Wellington Street West Community Design Plan

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Wellington Street West Community Design Plan

The CDP and the implementing Secondary Plan and Zoning By-law amendments approved by the City’s Planning Committee on April 26, 2011. They were adopted in full by City Council on May 25, 2011.

Wellington Street West Community Design Plan [PDF 4.3 MB]

What is it?

The Community Design Plan, or CDP, for Wellington Street is a process that results in a plan that will guide both the development of private lands and any undertakings of public works (both the City and other government agencies) within the study area. The CDP will create a vision and a means to implement that vision in ways that will satisfy both community aspirations and the relevant strategic growth management policies of the Official Plan.

The CDP will guide changes over the next twenty years for the area involving, among others, the following:

  • Zoning and urban design considerations
  • Land development proposals
  • Open space and community linkages
  • Streetscape and road improvements
  • Civic initiatives

Who is involved in the CDP?

This CDP is distinctive given its collaboration of three City initiatives under the umbrella of the Neighbourhood Planning Initiative (NPI), a pilot project lead by Corporate and Protective Services (CPS). The other two initiatives include the Hintonburg / West Wellington / Mechanicsville Neighbourhood Plan (CPS), and the Wellington Street Reconstruction undertaken by Public Works and Services (PWS). The three initiatives will inform each other by working collaboratively with the residents, businesses, and community members within the NPI study area who have an interest in the CDP and/or the other two projects.

What area does this CDP cover?

As a designated Traditional Mainstreet in the City’s Official Plan, Wellington Street is the local mixed-use commercial street serving the surrounding neighbourhoods of Hintonburg, West Wellington, Laroche Park, Champlain Park, Tunney’s Pasture, and Civic Hospital. The street also serves many other residents in the region.

[ pdf version ]

The CDP planning area extends approximately 2.1 kilometres along Wellington Street from Breezehill Avenue North (just west of the CNR tracks) to Island Park Drive. The main focus will be on private and public properties within a block of Wellington Street.

In June 2009, the CDP study was expanded to include the area bounded by Spencer Street / Wellington Street / Holland Avenue / Parkdale Avenue. Other adjacent neighbourhood areas, which may be impacted by development along or just off of the Mainstreet, may also be considered within the CDP process. These include, among others, the north and south sides of Wellington Street, and the vicinity of the Parkdale Market and Holland Cross to Scott Street.

The CDP may consider other issues such as pedestrian and bicycling links that are relevant to the broader area. This broader area is defined as the Neighbourhood Planning Initiative (NPI) area, which is bounded by neighbourhoods between Scott Street, the future LRT Corridor, the Queensway, and Island Park (see attached Figure: CDP Area). Attention will be paid to ensure integration with plans emerging from the Carling-Bayview CDP Study, which is currently underway.

For further information or to provide comments on the CDP, contact:

Taavi Siitam
Planner II, M.Sc.Pl., MCIP, RPP
Zoning Studies and Area Planning Central
Community Planning and Design Division
Planning, Transit and the Environment Department
City of Ottawa
110 Laurier Avenue West, 4th floor
Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1
Tel: 613-580-2424, ext. 27788
Fax: 613-580-2459