Significant Weather Event

The Significant Weather Event remains in effect due to the large volume of snow on the transportation network and continued cleanup efforts. Stay up to date on the latest information.

Winston Chandelier

Adrian Göllner et Joanna Swim
Mixed media
Powder-coated aluminum
Collection number
Art at parks
Art in the street


Winston Chandelier depicts imagery from the Westboro neighbourhood in an unofficial coat-of-arms. Inspired by the natural environment and local institutions surrounding Winston Plaza, Winston Chandelier acts as a place-marker, one that reminds us of our role as stewards and the importance of community.

Winston Chandelier is a large, bold and fanciful chandelier constructed from laser-cut stainless steel panels fitted into a hexagon, surrounding a light fixture in the centre. The bright red beacon illuminates Winston Square and features silhouettes of flora and fauna identified with the Westboro area, including the Spotted Turtle and Small Mouth Bass. The bracket supporting the chandelier represents the branch of a Mountain Ash tree, and suspends the artwork over the dining space created by the plaza development project.

Artists Adrian Göllner and Joanna Swim live and work in Ottawa. Göllner’s artworks have exhibited extensively across Canada and the United States, and are in both public and private collections. Swim is an art teacher as well as practicing artist, who has exhibited throughout the city in both group and solo exhibitions.


Winston Plaza