Tax relief

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Property tax relief

Property tax relief for not-for-profit cultural, charitable or artistic organizations operating in Ottawa

Certain not-for-profit organizations of a cultural and/or philanthropic nature or that are operating as a not-for-profit theatre may be able to apply for a potential partial or full property assessment exemption or potential partial or full tax relief on a go forward basis for a certain period of time. These two programs cover those exceptional measures.

Charitable Rebate

Potential tax rebates offered by the City to qualifying charitable organizations through a charitable rebate application

In the case where a charitable organization actively registered with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) either rents or owns space in a building assessed specifically in the Commercial (CT) or Industrial (IT) tax class, they may wish to apply annually for a charitable rebate to the City of Ottawa's Revenue Services. Qualifying applicants may receive a rebate towards a portion of their share of their property taxes for the space they occupy. It is recommended that charitable organizations acquaint themselves with Section 361 of The Municipal Act, which can be found on the Province of Ontario's e-Laws website at is external).

For further details on specifically the City's charitable rebate program, please contact:

City of Ottawa Revenue Services
by phone at 613-580-2444
by fax at 613-580-2457
via e-mail at opens email application)

Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC)

Potential property assessment exemptions to pursue through the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC)

Important notice: The following information is provided by the City of Ottawa and do not represent, under any circumstances, an engagement from MPAC.

The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC), an independent body established by the Ontario Property Assessment Corporation Act, 1997 provides annual assessment rolls used by all Ontario municipalities to calculate property taxes. MPAC administers a uniform, province-wide property assessment system based on current value assessment in accordance with the provisions of the Assessment Act. For further clarification, the Assessment Act can be found on the province of Ontario's e-Laws website at is external).

Phone: 1-866-296-6722
Fax: 1-866-297-6703
Email: opens email application)

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