Members (2022-2026)
Chair: | Vice Chair: | Members: | Ex officio: |
Councillor Rawlson King | Councillor Stéphanie Plante |
Citizen members:
Mayor Mark Sutcliffe |
Terms of Reference
The mandate of the Built Heritage Committee is to advise and assist Council on matters relating to Parts IV and V of the Ontario Heritage Act, and such other heritage matters as Council may specify by by-law or as specified in the City’s Official Plan.
The Built Heritage Committee shall consist of:
- Five (5) Members of Council appointed by Council including at least:
- One (1) member of the Planning and Housing Committee;
- One (1) member of the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee;
- One (1) member of Council whose ward encompasses a Heritage Conservation District; and
- Four (4) public members, with appropriate experience, appointed by Council with at least one of the citizen members that resides within a Heritage Conservation District.
The Mayor is an ex-officio member of the Committee.
The Built Heritage Committee shall meet monthly to review matters under the Ontario Heritage Act.
The Committee shall make recommendations to Council on matters under Part IV and V of the Ontario Heritage Act, including the following matters:
- Under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act
- Listing and removal of properties from the Heritage Register under Section 27;
- Issuance, withdrawal and consideration of objections to Notice of Intention to designate heritage properties under Section 29;
- Consideration of applications to alter or demolish under Sections 33 and 34.
- Under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act
- Designation of Heritage Conservation District Study Areas under Section 40.1;
- Designation of Heritage Conservation Districts under Section 41;
- Adoption of new Heritage Conservation District Plans under Section 41.1;
- Consideration of applications to alter or demolish under Section 42.
- Consideration and receipt of annual reporting on the activities of the Heritage Planning Branch of the Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development Department, including but not limited to, reporting on use of Delegated Authority, refusal of designation requests.
- The ability to comment on Zoning By-law amendments, Official Plan amendments and Plan of Subdivision applications that involve designated or listed heritage properties.
- The ability to comment on Notices of Demolition relative to properties listed on the City’s Heritage Register.
- The ability to be consulted by staff and/or have matters referred to it by other Standing Committees relative to the built heritage portfolio.
- The ability to make recommendations to Council and other Standing Committees on matters related to the built heritage portfolio that may be identified by the Committee.
- The ability to be consulted on development projects by other levels of government or large-scale private sector developments where consultation would assist in the planning process and the protection of built heritage resources.
Reporting Relationship
On heritage applications that have an associated Planning Act application, reports shall be considered jointly by both the Built Heritage Committee and either the Planning and Housing Committee or Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee before rising to City Council.
For all other matters the Built Heritage Committee shall report independently to Council.
Approved by City Council on January 25, 2023
Meetings, agendas and minutes
Meeting agendas, minutes and videos for City Council, its committees and select local boards can be accessed through the City’s agendas and minutes web portal(link is external).
See using the City’s Agendas and minutes web portal for more information.
The following is available through the portal:
- Meeting schedules
- Agendas
- Minutes
- Meeting documentation
- Live streams
- Meeting recordings for meetings held on or after June 27, 2022
Live meeting streams and archived meeting videos continue to be available on the Ottawa City Council YouTube Channel(link is external). More information is available in the Watch or listen to Council and committee meetings article.
Meeting documentation from January 2001 to June 2012 can be accessed through the legacy agendas and minutes application(link is external).
If at any time you are unable to find a document or access the links above, please send an email to opens email application).