Parks and Facilities (By-law No. 2004-276)


By-laws contained in this section have been prepared for research and reference purposes only. Original by-laws are available for consultation at the City of Ottawa Archives and the Ottawa Public Library Main branch. For legal purposes, certified copies of by-laws may be obtained from the City of Ottawa Archives.

City Archives
James Bartleman Centre
100 Tallwood Dr. (corner of Woodroffe Ave.)
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-580-2857
Email: opens email application)

Ottawa Public Library
120 Metcalfe St., Ottawa Room
Ottawa, Ontario
Telephone: 613-580-2940

  • General hours of operation are from 5 am to 11 pm unless otherwise posted.
  • Don't litter.
  • Don't disturb or feed wildlife.
  • Don't use motorized vehicles, with the exception of wheelchairs and other mobility assistance devices.
  • Smoking is not permitted in City parks or within nine metres (9m) of the entrance or exit of City parks and facilities.
  • Leash your dog in all parks unless it is specifically designated as an off-leash area (please refer to park signage or GeoOttawa(link is external) to determine the park’s designation).

A by-law of the City of Ottawa to regulate and to promote responsible enjoyment and use of parks and facilities.


  • 2004-448
  • 2004-490
  • 2004-495
  • 2006-6
  • 2008-4
  • 2009-173
  • 2012-86
  • 2012-220
  • 2012-228
  • 2016-422
  • 2018-126
  • 2019-241
  • 2021-176

The Council of the City of Ottawa hereby enacts as follows:

In this by-law:

“alcoholic beverage” means spirits, liquor, beer, wine or any combination thereof and includes any alcohol in a form appropriate for human consumption as a beverage alone or in combination with any other substance;

“animal” means any member of the animal kingdom, other than a human, and includes birds;

“barbecue” means a portable or fixed device designed and intended solely for the cooking of food in the open air, but does not include outdoor fireplaces and campfires;

“By-law Officer” means a person appointed by the Council of the City of Ottawa as a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer to enforce the provisions of the by-law;

“camp” means to erect a structure, hut or tent for the purpose of providing shelter;

“Chief of Police” means the Chief of Police for the City of Ottawa or authorized assistants or persons acting under their authority;

“City” means the municipal corporation of the City of Ottawa or the geographic area of the City of Ottawa as the context requires;

“General Manager” means the General Manager of the Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services Department of the City of Ottawa or authorized designates, unless otherwise specified; (amended by By-law No. 2016-422)

“facility” means any area, pool, building or structure in a park under the jurisdiction of the Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services Department of the City of Ottawa; including but not limited to recreation centres, sports facilities, museums, theatres, arts centres, galleries, public art installations, and artist studios (amended by By-law Nos. 2016-422, 2021-176)

“motorized boat” means a boat, ship or craft designed, used or capable of being used solely or partly for navigation in, on, through or immediately above water, propelled by a motor; (added by By-law No. 2021-176)

“motorized vehicle” means an automobile, truck, motorcycle or any other vehicle propelled or driven by means other than muscular power but does not include a wheelchair or motorized vehicles operating pursuant to the approval of the General Manager;

“park” means a playground, playing field, ball diamond, sports field, beach including but not limited to the area of the water under the control or supervision of the City, the lands surrounding a recreation centre, community building, recreation complex, municipal administration site, including outdoor theatre space, square, plaza, garden, water, pedestrian walkway or any other area owned, leased or used by the City and devoted to active or passive recreation and includes any lane or walkway or public parking area leading thereto; (amended by By-law Nos. 2012-86, 2021-176)

“person” means any individual, association, firm, partnership, corporation, agent or trustee and the heirs, executors, or other legal representatives of a person to whom the context can apply according to law;

“remotely piloted aircraft or drone” means a navigable aircraft, other than a balloon, rocket or kite, that is operated by a pilot that is not on board; (added by By-law No. 2021-176)

“self-propelled boat” means a boat, ship or craft designed, used or capable of being used solely or partly for navigation in, on, through or immediately above water, propelled by a muscle-power; (added by By-law No. 2021-176)

“service animal” means:

  1. an animal that can be readily identified as one that is being used by the person for reasons relating to the person’s disability, as a result of visual indicators such as the vest or harness worn by the animal; or
  2. an animal for which the person provides documentation from one of the following regulated health professionals confirming that the person requires the animal for reasons relating to the disability:
    1. A member of the College of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists of Ontario,
    2. A member of the College of Chiropractors of Ontario,
    3. A member of the College of Nurses of Ontario,
    4. A member of the College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario,
    5. A member of the College of Optometrists of Ontario,
    6. A member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario,
    7. A member of the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario,
    8. A member of the College of Psychologists of Ontario,
    9. A member of the College of Registered Psychotherapists and Registered Mental Health Therapists of Ontario;

            (amended by By-law 2018-126)

“sports field” means an area in a park set aside for use in sports, such as football, soccer, rugby and cricket, requiring an open field space;

“swimming pool” means any swimming or wading pool or spray pad under the jurisdiction of the Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services Department of the City of Ottawa; (amended by By-law No. 2016-422)

“waste” means paper, bottles, broken glass, cans, cigars, cigarettes, rags, garbage, rubbish, debris or refuse of any kind; (amended by By-law No. 2012-86)

“wheelchair” means a chair mounted on wheels, which is propelled by muscular power or any other type of power and is used for the carriage of a person who has a disability.

  1. In this by-law, a word interpreted in the singular number has a corresponding meaning when used in the plural.
  2. It is declared that if any section, subsection or part or parts thereof be declared by any Court of Law to be bad, illegal or ultra vires, such section, subsection or part or parts shall be deemed to be severable, and all parts hereof are declared to be separate and independent and enacted as such.

  1. No person shall, without the approval of the General Manager;
    1. remain or enter into any park between 2300 and 0500 hours except as a participant or spectator of a function approved by the General Manager;
    2. remain in the park upon completion of an activity as a participant or spectator of any function between 2300 and 0500 hours; or
    3. enter any place where a sign prohibiting admittance or trespassing is displayed or where admission is otherwise prohibited or restricted.
  1. Despite subsection (1), where the hours of operation in a park are posted and differ from those in subsection (1), no person shall remain or enter into the park outside of the posted hours provided that the posted hours are no later than 2300 hours or earlier than 0500 hours.
  2. Where the posted hours are later than 2300 hours or earlier than 0500 hours, clauses (a) and (b) of subsection (1) shall apply.
  3. Despite subsections (1), (2), and (3), the General Manager, at their discretion, may provide approval, in writing, for any person or group to remain or enter into a park outside of the posted hours. (added by By-law No. 2021-176)
  4. Despite subsections (1), (2) and (3), the General Manager may, at any time and at their discretion, close or revise the hours of operation of all or individual parks in response to an emergency, regulatory requirement, special circumstances, safety and security concerns, or operational requirement. (added by By-law No. 2021-176)

  1. No person being the owner or having care and custody of an animal shall permit such animal to be in a park without the written approval of the General Manager;
  2. Subsection (1) shall not apply to dogs in areas of a park designated in accordance with By-law No. 2003-77, being the Animal Care and Control By-law.
  3. Subsection (1) shall not apply to a person with a service animal.
  4. Despite subsection (1) and subject to other applicable municipal by-laws, the General Manager; may permit animals to be brought into a park for specific events, if the applicant files with the General Manager; a request for a specific event indicating the time, date, place and purpose together with any additional information requested by the General Manager;
  5. No person shall engage in any horse race or ride a horse in a park in an area not designated for that purpose by the General Manager;
  6. Despite subsection (4), any member of the Ottawa Police Mounted Patrol Unit or the Royal Canadian Mounted Police may bring a horse into a park.

  1. No person shall participate in or play baseball, softball, basketball, volleyball, football, soccer, rugby, tennis, croquet, cricket, badminton, ultimate frisbee, disk golf, skateboarding or any other sport or activity in a park except in an area designated by the General Manager for such respective purpose and in accordance with subsection (2).
  2. No person shall:
    1. use a ball diamond on any day between the 16th day of October and the 30th of April of any year;
    2. subject to subsection (c), use a sports field on any day between the 1st day of November and the 14th day of May of any year;
    3. use any sports field with artificial turf between the 15th day of November and the 31st day of March of any year. (amended by By-law No. 2021-176)
  3. Despite subsection (2), the General Manager, in consultation with the General Manager of the Public Works and Environmental Services Department may, at their discretion, amend the dates on which a ball diamond and sports field may be used, on the basis of the ground conditions of the ball diamond or sports field. (amended by By-law Nos. 2016-422, 2021-176)
  4. Despite subsection (2), the General Manager, in consultation with the General Manager of the Public Works and Environmental Services Department may, at their discretion, restrict or permit access, at any time and to any one ball diamond or sports field, on the basis of the ground conditions of the ball diamond or sports field. (amended by By-law Nos. 2016-422, 2021-176)

    (4.1) Subject to subsections (3) and (4), no person shall use or access a ball diamond or sports field to which access has been restricted by the General Manager (added by By-law No. 2004-490, amended by By-law Nos. 2016-422, 2021-176)
  5. No person shall engage in any horse race or ride a horse in a park in an area not designated for that purpose by the General Manager.
  6. Despite clause (b) of subsection (2), no person shall access or use sports fields for winter activities during the winter months unless, (amended by By-law No. 2021-176)
    1. the ground is snow covered;
    2. the site is not altered; and
    3. there is no damage to the field.
  7. No person shall play golf, drive a golf ball or use golf clubs or other like equipment or drive a golf cart in a park except in an area designated by the General Manager for that purpose.
  8. No person shall use an acrylic paved court without wearing appropriate footwear. (amended by By-law No. 2021-176)
  9. No person shall possess any bows or arrows or discharge arrows in or into a park except in an area designated by the General Manager as an archery range.
  10. No person shall operate a motor driven model airplane, helicopter, rocket or boat except in an area designated by the General Manager for that purpose.
  11. No person shall use a barbecue in a park except in areas designated by the General Manager for that purpose.

  1. The General Manager may designate a park or part thereof as a place in which the riding of bicycles is prohibited and shall provide signage to indicate the park or part thereof to which the designation applies.
  2. No person shall ride a bicycle or participate in skateboarding or rollerblading in a park, or part thereof, designated by the General Manager as prohibiting cycling, skateboarding or rollerblading.
  3. No person shall drive, a motorized vehicle in a park, except in areas and during hours designated by the General Manager for that purpose. (amended by By-law Nos. 2004-448, and 2004-495)
  4. No person shall drive, park or stop a motorized snow vehicle in a park except in areas and during the hours designated by the General Manager for that purpose.

  1. No person shall, in a park or facility and without a permit issued by the General Manager: (amended by By-law No. 2021-176)
    1. sell, or offer, expose or advertise for sale any:
      1. food or drink;
      2. newspaper, magazine or publication;
      3. goods, wares or merchandise;
      4. art, skill or service;
    2. practice, carry on, conduct or solicit for any trade, calling, business or occupation;
    3. distribute any flyers or circulars, or post any bills, notices or advertising devices, including signs, of any kind;
    4. convene, conduct or participate in any parade or procession;
    5. convene, conduct or hold a public meeting, or deliver a speech as a member of or to members of any group or to members of the general public;
    6. have in their possession any alcoholic beverage;
    7. ignite, discharge or set off any fireworks;
    8. light any open air fire in any park, except in places specifically provided by the City and in accordance with the Open Air Fire By-law 2004-163, as amended, or any successor by-law; (amended by By-law No. 2021-176)
    9. camp in any park, or construct any tent or other structure;
    10. convene, conduct, or participate in any organized team sport; (amended by By-law No. 2021-176)
    11. use a public address system or other device or equipment for amplifying sounds in a park;
    12. allow a hot air balloon to land or take off from a park, except in emergency situations only;
    13. hold a special event as defined by the Special Events By-law 2013-232, as amended, or any successor by-law; (added by By-law No. 2016-422, amended by By-law No. 2021-176)
    14. operate a remotely piloted aircraft or drone; or (added by By-law No. 2021-176)
    15. take, or permit to be taken for remuneration, any film, photograph, videotape, or television broadcast in accordance with By-law No. 2020-164, being the Ottawa Film By-law. (added by By-law No. 2021-176)
  2. No person without a permit shall refuse to vacate a park, or portion of a park, in the event that a holder of a permit for that park, or portion of the park, wishes to access the area in accordance with the terms and conditions of their permit.
  3. No permit holder shall undertake to use a park or its facilities unless the permit holder:
    1. maintains, at their own expense, Commercial General Liability Insurance related to the holding of the event and subject to limits of not less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00), inclusive per occurrence, for bodily injury, death and damage to property, and such insurance shall be in the name of the permit holder or the sponsoring organizer of the event and shall name the City of Ottawa as an additional insured; (amended by By-law No. 2016-422)
      (a.1) if applicable to the special event, and at the discretion of the City Clerk and Solicitor, the insurance coverage required in the clause (a) shall be endorsed to include Liquor License Liability coverage;(added By-law No. 2016-422)
    2. is eighteen (18) years of age or older;
    3. does not charge admission or sell refreshments except as authorized by the General Manager;
    4. follows the incident reporting procedures outlined in the permit in the event of an incident, including the contacting of on-site City staff and police, paramedic or fire services, as appropriate; and
    5. complies with any other conditions of the permit issued by the General Manager pursuant to subsection (6).
  4. A permit issued by the General Manager is valid on the date or dates shown on the permit.
  5. No holder of a permit issued by the General Manager shall access or use a park unless the permit holder:
    1. accesses or uses the area of the park designated by the General Manager for the permitted use;
    2. produces their permit upon being so directed by the General Manager or a By-law Officer;
    3. immediately vacates the park upon being so ordered by the General Manager or a By-law Officer; and
    4. complies with the conditions of the permit, including any additional conditions imposed by the General Manager pursuant to subsection (6).
  6. The General Manager may attach such additional conditions to a permit as deemed necessary to ensure public safety, protect City property or maintain the enjoyment of the park for the public.
  7. A permit for park use issued by the General Manager is not transferable.
  8. No permit holder shall fail to comply with any federal or provincial law, municipal by-law or policy, including the Municipal Alcohol Policy. (amended by By-law Nos. 2016-422, 2021-176)

No person shall cause or permit: (amended by By-law No. 2021-176)

  1. planting of any hedge, tree, shrub, garden or plant of any kind; (amended by By-law No. 2021-176)
  2. construction of any fence, storage shed, retaining wall, pool or other structure of any kind; (amended by By-law No. 2021-176)
  3. keeping of any composting receptacle or pile; or
  4. placing of any string, wire, chain, rope or similar material, on park property.

  1. No person shall, in a park, cut, climb, break, injure, deface, disturb or remove any property including:
    1. a tree, shrub, bush, flower, plant, grass, wood, soil, sand, rock or gravel;
    2. a building, cage, pen or monument.
  2. No person shall, in a park, damage, deface, alter, or otherwise injure any property of the City including: (amended by By-law Nos. 2008-4, 2021-176)
    1. any part of the interior or exterior of a building;
    2. any monument, public art, fence, bench or other structure. (amended by By-law No. 2021-176)
  3. No person shall throw a stone or other object that may cause injury or damage to any person or to property.
  4. No person shall, in a park: (amended by By-law No. 2021-176)
    1. disturb, injure, wound, hunt, trap, attempt to kill or kill any animal
    2. touch, interfere with, remove or injure any bird’s nest, the eggs or the young birds contained therein; or
    3. provide, cause to be provided, deposit or leave any food that may be used by wildlife in a park.
  5. No person shall, in a park: (amended by By-law No. 2021-176)
    1. leave or deposit any waste, except in a receptacle provided for that purpose
    2. deposit or leave any paint, grease, oil, offal or any dangerous matter that has an odour or appearance found to be offensive by users of the park;
    3. erect a permanent or temporary monument or memorial except in areas approved by the General Manager; (added by By-law No. 2021-176)
    4. despite clause (c) for subsection 5, where such a monument or memorial has been erected, it shall not remain for a period greater than six (6) months; (added by By-law No. 2021-176)
    5. bring household waste to a park for the purpose of depositing in City of Ottawa-maintained waste receptacles; (added by By-law No. 2021-176)
    6. scatter any paper, cardboard, or any other material;
    7. scatter any cremated remains except in areas designated by, and with the approval of the General Manager, in consultation with the General Manager of the Public Works and Environmental Services Department; or (added by By-law No. 2021-176)
    8. undertake any maintenance activities or alter existing grounds or facilities unless authorized to do so by the General Manager, in consultation with the General Manager of the Public Works and Environmental Services Department. (amended by By-law No. 2021-176)
  6. No person shall discharge, dump or leave any construction material, earth, dirt, rock, snow, stone or any other materials in a park, or in any ravine, slope, or other land access way to a park, except with the written consent of the General Manager or the Public Works and Environmental Services Department. (amended by By-law Nos. 2016-422, 2021-176)
  7. No person shall use a park or any part thereof for the purpose of:
    1. washing, cleaning, polishing, servicing, maintaining or, with the exception of any emergency, repairing any motorized vehicle; or
    2. instructing, teaching or coaching any person in the driving or operation of a motorized vehicle.
  8. No person shall, in a park: (amended by By-law No. 2021-176)
    1. transport across, launch, beach or operate a motorized boat in any park except in areas of park specified for such purposes and authorized by the General Manager; or (amended by By-law No. 2021-176)
    2. transport across, launch, beach or operate a self-propelled boat in areas prohibited by the General Manager; (amended by By-law No. 2021-176)
  9. No person shall fish in in areas of a park where this activity has been prohibited by General Manager, including supervised beaches (added by By-law No. 2021-176)

  1. No person shall skate in an area not designated for that purpose by the General Manager. (added by By-law No. 2021-176)
    1. race or speed so as to endanger or interfere with any other person using the rink;
    2. carry a cane, stick or any other object that is, or is likely to be, dangerous to other persons on a rink, except such equipment as may be required for any sport or activity approved by the General Manager;
    3. use the rink during the preparation period; or
    4. fail to obey the instructions of a rink supervisor employed by the City of Ottawa or any other person appointed by the General Manager to oversee the operation and use of skating rinks.

  1. No person shall:
    1. enter a swimming pool, except with the permission of the General Manager and subject to the conditions associated with such permission and only at the times designated for swimming;
    2. fail to obey the instructions of a lifeguard or any other person appointed by the General Manager to oversee the facility;
    3. swim, bathe, wade in or enter the waters of a fountain, pond, lake, river or stream in a park, except in an area or at a time designated by the General Manager for such purposes;
    4. permit a child in their care, custody or charge to swim, bathe, wade in or enter into the waters of any ornamental pool or fountain;
    5. throw any article in any pool, fountain, pond, lake or stream that is likely to endanger any person or wildlife, or to pollute the waters; or
    6. bring into or possess in a bathing area or swimming area of a park any bottles, glassware, metal or other material which may cause injury.

Section 12

  1. No person shall engage in loud, boisterous, threatening, abusive, insulting or indecent language, or engage in any disorderly conduct or behaviour in a park.
  2. No person shall engage in any activity so as to interfere with or become a nuisance to the general public using the park.
  3. Subsections (1) and (2) shall not apply to normal noise of park activity. (added by By-law No. 2021-176)

Section 13

  1. The General Manager may, at any time and at their discretion, temporarily or permanently close to the public a park, a portion of a park or a building in a park due to inclement weather, in response to an emergency or other circumstances deemed appropriate by the General Manager. (amended by By-law No. 2021-176)
  2. Where the General Manager has temporarily or permanently closed to the public a park, a portion of a park or a building in a park pursuant to subsection (1), no person shall remain in or enter the closed area.

The applicant for a permit to access any park shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Ottawa from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, losses, costs or damages that the City of Ottawa may suffer, incur or be liable for resulting from the use of the park, whether with or without negligence on the part of the applicant or the applicant’s employees, directors, contractors and agents.

Permits issued to a permit holder under this by-law may be revoked by the General Manager if, in the opinion of the General Manager, the permit holder fails to comply with the requirements of the permits or any other provisions of the by-law.

  1. The provisions of this by-law shall not apply to the City of Ottawa or its agents, employees or contractors during the course of performing their duties in relation to park construction, maintenance or other necessary activities.
  2. The provisions of this by-law shall not apply to the Ottawa Police Service or other bona fide emergency service providers.

The by-law shall be enforced by the Chief of Police or by the By-law Officers of the City.

Section 18

  1. Every person who contravenes any of the provisions of this by-law is guilty of an offence.
  2. Every person who is convicted of an offence under this by-law is liable to a minimum fine not exceeding $500 and to a maximum fine not exceeding $100,000, pursuant to subsections 429 (1) and (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001. (amended by By-law No. 2016-422)
  3. A person who is convicted of an offence under this by-law is liable, for each day or part of a day that the offence continues, to a minimum fine of $500 and a maximum fine of $10,000, and the total of all daily fines for the offence is not limited to $100,000 as provided for in subsection 429(3), paragraph 2, of the Municipal Act, 2001. (amended by By-law No. 2016-422)

Section 19

Every person who acts in contravention of this by-law so as to cause the City to incur costs due to their actions shall, in addition to any penalty provided for herein, be liable to the City for all expenses incurred for the purpose of repairing or replacing damaged property or removing unauthorized materials, and such expenses may be recovered by court action or in a like manner as municipal taxes.

The following by-laws and portions of by-laws of the old municipalities are repealed:

  1. By-law Number 32-98 of the old Corporation of the City of Cumberland entitled “Being a by-law to regulate the use, protection and government of Parks”, as amended;
  2. By-law No. 83 of 1993 of the old Corporation of the City of Gloucester entitled “Being a by-law to regulate public parks and facilities in the City of Gloucester”, as amended;
  3. By-law No. 35-91 of the old Corporation of the Township of Goulbourn entitled “Being a by-law to regulate public parks and facilities in the Township of Goulbourn”, as amended;
  4. By-law No. 44-81 of the old Corporation of the City of Kanata entitled “Being a by-law to regulate public parks and facilities in the City of Kanata”, as amended;
  5. By-law No. 85-91 of the old Corporation of the City of Nepean entitled “Being a by-law of The Corporation of the City of Nepean to regulate parks and facilities in the City of Nepean”, as amended;
  6. By-law No. 58-1996 of the old Corporation of the Township of Osgoode entitled “Being a by-law regulating the management and operation of municipal parks”, as amended;
  7. Clauses (a) and (e) of Section 1, Sections 3 to 7 inclusive, Sections 11 to 20 inclusive and Section 22 of By-law Number 225-74 of the old Corporation of the City of Ottawa entitled “A by-law of The Corporation of the City of Ottawa respecting Recreation and Parks”, as amended;
  8. By-law No. 89-14 of the old Corporation of the Village of Rockcliffe Park entitled “A by- law of the Corporation of the Village of Rockcliffe Park to provide for the maintenance operation and management of McKay Lake, the Pond and the lands of the Corporation adjacent thereto”, as amended;
  9. By-law No. 85-33 of the old Corporation of the Village of Rockcliffe Park entitled “A by- law to prohibit bicycles on Blocks 63 and 64 Plan 4M-334 (the Corridor of Public Passage - C.O.P.P.)”;
  10. By-law Number 2337 of the old Corporation of the City of Vanier entitled “Being a by-law to maintain, regulate, operate and manage certain city parks”, as amended.

Permits issued in 2004 pursuant to the provisions of a parks and facilities by-law of an old municipality shall be valid until the effective date of this by-law.

In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this by-law and any other by-law regarding the regulation of parks and facilities, including the by-laws referred to in Section 20, the provisions of this by-law shall prevail, but nothing in this by-law shall invalidate the enforceability of other provisions of those by-laws.

This by-law may be referred to as the “Parks and Facilities By-law”.

This by-law shall come into force on August 1, 2004.

Enacted and passed this 23rd day of June, 2004


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