Toolkit for businesses in rural Ottawa

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Toolkit for businesses in rural Ottawa

The Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development Department (PRED) of the City of Ottawa undertook the development of a Rural Economic Development Strategy which was approved by Council in the spring of 2020. One of the key recommendations of the Strategy was to give business owners, managers, and entrepreneurs ready access to information on programs and services to facilitate and support the creation, expansion, and success of businesses in rural Ottawa.

Toolkit for businesses in rural Ottawa [ PDF 2.319 MB ]

The Department prepared this toolkit of programs to be employed by rural residents to build and strengthen the rural economy in answer to that identified need.

Rural Ottawa was identified in the City's economic development strategy as one its four pillars of focus, along with the tourism sector, the small business sector focused on local markets and the knowledge intensive business sector.

PRED is committed to working with business owners/operators to realize opportunities for job creation and business expansion in rural Ottawa. This toolkit may be seen as a step forward. If you have any questions on the toolkit or ideas to enhance it, please let us know.

You may contact Economic Development directly at .