Urban Design Guidelines for Gas Stations

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The following figure illustrates many of the elements discussed in the guidelines and defined in the glossary. It is for illustrative purposes only since the specific site context and characteristics will determine the relationships among these elements for an actual site.

Amenity: something that contributes to an area's needs, whether social, environmental or cultural

Built form: buildings and structures

Character: the unique identity of a place

Compatible / Compatibility: when the density, form, bulk, height, setbacks, and/or materials of buildings are able to co-exist with their surrounding

Driveway: a private way across land used for vehicular access from a public street - includes a private right-of-way

Façade: the principal face of a building (also referred to as the front wall)

Front yard: the space between the property line and the building facing the public street

Gas bar: place that sells automotive fuel along with small amounts of other automotive-related products such as pre-packaged motor oil or wind-shield washer fluid

Hard landscape: landscape features other than plant materials (e.g. decorative pavers, planter boxes, walks, fences, retaining walls, etc.)

Impervious surface: surface of land where water cannot infiltrate back into the ground (e.g. roofs, driveways, streets and parking lots)

Landscape buffer: a landscape area located along the perimeter of a lot intended to separate land uses either from one another or from a public street

Lane: a narrow street at the back of buildings, generally used for service and parking

Parking lot: a lot or other place used for the temporary parking of four or more passenger vehicles

Pedestrian walkway: sidewalk on private property

Permeable surface: a surface formed of material that allows infiltration of water to the sub-base

Property line: the legal boundary of a property

Public realm: the streets, lanes, parks and open spaces that are free and available to anyone to use

Right-of-way: a public or private area that allows for passage of people or goods, including, but not limited to, freeways, streets, bicycle paths, alleys, trails and walkways

Scale: the size of a building or an architectural feature in relation to its surroundings and to the size of a person

Screening: vegetation, landforms or structures that serve to reduce the impact of development on nearby properties

Setback: the required distance from a road, property line, or another structure, within which no building can be located

Sidewalk: unobstructed concrete or paved area for pedestrian travel in the public right-of-way

Stacking lane: an on-site queuing lane for motorized vehicles, which is separated from other vehicular traffic and pedestrian circulation by barriers, markings or signs

Streetscape: the overall character and appearance of a street formed by buildings and landscape features that frame the public street. Includes building facades, street trees and plants, lighting, street furniture, paving, etc.

Urban design: the analysis and design of the city's physical form

Figure Credits

Figures Description
Figure 1: North Carolina, USA. The Conservation Fund
Figure 2: South Carolina, USA.  The Conservation Fund
Figure 3: New Jersey, USA.  www.agilitynut.com(link is external)
Figure 4,5,6,9,10,11,12,13,14,16,17,19: Ottawa, Ontario.  City of Ottawa
Figure 7,8,20: Markham, Ontario.  Bousefield Inc.
Figure 15: Montreal, Quebec.  City of Ottawa
Figure 18: Unknown.  US Environmental Protection Agency.
Figure 21: Unknown.   Ir Grootveld Architects.