Notice of open houses
Virtual (includes presentation)
Monday June 24, 2024
6:00 to 8:30 pm
In-Person (display boards only)
Tuesday June 25, 2024
6:00 to 8:30 pm
Tom Brown Arena
141 Bayview Station Road, Ottawa
The City of Ottawa will host two Open Houses for The Ottawa Hospital (TOH) Connection to Dow’s Lake Station Environmental Assessment (EA) Study. While the same information will be provided at each Open House, one will be held in-person and the second will be held virtually.
The purpose of the EA study is to investigate options for a safe and accessible pedestrian and cycling crossing of Carling Avenue, between Dow’s Lake Station and the parking garage of TOH New Campus Development. The study area is illustrated in the key map. The in-person Open House will provide study information on display boards and the Study Team will be available to answer questions. The virtual Open House will include a presentation followed by an interactive question and answer session. The presentation agenda will include:
- Background
- Assessment and evaluation of bridge and tunnel options
- Selection of preferred option
- Preliminary design of preferred option
- Next steps
- Question and answer
Study Process
The study is following the Schedule B process in accordance with the Ontario Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) 2023. This process involved developing tunnel and bridge crossing options, assessing and evaluating each option, which led to a preferred option and a preliminary preferred plan. The presentation and supporting materials will be added to the project website the day of the event and will include a link to the online survey that will be open until Friday July 12.
Accessibility is an important consideration for the City of Ottawa. If you require special accommodations, please contact the Project Manager in advance of the Open House.

For further information or to provide comments, please contact:
Angela Taylor, P.Eng.
Senior Project Manager
Transportation Environmental Assessments Branch
City of Ottawa
110 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa ON K1P 1J1
Email: opens email application)
613-580-2424, ext. 15210
All personal information included in your request – such as name, address, telephone number and property location – is collected, under the authority of section 30 of the Environmental Assessment Act and is collected and maintained for the purpose of creating a record that is available to the general public. As this information is collected for the purpose of a public record, the protection of personal information provided in the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act does not apply (s.37). Personal information you submit will become part of a public record that is available to the general public unless you request that your personal information remain confidential.
The Ottawa Hospital Connection to Dow’s Lake Station
The City of Ottawa has initiated The Ottawa Hospital (TOH) Connection to Dow’s Lake Station Environmental Assessment (EA) Study to provide a connection between Dow’s Lake Station and the parking garage of TOH New Campus Development. The study area is surrounding Dow’s Lake Station, from Preston Street and Champagne Avenue South to the east and west, north of Sidney Street, and south of Carling Avenue towards the Dow’s Lake Parking Lot, illustrated in the key map. This EA study will evaluate options for grade-separated (tunnel and bridge) active transportation (pedestrian and cycling) infrastructure across Carling Avenue between Dow’s Lake Station and TOH Parking Garage.

Study Process
The study is being conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Ontario Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) process for a “Schedule B” project and includes consultation and consensus building, that will lead to the development of a technically sound functional design.
There will be ongoing consultation activities throughout the study. Public consultation materials and opportunities to provide feedback will be advertised and updated on the study’s website. Prior to finalizing the EA study, a Project File Report (PFR) will be prepared to document the study process and present the Recommended Plan including the functional design. The PFR will be available for review by the public and review agencies for a period of 30 calendar days. The study is expected to be completed by Summer 2024.
Interested persons can provide comments throughout the EA Study. Any comments received will be collected under the Environmental Assessment Act and, with the exception of personal information, will become part of the public record.
Accessibility is an important consideration for the City of Ottawa. If you require special accommodation to provide comments please contact the Project Manager, below.
For further information,to provide comments, or if you would like to be added to the mailing list for notices, please contact:
Angela Taylor, P.Eng.
Senior Project Manager
Transportation Environmental Assessments Branch
Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development Department
City of Ottawa
110 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa ON K1P 1J1
613-580-2424, ext. 15210
Notice of Commencement
The City of Ottawa has initiated The Ottawa Hospital (TOH) Connection to Dow’s Lake Station Environmental Assessment (EA) Study to provide a safe and accessible pedestrian and cycling crossing of Carling Avenue, between Dow’s Lake Station and the parking garage of TOH New Campus Development. The study area is illustrated in the key map. This EA study will involve developing tunnel and bridge crossing alternatives, assessing and evaluating each alternative, leading to a preferred alternative.
This connection will address requirements in a context-sensitive manner, be compatible with surrounding land uses, and minimize impacts on the surrounding environmental (physical, social, natural, and economic) conditions.
Study Process
The study is being planned following the Schedule B process in accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) 2023. This process includes public consultation and consensus building, that will lead to the development of a functional design.
There will be ongoing consultation activities throughout the study including one virtual public consultation event. Public consultation materials and opportunities to provide feedback will be advertised and updated on the study’s website. Prior to finalizing the EA study, a Project File Report (PFR) will be prepared to document the study process and present the Recommended Plan including the functional design. The PFR will be available for review by the public and review agencies for a period of 30 calendar days. The study is expected to be completed by Summer 2024.
Interested persons can provide comments throughout the EA Study. Any comments received will be collected under the Environmental Assessment Act and, with the exception of personal information, will become part of the public record.
Accessibility is an important consideration for the City of Ottawa. If you require special accommodation to provide comments please contact the Project Manager, below.
For further information, to provide comments, or if you would like to be added to the mailing list for notices, please contact:
Angela Taylor, P.Eng.
Senior Project Manager
Transportation Environmental Assessments Branch
Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development Department
City of Ottawa
110 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa ON K1P 1J1
613-580-2424, ext. 15210
Under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), personal information included in a submission to the City of Ottawa will not be disclosed to any third parties without having obtained the prior consent of the person to whom the information pertains, except when MFIPPA permits disclosure or other applicable law requires that the City disclose the personal information.