Part A - Rules of the road


By-laws contained in this section have been prepared for research and reference purposes only. Original by-laws are available for consultation at the City of Ottawa Archives and the Ottawa Public Library Main branch. For legal purposes, certified copies of by-laws may be obtained from the City of Ottawa Archives.

City Archives
James Bartleman Centre
100 Tallwood Dr. (corner of Woodroffe Ave.)
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-580-2857
Email: opens email application)

Ottawa Public Library
120 Metcalfe St., Ottawa Room
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-580-2940

Section 4 - Regulations

  1. The General Manager of Transportation Services is hereby authorized and directed to erect, install and maintain official signs, authorized signs, traffic control signals,markings, barricades, traffic control devices and other structures, plants and equipment as are required to give effect to this by-law and as are required to regulate, direct, warn or guide pedestrian and vehicular traffic and parking for the safety and convenience of the public.
  2. When official signs, authorized signs, traffic control signals, markings, barricades, or traffic control devices have been erected, every person shall obey the instruction of or directions on such sign, traffic control signal, marking, barricade, so erected or installed and the sign, traffic control signal, marking, traffic control devices or other structures, plants and equipment are deemed to have been erected pursuant to the section that normally regulates or prohibits the matter.
  3. All regulations identified through this by-law are in effect at all times, including on holidays, except when the effective times and days are specified and identified on official or authorized signs

Section 5 - General regulations

  1. Subject to subsections (2) and (3), no person shall park or stop any vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked or stopped on any highway except as follows:
    1. where there is a raised curb, on the right side of the roadway, having regard to the direction in which the vehicle was travelling, with its right    front and rear wheels parallel to and not more than fifteen (15)   centimetres away from such curb; or
    2. where there is no curb or a rolled curb, on the right side of the highway having regard to the direction in which the vehicle was travelling, with the right front and rear wheels parallel to and as near to the right hand limit of the highway as is practicable without stopping over any part of a highway which is landscaped or which is not intended for the use of vehicles. 
  2. Subject to subsection (3), where parking is permitted on the left side of a highway designated for one-way traffic, no person shall park or stop any vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked or stopped on the left side of a highway designated for one-way traffic except as follows:
    1. where there is a raised curb, on the left side of the travelled portion of the highway having regard to the direction in which the vehicle was travelling, with its left front and rear wheels parallel to and not more than fifteen (15) centimetres away from such curb; or
    2. where there is no curb or a rolled curb, on the left side of the highway having regard to the direction in which the vehicle was travelling, with the left front and rear wheels parallel to and as near to the left hand limit of the highway as is practicable without stopping over any part of a highway which is landscaped or which is not intended for the use of vehicles.
  3. Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply where angle parking is permitted under this by-law, or for bicycles where bicycle parking facilities are provided by the City.

Section 6 - Parking prohibited with signs

  1. When official or authorized signs have been erected, no person shall park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked on any highway:
    1. in front of or within eight (8) metres of a lot on which there is a fire hall, on the side of the highway on which the fire hall is located;
    2. on the opposite side of a highway from that on which a fire hall is located and within thirty (30) metres of the projected lot lines of the lot on which such fire hall is located;
    3. within fifteen (15) metres of an intersection;
    4. within thirty (30) metres of an intersection controlled by a traffic control signal;
    5. in front of the main entrance to, or any emergency exit from, any hotel, hospital, nursing home, theatre, auditorium or other building or enclosed space in which persons may be expected to congregate in large numbers;
    6. within thirty (30) metres of the approach side of a crosswalk that is controlled by a traffic control signal and not located at an intersection;
    7. within fifteen (15) metres of the leaving side of a crosswalk that is controlled by a traffic control signal and not located at an intersection;
    8. so as to interfere with the formation of a funeral procession; or within fifteen (15) metres of the end of the roadway on a dead end highway.

Section 7 - Parking prohibited without signs

  1. No person shall park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked on any highway:
    1. within nine (9) metres of an intersection;
    2. within three (3) metres of a point on the curb or edge of roadway opposite a fire hydrant;
    3. in front of or within one and one-half (1.5) metres of a laneway or driveway;
    4. in such a position that will prevent the convenient removal of any other vehicle previously parked or standing;
    5. so as to prevent or impede the ingress to or egress from a metered parking space despite its use for any other purpose;
    6. for the purpose of displaying the vehicle for sale;
    7. for the purpose of greasing, or repairing the vehicle except for such repairs as have been necessitated by an emergency;
    8. for the purpose of stripping or partially stripping the vehicle except for such stripping as has been necessitated by an emergency;
    9. on the roadway where the roadway width is six (6) metres or less;
    10. subject to paragraph (k) hereof, on an inner boulevard; or
    11. on a driveway within one half (0.5) metre of a sidewalk, or if there is no sidewalk, within one and one half (1.5) metres of the roadway, or on a driveway upon an outer boulevard within one half (0.5) metre of a sidewalk and/or within one and one half (1.5) metres of the roadway

Section 8 - Parking prohibited without signs - exception

Despite the provisions of subsection7(k), no person shall park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked on a driveway within zero point three (0.3) metres of the sidewalk on the west side of Upper Lorne Place between one hundred and nine (109) metres and one hundred and fifty-two (152) metres north of Somerset Street West.

Section 9 - Parking regulations - highway clearing, snow removal and highway cleaning

When official or authorized signs have been erected no person shall park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked on any highway so as to interfere in any manner with the work of:

  1. removing snow or ice;
  2. clearing of snow; or
  3. cleaning operations, including sweeping.

Section 10 - Parking prohibited - specified times and places - signs   

No person shall park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked on any highway contrary to official or authorized signs.

Section 11 - Stopping prohibited in specified places - no signs

  1. The parts of the highway,
    1. that are within thirty (30) metres of the approach side of a school crosswalk designated by markings and authorized school crosswalk signs; and
    2. that are within ten (10) metres of the leaving side of a school crosswalk designated by markings and authorized school crosswalk signs, are hereby established as a school crosswalk zone.
  2. No person shall stop a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain stopped on any highway:
    1. on or partly on or over a sidewalk, except for a bicycle where bicycle facilities are provided by the City;
    2. within an intersection or crosswalk;
    3. between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. within a school crosswalk zone;
    4. adjacent to or across from any excavation or obstruction in the roadway when the free flow of traffic would thereby be impeded;
    5. on the roadway side of any stopped or parked vehicle;
    6. upon any bridge or elevated structure or within any tunnel or underpass or within thirty (30) metres of either end of any such structure except where parking in these locations is otherwise permitted by this by-law;
    7. on any central boulevard or on any outer boulevard or adjacent to either side or the ends of any central boulevard or median strip, except when parking in these locations is otherwise permitted by this by-law;
    8. within thirty (30) metres of the approach side of the nearest rail of any level crossing of a railway; or
    9. within fifteen (15) metres of the leaving side of the nearest rail of any level crossing of a railway.

Section 12 - Stopping prohibited with signs

  1. The parts of the highway,
    1. that are within thirty (30 m) metres of the approach side of a pedestrian crossover, and
    2. that are within fifteen (15 m) metres of the leaving side of a pedestrian crossover,

      are hereby established as a pedestrian crossover zone.
  2. When official or authorized signs have been erected, no person shall stop a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain stopped on any highway:
    1. on either side of a highway adjacent to a school, park or playground between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.; or
    2. within a pedestrian crossover, or
    3. within a pedestrian crossover zone, or
    4. within the turning basin of a cul-de-sac, or
    5. within thirty (30 m) metres of the approach or leaving side of a roundabout.

Section 13 - Stopping prohibited in specified places - signs

  1. No person shall stop a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain stopped on any highway at the side and in between the limits contrary to official or authorized signs.
  2. The provisions of paragraphs 12(2)(a) and 12(2)(d), and of subsection 13(1) of this by-law do not apply to prevent the stopping of a taxicab provided:
    1. it is operated under a valid taxi license;
    2. it is stopped only while actively engaged in the process of receiving or discharging passengers, including the processing of fare payment.
  3. The provisions of paragraphs 12(2)(a) and 12(2)(d), and of subsection 13(1) of this by-law do not apply to prevent the stopping of a motor vehicle for the purpose of and while actually engaged in receiving or discharging a person with a disability provided that such motor vehicle has a valid accessible parking permit displayed upon its dashboard or on the sun visor in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act.

Section 14 - Stopping prohibited in specified places - signs - Special Events

No person shall stop a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain stopped on any highway at the side and in between the limits contrary to official or authorized signs erected for the purposes and duration of a special event.

Section 15 - Parking, standing and stopping exemptions - Funeral corteges and buses

The provisions of this by-law relating to parking, standing and stopping do not apply to prevent the parking, standing or stopping:

  1. of passenger motor vehicles forming part of any funeral cortege, provided that all such vehicles are parked or stopped on only one side of a highway at one time; or
  2. of public transit motor vehicles at a bus stop.

Section 16 - Maximum parking limit

  1. No person shall park or permit a vehicle to remain parked on a highway contrary to the permitted maximum duration during the times and days identified on official or authorized signs.
  2. Subject to the other provisions of this by-law, no person shall park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked on a highway for a period of time longer than three (3) hours between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Monday to Friday, or for a period longer than 6 hours between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, or a holiday.
  3. No person shall park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked on a highway within one (1) hour from the time of its removal from a part of highway referred to in subsections (1) and (2) within three hundred (300) metres of such part of highway.
  4. Subject to subsections (5) and (10), no person shall park a heavy vehicle or a vehicle exceeding six and one-half (6.5) metres in length or a school bus, or permit a heavy vehicle or a vehicle exceeding six and one-half (6.5) metres in length or school bus to remain parked on a highway at any time.
  5. Subject to the other provisions of this by-law, the provisions of subsection (4) shall not apply to heavy vehicles or vehicles exceeding six and one-half (6.5) metres in length or school buses parked on designated truck routes established pursuant to subsection 54(2) of this by-law.
  6. Subject to subsections (7), (8) and (9), 
    1. no person shall park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked on a highway at any time between 1:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. from November 15 to April 1, inclusive; and,
    2. no person shall park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked on a highway at any time and on any date prescribed by the General Manager of Public Works and Environmental Services.
  7. The provisions of subsection (6) shall not come into effect:
    1. until the General Manager of Public Works and Environmental Services has received a report from the Environment Canada Atmospheric Environment Service or the City’s Weather Consultant which forecasts an accumulation of snow of seven (7) centimetres or more, or a range of accumulation of snow which includes seven (7) centimetres or more; or
    2. unless, in the opinion of the General Manager of Public Works and Environmental Services, extreme, inclement, or unusual weather, or other conditions, warrant it based on information available to the General Manager.
  8. The General Manager of Public Works and Environmental Services may:
    1. suspend the operation of subsection (6) provided that in his or her opinion, the fall or accumulation of snow, ice or rain is such as not to unduly interfere with the snow and ice removal functions, regular highway maintenance or the proper use and movement of vehicles on the highway;
    2. reinstate the operation of subsection (6) as provided for in subsection (7);
    3. amend the dates and times prescribed in subsection (6) as may be necessary to facilitate snow and ice removal functions, regular highway maintenance, or the proper use and movement of vehicles on the highway. 
  9. The provisions of subsection (6) not apply to a motor vehicle, displaying a valid residential parking permit issued by the City;
    1. parked within the permit parking area for which the said permit has been issued; and
    2. parked on part of the highway designated for permit parking.
  10. The provisions of subsection (4) shall not apply to a tour bus parked in a tour bus zone established pursuant to Section 41.
  11. The provisions of subsections (1), (2) and (3) shall not apply to a bicycle parked in an on-street bicycle facility.
  12. The time limit parking provisions of subsections (1) and (2) shall not apply to a vehicle when standing temporarily for the purpose of and while actively engaged in loading or unloading, subject to the other provisions of this by-law.
  13. The provisions of subsection (2) shall not apply to a motor vehicle, displaying a valid residential parking permit issued by the City;
    1. parked within the permit parking area for which the said permit has been issued; and
    2. parked on part of the highway designated for permit parking.
  14. A residential parking permit holder may not park their vehicle on the sides and between the limits of highways during the times of day that stopping or parking is prohibited.
  15. When temporary "No Parking" or “No Stopping” signs are placed by the Corporation of the City of Ottawa, residential parking permit holders shall remove their vehicles from these highways and the permits are not valid until such time as the temporary signs are removed.
  16. Residential Parking Permit holders shall not park their vehicles in a parking space controlled by a parking payment device during those hours that require payment as set out in instructions contained on the parking payment device unless the payment instructions and parking limits are adhered to.
  17. A residential parking permit holder may park the vehicle in respect of which the permit was issued on a highway designated for permit parking in the designated permit parking area up to 48 hours without moving the vehicle as long as the signs bearing the words "Permit Holders Exempted" are posted.
  18. A residential parking permit must be affixed to lower inside of windshield on driver's side to be valid.
  19. An exemption from the signed specified parking time limitations, or signed “No Parking” regulations is extended to resident’s guests for a maximum of three hours with Guest Parking Permits as long as the signs bearing the words "Permit Holders Exempted" are posted
  20. The Guest Parking Permit does not provide privileges/exemption during street plowing or snow removal operations, or from the provisions of subsection (6).
  21. The Guest Parking permit must be visibly displayed on the left side of the front windshield of the motor vehicle in order to be valid.  A vehicle not displaying a permit will not be granted exemption and may be ticketed

Section 17 - Angle parking

  1. Where an angle parking space is designated by lines or other markings on the roadway, or otherwise, no person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked or standing therein except entirely within the area so designated as a parking space.
  2. Where angle parking is permitted on a highway, no person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked or standing except at the angle designated by the official or authorized sign.
  3. Where angle parking on a highway other than at an angle of 90 degrees to the curb or edge of roadway is permitted, no person shall park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked on such highway except with the front end of the vehicle at the curb or edge of the roadway.
  4. No person shall park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked at an angle on a highway contrary to official or authorized signs.

Section 18 - Paid parking zones

  1. The City hereby authorizes the establishment of paid parking zones by means of the installation of official or authorized signs and pavement markings.
  2. No person shall park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked on any highway identified by official or authorized signs unless such vehicle is parked entirely within a paid parking zone.
  3. For the purposes of subsection (2), the area established by a paid parking zone may be a specified area located on the roadway within a paid parking zone and identified as a space for motorcycles.
  4. The parking fees established for a parking space or paid parking zone that is identified for motorcycles shall be one-half of the rate indicated on the parking payment device controlling the space or zone. 

Sections 19 to 21 - Use of parking payment device

Section 19

  1. Where parking payment devices have been erected in a paid parking zone, no person shall park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked during the days and hours indicated on the parking payment device unless:
    1. the parking payment device controlling the paid parking zone or parking space is used,
    2. the fee in accordance with the rate per hour indicated on the parking payment device is deposited into the device by means of:
      1. depositing the denomination of coin required as indicated on the meter;
      2. depositing a token;
      3. swiping or inserting a credit card, parking card, or proximity card; or
      4. using the pay-by-phone component of the Parking Operations System,
    3. the parking payment device is activated, and,
    4. the parking payment device, or the receipt issued by it and placed on the vehicle’s dashboard, indicates unexpired time paid for in accordance with the applicable rate per hour.

Section 20

No person who uses a pay and display machine to pay for parking in accordance with this by-law shall park without displaying the pay and display receipt so that the writing and numbering on the receipt can be easily seen from outside of the vehicle while the vehicle is parked. 

Section 21

No person shall deposit a fee in a parking payment device in accordance with the rate per hour established for a motorcycle pursuant to subsection 18(4) other than a person parking or permitting a motorcycle to be parked in the paid parking zone.

Section 22 - Parking payment device violation and time expired signal - effect

  1. For the purposes of Section 19, the following is prima facie evidence that a vehicle is unlawfully parked in a paid parking zone or a parking space:
    1. the expiration of the authorized parking duration indicated on a receipt issued by a pay and display machine,
    2. the display on a parking meter showing a violation or time expired meter signal or flag, or
    3. failure to remove outdated receipts and place the valid receipt issued by a pay and display machine in the vehicle’s dashboard in a position so that the writing and markings on the receipt’s face can easily be seen from the outside of the vehicle.

Section 23 - Hooded parking meters 

No person shall park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked in a parking meter space if the parking meter has been covered with a parking meter hood.

Section 24 - Manner of parking at parking meter  

  1. Where parking meters have been installed under the authority of this by-law, no person shall park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked in a parking meter space unless:
    1. where parallel parking is permitted, the front wheels of such vehicle are opposite to the parking meter provided for such space;
    2. where parallel parking is permitted and two (2) meters are mounted on the same standard, the rear of the forward vehicle shall be opposite or as close as is practicable to the forward parking meter and the front of the rear vehicle shall be opposite or as close as is practicable to the rear parking meter; or
    3. where angle parking is permitted, the front of the vehicle shall be opposite or as close as is practicable to the parking meter provided for such parking meter space.

Section 25 - Vehicle to be within one or more spaces

If a vehicle is parking in a parking space that is controlled by a parking meter and the vehicle is of such length as to render it impossible to park it in one (1) parking space, no person shall fail to use the adjoining parking space or spaces to park the vehicle provided the parking meters for all spaces used by the vehicle are activated in accordance with Section 19

Section 26 - Unexpected time on parking meters 

Subject to Section 19 this by-law shall not prevent the driver of a vehicle from using the unexpired time remaining on a parking meter from its previous user without depositing a coin therefor.

Section 27 - Coins acceptable

  1. No person shall deposit or cause to be deposited in any parking payment device:
    1. any slug, device or other substitute for a coin of Canada or of the United States of America; or
    2. any coin, except a coin of Canada or of the United States of America which the pay and display parking machine is designed to accommodate.

Section 28 - Damage to parking payment device - offence 

No person shall deface, conceal, damage, tamper with, open or willfully break, destroy or impair the usefulness of any parking payment device or part thereof.

Section 29 - Loading zones

  1. Official or authorized signs designate parts of a highway that are established as loading zones during the times or days identified on the signs.
  2. No person shall park or stop a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked or stopped in a loading zone for a period of time longer than fifteen (15) minutes or the permitted maximum duration during the times and days identified on official or authorized signs.

Section 30 - Bus zones

  1. The City hereby authorizes the establishment of bus stops on highways.  A bus stop shall be deemed to have been established when an authorized sign or marker has been erected.
  2. The parts of the highway,
    1. that are within thirty-four (34) metres of a bus stop on the approach side thereof, and
    2. that are within eighteen (18) metres of a bus stop on the leaving side thereof, are hereby established as bus zones.
  3. No person shall stop a vehicle or permit a vehicle other than a public transit motor vehicle to remain stopped in a bus zone.

Section 31 - Para Transpo bus zones

  1. The City authorizes the establishment of Para Transpo bus stops on highways.  A Para Transpo bus stop shall be deemed to have been established when authorized signs have been erected.
  2. No person shall stop a vehicle or permit a vehicle, other than a Para Transpo motor vehicle, to remain stopped in a Para Transpo bus zone.

Section 32 - Bus time point zone

  1. Official or authorized signs designate parts of highways that are established as bus time point zones during the times identified on the signs.
  2. No person shall park or stop a vehicle other than a public transit motor vehicle or permit a vehicle other than a public transit motor vehicle to remain parked or stopped in a bus time point zone contrary to official or authorized signs.

Section 33 - School bus loading zones

  1. Official or authorized signs shall designate the parts of highways that are established as school bus loading zones for use during the days and times identified on the signs.
  2. No person shall park or stop a vehicle other than a school purposes vehicle, or permit a vehicle other than a school purposes vehicle to remain parked or stopped, in a school bus loading zone contrary to official or authorized signs.

Section 34 - Taxi zones

  1. Official or authorized signs will designate the parts of highways established as taxi zones for use in taxicabs during the days and times identified on the signs.
  2. No person shall park or stop a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked or stopped in a taxi zone contrary to official or authorized signs, other than a taxicab licensed by the City of Ottawa waiting for hire or engagement.
  3. No person shall park or stop a taxicab in a taxi zone unless the taxicab is occupied by the driver and waiting for hire.

Section 35 - Police vehicle zones

  1. Official or authorized signs will designate the parts of highways established as police vehicle zones during the times and days identified on the signs.
  2. No person shall park or stop a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked or stopped in a police vehicle zone contrary to official or authorized signs, other than a police vehicle.

Section 36 - Hotel loading zones

  1. Official or authorized signs shall designate parts of highways that are established as hotel loading zones during the times and days identified on the signs. 
  2. No person shall park or stop a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked or stopped in a hotel loading zone contrary to official or authorized signs other than:
    1. a vehicle while actively engaged in the loading or unloading of hotel patrons;
    2. a tour bus from 1:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. of the same day;
    3. a vehicle owned or operated by a hotel patron.
  3. Despite paragraph (2)(c), no person shall park or stop a vehicle described in paragraph (2)(c) or permit such a vehicle to remain parked or stopped in a hotel loading zone for a period exceeding fifteen (15) minutes.

Section 37 - Bookmobile zones

  1. Official or authorized signs shall designate parts of highways that are established as bookmobile zones during the times and days identified on the signs.
  2. No person shall park or stop a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked or stopped in a bookmobile zone contrary to official or authorized signs, other than a bookmobile.

Section 38 - Diplomatic loading zones

  1. Official or authorized signs shall designate parts of highways established as diplomatic loading zones during the times and days identified on the signs.
  2. No person shall park or stop a vehicle other than a motor vehicle bearing official diplomatic corps license plates or permit a vehicle other than a motor vehicle bearing official diplomatic corps license plates to remain parked or stopped in a diplomatic loading zone.
  3. No person shall park or stop or permit the parking or stopping of a vehicle bearing official diplomatic corps license plates in a diplomatic loading zone except for the purpose of and while actively engaged in loading thereon or unloading therefrom passengers, freight or merchandise, or for a period of time longer than fifteen (15) minutes or the permitted maximum duration during the times and days identified on official or authorized signs.

Section 39 - Motorcycle zones

  1. Official or authorized signs shall designate parts of highways established as motorcycle zones during the times and days identified on the signs.
  2. No person shall park or stop a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked or stopped in a motorcycle zone contrary to official or authorized signs, other than a motorcycle.

Section 40 - Tour bus zones

  1. Official or authorized signs shall designate parts of highways established as tour bus zones during the times and days identified on the signs.
  2. No person shall park or stop a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked or stopped in a tour bus zone, contrary to official or authorized signs, other than a tour bus.

Section 41 - Excursion loading zones

  1. Official or authorized signs shall designate parts of highways established as excursion loading zones during the times and days identified on the signs.
  2. No person shall park or stop a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked or stopped in an excursions loading zone contrary to official or authorized signs, other than a tour bus or taxicab waiting for hire or engagement. 

Section 41 A - Accessible Parking Zones

(1) Official or authorized signs shall designate parts of highways established as  accessible parking zones during the times and days identified on the signs.  

(2) No person shall park or stop a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked or stopped in an accessible parking zone contrary to official or authorized signs, other than a motor vehicle displaying a valid accessible parking permit.  

(3) No person with a valid accessible parking permit shall park or stop a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked in an Accessible Parking Zone contrary to the permitted maximum duration during the times and days identified on official or authorized signs.  

Section 42 - U-Turns

Where a U-turn is not otherwise prohibited under this by-law or the Highway Traffic Act, no person shall make such a turn when it cannot be made in safety or without interfering with other traffic.

Section 43 - Prohibited movements

  1. No person shall drive a vehicle in any intersection or on part of any highway or on property proceeding in a direction that is contrary to an official or authorized sign.
  2. Subsection (1) does not apply to a vehicle for which an exception has been granted and such exception is identified by an official or authorized sign.
  3. No person operating a vehicle shall pass on the right side of a stopped public transit motor vehicle or a school purposes vehicle that is loading or unloading passengers, unless the loading / unloading passenger area is separated from passing vehicles.

Section 44 - One-way highways

No person shall drive a vehicle in on a one-way highway in a direction contrary to an official or authorized sign.

Section 45 - Roundabouts

  1. No Person shall drive any animal or vehicle otherwise than counter-clockwise direction in any roundabout:
    1. While approaching a roundabout, a driver shall obey any authorized signs, to guide their desired entrance and exit;
    2. While approaching a roundabout, a driver shall stop for any to any pedestrians approaching or crossing at the crossover;
    3. A driver shall enter the roundabout only once there is an acceptable gap in traffic and it is safe to do so;
    4. Upon exiting the roundabout, a driver shall stop for any pedestrians approaching or crossing at the crossover;
    5. A driver shall proceed to the edge of the circulatory roadway and yield to vehicles in all lanes approaching from their immediate left before entering the roundabout;
    6. unless signs or road markings indicate otherwise, a driver shall enter in the lane appropriate for the desired exit and follow the lane around the roundabout in order to depart the roundabout at that exit. 
  2. Additional:
    1. A driver shall give space to any large vehicle within a roundabout such as commercial vehicles and emergency vehicles as they may take up more than one entry lane and the entire circulatory roadway;
    2. When in a roundabout while an emergency vehicle is approaching, a driver shall take the immediate exit and proceed to a point beyond the splitter island and pull over as far to the right as possible to allow emergency vehicles to pass;
    3. A driver who has not yet entered the roundabout shall pull over as far to the right as possible and wait until the emergency vehicle has passed before proceeding;
    4. A driver of a large vehicle is permitted to use the inner or outer truck aprons where available to help manoeuver around the roundabout;Pedestrians shall cross using a designated crosswalk.
    5. In the absence of a pedestrian crossover, pedestrians shall cross at the marked location, waiting for an acceptable gap in traffic and crossing when safe to do so.
    6. Bicyclists may position their vehicle in such a manner as to “claim” the driving lane that they are using.

Section 46 - Multiple-laned highways 

  1. No person shall drive a vehicle within a lane in a direction contrary to an official or authorized sign.
  2. Subsection (1) does not apply to a vehicle for which an exception has been granted and such exception is identified by an official or authorized sign.

Section 47 - Reserved bus lanes

  1. Official or authorized signs shall designate reserved bus lanes established during the times and days identified on the official or authorized signs.
  2. When official or authorized signs have been erected to designate a reserved bus lane, no person shall:
    1. drive or permit to be driven any vehicle, other than a public transit motor vehicle, on any lane or part of lane established as a reserved bus lane under subsection (1); or
    2. stop or permit to remain stopped any vehicle, other than a public transit motor vehicle, on any lane or part of lane established as a reserved bus lane under subsection (1) hereof.
  3. Subsection (2) shall not apply to prevent:
    1. a vehicle making a right hand turn provided the vehicle does not enter the reserved bus lane at a point farther than forty-six (46) metres in advance of the intersection, or as otherwise indicated by official or authorized signs or by pavement markings;
    2. the driver of a taxicab, from stopping while actively engaged in the process of receiving or discharging passengers, including the processing of fare payment, provided that such taxicab shall not be stopped in a lane in such a manner as to interfere with the movement of a public transit motor vehicle;
    3. the stopping of a motor vehicle for the purpose of and while actually engaged in receiving or discharging person with a disability, provided that:
      1. such motor vehicle shall not be stopped in a lane in such a manner as to interfere with the movement of a public transit motor vehicle, and
      2. such motor vehicle has a valid accessible parking permit displayed upon its dashboard or on the sun visor in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act, as amended;
    4. the operation of a transit motor vehicle operating in accordance with a license issued under the Public Vehicles Act, as amended, or under agreement with the City of Ottawa provided the owner of the transit motor vehicle has obtained a permit from the General Manager of Transportation Services to operate in a reserved bus lane;
    5. the operation of an authorized vehicle; or
    6. the operation of a bicycle or taxicab when permitted by official or authorized signs

Section 48 - Reserved bicycle lanes

  1. Official or authorized signs shall designate parts of highways established as reserved bicycle lanes during the times and days identified on the official or authorized signs.
  2. When official or authorized signs have been erected to designate a reserved bicycle lane, no person shall:
    1. drive or permit to be driven any vehicle, other than a bicycle, on any lane or part of lane established as a reserved bicycle lane under subsection (1) hereof; or
    2. stop or permit to remain stopped any vehicle, other than a bicycle, on any lane or part of lane established as a reserved bicycle lane under subsection (1) hereof.
  3. Subsection (2) shall not apply to prevent:
    1. a vehicle making a right-hand turn, or a left-hand turn from a one-way highway, provided the vehicle does not enter the reserved bicycle lane at a point farther than fifteen (15) metres from the intersection, or as otherwise indicated by official or authorized sign, or by pavement markings;
    2. the driver of a taxicab from stopping while actively engaged in the process of receiving or discharging passengers, including the processing of fare payment, provided that such taxicab shall not be stopped in a lane in such a manner as to interfere with the movement of a bicycle;
    3. the stopping of a motor vehicle for the purpose of and while actually engaged in receiving or discharging a person with a disability, provided that:
      1. such motor vehicle shall not be stopped in a lane in such a manner as to interfere with the movement of a bicycle, and
      2. such motor vehicle has a valid accessible parking permit displayed upon its dashboard or on the sun visor in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act, as amended;
    4. a vehicle pulled over for emergency purposes or repairs.
    5. the operation of an authorized vehicle;

Section 48 - Reserved high-occupancy vehicle(HOV) lanes

  1. Official or authorized signs shall designate parts of highways established as reserved high-occupancy vehicle lanes during the times and days identified on the official or authorized signs.
  2. When authorized signs have been erected to designate a reserved high-occupancy vehicle lane, no person shall:
    1. drive or permit to be driven any vehicle to be driven, other than a high-occupancy vehicle carrying the minimum number of persons shown on the authorized signs, or
    2. stop or permit to remain stopped any vehicle, other than a public transit motor vehicle, on any lane or part of lane established as a reserved high-occupancy vehicle lane under subsection (1) hereof.
  3. Subsection (2) shall not apply to prevent:
    1. a vehicle making a right hand turn provided the vehicle does not enter the reserved high-occupancy vehicle lane at a point farther than forty-six (46) metres in advance of the intersection, or as otherwise indicated by official or authorized sign, or by pavement markings;
    2. the driver of a taxicab from stopping while actively engaged in the process of receiving or discharging passengers, including the processing of fare payment, provided that such taxicab shall not be stopped in a lane in such a manner as to interfere with the movement of a high-occupancy vehicle;
    3. the stopping of a motor vehicle for the purpose of and while actually engaged in receiving or discharging a person with a disability, provided that:
      1. such motor vehicle shall not be stopped in a lane in such a manner as to interfere with the movement of a high-occupancy vehicle; and
      2. such motor vehicle has a valid accessible parking permit displayed upon its dashboard or on the sun visor in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act;
    4. the operation of an authorized vehicle; or
    5. the operation of a bicycle when permitted by authorized signs.   

Section 50 - Designation

  1. The following highways or parts of highways are hereby designated as controlled-access roads:
    1. Ottawa Rd. 174 (formerly Hwy. 17) from Hwy. 417 to the easterly limits of the City of Ottawa
  2. No person shall:
    1. sell, offer or expose for sale any vegetables, fruit or other produce or any goods or merchandise upon a controlled-access road; or
    2. construct or use any private road, entranceway, gate or other structure or facility as a means of access to a controlled-access road.
  3. The General Manager of Transportation Services may give notice to the owner of land to close up any private road, entranceway, gate or other structure or facility constructed or used as a means of access to a controlled-access road in contravention of paragraph 51(2)(b).
  4. Where the person to whom notice is given under subsection (3) fails to comply with the notice within 30 days after its receipt, the General Manager of Transportation Services may close up the private road, entranceway, gate or other structure or facility, as required by the notice, at the cost of the land owner.

Section 51 - Pedestrians prohibited on controlled-access roads

  1. No pedestrian shall enter on a controlled-access road when it is prohibited by official or authorized signs.
  2. Subsection (1) shall not apply to pedestrians:
    1. engaged in police duties, highway maintenance or construction duties; or
    2. making use of a controlled-access road where the use is necessary because of an emergency.

Section 52

  1. No person shall drive, move or operate any vehicle on a highway, bridge at a greater rate of speed than the rate of speed identified on official or authorized signs.
  2. When official or authorized signs have not been erected, no person shall drive, move or operate any vehicle on a highway or bridge at a greater rate of speed than the default rate of speed prescribed in the Highway Traffic Act, as amended. 

Section 53 - Heavy trucks prohibited

  1. Subject to subsection (2), no person shall drive or cause to be driven any heavy truck on any highway or part of a highway under the jurisdiction of the City.
  2. Subsection (1) shall not prevent the operation of any heavy truck on a highway identified on either Schedule 1 entitled “Urban Truck Route Map” or in Schedule 2 “Rural Truck Route Map”, in accordance with the days and times identified on official or authorized signs.  Where no time or day restrictions are posted, heavy truck traffic is permitted on said highways at any time and on any day. 
  3. Despite subsection (2), a time restriction on a truck route shall not apply to prevent the operation of any heavy truck owned by the City or a private contractor working for the City during winter maintenance operations.

Section 54 - Heavy trucks prohibited

  1. Subject to subsections (2) and (3), Section 53 shall not apply to prevent the deviation from a truck route for the following purposes:
    1. deliveries by a heavy truck to premises not abutting a truck route;
    2. the performance of services requiring a heavy truck at premises not abutting a truck route;
    3. a heavy truck proceeding to or from a garage or other premises not abutting a truck route for the purpose of housing, storing or repairing such heavy truck; or
    4. the performance of public works by the City or a local board thereof.
  2.  Every such deviation shall be made from the point on a truck route nearest by highway distance to the premises or location of performance of services referred to in subsection (1).
  3. When successive deliveries are to be made in an area bounded by truck routes, after the last such delivery, the heavy truck shall be driven to the nearest truck route.

Section 55 - Heavy trucks and buses

  1. No person shall drive, move or operate a heavy truck or bus on any highway contrary to official or authorized signs except in the traffic lane nearest to the right hand curb or side of the roadway. 
  2. Subsection (1) shall not apply to prohibit the driving, moving or operating of a heavy truck or bus in a traffic lane other than the lane nearest the right-hand curb or side of the roadway in preparation for a left-hand turn or when overtaking and passing another vehicle or an obstruction.

Section 56 - Restricted loads on highways

  1. The provisions of Section 122 of the Highway Traffic Act, as amended, shall extend and apply to all highways on which official signs have been erected and displayed in respect of restricted loads between March 1st and May 15th of each and every year.
  2. Despite subsection (1), the General Manager of Transportation Services is hereby authorized to erect the official signs either before or after the first day of March and to remove the official signs either before or after the fifteenth day of May in each and every year in response to extraordinary weather conditions.
  3. Despite subsection (1), a restriction on a truck route shall not apply to prevent the operation of any heavy truck owned by the City.
  4. Subsection (1) shall not apply to a highway or part of a highway that is an extension of the route of the King’s Highway through or in the City except at such times as the said Section 122 applies to the King’s Highways of which any such highway is an extension.

Section 57 - Heavy loads - special permits

The General Manager of Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development is hereby authorized to grant a permit to exempt a heavy truck from the axle weight restriction specified in Section 122 of the Highway Traffic Act on a highway under the jurisdiction of the City during the period that official signs are erected pursuant to Section 56.

Section 58 - Emerging from lanes

The driver or operator of a vehicle emerging from a driveway, laneway, lot, building or bus loop onto a highway shall, upon driving onto a sidewalk, yield the right-of-way to pedestrians upon such sidewalk.

Section 59 - Barricaded highways

No person shall drive, operate or park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked on any part of any highway barricaded and marked by City signs showing that its use is prohibited or restricted for a specified time.

Section 60 - Coasting on roadways

No person shall coast on a roadway, whether on a sleigh, skateboard, roller skate, in-line skate, cart, children’s wagon or toboggan, by attaching it, them, himself or herself to a vehicle or street car on a highway.

Section 61 - Traffic control at fires

  1. No person shall drive a vehicle other than a Police Service or Fire Service vehicle on any highway within ninety (90) metres of a fire, fire apparatus or fire-fighting equipment, except as directed by a constable or officer of the Ottawa Fire Service. 
  2. Unless directed by a police constable or by an officer of the Ottawa Fire Service, no person shall drive a vehicle over a fire hose on any highway.

Section 62 - Tow truck services at a collision scene

  1. No person shall make or convey an offer of services of a tow truck while that person is within one hundred (100) metres of:
    1. the scene of a collision or apparent collision; or
    2. a vehicle involved in a collision, on a highway.
  2. No person shall park a tow truck or permit a tow truck to remain parked on a highway within one hundred (100) metres of:
    1. the scene of a collision or apparent collision; or
    2. a vehicle involved in a collision.
  3. Subsections (1) and (2) shall not apply to a person who is at the scene of a collision at the request of a constable, a municipal by-law enforcement officer, a person engaged in highway maintenance, or a person involved in the collision.

Section 63 - Racing prohibited

No person shall drive a vehicle on a highway in a race or on a bet or wager.

Section 64 - Vehicles obstructing traffic

  1. No person driving or operating a vehicle approaching a circular green or green arrow traffic control signal-light at an intersection shall enter the intersection, or a bike box on approach to an intersection, unless traffic in front of the said person is moving in a manner that would reasonably lead him or her to believe he or she can clear the intersection before the traffic control signal-light turns red.
  2. Subsection (1) shall not apply to the driver or operator of a vehicle who enters an intersection for the purpose of turning to the right or left into an intersecting highway and signals his or her intention to make such turn prior to entering the intersection.
  3. No person shall drive, park or stop a vehicle on a highway in such a manner as to obstruct traffic.

Section 65 - Emergency and special regulations

Despite any provisions of this by-law to the contrary, a police officer or the General Manager of Transportation Services may, during any emergency or special circumstance, by the erection of appropriate signs or signals, prohibit or regulate the movement of vehicles on any highway or part of a highway and no person shall drive or operate a vehicle in contravention of any such sign or signal.

Section 66 - Funeral and other processions

  1. No person shall, except under the direction of a police officer, drive or operate a vehicle on a highway between vehicles comprising a funeral cortege or other procession recognizable as such by the display of pennants or other identifying insignia while the vehicles in such procession are in motion.
  2. No person shall drive a vehicle in a funeral cortege or other procession on a highway except as near to the right-hand edge of the roadway as is practicable and follow the vehicle ahead as close as is practicable and safe.

Section 67 - Vehicles crossing sidewalks, boulevards and curbs

  1. No person shall drive a vehicle or ride upon a skateboard, roller skates or in-line skates on a sidewalk except for the purpose of directly crossing the sidewalk.
  2. No person shall drive a vehicle over a raised curb or sidewalk except at a place where there is a ramp, rolled curb or depressed curb.
  3. No person shall drive a vehicle on a boulevard except for the purpose of directly crossing a boulevard at a driveway or other designated vehicular crossing.
  4. Subsections (1), (2) and (3) shall not apply to wheelchairs, baby carriages, children’s tricycles, children’s wagons, handcarts used for vending, or bicycles crossing between the roadway and any other cycling path or facility.
  5. Subsection (1) shall not apply to prevent the driving of bicycles on a sidewalk where it is permitted by official or authorized signs.
  6. Despite the provisions of subsection (5), a person driving a bicycle on a sidewalk shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian and shall give an audible signal before overtaking and passing such pedestrian.
  7. Nothing in this section shall relieve the pedestrian from the obligation of taking all due care to avoid a collision.

Section 68 - Boarding and alighting from moving vehicles

No person shall board or alight from any vehicle while such vehicle is in motion.

Section 69 - Obedience to police officers, signs and traffic control signals

Despite any provisions of this by-law, every person shall promptly obey all signals given by a traffic control signal, traffic control device or an authorized or official sign and all directions given by a police officer and nothing in this by-law shall affect the powers to regulate traffic held by the Ottawa Police Services Board.

Section 70 - Municipal vehicles performing work on highways - exemption

The provisions of Part VII and the provisions of subsection 64(3) and Section 67 do not apply to vehicles owned or operated by or on behalf of the City while such vehicles are engaged in the performance of cleaning, clearing, maintenance, repair, construction or other work on any highway.

Section 71 - Emergency vehicles - exemption

Parts I, II, III, IV, and VII and Sections 53, 54, 55, 56, 59, 61, 66 and 67 and subsection 64(3) shall not, in the case of emergency, apply to ambulances or police, fire or City vehicles.

Section 72 - Accessible parking permit - exemptions

  1. The provisions of Sections 20, and 21of this by-law shall not apply to a motor vehicle displaying a valid accessible parking permit upon its dashboard or on the sun visor in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act.
  2. Despite the provisions of Sections 10, 20 and subsections 16(1) and 16(2) of this by-law, no person shall park a vehicle displaying a valid accessible parking permit upon its dashboard or on the sun visor in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act or permit such a vehicle to remain parked for a period of time longer than four (4) hours or as identified on official or authorized signs. 
  3. The provisions respecting the display of a valid accessible parking permit referred to in subsection 13(3) and paragraphs 47(3)(c), 48(3)(c) and 49(3)(c) of this by-law shall be deemed to be satisfied in the case of a person with a disability being received by a motor vehicle displaying a valid accessible parking permit upon its dashboard or on the sun visor in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act.

Section 73 - Pedestrian to yield to vehicular traffic

Except where traffic control signals are in operation or where traffic is being controlled by a constable, no pedestrian shall cross a highway without yielding the right-of-way to all vehicles upon the roadway, but nothing in this section shall relieve the driver of a vehicle from the obligation of taking all due care to avoid a collision.

Section 74 - Pedestrian prohibited on roadway

Except for the purpose of crossing a roadway, where there is a sidewalk that is reasonably passable on one side or on both sides of a roadway, a pedestrian shall use the available sidewalk.

Section 75 - Pedestrian barriers

No person shall go over or under a pedestrian barrier installed on a sidewalk or at any other location within a highway.

Section 76 - Playing on roadway prohibited

  1. No person shall play or take part in any game or sport upon a roadway, except while engaged in ball hockey where the free flow of traffic is not impeded.
  2. Where there are sidewalks, no person on or riding in or by means of any children's wagon, toboggan, or similar device shall go upon a roadway, except for the purpose of crossing it, and when so crossing, such person shall have the rights and be subject to the obligations of a pedestrian.
  3. Subsection (1) shall not apply to any activity which City Council permits by way of any motion, resolution or by-law approved by Council since January 1, 2001 or any activity which the City may permit pursuant to a permit.

Section 77 - Pedestrian crossing prohibited 

No pedestrian shall enter on or cross a roadway contrary to official or authorized signs.

Section 78 - Pedestrian malls 

  1. The following parts of highways are Pedestrian Malls established as ways for pedestrians during the times and days set out below:
    1. laneway between the easterly limits of Dorion Ave. and the westerly limits of Drake Ave., lying between Lots 263, 264, 273 and 274, as shown on Plan No. 569, at any time;
    2. laneway between the southerly limits of Honeywell Ave. and the northerly limits of Knightsbridge Rd., lying between Lots 27, 26, 52 and 53 as shown on a Plan No. 314932, at any time.
    3. Nicholas Street between Rideau Street and Besserer Street, known as Ogilvie Square
  2. Subject to subsections (3) and (4), no person shall draw, propel, drive, park or stop any vehicle on or along a Pedestrian Mall during the times or days set out in subsection (1).
  3. A public utility whose public works are in a highway under any statute, franchise or agreement with the City may at any time in an emergency enter upon a Pedestrian Mall with vehicles and equipment to such extent as may be necessary for the purpose of carrying out its public work.
  4. The Chief of Police may issue a permit to allow a vehicle to enter upon any Pedestrian Mall other than:
  1. Sparks Street Mall
  2. Waller Street Mall
  3.  William Street Mall

    for the purposes of loading or unloading goods or for the purposes of building maintenance of any premises abutting on the mall and such permit shall be carried at all times by the owner of the vehicle and produced when requested by a police officer.
  1. Nothing contained in Parts I, II and III of this by-law or its Schedules shall apply to highways designated as Pedestrian Malls pursuant to subsection (1), or to the Sparks Street Mall, the Waller Mall, or the William Street Mall.  

Section 79 - Regulations

  1. A person driving a bicycle upon a roadway shall:
    1. where practicable, drive in the right-hand lane when available for traffic or as close as practicable to the right hand curb or edge of the roadway, except where the lane nearest the right-hand side of the roadway is a reserved bus lane; and
    2. exercise due care when passing a parked, stopped or standing vehicle or one proceeding in the same direction.
  2. A person driving a bicycle upon a highway designated for one-way traffic shall:
    1. where practicable, drive in the right-hand or left-hand lane when available for traffic or as close as practicable to the right-hand or left-hand curb or edge of the roadway, except where the lane nearest the right-hand side of the roadway is a reserved bus lane; and
    2. exercise due care when passing a parked, stopped or standing vehicle or one proceeding in the same direction.
  3. No person driving a bicycle upon a highway shall carry any package, bundle or article which prevents the rider from keeping both hands on the handlebars or interferes with the normal operation of the bicycle.
  4. Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply to bicycles being ridden upon the shoulder of a highway while travelling in the same direction as the adjacent traffic lane

Section 80 - Bicycles, motor assisted bicycles and animals prohibited 

No person shall ride or cause to be ridden, or use, a bicycle, motor-assisted bicycle or animal on any highway or part of a highway contrary to official or authorized signs.

Section 83 - Signs by chief of police

The Chief of Police may erect, place and maintain such official and authorized signs as are required to give effect to the provisions of this by-law.

Section 82 - Conflicting private signs

  1. No person shall place, maintain or display upon any highway any sign, signal, marking or device which:
    1. conceals a traffic control device, traffic control signal or parking meter from view;
    2. interferes with the effectiveness of a traffic control device, traffic control signal or parking meter; or
    3. purports to be or is an imitation of or resembles any official or authorized sign, traffic control signal or traffic control device.

Section 83 - Defacing signs and traffic control signals

No person shall move, remove, deface or in any manner interfere with any authorized or official sign, traffic control signal, marking or other traffic control device placed, erected or maintained under this by-law.

Section 84 - Freshly painted lines on roadway

  1. No person shall drive any vehicle over any marking on the roadway where markers are in place to indicate that the marking material has been freshly applied.
  2. No person shall drive any vehicle into or over any marker placed on the roadway.

Section 85 - Offences and fines

  1. Every person who contravenes any of the provisions of Part “A” of this by-law is guilty of an offence.
  2. Every person who is convicted of an offence is liable to a fine as provided for in the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.33 as amended.
  3. Any person who is issued a parking infraction notice for alleged violation of Sections 10, 19, or subsections 13(1), 16(1), 16(2), 48(2), 49(2), or 50(2), or paragraphs 12(2)(a) or 12(2)(d) of this by-law because a valid accessible parking permit was not displayed and who within thirty (30) days (exclusive of Saturdays, and Holidays) from the date of issue of the parking infraction notice obtains a valid accessible parking permit, upon presentation of the said notice and the said permit at the office of the issuer of the said notice, shall not be required to pay the penalty for the alleged violation of the provisions of the said notice.

Section 86 - Vehicles subject to removal when illegally parked

In addition to any other penalties provided by this by-law, upon discovery of any vehicle parked, stopped or standing on any highway in contravention of any provision of this by-law, a police officer, police cadet, municipal by-law enforcement officer or an officer appointed for the carrying out of the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act may cause such vehicle to be moved or taken to and placed or stored in a suitable place and all costs and charges for the removing, care and storage thereof, if any, are a lien upon the vehicle being released and may be enforced in the manner provided by the Repair and Storage Liens Act,  R.S.O. 1990, c. 25 as amended.

Section 87 - Liability of owner

  1. The owner of a vehicle that is parked, stopped or left standing in contravention of this by-law is guilty of an offence unless the owner proves to the satisfaction of the court that at the time of the offence the vehicle was in the possession of another person without the owner's consent, express or implied. 
  2. The owner of a vehicle shall incur the penalties provided for any contravention of this by-law unless at the time of the contravention the vehicle was in the possession of some person other than the owner or his or her chauffeur without the owner's consent, and the driver or operator of a vehicle not being the owner shall also incur the penalties provided for any such contravention.

Section 88 -  Enforcement

  1. This by-law shall be enforced by the Chief of Police and the Municipal By-Law Enforcement Officers of the City of Ottawa.
  2. The Chief of Police and the Municipal By-Law Enforcement Officers are exempt from complying with the provisions of this by-law while actively engaged in its enforcement or the parts thereof that they have been appointed to enforce when no suitable parking is available.

Section 89 - Application of by-law

This by-law applies to all highways under the jurisdiction of the City.

Section 90 - Conditions of use of an accessible parking permit

  1. A displayed accessible parking permit shall not be valid when the motor vehicle in or on which it is displayed is not actually used for the purpose of picking up or transporting a person with a disability.
  2. No person other than the person to whom it was issued, or a person conveying the person to whom it was issued, or a person conveying a person with a disability for a corporation or organization that provides transportation services primarily to persons with disabilities and has been issued a permit, shall use or display an accessible parking permit.

Section 91 - By-law subject to the Highway Traffic Act

The provisions of this by-law are subject to the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act.