Regulations and restrictions

On this page

Holiday parking regulations

All City of Ottawa parking regulations and restrictions will apply on statutory holidays.

Seasonal parking restrictions

Depending on the time of year, seasonal parking restrictions come into effect on certain streets in the City.

These areas are clearly marked with “no parking signs” that also indicate the time of year during which it is prohibited to park in that area.

Winter parking restrictions are in effect between December 1 and March 31st, in order to ensure streets remain passable for vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians. These parking restrictions also facilitate snow clearing on residential streets.

On other streets parking is prohibited between April 1st and November 30th.  These no parking areas are marked with signage and are usually in locations where traffic calming measures are implemented. These measures are in place for the safety of all road users.

Special event zones

The City of Ottawa hosts hundreds of special events per year. Depending on the type of the event, road closures and special parking restrictions are required.

Temporary “Special Event” No Stopping zones will be installed as required in areas where special events are being hosted. Vehicles parked in these areas will be ticketed and may also be towed so as not to interfere with the special event.

Motorists are reminded to read all posted signage before parking.

Parking infractions and associated fines

The following is a list of parking infractions as they would appear on a parking ticket along with the associated fines. The first dollar amount on each line is the amount due when paying voluntarily within 15 days of the ticket’s date of issuance. The second amount is the set fine.

Part A – Parking Rules of the Road
Infraction Early Payment (within 15 days) Set Fine
Park facing wrong direction - raised curb $55 $75
Stop facing wrong direction - raised curb $55 $75
Park more than 15 cm from raised curb $50 $70
Stop more than 15 cm from raised curb $50 $70
Park facing wrong direction - no curb $55 $75
Stop facing wrong direction - no curb $55 $75
Park too far from right limit of highway - no curb $50 $70
Stop too far from right limit of highway - no curb $50 $70
Park facing wrong direction - one way traffic - raised curb $55 $75
Stop facing wrong direction - one way traffic - raised curb $55 $75
Park more than 15 cm from raised curb - one way traffic $50 $70
Stop more than 15 cm from raised curb - one way traffic $50 $70
Park facing wrong direction - one way traffic - no curb $50 $70
Stop facing wrong direction - one way traffic - no curb $50 $70
Park too far from left limit of highway - one way traffic - no curb $50 $70
Stop too far from left limit of highway - one way traffic - no curb $50 $70
Park in front of fire hall lot - same side of highway $50 $70
Park within 8 m of fire hall lot - same side of highway $50 $70
Park in front of fire hall lot - opposite side of highway $50 $70
Park within 30 m of fire hall lot - opposite side of highway $50 $70
Park within 15 m of intersection $50 $70
Park within 30 m of intersection controlled by traffic control signal $50 $70
Park in front of main entrance to hotel $50 $70
Park in front of main entrance to hospital $50 $70
Park in front of main entrance to nursing home $50 $70
Park in front of main entrance to theatre $50 $70
Park in front of main entrance to auditorium $50 $70
Park in front of main entrance to public building $50 $70
Park in front of emergency exit from hotel $50 $70
Park in front of emergency exit from hospital $50 $70
Park in front of emergency exit from nursing home $50 $70
Park in front of emergency exit from theatre $50 $70
Park in front of emergency exit from auditorium $50 $70
Park in front of emergency exit from public building $50 $70
Park within 30 m of crosswalk controlled by traffic control signal - approach side - non- intersection $50 $70
Park within 15 m of crosswalk controlled by traffic control signal - leaving side - non- intersection $50 $70
Park - interfere with formation of funeral procession $50 $70
Park within 15 m of roadway end on dead end highway $50 $70
Park within 9 m of intersection $60 $80
Park within 3 m of a point on the curb or edge of roadway opposite fire hydrant $80 $100
Park in front of laneway $65 $85
Park in front of driveway $65 $85
Park within 1.5 m of laneway $60 $80
Park within 1.5 m of driveway $60 $80
Park - prevent removal of previously parked vehicle $40 $60
Park - prevent removal of previously standing vehicle $40 $60
Park -prevent ingress to metered parking space $40 $60
Park - prevent removal of previously standing vehicle $40 $60
Park - prevent ingress to metered parking space $40 $60
Park - prevent egress from metered parking space $40 $60
Park - impede ingress to metered parking space $40 $60
Park - impede egress from metered parking space $40 $60
Park for purpose of displaying vehicle for sale $40 $60
Park for purpose of greasing vehicle - non- emergency $40 $60
Park for purpose of repairing vehicle - non-emergency $40 $60
Park for purpose of stripping vehicle - non- emergency $40 $60
Park for purpose of partially stripping vehicle - non-emergency $40 $60
Park - roadway width 6 m or less $55 $75
Park on inner boulevard $55 $75
Park on driveway within 0.5 m of sidewalk $60 $80
Park on driveway within 1.5 m of roadway - no sidewalk $60 $80
Park vehicle on driveway within 0.3 metres of sidewalk on west side of Upper Lorne Place between 109 m and 152 m north of Somerset Street West $50 $70
Park - interfere with snow removal $105 $125
Park - interfere with ice removal $105 $125
Park - interfere with clearing of snow $105 $125
Park - interfere with highway cleaning operations $105 $125
Park – interfere with highway sweeping $105 $125
Park in no parking area $70 $90
Stop on sidewalk $100 $120
Stop partly on sidewalk $90 $110
Stop over sidewalk $100 $120
Stop partly over sidewalk $90 $110
Stop within intersection $85 $105
Stop within crosswalk $95 $110
Stop within school crosswalk zone between 7 am and 7 pm $95 $110
Stop adjacent to roadway excavation - impede traffic $75 $95
Stop adjacent to roadway obstruction - impede traffic $75 $95
Stop across from roadway excavation - impede traffic $75 $95
Stop across from roadway obstruction - impede traffic $75 $95
Stop on roadway side of stopped vehicle $75 $95
Stop on roadway side of parked vehicle $75 $95
Stop upon bridge $75 $95
Stop upon elevated structure $75 $95
Stop within tunnel $75 $95
Stop within underpass $75 $95
Stop within 30 m of bridge $75 $95
Stop within 30 m of elevated structure $75 $95
Stop within 30 m of tunnel $75 $95
Stop within 30 m of underpass $75 $95
Stop on central boulevard $75 $95
Stop on outer boulevard $75 $95
Stop adjacent to central boulevard $75 $95
Stop adjacent to median strip $75 $95
Stop within 30 m of railway crossing - approach side $75 $95
Stop within 15 m of railway crossing - leaving side $75 $95
Stop adjacent to a school between 7 am and 7 pm $100 $120
Stop adjacent to a park between 7 am and 7 pm $100 $120
Stop adjacent to a playground between 7 am and 7 pm $100 $120
Stop within a pedestrian crossover $75 $95
Stop within a pedestrian crossover zone $75 $95
Stop within turning basin of cul-de-sac $90 $110
Stop within 30m on approach of a roundabout $100 $120
Stop within 30m of leaving side of a roundabout $100 $120
Stop in no stopping area $110 $130
Stand in no stopping area - Special Event $110 $130
Remain in electric vehicle space where charging station is not activated $80 $100
Remain in electric vehicle space where required fee not deposited $80 $100
Remain in electric vehicle space contrary to posted signs $80 $100
Park in excess of posted time limits $50 $70
Park in excess of 3 hours between 7 am and 7 pm Monday to Friday $50 $70
Park in excess of 6 hours between 7 am and 7 pm Saturday or a holiday $50 $70
Park within 300 m of previous parking space within 1 hour $40 $60
Park heavy vehicle on a highway $50 $70
Park vehicle exceeding 6.5 m in length on highway $50 $70
Park school bus on highway $50 $70
Park between 1 am and 7 am from November 15 to April 1 $105 $125
Park vehicle on highway during time period prescribed by the General Manager $105 $125
Parked on highway exceeding 48 hours permitted by residential parking permit $105 $125
Stop - not entirely within angled parking space $40 $60
Stand - not entirely within angled parking space $40 $60
Park - not entirely within angled parking space $40 $60
Stop in angled parking space - improper angle $40 $60
Stand in angled parking space - improper angle $40 $60
Park in angled parking space - improper angle $40 $60
Park in angled parking space - vehicle front not at curb $40 $60
Park in angled parking space - vehicle front not at roadway edge $40 $60
Park - unauthorized angle parking $40 $60
Park - not entirely within paid parking zone $50 $70
Park in motorcycle space outside of paid parking zone $50 $70
Park in parking payment device space - fail to use parking payment device $50 $70
Park in parking payment device space - fail to deposit required fee $50 $70
Park in paid parking zone - fail to deposit required fee $50 $70
Park in parking payment device space - fail to activate parking payment device $50 $70
Park in paid parking zone - fail to activate parking payment device $50 $70
Park in parking payment device space - fail to place parking payment device receipt on dashboard $45 $65
Park in parking payment device space - fail to place parking payment device receipt on dashboard $45 $65
Park in paid parking zone - fail to place parking payment device receipt on dashboard $45 $65
Park in parking payment device space - in excess of time shown on receipt $45 $65
Park in pay and display parking zone - fail to place receipt in position so writing and markings face outward so as to be easily seen from $45 $65
Park vehicle in paid parking zone other than motorcycle- fail to deposit appropriate fee $50 $70
Park in parking meter space - meter hooded $50 $70
Parallel park in metered space - front wheels of vehicle not opposite meter - single meter standard $40 $60
Parallel park in metered space - vehicle rear not opposite forward meter - double meter standard $40 $60
Parallel park in metered space - vehicle rear not close to forward meter - double meter standard $40 $60
Parallel park in metered space - vehicle front not opposite rear meter - double meter standard $40 $60
Parallel park in metered space - vehicle front not close to rear meter - double meter standard $40 $60
Angle park in metered space - vehicle front not opposite meter provided for space $40 $60
Angle park in metered space - vehicle front not close to meter provided for space $40 $60
Park oversize vehicle in more than one parking space - fail to make payment for each space used $40 $60
Park in a loading zone $55 $75
Stop in a loading zone $55 $75
Stop in a bus zone $105 $125
Stop in a Para Transpo bus zone $105 $125
Park in a bus time point zone $100 $120
Stop in a bus time point zone $100 $120
Park in a school bus loading zone $105 $125
Stop in a school bus loading zone $105 $125
Park in a taxi zone - not a taxi $55 $75
Stop in a taxi zone - not a taxi $55 $75
Park in taxi zone - taxi not occupied $55 $75
Stop in taxi zone - taxi not occupied $55 $75
Park in a police vehicle zone $60 $80
Stop in a police vehicle zone $60 $80
Park in a hotel loading zone $50 $70
Stop in a hotel loading zone $50 $70
Park in a hotel loading zone in excess of 15 minutes $50 $70
Stop in a hotel loading zone in excess of 15 minutes $50 $70
Park in a bookmobile zone $50 $70
Stop in a bookmobile zone $50 $70
Park in a diplomatic loading zone $50 $70
Stop in a diplomatic loading zone $50 $70
Park in a diplomatic loading zone – not loading/unloading $50 $70
Stop in a diplomatic loading zone – not loading/unloading $50 $70
Park in a motorcycle zone $50 $70
Stop in a motorcycle zone $50 $70
Park in a tour bus zone $60 $80
Stop in a tour bus zone $60 $80
Park in an excursion loading zone $50 $70
Stop in an excursion loading zone $50 $70
Stop in a reserved bus lane $105 $125
Stop in a reserved bicycle lane $105 $125
Stop in a high-occupancy vehicle lane $75 $95
Park on a barricaded highway $50 $70
Park tow truck within 100 m of scene of collision $160 $190
Park tow truck within 100 m of scene of an apparent collision $160 $190
Park tow truck within 100 m of a vehicle involved in collision $160 $190
Park vehicle on highway - obstruct traffic $105 $125
Stop vehicle on highway- obstruct traffic $105 $125
Park in excess of 4 hours – disability parking permit $40 $60
Park a vehicle on a mall when prohibited $90 $110
Stop a vehicle on a mall when prohibited $90 $110
Part B – Parking: Private and City Property
Infraction Early Payment (within 15 days) Set Fine
Unauthorized parking on private property $80 $100
Park vehicle on parkland except on portion of park specified as parking area $50 $70
Park vehicle on parkland in between 11 pm of one day and 5 am of the next following day $50 $70
Park vehicle in "Brewer Park" between 11 pm of one day and 7 am of the next following day $50 $70
Park vehicle on parkland contrary to posted signs $105 $125
Park vehicle on parkland in paid parking zone - fail to use parking payment device $50 $70
Park vehicle on parkland in paid parking zone - fail to deposit required fee $50 $70
Park vehicle/Permit vehicle to be parked on parkland in paid parking zone - fail to activate device $50 $70
Park vehicle on parkland in paid parking zone - fail to place payment parking device receipt on dashboard $50 $70
Park on City of Ottawa property in area prohibited by sign $50 $70
Park on City of Ottawa property in a reserved area $50 $70
Park on City of Ottawa property in excess of posted time limits $50 $70
Park on City of Ottawa property in a loading zone $45 $65
Stop on City of Ottawa property in a loading zone $45 $65
Park on City of Ottawa property in an electric vehicle space not charging vehicle $80 $100
Park on City of Ottawa property in an electric vehicle space without depositing required fee $80 $100
Park on City of Ottawa Property in an electric vehicle space contrary to posted signs $80 $100
Part C - Parking for the Physically Disabled
Infraction Early Payment (within 15 days) Set Fine
Park in space reserved for physically disabled - no disability parking permit $400 $500
Part D - Parking in municipal lots
Infraction Early Payment (within 15 days) Set Fine
Park on a municipal parking lot not entirely within space $50 $70
Park oversize vehicle on municipal lot in more than one parking space -fail to make payment for each space used $40 $60
Park on municipal lot in area not designated as parking space $50 $70
Park in electric vehicle space on municipal lot not opposite or as close to the charging station provided for the space $50 $70
Park on municipal lot-obstructing aisle $50 $70
Park on municipal lot-obstructing laneway $50 $70
Park on municipal lot-prevent removal of previously parked vehicle $50 $70
Park on municipal lot-prevent ingress to parking space $50 $70
Park on municipal lot-prevent egress from park space $50 $70
Park on municipal lot in pedestrian walkway area $50 $70
Park on municipal lot contrary to signs $40 $60
Park on municipal lot in a reserved area $40 $60
Park on municipal lot in a loading zone $40 $60
Park on municipal lot in a loading bay $40 $60
Park on municipal lot in pay and display parking zone - fail to place valid receipt on dash $50 $70
Park on municipal lot in parking payment device space - fail to deposit required fee $50 $70
Park on municipal lot in an electric vehicle space not charging vehicle $60 $80
Park on a municipal lot in an electric vehicle space without depositing required fee $60 $80
Park on a municipal lot in an electric vehicle space contrary to posted signs $60 $80
Park on a municipal lot in parking meter space - meter hooded $50 $70

Deputization Program

Objectives of the Deputization Program

  • To reduce private parking violations by authorizing owners, on-site personnel, or their agents to issue Parking Infraction Notices for motor vehicles parked on private property
  • To enforce infractions in a more timely manner than could be achieved by By-law Enforcement Officers dispatched to the property
  • To reduce the number of requests made to By-law Officers for service to private properties – as a result freeing resources for right-of-way and traffic management.

Interested parties can begin the authorization process by collecting the necessary information required in the Deputization Program Application.

The completed application should be forwarded to the address found on this page. Upon review of the application, the By-law & Regulatory Services Office will contact you.

Should you have any questions in regards to the application or the process of Deputization Program, please contact opens email application).

Rules and Regulations for Private Property Owners

  • The Deputization Appointment provides the authority to issue Parking Infraction Notices for motor vehicles parked on private property without the consent of the property owner as defined in Bylaw 2017-301, or motor vehicles illegally parked in a signed fire route or a signed disabled parking space.
  • The Deputization Appointment does not provide the authority to tow, move or remove the motor vehicles. Any towing, moving or removing of the motor vehicles shall be undertaken only with the presence and assistance of a City of Ottawa Parking Control Officer or, in an emergency situation only, an Ottawa Police Officer, except in accordance with the Towing Pilot as described below.

Private Parking Enforcement Agency Towing Program

As part of the current Private Parking Enforcement Agencies program, PPEAs deputized by the City are not permitted to tow or move vehicles without the presence of a City of Ottawa Parking Control, By-law Enforcement Officer or a Police Officer

The Private Parking Enforcement Agency Towing Program permits qualifying PPEAs to tow vehicles from the private properties for which they provide enforcement , without having a Parking Control, By-law or Police Officer on-site.

The following are the minimum requirements for participation in the pilot:

  • The PPEA* must be licensed in accordance with Schedule 30 to the Licensing By-law, relating to Private Parking Enforcement Agencies, unless exempted under the by-law, and must have entered into a Cost Recovery Agreement with the City;
  • The owner or occupier of the relevant property must consent to such services on the property from which the tow is to occur;
  • The tow may occur only upon the third private property parking infraction on the same property for the same plated motor vehicle;
  • Upon the third offence, in addition to the tow, a City of Ottawa Parking Infraction Notice (a ticket) must be issued; and,
  • The tow request must be arranged through By-law & Regulatory Services, which will dispatch a City of Ottawa contracted tow truck (Metro or Gervais).

*PPEAs eligible to participate in the Towing Pilot:

  1. Algonquin College
  2. Capital Parking
  3. Capital Security
  4. Capital Systems
  5. Carleton Parking
  6. CHEO
  7. Garda Security
  8. Indigo
  9. Macdonald-Cartier Ottawa Airport
  10. Murray & Murray
  11. Ottawa Community Housing
  12. Ottawa Hospital
  13. Phoenix Security
  14. Praetorian Garde
  15. Precise Park Link
  16. Queensway Carleton Hospital
  17. Response Security
  18. Royal Ottawa Hospital
  19. University of Ottawa

Application Requirements – Property Owner

PLEASE NOTE: In this section the term “owner” (when used in relation to property) denotes “the registered owner of the property”.

The Property Owner must submit along with the attached application form the following materials:

  • Proof of property ownership (i.e., City of Ottawa tax bill) or (copy of Board meeting minutes if Condominium Corporation);
  • Certificate of Insurance (sample attached …note highlighted requirements);
  • Written request naming nominees for Deputization;
  • Properties for which nominees will be deputized;
  • Completed Criminal Records Check (green form). This may be obtained by attending any of the Ottawa Police Service Branches. The check must not be older than 90 days.

Conditions for Deputization

Each nominee for Deputization Program shall:

  • Be either the registered owner of the property, or a person authorized in writing by the Private Property Owner to enforce the parking regulations on the property;
  • Be approved by the Ottawa Police Services Department;
  • Have been appointed by Ottawa City Council as a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer to enforce relevant provisions of the Traffic and parking By-law Number 2017-301 and the Fire Routes Bylaw Number 2003-499, as applicable;
  • Have participated in and passed the City of Ottawa Training Session on the issuance of Parking Infraction Notices under Part II of the Provincial Offences Act.


  • The Private Property Owner or his/her agent shall provide evidence of such insurance (Certificate of Insurance or Insurance Policy) to the City of Ottawa prior to the commencement of the Deputization Program, and shall keep that evidence current at all times.
  • The Private Property Owner shall be responsible for the act or acts of each and every deputized individual in the same manner and to the same extent as if such act or acts were performed by the Private Property Owner.


  • The Private Property Owner agrees that:
    • All issued Certificate of Parking Infractions, spoiled Parking Infraction Notices and Certificate Control Lists will be remitted within 3 business days following the day of issue to one of the following Client Service Centre locations:
      • 110 Laurier Avenue West (Ottawa)
      • 100 Constellation Crescent. (Nepean)
      • 255 Centrum Boulevard (Orleans)
    • Upon receipt of a Notice of Trial it will be responded to promptly.
    • The By-law Services branch will be advised immediately in writing when an appointed Municipal Law Enforcement Officer is no longer in the employ of the Private Property Owner or is no longer authorized to enforce parking regulations on the property of the Private Property Owner;
    • For each new person to be deputized, the Private Property Owner will submit a written request with the name of the person to be deputized, a completed Personal Record Search Form (with the appropriate payment), as well as Proof of Insurance as described in Section 3.
  • The Private Property Owner will respond in writing within ten (10) days to any inquiry/correspondence from the public regarding Provincial Infraction Notice’s issued by deputized personnel.
  • The Private Property Owner will ensure that deputized personnel communicate effectively, courteously and tactfully with all persons having questions about parking tickets issued.
  • The Private Property Owner will ensure that deputized personnel will appear in Provincial Offences court, as required, to defend tickets issued.
  • The Private Property Owner understands and agrees that the Corporation shall retain all monies collected, as a result of the issuance of Parking Infraction Notices.
  • The Private Property Owner shall observe and comply with all laws of Ontario and Canada, as well as by-laws, rules, regulations, notices, orders and demands of the Corporation.
  • The Private Property Owner understands and agrees that any abuse of the deputization privilege or a breach of any of the rules or regulations of the Deputization Program may result in the revocation of the authority to issue Parking Infraction Notices.


Any notice required respecting the Deputization Program must be mailed to the City of Ottawa by personal delivery or by registered mail, postage prepaid and addressed to:

City of Ottawa
Emergency and Protective Services
By-law & Regulatory Services
735 Industrial Avenue, 2nd floor
Ottawa, ON K1G 5J1

Attention: Deputization Program