Before you begin
Before you begin
Read through this process completely before beginning your online application and make sure you have all the required information ready.
- A complete application must include the support material listed below.
- Support material may be written in English or French.
- Files must be saved in a format compatible with Windows 10.
- To format a PDF document, utilize “Save as” or “Export” from a Word or similar text-based document.
Have your content ready for inputting as the submission form does not save your information if you leave or refresh the page.
Support material
Support material
Save the items 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 that follow as one portable document format (PDF) file.
1. Description of intended studio practice
- 500 words maximum
- Describe the type of studio project(s) you intend to pursue during your ASP term and the impact your engagement with the arts community and public would have on your artistic practice.
2. Artist statement
- 500 words maximum
- Outline your artistic practice, thematic trends and approach to art-making.
3. References
Up to three references from individuals who can attest to your ongoing art practice. Include name, phone number, email address.
4. Artistic resumé
Two pages or 750 words maximum per artist.
5. Image/media list
- One page maximum
- List the following information about each image/media file included in your application:
- artist’s name,
- artwork title,
- date,
- material and support,
- dimensions, and
- duration of artwork (if applicable).
- Indicate which image we can use for promotions if your application is successful.
6. Digital image files and time-based media files
Upload six digital image files or six minutes total of media content (or a combination of both for a total of six units) that support the proposal statement and follow the guidelines listed below.
- Applicants who wish to include a combination of digital images and media files:
- send six files maximum with no more than six minutes of content total.
- For each minute of video/audio content, remove one digital image. Send three jpg images and one video file that is three minutes long or send three jpgs and three video files that are one minute long each.
Strict adherence to the naming convention outlined below is necessary for images to be uploaded into our database and successfully viewed during the peer assessment committee meeting. Failure to adhere to this format may render your file unusable.
Image files must be:
- Saved as JPG at 72 dpi and no larger than 1 MB each.
- Named with the corresponding image, list number, title, date, medium and dimensions, each separated by an underscore. Do not leave a space before or after the underscore. File names must not exceed 150 characters. The format for naming image files is 01_ArtworkTitle_year_medium_dimensions.jpg.
- Examples:
- 01_The Valley_2020_graphite, acrylic and metal_96 x 106 inches.jpg
- 02_Untitled 3 detail_2022_chromogenic print on paper_206 x 122 cm.jpg
- 03_Installation at ASP Gallery_2023_mixed media_variable dimensions.jpg
Time-based media files must be:
- Shared using a web link to each video or audio file. If the web link does not work, the content will not be viewed.
- Cued to the excerpt you want presented to the committee (or provide detailed cue instructions in the description field).
Support material that requires specialized software, plug-ins, extensions, or other executables that need to be downloaded or installed will not be reviewed. Applicants are responsible for testing support materials to ensure readability.
Submit your application
Submit your application
Have you
- read all of the information on this page and on the Call for proposals?
- prepared support material?
You are ready to use the online application form.
Application assistance
Application assistance
Contact the Artist Studio Program. We are available to help you prepare your application in the following ways:
- discuss application requirements,
- answer any questions about the application and evaluation process.