search by-laws, general descriptions, zoning by-law, violations…
Consumer awareness
information for tenants, door-to-door sales, licensed snow plow contractors…
Marriages, deaths and oaths
marriage license, civil wedding ceremonies, death registration, commissioner of oaths…
Cat and dog registration
register a new pet, renew existing registration, fees and locations…
Planning an outdoor special event
special event permit, requirements, timelines, serving alcohol, noise exemption, fireworks…
Open air fire permit
Open air fires ban status, burn permits, eligibility requirements for open air fire permits, types of burn permits, outdoor fire safety...
Vacant Properties
vacant unit tax, vacant property permit, exemptions, by-law requirements, heritage conservation, renovating or re-developing, good neighbours guide...
Clothing donation boxes
Find a clothing donation box, other clothing donation options, clothing donation box owner/operators...
Filming in Ottawa
Background on the Film By-law, Applying for a Film permit, Film event applications, guidelines and templates...
Reducing idling in Ottawa
tips to avoid idling, harmful health impacts, reduce idling...
By-law reviews
Current, Planned and Completed by-law reviews...
Tribunals and Appeals Committee
Animal Control Tribunal, Property Standards and License Appeals Committee, Contact ...