Members (2022- 2026)
Chair: | Vice Chair: | Members |
Mayor Mark Sutcliffe | Councillor Catherine Kitts, Member-at-large |
Terms of Reference
The Finance and Corporate Services Committee provides direction on strengthening financial and administrative practices, identifying corporate goals, and providing guidance on economic development issues. This Committee is responsible for the City of Ottawa’s high-level fiscal and management policy issues, including the development of the fiscal framework and corporate financial planning, overseeing the Operating and Capital Budgets, establishing a budget reporting framework, reviewing efficiency and investment reports, providing guidance on corporate performance measurement policies, and ensuring the financial sustainability of the Corporation. This Committee also addresses all matters related to communications, public engagement, client service delivery channels, human resources, labour relations, purchasing, information technology, legal services, the Office of the City Clerk, including Accessibility and French Language Services, asset management, and real estate matters.
Membership of the Finance and Corporate Services Committee shall consist of Members of Council appointed by Council, being the Standing Committee Chairs, the Chair of the Transit Commission, and two members -at-large. The Mayor shall be the Chair of the Finance and Corporate Services Committee.
General responsibilities
The Finance and Corporate Services Committee shall:
- Be responsible directly to Council for:
- those items emanating from the City Manager’s Office and all City departments that fall within the mandate of this Committee, including but not limited to:
- the Finance and Corporate Services Department, excluding Fleet Services;
- the Office of the City Clerk;
- Applicable services and branches of the Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development Department, on matters that relate to the mandate of this Committee;
- Applicable services and branches of Community and Social Services Department, on matters that relate to the mandate of this Committee;
- Applicable services and branches of Infrastructure and Water Services Department, on matters that relate to the mandate of this Committee;
- Applicable services and branches of the Recreation, Cultural and Facilities Services, on matters that relate to the mandate of this Committee;
- all high-level fiscal policy and management items emanating from any City department;
- making recommendations with regards to the City’s tax ratios;
- policies and reporting frameworks relative to performance measuring and municipal best practices;
- establishing and implementing the City’s fiscal framework;
- developing and monitoring the City’s Operating and Capital Budgets and establishing the annual budget consultation and approval process;
- Advisory Committees that are within the area of responsibility of the Finance and Corporate Services Committee, including the Accessibility Advisory Committee;
- Local boards, agencies and corporations that are created by, and report to, this Committee.
- those items emanating from the City Manager’s Office and all City departments that fall within the mandate of this Committee, including but not limited to:
- Consider, for recommendation to Council, operating and capital budget amendments pertaining to items within the Committee mandate, and for budget issues of a corporate nature that are not specific to another Standing Committee’s mandate, subject to the budgetary powers and duties assigned to the head of Council under the Municipal Act, 2001 and associated regulations and any Council-approved budget process.
- Recommend a long-term City Strategic Plan to Council to guide Council policy decisions.
- Make recommendations to Council on all matters connected with the implementation of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 standards and the City of Ottawa’s Accessibility Plan.
- Oversee and make recommendations to Council on the implementation of the City’s Bilingualism Policy, including translation processes, client service delivery, language training and position designations.
- Have responsibility and for all issues relating to economic development within the City of Ottawa and provide guidance to Economic Development Services.
- Consult with the Agricultural and Rural Affairs Committee on issues having an effect on the City’s rural residents and businesses or relating to items of interest for the agricultural and associated industries.
- Receive reports from staff regarding the exercise of Delegated Authority on items within the Committee’s mandate.
- Address non-budgetary issues that affect the Corporation as a whole or that are cross-departmental, such as French Language Services and Accessibility.
- Provide direction and monitor the associated activities and implementation of programs and projects emanating from the City Manager’s Office, excluding those within the mandate of other Standing Committees.
- Review and recommend to Council the recommendations submitted by the Commemorative Naming Committee with respect to commemorative naming of City facilities within the Committee’s mandate (such as City administration buildings).
- Receive delegations from the public, and hold public hearings as required by statute and Council.
- Address all matters related to Advisory Committees on items that fall within the mandate of the Committee and are in line with the established Committee and City Strategic Plans.
- Have the delegated authority to decide matters that are consistent with the application of federal and/or provincial statutes and/or regulations for matters within the Committee’s mandate.
- Recommend to Council, the City of Ottawa’s participation in federal or provincial cost-sharing programs, grant proposals, or employment incentive programs for matters within the mandate of the Committee.
- Review and recommend to Council revisions to Finance and Corporate Services Committee Terms of Reference, as required.
- Recommend to Council proposed by-laws that are under the Committee’s jurisdiction.
- Supervise and control all matters relating to the official documents, records, vouchers, and securities of the City of Ottawa relating to the Committee’s mandate.
- Conduct, on behalf of Council, all public meetings or hearings required by provincial legislation except those meetings or hearings specifically delegated by Council to other Committees of Council.
- Consider, report and recommend to Council on the creation of public/private partnerships to support the delivery of City programs.
- Recommend to Council appointments to external committees, boards and commissions that are not completed through the Nominating Committee of Council, are within Council’s authority, and that are not within the mandate of another Standing Committee.
- Recommend to Council all Council representation on, and membership in, organizations such as Association française des municipalités de l’Ontario (AFMO), Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) that are not completed through the Nominating Committee of Council.
- Approve Councillors’ travel and attendance at annual conferences such as OGRA, ROMA, AFMO, AMO, FCM and other conferences that do not fall within the mandate of other Standing Committees, as required.
- Responsible for the review of all issues relating to elected representatives, specifically:
- the overall operations of the offices of the Councillors;
- expenditures by Councillors, including the administering of their global budgets;
- entitlement of Councillors to City facilities and resources for the performance of their duties; and
- personnel matters, including Councillors’ office staff and the general performance of the Councillors in their duties.
- Receive, review, and make recommendations to Council on matters related to the City’s Comprehensive Asset Management framework.
- Receive, review, and make recommendations to Council on matters related to corporate accommodations, city administrative facilities and facilities matters that are not specific to the mandate of another Standing Committee.
- Liaise with other levels of government on all matters related to the mandate of this committee, and inter-governmental relations on issues of interest to the municipality, and for all matters that are not specific to the mandate of another Standing Committee.
Specific responsibilities
The Finance and Corporate Services Committee shall:
- Oversee and develop the City’s annual Operating and Capital Budgets.
- Recommend to Council a budget process that allows for public consultation, comprehensive review of budget items, transparency, and accountability.
- Subsequent to the approval of the budget, subject to the budgetary powers and duties assigned to the head of Council under the Municipal Act, 2001 and associated regulations and any Council-approved budget process:
- review and approve all high-level operating and capital budget adjustments pertaining to items within the Committee mandate or that are not addressed by other Standing Committees or local boards,
- Subsequent to the approval of the budget, identify for Council any additional funding requirements or budget adjustments, including reserves that cannot be accommodated through the use of existing capital or operating sources.
Financial planning, operations and sustainability
- Review and make recommendations to Council on all matters associated with the Corporate rates policies, tax ratios and administration and reserve funds.
- Review and make recommendations to Council on all matters associated with the City’s Long Range Financial Plan, Fiscal Framework, and the overall establishment and implementation of Corporate financial management and sustainability principles.
- Receive and make recommendations to Council on the Operating Status reports, Investment Reports and Efficiency Reports.
- Monitor all matters connected with high-level expenditure, revenue and investment, and make recommendations to Council where necessary.
- Receive and make recommendations to Council on investment and debt policies.
- Oversee and make recommendations to Council on all matters pertaining to the City’s day-to-day transactional processes, including payroll, bill payments and collections, purchasing card resolutions, and permit fee processing.
- Recommend to Council the approval of contracts or purchase orders based on conditions deemed fit in accordance with the provisions of the Procurement By- law.
Communications and organizational development
- Oversee and make recommendations to Council on the City’s communications goals, strategies and methods for providing timely and accurate information to residents.
- Receive and review reports on the level of service provided by the “3-1-1” Contact Centre and the Client Service Centres and recommend to Council methods for improvement.
- Oversee and make recommendations to Council on all matters related to the function of the web site and any online service tools.
- Ensure that all client services are provided in a clear, efficient and accessible manner.
- Receive and review reports on the City’s administration of vital statistics, including death registrations, marriage licenses and civil ceremonies, in accordance with the Vital Statistics Act.
- Review and make recommendations to Council on Corporate Administrative Policy Frameworks.
- Identify and make recommendations to Council on rectifying overlaps and duplications of programs.
- Receive, review and make recommendations to Council on all matters related to Corporate Service Excellence Plans and initiatives.
- Receive, review and make recommendations to Council on Client Survey Results.
- Monitor and make recommendations to Council on the establishment and implementation of the City Strategic Plan.
- Monitor and make recommendations to Council on the establishment and implementation of the City’s Performance Measurement policies and reporting framework.
Staffing and personnel
- Recommend to Council any contract extensions or contract changes for the City Manager and the City Auditor General, subject to legislation or any Council- approved Policy or By-law.
- Recommend to Council the amalgamation, creation and elimination of departments where it is deemed advisable subject to legislation or any Council- approved Policy or By-law.
- Recommend to Council the salaries of all officers and managers and employees not governed by the terms of a collective agreement.
Corporate Real Estate
Where delegation of authority has been lifted:
- Make recommendations to Council on the acquisition or purchase of lands and buildings required for any purpose of the City of Ottawa and in accordance with the provision of the Delegation of Authority By-law.
- Recommend to Council the acquisition of property, including limited interests therein, such as easements, rights of way, mortgages, leases and licenses, where the cost of such property exceeds $500,000.
- In accordance with the provision of the Disposal Policy and By-law, authorize the sale or other disposition of land, including determination of the compensation to be paid therefore, provided that such sale price does not exceed $500,000. Recommend to Council disposals over $500,000.
Legal Services
- Receive briefings on litigious matters involving the City of Ottawa that do not fall within the jurisdiction of another Standing Committee.
- Give direction to the City Solicitor on litigation in which the City of Ottawa is a party or potential party where it is consistent with current Council direction or policy.
Office of the City Clerk
- Monitor and make recommendations to Council on all functions of the Office of the City Clerk, including matters pertaining to the Office of Protocol, Legislative Services, French Language Services and Municipal Elections, Council and Committee Services, and Governance, Elected Officials and Business Support Services.
- Review and make recommendations to Council on the City’s Legislative processes, including the Council and Committee meeting schedules, the Procedure By-law, and overall Governance matters.
Labour Relations
- The Finance and Corporate Services Committee (or a Sub-committee appointed by the Committee) shall have jurisdiction regarding the review of all issues relating to Labour Relations, specifically to:
- act as the official bargaining agent of the City of Ottawa in all negotiations with representatives of City employees, particularly pertaining to collective agreements between the City of Ottawa and unions and associations representing its employees (exclusive of the OC Transpo unions), and make recommendations to Council. The Committee may delegate its bargaining and negotiation powers, however, the Committee has the authority to direct staff on the parameters of the negotiations and no final agreement resulting from such a delegation shall be binding until it is approved by Committee and Council; and
- receive updates on the progress of collective bargaining where staff have been delegated the authority to negotiate agreements.
Human Resources
- The Finance and Corporate Services Committee (or a Sub-committee appointed by the Committee) shall have jurisdiction regarding the review of all issues relating to Human Resources, specifically to:
- make recommendations to Council on the Human Resources Plans and their key goals; and
- review and make recommendations to Council on matters related to corporate human resource policies affecting the City’s employee base. including compensation, performance management, training and development, recruitment, retention, retirement, employment equity and diversity initiatives, wellness and health and safety.
Economic Development
- Have general responsibility for economic development in the urban and suburban areas of the City of Ottawa, and consult with Agricultural and Rural Affairs Committee on issues having an effect on the City’s rural residents and businesses.
- Receive advice from, and liaise with economic development stakeholders such as Ottawa Tourism, Invest Ottawa, Ottawa Board of Trade, Regroupement des gens d'affaires, Ottawa International Airport Authority, Ottawa Coalition of BIAs, Ottawa Film Office, and post-secondary institutions.
- Liaise with other levels of government and the business community regarding economic development issues.
- Encourage the creation of initiatives to support the implementation of the City of Ottawa’s Economic Development Strategy.
Corporate Equity and Diversity Plans
- Oversee and make recommendations to Council on the implementation of the Women and Gender Equity Strategy, City of Ottawa Reconciliation Action Plan, Anti-Racism Strategy and Corporate Diversity and Inclusion Plan.
Information Technology
- Oversee and make recommendations to Council on all issues relating to information technology, including but not limited to:
- large-scale investments in information technology for use within the Corporation;
- policy and projects directly related to information technology;
- recommendations and direction regarding stakeholder consultations and investment strategies;
- project proposals, including costs and return on investment;
- availability of new technologies in the industry and opportunities to enhance existing technologies;
- investigate information technology products and services, including Smart City initiatives to provide improved access to City services by the public, enhanced connectivity throughout the city, and an economy that is strengthened by leveraging available and emerging technologies and products;
- public Wi-Fi initiatives.
Light Rail Transit (LRT) Project
- As approved by Council, the Finance and Corporate Services Committee shall have oversight and report to Council on all matters related to the Stage 1 and 2 LRT projects, excluding those assigned by Council to other Standing Committees, the Transit Commission and the Light Rail Sub-Committee, including procurement and contract award.
Reporting relationships
The Finance and Corporate Services Committee shall report to Council regarding the exercise of its delegated authority as part of the Disposition to Council.
Approved by City Council on February 22, 2023
Meetings, agendas and minutes
Meeting agendas, minutes and videos for City Council, its committees and select local boards can be accessed through the City’s agendas and minutes web portal(link is external).
See using the City’s Agendas and minutes web portal for more information.
The following is available through the portal:
- Meeting schedules
- Agendas
- Minutes
- Meeting documentation
- Live streams
- Meeting recordings for meetings held on or after June 27, 2022
Live meeting streams and archived meeting videos continue to be available on the Ottawa City Council YouTube Channel(link is external). More information is available in the Watch or listen to Council and committee meetings article.
Meeting documentation from January 2001 to June 2012 can be accessed through the legacy agendas and minutes application(link is external).
If at any time you are unable to find a document or access the links above, please send an email to opens email application).