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Recruitment for the City of Ottawa’s committees and boards

Thank you for participating in this year’s recruitment for City of Ottawa’s Committees and Boards. The recruitment process is now closed.  

Recruitment is typically held in the fall at the beginning of each Term of Council and at mid-Term. Past recruitment has included public member positions on the following committees and boards:

  • Ottawa Board of Health 
  • Ottawa Police Service Board 
  • Ottawa Public Library Board 
  • Committee of Adjustment 
  • Built Heritage Committee 
  • Property Standards and License Appeals Committee 
  • Rogers Centre Ottawa Board of Directors 
  • Mohr’s Landing / Quyon Port Authority 
  • Build Ottawa Board of Directors 
  • Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
  • South Nation Conservation 
  • Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority 
  • Accessibility Advisory Committee 
  • Community Safety and Well-being Advisory Committee
  • French Language Services Advisory Committee
  • Planning Advisory Committee
  • Para Transpo Eligibility Appeals Panel 
  • Ottawa Investment Board

For more information, please see the 2022-2026 Council Governance Review report(link is external), and the 2022-2026 Mid-term Governance Review(link is external). For more information on advisory committees, please see the Advisory Body Review report(link is external).

There is also a concurrent recruitment drive for Administrative Penalty System Hearing Officers, which is anticipated to be ongoing. The recruitment for this position has its own deadlines and application form. For more information, visit Become a Hearing Officer on

Who is eligible?

You must be

  • A resident of the City of Ottawa
  • At least 18 years of age or older
  • Not an employee of the City of Ottawa

Additional eligibility requirements may apply for specific committees and boards. Additional information is posted during recruitment periods.

The City of Ottawa is committed to advancing equity, diversity and inclusion in every aspect of its work, including the appointment process and appointments to public member committees. As such, the City urges Indigenous and racialized persons, persons with disabilities, and women and gender diverse persons to apply when recruitment is open, and to include, on a voluntary basis, how their lived experience and perspectives strengthen their application in this regard.


Most public member positions are non-remunerated volunteer roles. Participants may be eligible for re-imbursement of some out-of-pocket expenses pursuant to the Advisory Committee Participation Expense Policy. Information on specific committees’ and boards’ honoraria and/or per diems is posted during recruitment periods.

Selection Process

Council and Committee Services, part of the Office of the City Clerk, is responsible for supporting the recruitment of public members for committees and boards. Applications are collected and provided to the Selection Panels.

Each committee and board has a Selection Panel. Each is comprised of Councillors and the Mayor or his designate. They are responsible for reviewing applications and making recommendations to Council on who to appoint as public members based on the Appointment Policy.

The Selection Panel Members for each committee and board for the 2022-2026 Term of Council were appointed at the December 14, 2022 Council meeting(link is external). The Selection Panels for the French Language Services Advisory Committee and the Planning Advisory Committee were appointed at the July 12, 2023 Council meeting(link is external).  The Selection Panels for the Community Safety and Well-being Advisory Committee  were appointed at the January 29, 2025 Council meeting(link is external). Applicants may reference the Council minutes and reports for more information. Note that City staff, rather than a Selection Panel of Councillors, makes the appointment to the Para Transpo Eligibility Appeals Panel and the Ottawa Investment Board.

All applications are held on file for the 2022-2026 Term of Council. If applicants are not appointed initially, they may be contacted later in the Term if a vacancy arises, if they wish to be considered at that time.

How to apply

An online application form is available during recruitment periods. 

Subscribe for notices of future recruitment

The next recruitment drive is anticipated to occur in late 2024. Recruitment drives are also usually held at the beginning of each Term of Council, and at mid-Term. 

If you wish to be notified of the next recruitment drive, please sign up for the “Recruitment – Committees and Boards” newsletter using the City’s eSubscription sign up form(link is external). Notices are sent through this distribution list at the beginning of each recruitment drive.

For more information: Contact Eric Pelot at 613-580-2424, ext. 22953, (TTY: 613-580-2401) or by email at opens email application)

Appointment Policy – Council-Appointed Public Members of Committees, Boards and other External Authorities

Approved By: City Council
Approval Date: March 28, 2001
Effective Date: March 28, 2001
Revision Approved By: City Council
Revision/Review Date: December 9, 2020; December 7, 2022; January 29, 2025

Policy statement

The Appointment Policy governs the recruitment and selection process for all Council-appointed public members to various City of Ottawa committees, boards, task forces, sub-committees, commissions and quasi-judicial committees, as well as external boards and commissions.


The City of Ottawa is committed to equitable and inclusive participation of the public in boards and committees and other bodies that govern and inform its work.

The City of Ottawa is committed to increasing meaningful and substantive representation by focusing on activities that will promote engagement with a diversity of communities to serve as members on City committees, boards, task forces, sub-committees, commissions and quasi-judicial committees, as well as external boards and commissions.

To encourage participation, the City will adopt proactive communications, policies and focused recruitment strategies that align with the City’s Accessibility Policy, Women and Gender Equity Strategy, and Anti-Racism Strategy. This proactive approach is adopted with the purpose of reflecting Ottawa’s diverse demography inclusive of Indigenous peoples, members of Black and other racialized communities, persons with disabilities, women, gender diverse people, members of the 2SLGBTQQIA+ communities, Francophones, as well as French speakers, and speakers of other language groups, and people from rural and urban locations.


  1. The following policy requirements apply for the public member appointments by City Council to City committees, boards, task forces, sub-committees, commissions and quasi-judicial committees, as well as external boards and commissions where Council is required to make such appointments.
  2. This policy shall not apply to incorporated boards where the City is the sole-shareholder (such as Hydro, Ottawa Community Housing Corporation,) or to boards where the Mayor is delegated the authority to make nominations (such as the Ottawa Airport Authority).
  3. Certain provisions of this policy may not apply where they conflict with the requirements set out in legislation, including but not limited to the Public Libraries Act, Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 and the Conservation Authorities Act. It should also be noted that the Diversity Plan for City Council appointments to the Ottawa Police Service Board and this policy also apply to Council’s appointment or reappointment of a public member to the Ottawa Police Service Board in accordance with the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019.

Policy requirements

A. Qualifications of Members

  1. All Council-appointees must be residents of the City of Ottawa and must maintain this qualification during their term of office.
  2. All Council-appointees must be at least 18 years of age.
  3. Employees of the City of Ottawa are not eligible for positions as public members on any City committee or board where Council is required to make such appointments.

B. Term of Office

  1. The term of office is generally two or four years and membership is tied to the Term of Council.  Members are eligible to serve up to eight consecutive years on the same committee or board subject to sections B.2, B.3 and B.5 of this policy. For example, a member may serve two consecutive four-year terms. A member could also serve a two-year term, followed by a four-year term, followed by another two-year term.
  2. A person appointed to fill a partially completed term is appointed to the end of that term of office. Such a member, if initially appointed for one year or less, may be eligible for reappointment(s) for up to eight additional years.
  3. Applicants are required to sit out at least one year after serving eight consecutive years, before being eligible for reappointment on the same committee or board, although they may apply to serve on another Committee or board during that time.
  4. Those members who wish to be reappointed to an additional term must reapply and go through the approved selection process.
  5. Public members may serve on only one committee or board at any one time.
  6. Terms of office, qualifications and membership on some external boards, commissions and authorities or quasi-judicial committees may differ as specifically outlined in their governing statutes or by-laws, which would take precedence over this policy.
  7. The restriction on term limits does not apply to appointments to Conservation Authorities (Report ACS2006-CRS-CCB-0005 approved by Council January 25, 2006).
  8. Members may continue to serve on a committee/board past the expiration of their term until they are re-appointed or replaced (subject to the end-of-term governance review).
  9. Members of any Advisory Committee shall attend at least one orientation session, which includes an overview of equity, anti-racism, gender equity inclusion and accessibility, and participate in any mandatory training as may be required by Council.
  10. Members of any Advisory Committee must read and sign the Advisory Committee members’ Code of Conduct.

 C. Composition

  1. The membership of City committees, boards, task forces, sub-committees, commissions and quasi-judicial committees, as well as external boards and commissions shall, as much as possible, achieve a balance between a variety of technical expertise, professional and lived experiences, knowledge and other representation.
  2. As much as possible, the membership should reflect the diversity and demographics of the City of Ottawa in such areas as Indigeneity, disability, gender, francophones and other languages, geographic representation and race.
  3. Appointments should be undertaken with a view to achieving the City of Ottawa’s goal to have a 50 per cent representation of women and/or non-binary people, and to have representation from other equity deserving groups including those who identify as Indigenous, Black, racialized, People with disabilities, and 2SLGBTQ+ individuals on all City Advisory Committees.

D. Recruitment

  1. The recruitment for the City’s committees, boards, task forces, sub-committees, commissions and quasi-judicial committees, as well as external boards and commissions for which members are required, shall be held early in each Term of Council and, if required, at approximately mid-term.
  2. The principles of equity and inclusion for all candidates shall be adopted and implemented by offering clear application deadlines, an inclusive campaign strategy, and selection process with build-in bias awareness, and interviewing procedures using the same questions and same evaluation criteria for all candidates, while integrating inclusive practices to accommodate diverse communication needs and styles.
  3. The recruitment and selection process for public members will include advertisements for interested applicants placed by the Office of the City Clerk, in the daily and/or weekly community newspapers in accordance with the City’s advertising policy as well as on the City’s website. Advertisements will also be distributed throughout Client Service Centres, libraries, and other City and community facilities as resources permit. In addition, an effort will be made to tailor the recruitment process specifically, but not exclusively, to reach community organizations that support diverse members from Indigenous, Black and other racialized communities. The recruitment process may also be targeted to groups that might have qualifications relevant to specific committees. For example, professional associations for architects, professional planners, and lawyers may be targeted, as well as related affinity groups.
  4. The advertisements may include the following information:
    1. Function or brief mandate statement of the entities for which recruitment is taking place;
    2. Frequency and time of meetings and where possible any other expectations for participation of members;
    3. City policies that guide the selection process or the operation of the Committee;
    4. Anticipated time commitment;
    5. Information on how to submit an application;
    6. Requesting applicants apply only for the committees/boards they wish to serve on rather than applying to all;
    7. Indication that an individual can be appointed to serve on only one committee, board, task force, sub-committee, commission or quasi-judicial committee, external board or commission at a time.
    8. The opportunity to have accommodation provided in accordance with human rights or applicable legislation.
  5. Applications:
    1. All applications must outline how the applicant's qualifications, specific skills, interests and background are relevant to the committee.  Applicants may include a written or video statement of work, life and educational experience and/or a resume, but are not required to do so.
    2. All applications will be sent to the Office of the City Clerk to be processed.
    3. All applications will be acknowledged by the Office of the City Clerk.
    4. An initial screening of applications will be conducted.  Only those meeting the qualifications set out in Section A will be brought forward to the next stage.
    5. All applications must be received by the published deadline in order to be considered.
    6. Applicants shall be encouraged to apply for only the committees/boards they wish to serve on rather than applying to many or all.
    7. Should an applicant choose to apply to more than one committee/board, they will be requested to prioritize their preferences.
    8. All applications received during a Term of Council will be held on file for the remainder of that Term of Council.
  6. Selection:
    1. At the outset of each new term of Council, City Council, upon recommendation of the Nominating Committee will appoint a minimum of two members of Council to sit on each Selection Panel to review applications and make recommendations to Council. If necessary throughout the term of Council, the applicable Standing Committee or the Nominating Committee will recommend Selection Panel members to City Council.
    2. The Committee Coordinator for the Committee will provide advice and assistance to the Selection Panel, including provision of resources to support bias-awareness in the selection process.
    3. Each Selection Panel may meet to determine selection criteria based on the specific expertise and experiences needed by the committee, board, external board or commission and the need to reflect the community as detailed under the entity's composition; prepare questions including questions on equity, diversity and inclusion to be asked of each candidate during interviews, and review applications based on these criteria to determine which applicants will be interviewed. It is recommended that each Selection Panel to conduct interviews when considering the appointment of new candidates to a committee or board, as well as those who may be applying for re-appointment. If the Selection Panel elects to proceed with interviews, all applicants considered for appointment must be interviewed, including those applying for re-appointment.
    4. The Selection Panel shall recommend appointments and may recommend a list of reserve members.
    5. In the case of a vacancy during the term, the selection panel may, with a view to maintaining the appropriate demographic and skill balance on the committee as whole:
      1. Select a Council-appointed reserve member (under its delegated authority), and/ or
      2. Recommend that Council appoint any candidate who submitted an application during the current Term of Council.
    6. The Office of the City Clerk shall forward the Selection Panel recommendations through a public report to the relevant Standing Committee and/ or Council.
    7. The Office of the City Clerk shall advise all applicants of the status of their applications, and publish the appointments on the City’s website: Committees and Boards | City of Ottawa.
    8. Should the Selection Panel receive insufficient applications to fill the number of vacancies, the Selection Panel may request that the Office of the City Clerk carry out additional recruitment, extend the application deadline of an ongoing recruitment, and/or undertake a targeted recruitment process that includes outreach to specific organizations.

E. Attendance

  1. Any member of a City committee, board, task force, sub-committee, commission, quasi-judicial committee, external board or commission who is absent from two (2) consecutive regularly scheduled meetings of the committee, shall be contacted by the committee/board Coordinator to confirm their commitment, and offer any relevant accommodations as required so they can fulfill their commitment.
  2. Should the member miss another consecutive meeting, without being authorized to do so by a resolution of the Committee, the seat shall be declared vacant and the selection panel shall choose a qualified reserve member for that committee/board to fill the vacancy.
  3. If no reserve members remain to fill the position, then the seat shall remain vacant until the next recruitment process.  Recruitment shall only be undertaken at another time than the normal process if the number of members on the committee falls to one above quorum, or there is a need to fill vacancies on numerous committees/boards in that the associated costs and staff resources are justified.
  4. For record and information purposes, the Committee Coordinator will prepare and distribute an "Information Previously Distributed" memorandum to the applicable Standing Committee noting the appointment of the reserve member as a full voting member.

F. Subcommittees/Working Groups

  1. City advisory committees and boards may create subcommittees or working groups to work on specific areas of their mandate.
  2. At least one third of the subcommittee’s or working group’s members must also be a voting committee members of the main committee or board.
  3. Minimal administrative support will be provided to subcommittees and is limited to booking rooms and the provision of material if necessary.


The Office of the City Clerk is responsible for the administration of appointments to Advisory Committees, Boards and Task Forces, and External Boards, Commissions and Authorities, in accordance with this policy. This includes administering requests for accommodation.

Selection Panels are responsible for reviewing and make recommendations to Council in accordance with this policy.


Failure to comply with this policy may result in inconsistent response, coordination and appointment of public members on City of Ottawa committees, boards, task forces, sub-committees, commissions and quasi-judicial committees, as well as external boards and commissions. Inconsistent application may hinder the objectives of open, accessible and impartial practice with respect to public member appointments.


Diversity Plan for City Council appointments to the Ottawa Police Service Board

Legislative and Administrative Authorities

2018-2022 Council Governance Review (ACS2018-CCS-GEN-0028) as approved by City Council December 5, 2018

2018-2022 Mid-term Governance Review (ACS2020-OCC-GEN-0006) as approved by City Council on December 9, 2020

2022-2026 Council Governance Review (ACS2022-OCC-GEN-0030) as approved by City Council on December 7, 2022

2022-2026 Mid-term Governance Review (ACS2025-OCC-GEN-0001) as approved by City Council on January 29, 2025

Recordkeeping requirements

As per the Records Management Policy, Official Business Records generated as a result of the execution of this policy must be declared as such in the appropriate SharePoint site, RMS (Records Management System) or approved business system.




Enquiries should be directed to:

Office of the City Clerk
City of Ottawa
110 Laurier Avenue, West
Ottawa, Ontario  K1P 1J1
Tel: (613) 580-2424 ext. 28136 opens email application)



Diversity Plan for City Council appointments to the Ottawa Police Service Board

Approved by: City Council
Approval date: January 29, 2025

A. Background

This Diversity Plan is meant to ensure that the members of the Ottawa Police Service Board appointed by Ottawa City Council are representative of the diversity of the population in the City of Ottawa, in accordance with Subsection 28(1) of the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019.

This plan shall be considered in any appointment or reappointment by Council of a member of the Ottawa Police Service Board. Specifically, Subsection 33(1) of the act states that, “In appointing or reappointing a member of a police service board, the appointing person or body shall consider,

(a) the need to ensure that the police service board is representative of the area it serves, having regard for the diversity of the population in the area;
(b) the need for the police service board to have members with the prescribed competencies, if any; and
(c)any applicable diversity plan.”

B. Application

This Diversity Plan applies to all Council appointments and reappointments to the Ottawa Police Service Board. In accordance with composition requirements under Section 31 of the act, and depending on the size of the board, Council appointments will include:

  1. One or more Members of Council appointed by resolution of Council (One Member for a five-member board, two Members for a seven-member board, and three Members for a nine-member board);
  2. If the Mayor chooses not to be or is ineligible to be a member of the board, another Member of Council who is appointed by resolution of Council (otherwise the Mayor is automatically appointed as an ex officio member); and
  3. One person appointed by resolution of Council, who is neither a Member of Council nor a City employee (the “public member”).

This plan supplements any other policy and legislative requirements that may apply to an Ottawa Police Service Board appointment or reappointment.

Use of this Diversity Plan

To ensure compliance with statutory requirements, this Diversity Plan shall be provided to all decision-making bodies for consideration in any process to appoint or reappoint a Member of Council or public member to the Ottawa Police Service Board, as applicable. This includes but is not limited to the following, as applicable:

  • All members of the Nominating Committee established in accordance with the Procedure By-law.
  • All members of a selection panel established in accordance with the Appointment Policy.
  • All Members of City Council, which is the statutory appointing body that is required to consider this Diversity Plan in accordance with Subsection 33(1)(c) of the act, as set out in Section A.

City staff who administer the appointment process for a public member in accordance with the Appointment Policy (undertaking, for example, matters such as outreach, recruitment, communications, initial application screening, providing support to decision- making bodies, and writing relevant reports) must also consider the requirements of this plan in any applicable activities.

Additional requirements are provided in Section D of this plan.

C. Legislative requirements relating to diversity and representation on police service boards

This Diversity Plan is required under Subsection 28(1) of the act, which provides that every municipality that maintains a municipal police service board “shall prepare and, by resolution, approve a diversity plan to ensure that the members of the municipal board appointed by the council are representative of the diversity of the population in the municipality.” Subsections 28(2) to 28(4) of the act provide requirements with respect to publishing, reviewing and reporting on the diversity plan, as noted in Section E of this plan.

The act includes other provisions regarding the need for a police service board to be representative of the area it serves, having regard for the diversity of the population in the area. These provisions include as follows:

  • Section 1 states that policing shall be provided throughout Ontario in accordance with various principles, including, “The need to ensure that police services and police service boards are representative of the communities they serve.”
  • Subsection 29(1) provides that, “If the need to appoint a new member of a police service board by resolution of a municipality is reasonably foreseeable, the municipality shall take reasonable steps to promote the availability of the appointment, having regard to the need to ensure that police service boards are representative of the communities they serve.”
  • Subsection 33(1) sets out specific matters an appointing body is required to consider in any appointment or reappointment, including representation and diversity, as noted in Section A of this plan. 

D. Diversity Plan requirements

Appointment of Members of Council to the Ottawa Police Service Board

Processes to appoint a Member of Council to the Ottawa Police Service Board may include but not be limited to the following:

  • The Nominating Committee process at the beginning of a term of Council, as set out in sections 94 and 95 of the Procedure By-law. All Members of Council receive a survey requesting their preferences for appointments to various bodies, including the Ottawa Police Service Board. The Nominating Committee reviews the information and makes recommendations to Council.
  • A survey (for example, a memorandum or circulation of interest) used to identify potential appointees based on interest if a vacancy arises during the term of Council.

The following measures are meant to ensure that Members of Council are aware of statutory requirements related to diversity and representation, and to encourage Members representative of the diversity of the City’s population to express interest in a position on the board so that they may be considered for an appointment in accordance with all other applicable considerations and requirements:

  • This Diversity Plan will be provided to all Members of Council in orientation materials at the beginning of their term of office;
  • Matters Council is required to consider in making an appointment or reappointment under Subsection 33(1) of the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019, will be noted in any survey, memorandum or circulation of interest provided to Members regarding an appointment opportunity, and in any relevant reports to Nominating Committee and/or Council.
Appointment of public members to the Ottawa Police Service Board

The Appointment Policy applies to Council’s appointment or reappointment of a public member to the Ottawa Police Service Board. The policy governs the recruitment and selection process for all Council-appointed public members to various City committees, boards, task forces, sub-committees, commissions and quasi-judicial committees, as well as external boards and commissions. The Appointment Policy generally provides for Council to establish a selection panel composed of at least two Members of Council to review applications and make recommendations to Council.

Provisions within the Appointment Policy and other considerations described below would ensure that public members of the Ottawa Police Service Board appointed by Council are representative of the diversity of the population in the City of Ottawa.

Appointment Policy

The Appointment Policy includes various provisions that address diversity and representation. For example, the Purpose section of the policy states as follows:

“The City of Ottawa is committed to equitable and inclusive participation of the public in boards and committees and other bodies that govern and inform its work.

The City of Ottawa is committed to increasing meaningful and substantive representation by focusing on activities that will promote engagement with a diversity of communities to serve as members on City committees, boards, task forces, sub-committees, commissions and quasi-judicial committees, as well as external boards and commissions.

To encourage participation, the City will adopt proactive communications, policies and focused recruitment strategies that align with the City’s Accessibility Policy, Women and Gender Equity Strategy, and Anti-Racism Strategy. This proactive approach is adopted with the purpose of reflecting Ottawa’s diverse demography inclusive of Indigenous peoples, members of Black and other racialized communities, persons with disabilities, women, gender diverse people, members of the 2SLGBTQQIA+ communities, Francophones, as well as French speakers, and speakers of other language groups, and people from rural and urban locations.”

The Appointment Policy also sets out specific membership composition-related requirements, including that:

  • The membership of City committees, boards, task forces, sub-committees, commissions and quasi-judicial committees, as well as external boards and commissions shall, as much as possible, achieve a balance between a variety of technical expertise, professional and lived experiences, knowledge and other representation; and
  • As much as possible, the membership should reflect the diversity and demographics of the City of Ottawa in such areas as Indigeneity, disability, gender, francophones and other languages, geographic representation and race.

With respect to recruitment, the Appointment Policy includes as follows:

  • The principles of equity and inclusion for all candidates shall be adopted and implemented by offering clear application deadlines, an inclusive campaign strategy, and selection process with build-in bias awareness, and interviewing procedures using the same questions and same evaluation criteria for all candidates, while integrating inclusive practices to accommodate diverse communication needs and styles.
  • The recruitment and selection process for public members will include advertisements for interested applicants placed by the Office of the City Clerk, in the daily and/or weekly community newspapers in accordance with the City’s advertising policy as well as on the City’s website. Advertisements will also be distributed throughout Client Service Centres, libraries, and other City and community facilities as resources permit. In addition, an effort will be made to tailor the recruitment process specifically, but not exclusively, to reach community organizations that support diverse members from Indigenous, Black and other racialized communities. The recruitment process may also be targeted to groups that might have qualifications relevant to specific committees. For example, professional associations for architects, professional planners, and lawyers may be targeted, as well as related affinity groups.
Other considerations

As part of the appointment process for the public member of the Ottawa Police Service Board, City staff administering the process will also consider whether additional measures may be implemented to assist in ensuring that the members appointed by Council are representative of the diversity of the population in the City, such as:

  • Improving outreach and messaging to diversity- and equity-seeking groups and partners, noting requirements under Subsection 29(1) of the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 relating to promotion of the availability of reasonably foreseeable appointments, as set out in Section C.
  • Improving content and plain language of recruitment communications to make the recruitment process more approachable and accessible to more residents with a variety of lived experiences.
  • Improving application forms and application data through measures such as optional self-identification questions in the application form to allow applicants to disclose gender, indigeneity, race, disability, orientation, and newcomer status. This information may be made available to selection panel members to increase the number of appointees from equity and diversity-seeking groups.
  • Supporting selection panels to view the selection process with a race, gender and equity lens.

Staff may also undertake additional consultation with Gender and Race Equity, Inclusion, Indigenous Relations and Social Development Services, and Public Information and Media Relations as part of the appointment process.

E. Publication, review and reports

Subsections 28(2) to 28(4) of the act require the following with respect to this Diversity Plan:

  • The plan shall be published on the Internet in accordance with the regulations made by the Minister, if any.
  • The City shall review and, if appropriate, revise the plan at least once every four years.
  • The City shall publish reports on the implementation of the plan on the Internet in accordance with the regulations made by the Minister, if any.

This Diversity Plan will be proactively posted to, subject to any specific requirements provided by any regulations. The plan will be reviewed every two years through the City’s regular Governance Review process. Any reports on the implementation of the plan will be published online in accordance with any regulations.