Online feedback
Report a compliment
Submit a compliment(link is external) about a staff member or service you received from the Paramedic Service.
Your kind remarks will:
- be shared with the staff involved
- added to their personnel file
Report a concern
Submit a concern(link is external) about the conduct, behaviour or competence of a Paramedic Service staff member(s).
The Service:
- will review your comments
- May take appropriate steps to address your concerns
- may contact you to gather further details, if necessary
- will not notify you of the outcome of the investigation
Report a formal complaint
Submit a formal complaint(link is external) about the conduct, behaviour or competence of a Paramedic Service staff member(s).
Submission conditions:
- Your must submit in writing
- You must be directly involved in the incident
- You must identify yourself (can not be anonymous)
- You will be involved, in varying degrees
- You will be notified of the outcome of the investigation
Public relations, community events, media inquiries or general information: opens email application)
Request a copy of documentation relating to a call: opens email application)
Medical coverage for special events: opens email application)
First Aid and CPR courses: opens email application)
For all AED related inquiries: opens email application)
Call 9-1-1 for emergencies only.
For after-hours information and non-emergency support or assistance, call 3-1-1.
Customer Service Line
Note: Phone lines are monitored during standard office hours Monday to Friday.
Phone menu options
- CPR and First Aid courses
- Lost & Found
- Special Events information
- Community paramedics
- Public Access Defibrillator program
- General enquiries & customer feedback
Direct lines
First Aid and CPR courses: 613-580-2424, ext. 32434
For all AED related inquiries: 613-580-2424, ext. 22452
Request a copy of documentation relating to a call: 613-580-2424 ext. 22475
Ottawa Paramedic Service
Professional Standards
2465 Don Reid Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1H 1E2