Planning application submission information and materials

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Section 11.8 of the City’s Official Plan identifies that the City can request information and materials, as deemed necessary, to review a Planning Act application. The information and material that may be requested is outlined in the City’s Development Application Study Policy (DASP) By-law. Each of these information and materials (studies) pieces are complemented by a Terms of Reference / Guideline, which outlines the requirements of the subject information and material.  

The Planning Act under Sections 22 (4), (5): 34 (10.1), (10.2); 41 (3.3), (3.4) (4), (4.1.1), (5), (7); 51 (17), and (18), gives municipalities the authority to request such prescribed and other information or materials that the authority needs to evaluate and make a decision on an application.

In order to deem an application complete, an application submission must conform to the requirements listed within the following:    

Technical requirements

Unless otherwise indicated within a terms of reference / guidelines the following are the technical requirements for each submission item:

  • Any submitted information and material (plans, studies, forms and report)s must be consistent with one another. Note: During Phase 3 pre-consultation City Staff will be evaluating to ensure that submitted information and material compliments one another and works together. Deficiencies will be issued if submitted information and material is not consistent with one another.
  • Plans are to be standard A1 size (594 mm x 841 mm) or Arch D size (609.6 mm x 914.4 mm) sheets, dimensioned in metric  and utilizing an appropriate Metric scale (1:200, 1:250, 1:300, 1:400 or 1:500). A scale of 1:200 is recommended for site plans and landscape plans.
  • Many of the plans and studies collected with an application must be signed, sealed and dated by a qualified engineer, architect, surveyor, planner or designated specialist. The City will not review a plan or study if it is missing this information.
  • Electronic copies of all required studies and plans must be supplied in Adobe .PDF format and accompany the application submission. All PDF submitted documents are to be unlocked and flattened.
  • Electronic document names should match the study/plan names listed above. These documents will be made publicly available on the City's Development Applications Website.

Engineering specifications

  • Airport Development
  • Composite Utility Plan
    • The Composite Utility Plan must adhere to the City of Ottawa’s “Utility Cross Section Guidelines” and provide the following information:

    • The correct lotting is to be shown as per the draft plan.
    • All utility line locations including City sanitary sewer, storm sewer, rear yard catch basins, watermain and hydrant locations are to be identified.
    • All utility service drop locations are to be shown including sewer and water service laterals.
    • The complete street lighting system is to be identified.
    • The street furniture is to be indicated, i.e. pedestals, transformers.
    • A note stating that all utility boxes (i.e. pedestals and transformers) are to be installed in accordance with the City “Guidelines for Utility Pedestals Within The Road Right-Of-Way”
    • Canada Post Super mailboxes are to be located.
    • O.C. Transpo Bus Stop locations and asphalt pads are to be located.
    • Location of all proposed trees and landscaping on the subdivision road allowance are to be shown.
    • All driveways are to be indicated as well as clearances from transformers, fire hydrants and streetlights.
    • All sidewalks are to be located and their dimensions to be shown.
    • A typical utility road cross-section is to be shown including road width, utility depths, clearances between utilities and dimensions from utility plant to curbs and lot lines.
    • A typical lot servicing detail is to be shown for each type of proposed unit and the location of all utility services, driveways, transformers, pedestals, street lights, trees/landscaping shall be shown including dimensions for each from driveways and lot lines.
    • Typical utility trench details are to be shown including depth, layout and identification of each utilities ducts/cables within the trench when a joint use trench is used.
    • For particular minimum clearance requirements, a reference to each individual utilities specifications and standards will be made.
    • The Plan scale is to be 1:500 or 1:250 metric with details of particular areas of congestion as required.
    • All easements must be clearly identified and registration number indicated if available.
    • Symbol Legend to be provided in conformance with City utility/road cross section standards.
    • North arrow is to be shown.
    • A Key Plan provided.
    • Note: All off-site proposed utility plant and road modifications outside the Plan of Subdivision, i.e. on existing road allowances, do not have to be on the Composite Utility Plan and will be circulated and issued Municipal Consent separately by the Planning and Growth Management Department per the standard utility circulation process.

  • Grade Control and Drainage Plan
  • Site Servicing Plan
  • Servicing Study Guidelines for Development Applications
  • Site Alteration By-law
  • Slope Stability Guidelines for Development Applications in the City of Ottawa, as per the location of the proposed development, contact:

  • Subdivision Engineering Drawings (sample)

Transition to Updated Terms of Reference

Transition Clause

Where a Terms of Reference have been updated or revised to increase the scope of work for a given report or plan, the new and updated Terms of Reference will be applicable, except in the following circumstances where the former Terms of Reference will apply:

  1. For new applications that have had a pre-consultation meeting within 6 months prior to the update/revision date; and
  2. The report has been submitted within 6 months after the update/revision date.