Riverside South Secondary Plan – 2024 Update
The draft Riverside South Secondary Plan(link is external) is now available for review and commenting until March 29, 2024.
The draft Riverside South Town Centre and District Park Zoning By-law Amendment(link is external) is now available for review and commenting until March 29, 2024.
For any additional information, please contact Jocelyn Cadieux(link opens email application).
City staff have prepared a draft policy document and zoning changes to guide the development in Riverside South. The draft policy document, Riverside South Secondary Plan, will replace the existing Community Design Plan and give Official Plan status to the policy directions for future growth in Riverside South. The proposed new Secondary Plan applies to areas around the new O-Train Line 2 extension. The accompanying zoning by-law amendment provides the performance standards for the development of the Community Core area into a mixed-use transit and pedestrian-friendly environment. Let us know what you think of the proposed directions around the transit corridor.
- Riverside South Secondary Plan Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) [PDF 323 KB]
- Schedule 1: Land Use Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) [PDF 772 KB]
- Appendix 1: Density Projections Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) [PDF 75 KB]
- Appendix 2: Main Street Cross Section Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) [PDF 91 KB]
- Appendix 3: Transit Street Cross Section Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) [PDF 169 KB]
- Riverside South Zoning Bylaw Amendment Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) [PDF 1.8 MB]
Please send any comments to the file lead by April 29, 2019.
Public Open House
A draft Land Use Plan for the Riverside South community around the new Light Rail Transit Line has been developed. We require your feedback to let us know what you think of the preliminary land use locations around the transit corridor.
Please review the draft Land Use Plan [ PDF 430 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) and attend the public open house or send comments to the file lead contact listed below.
January 10, 2019
Falcon Ridge Golf Club, 4740 High Road
6:30 to 8:30 pm, no presentation, drop-in session
Riverside South Community Design Plan - 2018 Update
In June 2016 Council approved an update to the Riverside South Community Design Plan Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) (CDP). The CDP guides the future location and form of land use in the community including types of residential, shopping areas, schools, parks, roads and pathways.
Study Need
Two transportation components of the CDP Land Use Plan – the location of the future Leitrim Road by-pass and the location of the future Rapid Transit Corridor – are changing because of separate study processes that are currently underway. These changes primarily affect the undeveloped parts of the Riverside South community located east of Limebank Road. As a result, the CDP needs to be updated starting in 2018 to reflect and accommodate the following changes:
- The location of the future Leitrim Road by-pass is changing to accommodate a planned westerly extension to a future runway for the Macdonald Cartier airport.
- The location of the Rapid Transit Corridor is moving from its current planned location through the north-easterly part of the community and connecting to the future Core Area (town centre), to a new location south of Earl Armstrong Road between Bowesville Road and the future Core Area. More information about the study related to this change can be viewed here.
Study Scope
The scope of the CDP update includes:
- Planning new locations for land use (residential, schools, parks, commercial, etc.) streets, walking and cycling routes adjacent to the new rapid transit corridor alignment south of Earl Armstrong Road and the future Leitrim Road by-pass east of Limebank Road.
- Determining appropriate development densities in proximity to the future rapid transit stations
- Evaluating “complete street” design options for the future Earl Armstrong Road east of Limebank Road to better integrate the transportation corridor with adjacent land use
- Determining required updates to supporting and master servicing studies
- Bringing forward any Zoning By-law and Official Plan amendments for approval with the updated CDP, if required
Feedback Needed
Draft Land Use Plans for the areas around the new Light Rail Transit Line have been developed. We require your feedback to let us know what you think of the preliminary land use locations around the transit corridor.
Please review Concept A [ 3,197 KB ] PDF Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) and Concept B [ 1,202 KB ] PDF Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) of the proposed Land Use Bubble maps.
Please send comments to the file lead contact listed below.
Study Target Dates
- Jan. – Mar. 2018: Project launch and issue community questionnaire
- Apr. – Jun. 2018: Develop preliminary ideas for updates to the CDP and hold an information session to obtain feedback from the community
- Jul. 2018 – Jan. 2019: Internal stakeholder meetings and research. Hold an information session to obtain feedback from the community
- Spring 2022: Finalise the policy update and present it to Planning Committee for consideration / recommendation for approval.
Stay in touch
Thank you for your valued participation in the project. Please check this project webpage for updates and public meeting dates and locations.
Sign up to receive emails providing study updates by contacting:
Jocelyn Cadieux(link opens email application), MCIP RPP , Planner
Policy Planning Branch and Official Plan
Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development Department
City of Ottawa
110 Laurier Avenue West, 4th Floor
Ottawa, ON, K1P1J1