Accessible feedback and service inquiries

Residents and visitors are invited to submit accessible feedback and service inquiries on the accessibility of the goods, services and facilities they receive or use at the City of Ottawa.

All feedback and inquiries are tracked and responded to as per the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (2005).

Before you begin

Please provide as much detail as you can about the good, service or inquiry you are referring to. This helps us to answer your question or respond to your feedback.


If there is a cost, it will be no more than the regular cost charged to other persons. You will be notified of the regular cost.



Submit feedback online by completing the Customer service feedback form


If you wish to file a complaint, submit feedback or if you have a disability-related service inquiry you can do so by visiting a Client Service Centre.

By Phone

By calling 3-1-1 (613-580-2400) / 613-580-2401(TTY)

By Email

By e-mailing

Please note that complaints may also be made through the corporate complaints process.