Scott Street Corridor Cycling and Pedestrian Facilities

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Project status

Scott-Albert Corridor: Long-Term Plan for Active Transportation

The Scott-Albert corridor is changing rapidly. O-Train Line 1 is now operational, with stations at Pimisi, Tunney’s Pasture and Bayview. Intensification is occurring all along the corridor with new developments in numerous locations and at various scales. Construction has also begun on the O-Train Line 1 western extension and the future Westboro and Dominion O-Train stations.

With the growth and change in the area, the City expects significant increases in walking and cycling along the Scott-Albert corridor. The City’s long-term plan to accommodate the additional pedestrian and cyclist volumes is to convert this corridor to a more standard urban cross-section with dedicated pedestrian facilities on both sides of the street. One-way cycling facilities will also be provided on both sides of the street, with cyclists traveling in the same direction as traffic.

This vision for Scott Street follows from the Scott Street Community Design Plan. It also aligns with the City’s efforts to reduce the use of shared multi-use pathway and to build protected intersections that improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists. The transition to the new cross-section will occur in phases, through numerous City projects planned for the Scott-Albert corridor between 2021 and 2024. For example, from Empress to Bay, new pedestrian and cycling facilities will be built as part of the Albert Street Reconstruction.

Upcoming Changes to Scott Street from Churchill to Bayview

The long-term plan for the corridor means a change to the existing multi-use pathway on the north side of Scott Street. The pathway currently allows cycling in both directions, however cyclists are expected to dismount and walk their bicycle across most of the intersections regardless of their direction of travel.

After the transition, all eastbound cyclists will be directed to use new and enhanced cycling facilities on the south side of Scott Street. The eastbound cycling facilities will be physically separated from traffic (with curbing where feasible) and winter maintained. The existing pathway on the north side of the street will be repurposed and widened to create a westbound cycle track adjacent to a space reserved for pedestrians. Cyclists will travel in one direction – westbound-only – on this facility. Tactile pavers (flat to the pathway surface) will be installed to separate the pedestrian and cycling spaces.

This transition will be implemented in two phases. The first phase will be implemented in the fall of 2021 between Churchill and Holland. During the 2021 construction season, pathway modifications and eastbound cycling upgrades will be part of the O-Train Stage 2 Temporary Scott Street Transitway Detour and the Scott Street Sewer and Watermain Rehabilitation Project. Protected intersections will also be built along Scott Street at Churchill, Lanark, Island Park, Smirle/Goldenrod Driveway and Holland in 2021, prior to the transition.

The second phase from Holland to Bayview will be implemented in the fall of 2022. During the 2022 construction season, the bus lanes used for the O-Train Stage 1 Transitway detour will be repurposed. Pathway modifications and eastbound bike lane upgrades will be part of this project. Protected intersections will also be built along Scott Street at Parkdale and Carruthers in 2022, prior to the transition.

Designs for these projects will be added to the City website once they are available.

Information on these planned changes to Scott Street was first provided at a public open house in December 2017. More recently, on November 25, 2020, an update of plans was shared with community members at a Councillor-organized virtual meeting. The presentation can be viewed at the link below.

Scott Street Corridor: Pedestrian, Cycling, Placemaking Update November 25, 2020 [ PDF 1.895 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)

If you have questions about the upcoming changes to Scott Street from Churchill to Bayview, please contact:

Deborah Lightman, RPP
Project Manager, Active Transportation Planning
Transportation Services Department
City of Ottawa opens email application)