Ward maps and school board zones

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Ward boundaries

The City of Ottawa has 24 wards. A ward is a geographical area within the municipality that is represented by one City Councillor.

Ward boundaries for the 2022-2026 Term of Council

City Council approved the Ottawa Ward Boundary Review 2020 - Implementation Report(link is external) on October 13, 2021 which implemented the new ward boundary structure with one new ward and the renaming of six existing wards for the 2022-2026 Term of Council. The ward boundaries, names and numbers served as the basis for the administration of the 2022 Municipal Elections and the boundaries officially came into effect on November 15, 2022.

To confirm what ward you live in and who your Councillor is, you can search your address in the Find your ward and Councillor tool.

Ward boundaries for the 2026-2030 Term of Council

City Council approved the 2024 Ward Boundary Review(link is external) report on December 11, 2024 which amended the ward boundaries between Wards 6 Stittsville and 21 Rideau-Jock; Wards 9 Knoxdale-Merivale and 24 Barrhaven East; and Wards 11 Beacon Hill-Cyrville and 13 Rideau-Rockcliffe. The ward boundaries will serve as the basis for the administration of the 2026 Municipal Elections and will officially come into effect for the 2026-2030 Term of Council on November 15, 2026. All other ward boundaries remain the same at this time.

During the 2026 Municipal Elections, residents will be able to confirm their ward and the candidates they can vote for on ottawa.ca/vote.

Ward maps

School board zones

The City of Ottawa has four school boards for which it runs elections for School Board Trustee candidates:

  1. Ottawa Catholic School Board
  2. Ottawa-Carleton District School Board
  3. Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est
  4. Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario
Ottawa Catholic School Board
School zone Ward(s)
1 6, 20, 21
2 4, 5, 23
3 1, 19
4 3, 22, 24
5 2, 11
6 8, 9
7 7, 15
8 10, 18
9 16, 17
10 12, 13, 14
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board
School zone Ward(s)
1 5, 6, 21 
2 4, 23 
3 3, 24 
4 7, 15 
5 8, 9 
6 12, 13
7 20, 22 
8 1, 19 
9 17, 18 
10 14
11 10, 16 
12 2, 11 
Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est
School zone Ward(s)
4 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 23 
5 3, 9, 21, 22, 24 
6 12, 14, 15, 17 
7 2
8 19
9 1
10 10, 16, 18, 20 
11 11, 13 
Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario
School zone Ward(s)
6 1, 19 
7 2, 11 
8 10, 16, 20 
9 14, 15, 17, 18 
10 12, 13 
11 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 23  
12 3, 9, 21, 22, 24