Project overview
Project description
The City of Ottawa has initiated the design for upgrades to four (4) existing sanitary pump stations that were originally installed between 1989 and 1994 and located in Ward 7: Bay. Two (2) sanitary pump stations are located within Britannia Village Community and the remaining two (2) sanitary pump stations are within Carlington West-Glabar Park-McKellar Heights Community.
Project upgrade objective
The main objective of the project is to improve the resiliency and reliability of the operation of the four (4) flow-through sanitary pump stations located near the West Nepean Collector (WNC), the level of service (LOS) provided by the stations will be maintained throughout the rehabilitation and retrofit work.
All sanitary pump stations will be retrofitted to provide:
- One (1) duty and one (1) standby pump
- One (1) backup/emergency natural gas generator
- Updated electrical and instrumentation to current City of Ottawa Standards
- Other upgrades including process mechanical piping and ancillary equipment
General station operation
All four (4) sanitary pump stations operate as a sanitary sewer (also known as Flow Through) for many of the seasons (summer/fall/winter).
Descriptions, locations and general upgrades of each of the four (4) sanitary pump stations follow.
Anticipated project timing
Design assignment: completed
Construction commencement: spring 2022
Construction completion is anticipated in summer 2025.
Project budget
Approved project construction funds to date are approximately $8,000,000. Budget will be adjusted once the design is completed and prior to construction start date.
Accessibility is an important consideration for the City of Ottawa. The City makes every effort to provide access through and around construction sites. If you require a disability-related accommodation, please contact the project team listed below. Accessible formats(link is external) and communication supports are available, upon request.
The City of Ottawa is committed to safety in and around project sites. The project team continues to work closely with the industry and to comply with recommendations provided by municipal, provincial and federal health officials, as well as the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development.
Contact information
In the event of an emergency outside normal working hours on weekdays and weekends, please call the City of Ottawa at 3-1-1. For further information about this project, please contact the City’s Project Manager.
City of Ottawa Project Manager
Kris Matuszewski(link opens email application), P.Eng.
Senior Project Manager
Design and Construction – Facilities
100 Constellation Drive, Ottawa, ON K2G 6J8
Tel.: 613-580-2424, ext. 44172
Contract Administrator
William Bogaart(link opens email application), P.Eng.
Stantec Consulting Ltd.
Tel: 403-393-6654
Contractor Representative
Emal Sataar(link opens email application), Project Manager
Black & McDonald Ltd.
Tel.: 613-913-4202
Contract Administrator / On-Site Representative
Chris Buder(link opens email application)
Stantec Consulting Ltd.
Tel: 613-286-8139
Construction update - Lincoln Heights (February 2024)
Construction has been delayed due to the Hydro Ottawa strike and is expected to begin in early spring 2024.
What: This project will upgrade four existing ‘flow through’ sanitary wastewater pump stations located in the Bay Ward (Ward 7) to improve their operation and reliability. The flow through stations normally operate as a gravity sewer; however, they switch operation from a gravity sewer to a sanitary pump station once the downstream receiving sanitary trunk sewer is surcharged or overtaxed to prevent upstream basement flooding.
Improvements are required for reliability and resiliency as the current configuration requires regular maintenance and manual operation. The proposed upgrades include installing new backup generators required for emergency situations, replacing existing pumps with two new pumps (one duty and one standby/backup), updating electrical and instrumentation to current standard requirements and other miscellaneous improvements.
The first phase of work at the Lincoln Heights Sanitary Pump Station, completed in 2022 and 2023, included constructing concrete pads, installing a duct bank below the road and installing new electrical kiosks on the concrete pad.
The second phase of work will include installing the generator, replacing the pumps and making the necessary connections.
Why: Due to the age, condition and level of operation and maintenance required for the existing infrastructure and the lack of redundancy from basement sewer backup protection, the City will be proceeding with the completion of the work required to improve the reliability of these pumping stations. The project will upgrade each station to have redundancy in pumping (duty/standby configuration), resiliency in instrumentation monitoring and power and controls to reduce the likelihood of having a failure that could result in flooding.
When: The second phase of construction for the Lincoln Heights Sanitary Pump Station will commence in early Spring 2024, pending Hydro Ottawa power disconnection date.
Where: Lincoln Heights Sanitary Pump Station: easement between 219 and 225 Lincoln Heights Road. All proposed upgrades will be installed within City right of way or within existing legal City Utility Easement. Proposed backup generators will also be installed within City Park Land or City right of way.
Who: The City of Ottawa has retained the contractor, Black & McDonald Ltd., to complete the work.
Construction update - Pooler & Deschênes (February 2024)
Beginning in early Spring 2024, the City of Ottawa will resume construction at the Pooler and Deschênes Sanitary Pump Station.
What: This project will upgrade four existing ‘flow through’ sanitary wastewater pump stations located in the Bay Ward (Ward 7) to improve their operation and reliability. The flow through stations normally operate as a gravity sewer; however, they switch operation from a gravity sewer to a sanitary pump station once the downstream receiving sanitary trunk sewer is surcharged or overtaxed to prevent upstream basement flooding.
Improvements are required for reliability and resiliency as the current configuration requires regular maintenance and manual operation. The proposed upgrades include installing new backup generators required for emergency situations, replacing existing pumps with two new pumps (one duty and one standby/backup), updating electrical and instrumentation to current standard requirements and other miscellaneous improvements.
The first phase of work at the Pooler and Deschênes Sanitary Pump Station, completed in 2022 and 2023, included constructing concrete pads, installing a duct bank below the road and installing new electrical kiosks on the concrete pad.
The second phase of work will include installing the generator, replacing the pumps and making the necessary connections.
Why: Due to the age, condition and level of operation and maintenance required for the existing infrastructure and the lack of redundancy from basement sewer backup protection, the City will be proceeding with the completion of the work required to improve the reliability of these pumping stations. The project will upgrade each station to have redundancy in pumping (duty/standby configuration), resiliency in instrumentation monitoring and power and controls to reduce the likelihood of having a failure that could result in flooding.
When: The second phase of construction for the Pooler and Deschênes Sanitary Pump Station will commence in early Spring 2024, pending Hydro Ottawa power disconnection date.
Where: Pooler and Deschênes Sanitary Pump Station – 87 Pooler Avenue.
All proposed upgrades will be installed within City right of way or within existing legal City Utility Easement. Proposed backup generators will also be installed within City Park Land or City right of way.
Who: The City of Ottawa has retained the contractor, Black & McDonald Ltd., to complete the work.
Construction update - McEwen (February 2024)
Construction has been delayed due to the Hydro Ottawa strike and is expected to commence in early spring 2024.
What: This project will upgrade four existing ‘flow through’ sanitary wastewater pump stations located in the Bay Ward (Ward 7) to improve their operation and reliability. The flow through stations normally operate as a gravity sewer; however, they switch operation from a gravity sewer to a sanitary pump station once the downstream receiving sanitary trunk sewer is surcharged or overtaxed to prevent upstream basement flooding.
Improvements are required for reliability and resiliency as the current configuration requires regular maintenance and manual operation. The proposed upgrades include installing new backup generators required for emergency situations, replacing existing pumps with two new pumps (One Duty and One Standby/Backup), updating electrical and instrumentation to current standard requirements and other miscellaneous improvements.
The first phase of work at the McEwen Sanitary Pump Station, completed in 2022 and 2023, included constructing concrete pads, installing a duct bank below the road and installing new electrical kiosks on the concrete pad.
The second phase of work will include installing the generator, replacing the pumps and making the necessary connections.
Why: Due to the age, condition and level of operation and maintenance required for the existing infrastructure and the lack of redundancy from basement sewer backup protection, the City will be proceeding with the completion of the work required to improve the reliability of these pumping stations. The project will upgrade each station to have redundancy in pumping (duty/standby configuration), resiliency in instrumentation monitoring and power and controls to reduce the likelihood of having a failure that could result in flooding.
When: The second phase of construction for the McEwen Sanitary Pump Station will commence in early Spring 2024, pending Hydro Ottawa power disconnection date.
Where: McEwen Sanitary Pump Station: 31 McEwen Avenue.
All proposed upgrades will be installed within City right of way or within existing legal City Utility Easement. Proposed backup generators will also be installed within City Park Land or City right of way.
Who: The City of Ottawa has retained the contractor, Black & McDonald Ltd., to complete the work.
Sanitary pump stations
Britannia and Howe sanitary pump station (BHPS) within Britannia Village Community
The Britannia and Howe sanitary pumping station (BHPS) is located at the north east corner of Britannia Road and Howe Street, just north of the National Capital Commission (NCC) pathway. This station was originally constructed circa 1991. This station services residence and buildings north of Howe Street, and bound by the Ottawa River and Mud Lake. A drainage map illustrating the serviced area within the bold dashed black boundary is provided below.
As part of the design for the BHPS, the control and electrical distribution boxes will be moved further away from the NCC pathway to make way for additional landscape features as part of initiatives by the Local Community Association and National Capital Commission (NCC). In addition, a new natural gas generator will be installed in the same fenced enclosure as the new electrical panels.

Lincoln Heights sanitary pump station (LHPS) within Britannia Village
The Lincoln Heights sanitary pumping station (LHPS) is located within a City of Ottawa easement between 219 and 225 Lincoln Heights Road. This station was originally constructed circa 1989. It services residence and buildings north of Richmond Road, east of Croydon Avenue and west of Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway. A drainage map illustrating the serviced area within the bold dashed black boundary is provided below.
The LHPS will remain within the easement between 219/225 Lincoln Heights Road. As part of the project, pumps and mechanical equipment will be replaced, and new electrical and instrumentation panels will be installed. A new natural gas generator will be installed within Lincoln Heights Park and adjacent to 175 Lincoln Heights (including a landscape ‘buffer’). This generator is required for improved reliability of the sanitary pump station and will require a new duct bank to be installed from Lincoln Heights Park to 219/225 Lincoln Heights Road.

McEwen sanitary pump station (MPS) within Carlington West - Glabar Park - McKellar Heights Community
The McEwen sanitary pumping station (MPS) is located at the end of McEwen Avenue on the east side of the cul-de-sac adjacent to 31 McEwen Avenue. This station was originally constructed circa 1994. It services all apartment buildings on McEwen Avenue (30, 31, 61 and 70 McEwen Avenue). A drainage map illustrating the serviced area within the bold dashed black boundary is provided below.
The MPS will remain in its existing location adjacent to 31 McEwen Avenue. Pumps and mechanical equipment will be replaced, and new electrical and instrumentation panels will be installed. A new natural gas generator will be installed further south on McEwen Avenue within Byron Linear Tramway Park. This generator is required to improve reliability of the sanitary pump station and will require a new duct bank to be installed from 31 McEwen Avenue to the new generator location.

Pooler and Deschênes sanitary pump station (PDPS) within Carlington West - Glabar Park - McKellar Heights Community
The Pooler and Deschênes sanitary pump station (PDPS) is located within the roadway of Pooler Avenue adjacent to 85/87 Pooler Avenue. This station was originally constructed circa 1989. It services residences and buildings north of Richmond Road (not along the frontage of Richmond Road), and east of Pooler Avenue, and south of Sir John A. MacDonald Parkway, and west of Aylen Avenue. A drainage map illustrating the serviced area within the bold dashed black boundary is provided below.
The PDPS will remain in its current location; however, a new natural gas generator (with associated panels) will be installed further north within City right of way. Two (2) Trees on NCC land will be required to be removed prior to the installation of this Generator and has been scheduled for March 2021; Replanting the trees (as designated by the NCC) has been planned for 2022 after the completion of this project. Replacement compensation is expected to be a 2:1 ratio (2 new to 1 removed). This generator is required to improve reliability of the sanitary pump station and will require a new duct bank to be installed from the new generator to 85/87 Pooler Avenue. Pumps and mechanical equipment will be replaced, and new electrical and instrumentation panels will be installed.

McEwen - Construction update (September 2023)
The City of Ottawa completed all the preparation to resume the rehabilitation of the flow through sanitary pumping station near you, however construction cannot start as planned due to the Hydro Ottawa strike. We cannot start this work without Hydro Ottawa disconnection of existing electrical services.
Due to the above conditions and following careful consideration of all available options, we have to postpone the majority of work planned under the second phase of construction at the McEwen Sanitary Pump Station until Hydro Ottawa returns from strike.
What: This project will upgrade four (4) existing ‘flow through’ sanitary wastewater pump stations located in Bay Ward (Ward 7) to improve their operation and reliability. The flow through stations normally operates as a gravity sewer; however, they switch operation from a gravity sewer to a sanitary pump station once the downstream receiving sanitary trunk sewer is surcharged or overtaxed to prevent upstream basement flooding.
Improvements are required for upgrades for reliability and resiliency as the current configuration requires regular maintenance and manual operation. The proposed upgrades include installing new backup generators required for emergency situations, replacing existing pumps with two (2) new pumps (one duty and one standby/backup), updating electrical and instrumentation to current standard requirements and other miscellaneous improvements.
The first phase of work at the McEwen Sanitary Pump Station completed in 2022 included constructing concrete pads, installing a duct bank below the road and installing new electrical kiosks on the concrete pad.
The second phase of work will include installing the generator, replacing the pumps, and making the necessary connections.
Why: Due to the age, condition and level of operation and maintenance required for the existing infrastructure and the lack of redundancy from basement sewer backup protection, the City will be proceeding with the completion of the work required to improve the reliability of these pumping stations. The project will upgrade each station to have redundancy in pumping (duty/standby configuration), resiliency in instrumentation monitoring, power and controls to reduce the likelihood of having a failure that could result in flooding.
When: The second phase of construction for the McEwen Sanitary Pump Station timeline will be re-evaluated when the power disconnection date is provided by Hydro Ottawa.
Where: McEwen Sanitary Pump Station: 31 McEwen Avenue.
All proposed upgrades will be installed within City right of way or within existing legal City Utility Easement. Proposed backup generators will also be installed within City Park Land or City right of way.
Who: The City of Ottawa has retained the contractor, Black & McDonald Ltd., to complete the work.
Lincoln Heights - Construction update (September 2023)
The City of Ottawa completed all the preparation to resume the rehabilitation of the flow through sanitary pumping station near you, however construction cannot start as planned due to the Hydro Ottawa strike. We cannot start this work without Hydro Ottawa disconnection of existing electrical services.
Due to the above conditions and following careful consideration of all available options, we have to postpone the majority of work planned under the second phase of construction at the Lincoln Heights Sanitary Pump Station until Hydro Ottawa returns from strike.
What: This project will upgrade four (4) existing ‘flow through’ sanitary wastewater pump stations located in Bay Ward (Ward 7) to improve their operation and reliability. The flow through stations normally operates as a gravity sewer; however, they switch operation from a gravity sewer to a sanitary pump station once the downstream receiving sanitary trunk sewer is surcharged or overtaxed to prevent upstream basement flooding.
Improvements are required for upgrades for reliability and resiliency as the current configuration requires regular maintenance and manual operation. The proposed upgrades include installing new backup generators required for emergency situations, replacing existing pumps with two (2) new pumps (one duty and one standby/backup), updating electrical and instrumentation to current standard requirements and other miscellaneous improvements.
The first phase of work at the Lincoln Heights Sanitary Pump Station completed in 2022 included constructing concrete pads, installing a duct bank below the road and installing new electrical kiosks on the concrete pad.
The second phase of work will include installing the generator, replacing the pumps, and making the necessary connections.
Why: Due to the age, condition and level of operation and maintenance required for the existing infrastructure and the lack of redundancy from basement sewer backup protection, the City will be proceeding with the completion of the work required to improve the reliability of these pumping stations. The project will upgrade each station to have redundancy in pumping (duty/standby configuration), resiliency in instrumentation monitoring, power and controls to reduce the likelihood of having a failure that could result in flooding.
When: The second phase of construction for the Lincoln Heights Sanitary Pump Station timeline will be re-evaluated when the power disconnection date is provided by Hydro Ottawa.
Where: Lincoln Heights sanitary pump station: easement between 219 and 225 Lincoln Heights Road.
All proposed upgrades will be installed within City right of way or within existing legal City Utility Easement. Proposed backup generators will also be installed within City Park Land or City right of way.
Who: The City of Ottawa has retained the contractor, Black & McDonald Ltd., to complete the work.
Pooler & Deschênes - Construction update (August 2023)
The City of Ottawa completed all the preparation to resume the rehabilitation of the flow through sanitary pumping station near you, however construction cannot start as planned due to unforeseen site conditions with the natural gas lines in the affected area as well as the Hydro Ottawa strike. We cannot start this work without Hydro Ottawa disconnection of existing electrical services.
Due to the above conditions and following careful consideration of all available options, we have to postpone the second phase of construction at the Pooler and Deschênes Sanitary Pump Station to spring 2024.
What: This project will upgrade four (4) existing ‘flow through’ sanitary wastewater pump stations located in Ward 7 to improve their operation and reliability. The flow through stations normally operate as a gravity sewer; however, they switch operation from a gravity sewer to a sanitary pump station once the downstream receiving sanitary trunk sewer is surcharged or overtaxed to prevent upstream basement flooding.
Improvements are required for upgrades for reliability and resiliency as the current configuration requires regular maintenance and manual operation. The proposed upgrades include installing new backup generators required for emergency situations, replacing existing pumps with two (2) new pumps (One Duty and One Standby/Backup), updating electrical and instrumentation to current standard requirements and other miscellaneous improvements.
The first phase of work at Pooler and Deschênes Sanitary Pump Station completed in 2022 included constructing concrete pads, installing a duct bank below the road and installing new electrical kiosks on the concrete pad.
The second phase of work, including the temporary road construction and all modifications to the underground services, will be postponed to spring 2024 with the exception of potential work in the new generator area which may still be completed in 2023, subject to equipment delivery.
Why: Due to the age, condition and level of operation and maintenance required for the existing infrastructure and the lack of redundancy from basement sewer backup protection, the City will be proceeding with the completion of the work required to improve the reliability of these pumping stations. The project will upgrade each station to have redundancy in pumping (duty/standby configuration), resiliency in instrumentation monitoring, power and controls to reduce the likelihood of having a failure that could result in flooding.
When: The second phase of construction for the Pooler and Deschênes Sanitary Pump Station is scheduled to start in spring 2024 and is expected to be completed by fall 2024.
Where: Pooler and Deschênes Sanitary Pump Station – 87 Pooler Avenue
All proposed upgrades will be installed within City right of way or within existing legal city utility easement. Proposed backup generators will also be installed within City park land or City right of way.
Who: The City of Ottawa has retained the contractor, Black & McDonald Ltd., to complete the work.
McEwen - Construction update (May 2023)
Beginning in mid-May, the City of Ottawa will resume the rehabilitation of the flow through sanitary pumping station on McEwen Avenue.
Below is a detailed overview of the next phase of construction.
What: This project will upgrade four (4) existing ‘flow through’ sanitary wastewater pump stations located in Bay Ward (Ward 7) to improve their operation and reliability. The flow through stations normally operate as a gravity sewer; however, they switch operation from a gravity sewer to a sanitary pump station once the downstream receiving sanitary trunk sewer is surcharged or overtaxed to prevent upstream basement flooding.
Improvements are required for upgrades for reliability and resiliency as the current configuration requires regular maintenance and manual operation. The proposed upgrades include installing new backup generators required for emergency situations, replacing existing pumps with two (2) new pumps (One Duty and One Standby/Backup), updating electrical and instrumentation to current standard requirements and other miscellaneous improvements.
The first phase of work completed in 2022 included constructing a concrete pad near the intersection of Ambleside. The second phase of work to be completed in 2023 will be installing a duct bank below the road. The third phase will be installing a concrete pad and installing new electrical kiosks on the concrete pad, replacing the pumps, installing the generator and making the necessary connections.
Why: Due to the age, condition and level of operation and maintenance required for the existing infrastructure and the lack of redundancy from basement sewer backup protection, the City will be proceeding with the completion of the work required to improve the reliability of these pumping stations. The project will upgrade each station to have redundancy in pumping (duty/standby configuration), resiliency in instrumentation monitoring, power and controls to reduce the likelihood of having a failure that could result in flooding.
When: The second phase of construction is planned for the flow through station near you in May 2023 and is expected to be completed in June 2023. The third phase is forthcoming in 2023.
Where: McEwen Sanitary Pump Station – 31 McEwen Avenue
All proposed upgrades will be installed within City right of way or within existing legal City Utility Easement. Proposed backup generators will also be installed within City Park Land or City right of way.
Who: The City of Ottawa has retained the Contractor, Black & McDonald Ltd., to complete the work.
Traffic impacts
Lane reductions and alternating traffic can be expected during construction to accommodate the work. Access to private properties will be maintained throughout the construction period. Access for pedestrians and cyclists will be maintained.
On-street parking and local access
As the various construction activities are in progress on your street, on-street parking will be restricted. Local access will be maintained to residents, businesses and emergency vehicles. In the event that vehicular access to your property may be unavailable; the Contractor is required to provide 24-hour notification of temporary loss of vehicular access/egress to your property. A temporary On-Street Parking Permit will be made available to allow on-street parking within two blocks of your residence when these disruptions occur.
Impact on the right of way and adjacent private properties
The reconstruction is within the City’s right of way but may result in some disruption to part of the private property directly adjacent to the work. The City will reinstate sections of landscaping, driveways and walkways that are disturbed by construction. However, if you have plants or any other assets located within the City’s right of way that you want to preserve, we suggest that you may want to move them in preparation for the construction work.
Construction disruptions
The Contractor will take every precaution to minimize interruptions to the everyday life of your family and/or operation of your business, but, as you can appreciate, there may be some inconvenience during the work, such as traffic delays, noise and dust. You may also feel vibrations due to heavy equipment operations. Vibrations from construction activities are quite common and are rarely a cause for concern. We would like to thank you for your patience and cooperation.
Pooler & Deschênes - Construction update (May 2023)
Beginning in mid-May, the City of Ottawa will resume the rehabilitation of the flow through sanitary pumping station on Pooler Avenue.
Below is a detailed overview of the next phase of construction.
What: This project will upgrade four (4) existing ‘flow through’ sanitary wastewater pump stations located in Bay Ward (Ward 7) to improve their operation and reliability. The flow through stations normally operate as a gravity sewer; however, they switch operation from a gravity sewer to a sanitary pump station once the downstream receiving sanitary trunk sewer is surcharged or overtaxed to prevent upstream basement flooding.
Improvements are required for upgrades for reliability and resiliency as the current configuration requires regular maintenance and manual operation. The proposed upgrades include installing new backup generators required for emergency situations, replacing existing pumps with two (2) new pumps (One Duty and One Standby/Backup), updating electrical and instrumentation to current standard requirements and other miscellaneous improvements.
The first phase of work completed in 2022 included constructing concrete pads, installing a duct bank below the road and installing new electrical kiosks on the concrete pad. The second phase of work to be completed in 2023 will include replacing the pumps, installing the generator and making the necessary connections. The temporary road re-alignment on Pooler Avenue will occur in 2023.
Why: Due to the age, condition and level of operation and maintenance required for the existing infrastructure and the lack of redundancy from basement sewer backup protection, the City will be proceeding with the completion of the work required to improve the reliability of these pumping stations. The project will upgrade each station to have redundancy in pumping (duty/standby configuration), resiliency in instrumentation monitoring, power and controls to reduce the likelihood of having a failure that could result in flooding.
When: The second phase of construction is planned for the flow through station near you in May 2023 and is expected to be completed by fall 2023.
Where: Pooler and Deschênes Sanitary Pump Station – 87 Pooler Avenue
All proposed upgrades will be installed within City right of way or within existing legal City Utility Easement. Proposed backup generators will also be installed within City Park Land or City right of way.
Who: The City of Ottawa has retained the Contractor, Black & McDonald Ltd., to complete the work.
Traffic impacts
Lane reductions and alternating traffic can be expected during construction to accommodate the work. A temporary access road will be constructed on the north side of Pooler Avenue across from 87 Pooler to ensure continued emergency vehicle access to the residents at the end of the street. Access to private properties will be maintained throughout the construction period. Access for pedestrians and cyclists will be maintained.
On-street parking and local access
As the various construction activities are in progress on your street, on-street parking will be restricted. Local access will be maintained to residents and emergency vehicles. In the event that vehicular access to your property may be unavailable; the Contractor is required to provide 24-hour notification of temporary loss of vehicular access/egress to your property. A temporary On-Street Parking Permit will be made available to allow on-street parking within two blocks of your residence when these disruptions occur.
Impact on the right of way and adjacent private properties
The reconstruction is within the City’s right of way but may result in some disruption to part of the private property directly adjacent to the work. The City will reinstate sections of landscaping, driveways and walkways that are disturbed by construction. However, if you have plants or any other assets located within the City’s right of way that you want to preserve, we suggest that you may want to move them in preparation for the construction work.
Construction disruptions
The Contractor will take every precaution to minimize interruptions to the everyday life of your family and/or operation of your business, but, as you can appreciate, there may be some inconvenience during the work, such as traffic delays, noise and dust. You may also feel vibrations due to heavy equipment operations. Vibrations from construction activities are quite common and are rarely a cause for concern. We would like to thank you for your patience and cooperation.
Britannia & Howe - Construction update (May 2023)
Beginning in June, the City of Ottawa will resume the rehabilitation of the flow through sanitary pumping station on Britannia Road.
Below is a detailed overview of the next phase of construction.
What: This project will upgrade four (4) existing ‘flow through’ sanitary wastewater pump stations located in Bay Ward (Ward 7) to improve their operation and reliability. The flow through stations normally operate as a gravity sewer; however, they switch operation from a gravity sewer to a sanitary pump station once the downstream receiving sanitary trunk sewer is surcharged or overtaxed to prevent upstream basement flooding.
Improvements are required for upgrades for reliability and resiliency as the current configuration requires regular maintenance and manual operation. The proposed upgrades include installing new backup generators required for emergency situations, replacing existing pumps with two (2) new pumps (One Duty and One Standby/Backup), updating electrical and instrumentation to current standard requirements and other miscellaneous improvements.
The first phase of work completed in 2022 included constructing concrete pads, installing a duct bank below the road and installing new electrical kiosks on the concrete pad. The second phase of work to be completed in 2023 will include replacing the pumps, installing the generator and making the necessary connections.
Why: Due to the age, condition and level of operation and maintenance required for the existing infrastructure and the lack of redundancy from basement sewer backup protection, the City will be proceeding with the completion of the work required to improve the reliability of these pumping stations. The project will upgrade each station to have redundancy in pumping (duty/standby configuration), resiliency in instrumentation monitoring, power and controls to reduce the likelihood of having a failure that could result in flooding.
When: The second phase of construction is planned for the flow through station near you in June 2023 and is expected to be completed by fall 2023.
Where: Britannia and Howe Sanitary Pump Station – 247 Britannia Road
All proposed upgrades will be installed within City right of way or within existing legal City Utility Easement. Proposed backup generators will also be installed within City Park Land or City right of way.
Who: The City of Ottawa has retained the Contractor, Black & McDonald Ltd., to complete the work.
Traffic impacts
Lane reductions and alternating traffic can be expected during construction to accommodate the work. Access to private properties will be maintained throughout the construction period. Access for pedestrians and cyclists will be maintained.
On-street parking and local access
As the various construction activities are in progress on your street, on-street parking will be restricted. Local access will be maintained to residents, businesses and emergency vehicles. In the event that vehicular access to your property may be unavailable; the Contractor is required to provide 24-hour notification of temporary loss of vehicular access/egress to your property. A temporary On-Street Parking Permit will be made available to allow on-street parking within two blocks of your residence when these disruptions occur.
Impact on the right of way and adjacent private properties
The reconstruction is within the City’s right of way but may result in some disruption to part of the private property directly adjacent to the work. The City will reinstate sections of landscaping, driveways and walkways that are disturbed by construction. However, if you have plants or any other assets located within the City’s right of way that you want to preserve, we suggest that you may want to move them in preparation for the construction work.
Construction disruptions
The Contractor will take every precaution to minimize interruptions to the everyday life of your family and/or operation of your business, but, as you can appreciate, there may be some inconvenience during the work, such as traffic delays, noise and dust. You may also feel vibrations due to heavy equipment operations. Vibrations from construction activities are quite common and are rarely a cause for concern. We would like to thank you for your patience and cooperation.
Online engagement opportunity (April 2021)
The City of Ottawa continues to take precautionary steps to protect members of the public. As an alternative to hosting in-person public information sessions, information is being posted to The City remains committed to keeping the public informed of projects occurring in your neighbourhood.
A virtual public information session is being held on Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 5 pm.
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What: This project will upgrade four (4) existing ‘flow through’ sanitary wastewater pump stations located in Bay Ward (Ward 7) to improve their operation and reliability. The flow through stations normally operate as a gravity sewer; however, switch operation from a gravity sewer to a sanitary pump station once the downstream receiving sanitary trunk sewer is surcharged or overtaxed do prevent upstream basement flooding.
Improvements are required for upgrades for reliability and resiliency as the current configuration requires regular maintenance and manual operation. The proposed upgrades include installing new backup generators required for emergency situations, replacing existing pumps with two (2) new pumps (One Duty and One Standby/Backup), updating electrical and instrumentation to current standard requirements and other miscellaneous improvements.
Why: Due to the age, condition and level of operation and maintenance required for the existing infrastructure and the lack of redundancy from basement sewer backup protection, the City will be proceeding with the completion of the work required to improve the reliability of these pumping stations. The project will upgrade each station to have redundancy in pumping (duty/standby configuration), resiliency in instrumentation monitoring, power and controls to reduce the likelihood of having a failure that could result in flooding.
Where: The project comprises of four (4) locations:
- Lincoln Heights sanitary pump station: easement between 219 and 225 Lincoln Heights Road
- McEwen sanitary pump station: 31 McEwen Avenue
- Pooler and Deschênes sanitary pump station: 84 Pooler Avenue
- Britannia and Howe sanitary pump station: 247 Britannia Road
All proposed upgrades will be installed within City right of way or within existing legal City Utility Easement. Proposed backup generators will also be installed within City Park Land or City right of way. Generators will not operate unless under emergency situations or for monthly preventative maintenance procedures (for 1 hour every 1 or 2 months during regular business hours).
Who: Design consulting firm Stantec Limited, has been retained by the City of Ottawa to develop a detailed design for upgrades to the Ottawa West Flow Through Stations that is currently scheduled to begin construction in 2021 – Please see below tentative schedule.
When: The current general project schedule is as follows:
- Design completion: May 2021
- Construction start: fall 2021
- Substantial performance: spring 2022 (varies based on site location)
- Final completion: summer 2022 (varies based on site location)
For further information and/or to submit comments on the project, please contact the City project manager.