2 children per responsible person 14 years of age and older.
  • Women’s only swim: Open to all women and girls, 14 years of age and older.
  • 50+ swim: Lap swimming for adults aged 50 plus.

Inclusive recreation swim programs

  • Alternate Needs Swim: Designated swim for youth and adult participants with a long-term disability. Participant need to complete information form before attending the swim. If assistance is required in the change room, participants must bring an attendant.
  • Wellness – Aqua therapy: A wellness program ideal for individuals living with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, osteoporosis and individuals recovering from injury or surgery.
  • Wellness – Chronic pain: A wellness program ideal for individuals living with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, osteoporosis and individuals recovering from injury or surgery.

Aqua fitness

  • Aqua general deep: Offered in the deep end, the general aqua fitness class is designed as a medium intensity total body workout, balance of cardio and muscular strength and endurance. A great introduction program offering easy choreography and options to modify the intensity.
  • Aqua general shallow: Offered in the shallow end, the general aqua fitness class is designed as a medium intensity total body workout, balance of cardio and muscular strength and endurance. A great introduction program offering easy choreography and options to modify the intensity.
  • Aqua lite main pool: Offered in the main pool, the class is a low impact total body workout that offers a blend of cardio as well as muscular strength and endurance training combined with specific attention to core stabilization and relaxation techniques.
  • Aqua lite warm pool: Offered in the warm pool, the class is a low impact total body workout that offers a blend of cardio as well as muscular strength and endurance training combined with specific attention to core stabilization and relaxation techniques.
  • Aqua - turbo: A high intensity class! Provides a definite challenge for seasoned and new participants alike.


Fees shown do not include HST. Applicable taxes will be added during the payment process.


Standard and outdoor pool fees - 2025

Bearbrook Outdoor Pool, Beaverbrook Outdoor Pool, Bob MacQuarrie Recreation Complex-Orléans, Brewer Pool, Canterbury Recreation Complex, Champagne Fitness Centre, Corkstown Outdoor Pool, Crestview Outdoor Pool, Deborah Anne Kirwan Pool, Entrance Outdoor Pool, François Dupuis Recreation Centre, Jack Purcell Community Centre, General Burns Outdoor Pool, Genest Outdoor Pool, Glen Cairn Outdoor Pool, Katimavik Outdoor Pool, Lowertown Pool, Pinecrest Recreation Complex, Plant Recreation Centre, Sawmill Creek Pool, St Laurent Complex

  • Preschool: Free 
  • Child, youth, student, household (per person): $2.85 
  • Adult: $5.48 
  • Senior: $3.57 
  • Groups of ten or more: $2.61 per person 

Leisure pool fees - 2025

CARDELREC Recreation Complex Goulbourn, Kanata Leisure Centre and Wave Pool (without waves), Minto Recreation Complex-Barrhaven, Nepean Sportsplex, Ray Friel Recreation Complex (without waves), Richcraft Recreation Complex-Kanata, Splash Wave Pool (without waves), Walter Baker Sports Centre

  • Preschool: Free 
  • Child, youth, student, household (per person): $4.06  
  • Adult: $6.20
  • Senior:  $4.76 
  • Groups of ten or more: $3.57 per person 
  • Whirlpool/steam (Kanata Leisure Pool and Walter Baker Sports Centre): $4.76

Wave swim fees - 2025

Kanata Leisure Centre and Wave Pool, Ray Friel Recreation Complex, Splash Wave Pool

  • Preschool: Free 
  • Child, youth, student, household (per person): $6.91 
  • Adult: $9.53  
  • Senior: $8.09


  • Seniors, students and youth: $8.06 
  • Adults: $9.26 

Membership and multi-visit passes - swimming and aquafit

  • Fees shown do not include HST. 
  • Applicable taxes will be added during the payment process.
  • Multi-visit passes are only valid for one year after purchase.
  • Visits are equal to one class, activity or hour.
  • Non-residents will be charged an additional 25 per cent per person per membership.

Multi-visit pass

This multi-visit pass gives you access to lane, public and family swimming. Excludes wave swims.

  • 12-visit pass for child, students or youth: $33.73 
  • 12-visit pass for adults: $53.72 
  • 12-visit pass for seniors: $40.01 

Membership pass

Swim membership types and descriptions
Membership type  Description 
All-inclusive membership  Access to weight/cardio, aqua fitness, swimming (including wave swims), group fitness, skating, etc. 
Swim membership  Access to scheduled drop-in swims (lane, public, preschool) at any pool (excluding wave swims). 
Wave swim membership  Access to any drop-in public swim, including wave swims at three wave pools. 
Aquafitness membership  Access to scheduled drop-in aquafit sessions at any pool. 
Combined Swim and Aquafitness Membership  Access to scheduled drop-in public swims (excluding wave swims) and various drop-in fitness classes. 
Swim membership fees
Membership type  1 month  3 months  6 months  Yearly 
Child, youth, student, senior  $24.77  $49.06  $89.54  $162.16 
Adult  $53.59  $106.44  $194.56  $351.96 
Household  $103.58  $206.46  $377.67  $651.29 
Wave Swim membership fees
Membership type  1 month  3 months  6 months  Yearly 
Child, youth, student, senior  $50.24  $113.36  $173.36  $284.80 
Adult  $68.10  $155.02  $248.84  $386.96 
Household  $126.22  $250.50  $433.87  $792.73 
Aquafitness membership fees
Membership type  1 month  3 months  6 months  Yearly 
Child, youth, student, senior  $55.48  $109.78  $200.74  $363.38 
Adult  $68.82  $136.91  $249.56  $452.68 
Household  $110.73  $245.28  $448.39  $814.17 
Combined swim and aquafitness membership fees
Membership type  1 month  3 months  6 months  Yearly 
Child, youth, student, senior  $61.44  $121.68  $222.66  $403.86 
Adult  $76.44  $151.45  $277.18  $502.70 
Household  $117.39  $272.19  $497.22  $904.43