Our partners

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Partner With Us

The City often collaborates with organizations across the public, private, and non-profit sectors to drive economic growth and job creation across Ottawa.

We are always looking to develop new partnerships and explore new opportunities that help advance our focus areas and the economic prosperity of the city.

If you are interested in collaborating with us please contact the managers of the High Economic Impact Programs and Projects Branch

Sheilagh Doherty
Program Manager
Email: Sheilagh.Doherty@ottawa.ca(link opens email application)
Telephone: 613-580-2424 X41299

Cindy VanBuskirk
Program Manager
Email: Cindy.vanbuskirk@ottawa.ca(link opens email application)
Telephone: 613-580-2424 X28355

Invest Ottawa

Invest Ottawa delivers economic development programs and initiatives that increase entrepreneurial momentum, wealth and jobs in the City of Ottawa and its surrounding region. Its goal is to make Ottawa the most innovative City in Canada. Invest Ottawa services include start-up incubation and mentorship, acceleration for existing companies, global business attraction and local business retention, targeted sector development, commercialization, and marketing Ottawa’s diversified economy and high quality of life.

For further information, please visit the website.(link is external)

Bayview Yards

Bayview Yards is a dynamic and energized hub that serves as basecamp for some of our greatest homegrown technology talent, capabilities and companies. It is the ultimate one-stop business acceleration shop and ‘mash-up’ of technical, business and market services, resources and expertise that helps entrepreneurs and companies launch, grow and thrive, and compete with anyone in the world.

Leveraging $38 million from the City of Ottawa, the Province of Ontario and the Government of Canada through FedDev Ontario, and more than $1.3 million from founding sponsors, Bayview Yards brings together many organizations that provide services and support to entrepreneurs and firms – all under one roof. And it is home to our anchor tenant, Invest Ottawa, which delivers its economic development programs from this home, and works with fellow academic, public and private sector program delivery partners to create an even more dynamic hotbed of innovation in our region.

For further information, please visit the website.(link is external)

Marchés d’Ottawa Markets

Marchés d’Ottawa Markets, a Municipal Services Corporation (MSC), assumed management and operations of the ByWard and Parkdale Markets on January 1, 2018. They act as the operator of the ByWard and Parkdale Markets who undertake the promotion, event programming, management and leasing of the Parkdale Market Stands, George Street Plaza Gateway Stands and the commercial retail spaces located at 55 ByWard Market Square and 70 Clarence Street.

The ByWard Market operates year-round and consists of more than 250 outdoor vendor stalls, approximately 25 rental units/stalls at 55 ByWard Market Square and 7 vendor rental units located within the municipal garage at 70 Clarence St.

The Parkdale Market is open from the last Monday in April through the end of the first Monday in November annually and is comprised of 57 outdoor vendor stalls.

Marchés d’Ottawa Markets was established under legislative authority of the Ontario Municipal Act and exists as a Not for Profit organization under the control of City Council, the sole member of the corporation. As such, the Service and Asset Management Agreement provides that the Mayor and Councillors are ex-officio Members for so long as they serve as Mayor and Councillor for the City of Ottawa 

Marchés d’Ottawa Markets is governed by an independent Board of Directors, which includes the Director of Economic Development and Long-Range Planning as an ex-officio member. The City supports Marchés d’Ottawa Markets through a liaison function in Economic Development Services.

Enquiries about Marchés d’Ottawa Markets should be directed to 613-244-4410 or info@OttawaMarkets.com(link opens email application)

For more information, contact:

Jillian Savage, Planner III
Telephone: 613-580-2424, ext. 14970
Email: Jillian.Savage@ottawa.ca(link opens email application)
110 Laurier Avenue West

Business Improvement Areas (BIAs)/ Ottawa Coalition of Business Improvement Areas (OCOBIA)

BIAs - Overview

Ottawa’s Business Improvement Areas include some of the city’s most vibrant commercial districts. BIAs are formed when local business and property owners join together on specific initiatives that will result in a stronger and more competitive commercial main street or business district. With the City’s support, BIAs organize, finance and execute local improvements and promotional events. BIA activities include:

  • Marketing: Promoting the commercial area using a variety of marketing and communication tools to increase awareness and customer visits. 
  • Business recruitment: Working with property owners to ensure available rental space is occupied and the area achieves an optimum business, retail and service mix. 
  • Streetscape improvement: Advocating for customer-friendly public realm amenities including lighting, signage, street furniture, planters, banners and sidewalk treatment.  
  • Seasonal decorations: Creating a unique and pleasant customer experience through the use of seasonal décor.
  • Special events: Organizing and partnering on special events that highlight the unique attributes of the area and increase customer visits.


The OCOBIA functions as the collective voice of Ottawa’s 19 BIAs. OCOBIA provides a central point of communication, collaboration, guidance and influence between the BIAs and various City of Ottawa departments. OCOBIA advocates on behalf of BIAs on issues of concern to the BIAs and their members.

For further information on BIAs or OCOBIA, please contact:

Mike Bureau
Economic Development Officer
613-580-2424, ext. 22441
Mike.Bureau5@ottawa.ca(link opens email application)

Ottawa Tourism

Ottawa Tourism(link is external) is the Destination Marketing Organization for Ottawa and the surrounding region. The organization promotes the city and its tourism assets and experiences regionally, nationally and internationally to increase visitation and enhance economic impact for the industry and its membership. Ottawa Tourism also leads destination development and manages the Major Events Office whose mandate is to attract significant sport and cultural events to Ottawa.

Ottawa Film Office

The Ottawa Film Office(link is external) (OFO) is a not-for-profit organization that supports the development and growth of the city’s film, television and animation industry. The organization facilitates filming in Ottawa, coordinates permits and promotes the region as a preferred industry destination.

Ottawa Music Industry Coalition

The Ottawa Music Industry Coalition(link is external) (OMIC) is a not-for-profit, membership-based organization dedicated to growing the city’s music industry for the benefit of its artists, businesses, and the city as a whole. The organization is committed to working with partners to develop audiences for Ottawa music, support the development of the region’s artists, entrepreneurs and other music professionals, build Ottawa’s music networks and advocate for the local industry.

Rural Business Organizations

The City of Ottawa is distinct in that it features a large agricultural base with an agricultural economy larger than any major city in Canada, with rural land comprising over 90 per cent of its land area. Agriculture is clearly a key element of Ottawa’s economy, representing 10,021 jobs (2.5 per cent of the city’s labour force). There are a variety of key organizations and associations that assist rural businesses in the marketing and promotion of the larger agricultural and tourism sectors. They include:

Ottawa’s Countryside

Ottawa’s Countryside(link is external) is a grassroots organization whose goal is to effectively market and promote one of Ottawa’s fastest-growing industries — the rural tourism industry. Some of the benefits of being part of a larger network of tourism operators include the ability to cost-effectively market the tourism industry as a whole, as well as develop projects and initiatives, such as a webpage devoted specifically to rural tourism in Ottawa, a rural tourism signage program and a rural tourism day drive map.

Rural Ontario Institute

The Rural Ontario Institute(link is external) was created through an amalgamation of the Centre for Rural Leadership and the Ontario Rural Council in April 2010. Its mission is to be a catalyst for dialogue, collaboration and action on issues facing rural Ontario and deliver leadership training and development to ensure that rural contributes to a healthy vibrant Ontario.

Rideau Chamber of Commerce

The Rideau Chamber of Commerce(link is external) is a member organization for businesses in the Rideau area, fostering and supporting private enterprise, economic vitality and stability and providing a forum for idea exchange. The Rideau Chamber of Commerce offers benefits for businesses of all sizes and works to assist community development.

Vars and Area Women’s Business Network

The Vars and Area Women's Business Network(link is external) (VAWBN) founded in 1998, represents a wide variety of businesses that network and support each other. Members are from Vars and surrounding rural areas, as well as Orleans and Ottawa. Members meet the last Wednesday of the month and can also attend breakfast meetings the second Tuesday of the month. The group shares information on new products, services, tradeshow opportunities, seminars, new businesses in the area as well as other rural networking organizations. There are also frequent guest speakers presenting various topics.

Greely Business Association

The Greely Business Association, established in 2012, provides a strong, positive voice for businesspeople, effective leadership in matters of concern of the Greely community, and a common platform from which to pursue ongoing development of the Greely area as an increasingly relevant and sustainable business and shopping district.

Business Improvement Areas

Business Improvement Areas (BIAs) come into existence when local business and property owners join together to improve, promote and undertake projects that will result in a stronger and more competitive commercial main street or business district. With the City’s support, they organize, finance and complete local improvements and promotional events from their common location within a defined commercial area. Business Improvement Areas in rural Ottawa include the Manotick BIA(link is external) and Carp BIA(link is external).

Rural community recreation associations and organizations

Rural Ottawa has a strong network of community associations for residents which include recreation opportunities and special events

For more recreation and community resources within the City of Ottawa, refer to the Recreation and Culture Community Organizations page.

If you would like to add your rural community/recreation association to this page, or update your information, please send an email to ruralaffairs@ottawa.ca(link opens email application).

Post-Secondary Institutions

Ottawa is home to four major post-secondary institutions(link is external): the University of Ottawa(link is external), Carleton University(link is external), Algonquin College(link is external) and La Cité(link is external). Together these institutions enroll over 130,000 students annually with 20 per cent of students specializing in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). The region is also home to numerous technology institutes and professional schools, which offer unique and specialized skills training for the city’s dynamic labour market.

Ottawa Board of Trade

The Ottawa Board of Trade(link is external) is the single largest independent voice of business in Ottawa, representing over 1200 members and 30,000 employees across multiple sectors. The organization assists Ottawa companies of all sizes enhance their visibility and profile, and create new business opportunities through business partnerships, networking and educational events, award recognitions, publications, and innovative business practices.

The Regroupement des Gens d’Affaires (RGA) de la Capitale Nationale

The RGA is an organization that brings together businesses, entrepreneurs, young entrepreneurs, ethnocultural entrepreneurs and self-employed workers francophones and francophiles of the nation’s capital.

The RGA brings together economic players from the greater Ottawa region who share French as a common language. It is a community of Francophones and Francophiles who want to do business in French.

By organizing networking events, training and conferences, and giving access to relevant experts, information and resources, the RGA promotes economic growth of its members and the sustainability of their business.

When opportunities arise, the City of Ottawa's Economic Development Services work with the RGA to better understand the needs of Francophone businesses.

For more information, visit the RGA website(link is external).

National Capital Commission

The National Capital Commission(link is external) (NCC) is the federal Crown corporation dedicated to ensuring that Canada’s Capital is a dynamic and inspiring source of pride for all Canadians, and a legacy for generations to come. The NCC provides unique value in the Capital Region by fulfilling three specific roles: long-term planner of federal lands, principal steward of nationally significant public places, and creative partner committed to excellence in development and conservation.

Ottawa Cultural Alliance

The Ottawa Cultural Alliance (link is external)(OCA) works collaboratively to strategically address shared opportunities and challenges to advance Ottawa’s cultural sector. The Alliance comprises umbrella organizations including the AOE Arts Council(link is external), Council of Heritage Organizations in Ottawa, Heritage Ottawa(link is external), Ottawa Arts Council,(link is external) Ottawa Festivals Network(link is external), and Ottawa Museum Network(link is external).