Leveraging relationships and technology to make sure you get the answers you need

Published on
March 20, 2025
Home and community
Heidi Fowers at City Hall.

When you call 3-1-1, you’re likely looking for an answer to a specific question. Heidi Fowers, the Administrator of the City’s Knowledge Base, makes sure the agent on the other end of the phone has precisely the information you need!

“I’m responsible for updating the group’s knowledge base, which is a repository for all City information,” explains Fowers. “I keep it up to date so agents can find the information they need to relay to residents.”

The 3-1-1 call centre can be a busy place. On any given day, each agent receives 60 to 80 different calls. The call centre handles 1,500 to 2,000 each day and last year answered 467,219 calls from residents.

The knowledge base is different from ottawa.ca. It includes a lot more detail and it is customized with specific information. So, when a 3-1-1 agent takes a service request, they have a lot of detailed information at their fingertips, making it much easier for them to determine how best to help the caller.

That does mean, though, that every time the City launches a new program or makes changes to an ongoing initiative, the knowledge base needs to be updated! Luckily, Fowers loves to work with staff from all departments to develop and update articles for the knowledge base.

“It’s a really fun job,” Fowers says, smiling about the relationships she has built over the years with every City department to keep that knowledge base timely and accurate. “I helped the City build its first knowledge base and I get to work with great people in all departments to produce these articles and updates. I feel like I have my finger on the pulse of the City. I’m at the heart of everything going on.”

The work requires her to anticipate what information residents will need and what questions she thinks we will get. “As an example,” she says, “if we get a call about a sewer backup, we have questions we can ask to determine whether it’s a City or a homeowner responsibility. We can then advise the homeowner on next steps. We have also developed a chatbot that can help us gather this information from residents and find answers more quickly.”

But how do we handle calls that may not be in the City’s purview? That’s in the knowledge base too.

“We regularly get calls for service for items that are beyond our mandate,” she explains. “If we get a call about Highway 417, we need info on how to contact the Province of Ontario or the Ministry of Transportation. It’s really important we answer questions clearly and steer residents towards the right answers, as best as we can.”

And if they don’t have the answer? “Those questions can be the most fun. I get to play the role of detective and track down the right answer,” she says. “It’s fun to problem solve. It can be stressful but it’s incredibly rewarding when we find the answer!”

Fowers has experienced a lot of high-stress events too, but she feeds off the adrenaline. “The situation doesn’t matter. Extreme weather, floods, the blackout, the convoy, the ice storm, tornadoes…I don’t shy away from these events.” Fowers feels a sense of accomplishment when working through challenges like these because, “we know we’re helping people and making a difference.”

How does she handle frustrated callers? “We’re here to help,” she says. “When people are not happy, I feel like it’s my goal to improve their mood and situation. I make it my mission to leave them happier than when they called in.

That can be a challenge because agents and callers never get to speak face-to-face. “We use our voice to emphasize that we care and we treat callers the way we would want to be treated.”

She considers herself lucky to regularly make such a personal connection with residents, especially since municipal governments can have the most immediate impact on their lives. “Residents matter! And I can influence their mood with a positive interaction and I can relate because I live here too.”

Fowers gives her colleagues a lot of credit for keeping her so inspired and positive. “We’re really a big family and I always look out for the other agents, especially if I sense they’re having a tough call. I recently celebrated 30 years at the City. My current and past work colleagues created a video tribute. It was very emotional to hear them speak so highly of me and knowing I made a real connection with people and they felt the same way about me.”

Need help or have a question for the City? You can submit a service request online(link is external) or call Heidi and her colleagues at 3-1-1!