Salvation Army New Facility Development Application - Montreal Road

On this page
Project status

Applicant's proposal

Under Appeal
Update: The Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment approved by Council have been appealed to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal, therefore the amendments are not in full force and effect.

Upcoming Planning Committee Meeting

On November 14, 15 and 17 , 2017, Planning Committee will meet to receive the Staff report and public delegations. To register to make a five minute presentation, please contact the Committee Coordinator, Melody Duffenais at opens email application)

Applicant's proposal 

On June 16, 2017, the City of Ottawa received planning applications from the Governing Council of the Salvation Army(link is external) in Canada to develop the lands at 325, 327, and 333 Montreal Road, 334 Montfort Street and 273 Ste. Anne Avenue.

The applications are to develop a new multi-purpose facility, including residential units, specialized medical care, stabilization and treatment services, life-skills training, day programs, and emergency shelter accommodations. The Salvation Army is proposing this facility to serve the vulnerable and homeless in Ottawa.

Arial view of the H shaped proposed Salvation Army treatment facility at the corner of Montreal Road and Ste. Anne Street

To learn more about the proposed development, please visit the Salvation Army’s project website(link is external)

City planning approvals

Before the development can proceed, the applicant needs several planning approvals from the City of Ottawa, including an Official Plan Amendment, a Zoning By-law Amendment, and a Site Plan Control application.

The applications will evolve as Planning Staff work with the applicant on any areas of concern identified in the required technical and public application circulations.

Who will approve the applications?

City Council will make the final decision on the Official Plan and Zoning By-Law amendment applications. City staff will make their recommendation to Planning Committee and Council in the fall 2017.  Should Council approve the proposed amendments, it will pass by-laws and a 20-day appeal period will follow.

Staff have delegated authority to approve the Site Plan Control application. 

Can the application decisions be appealed?

By providing comments on the Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments before they are considered by City Council, you have the right to appeal Council’s decision to the Ontario Municipal Board(link is external). Comments must be submitted in writing to the file lead or in writing or orally to Planning Committee to preserve your appeal rights. Appeals must be filed within 20 days of the date of Council’s written decision and include the reasons for the appeal and the fee. Only the property owner can appeal the staff decision on the site plan control application.  

Learn about the proposed development application 

You may view all of the plans, studies and renderings that the City of Ottawa has received. Visit is external) and read the application summary(link is external) and Planning Rationale(link is external) to learn more about the development applications. 

Official Plan Amendment: File # D01-01-17-0013(link is external)
Zoning Amendment:          File # D02-02-17-0062(link is external)
Site Plan Control:              File # D07-12-17-0077(link is external)


The process timeline [ PDF 1.202 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) shows opportunities for you to participate in the City’s application review process and the order in which decisions are made on the Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan Control applications.

Next steps in the development application approval process

  1. You may comment on the proposed development applications.
  2. City staff will review all public and technical comments. 
  3. All public feedback will be summarized in an As We Heard It report after the 28-day circulation period.  
  4. City staff will provide both public and technical feedback to the applicant for their response.
  5. The applicant will consider the feedback and prepare a response, which may include revising some of the previously submitted plans and studies.
  6. The City will share any application re-submission with the public when it is received.
  7. Planning staff will prepare a report and provide a recommendation to Planning Committee and Council about the development proposal. City staff will include all comments received from the public in the staff report.
  8. The staff report is posted on e-Agenda(link is external) on one week in advance of the Planning Committee meeting. 

Tell us what you think

You can provide comments on the Official Plan, Zoning By-Law Amendment and Site Plan Control applications until the Planning Committee meeting in the fall of 2017.  

To be part of the public engagement process for this application, you may:

Please email opens email application) if you would like to be notified of all meeting dates and decisions.

Details about the proposed development application

The subject site is about 1.8-acres or 7,726 square metres and is irregularly shaped with about 15 metres of frontage on Montreal Road, 13 metres on Ste. Anne Avenue and five metres on Montfort Street. 

Currently, the site is:

  • Occupied by a one-storey motel and bar (Motel Concorde) that extends along the west side of the property as well as a surface parking lot.
  • The Salvation Army Thrift Store, located on the northeast corner of Montreal Road and Ste. Anne Avenue is not part of the site. 
  • The adjacent area includes low-rise residential dwellings to the north, east and west, a variety of residential uses on the south side of Montreal Road including high-rise buildings, and low-rise commercial buildings to the east and west along Montreal Road. 

The proposed development is a multi-purpose facility including a variety of land uses:

  • The proposed built form has been designed in an “H” shape with two separate wings of three and six storeys along the east and west sides of the property. 
  • The two wings are connected by a two-storey communal area.  Each wing is intended to accommodate differing functions and have separate pedestrian entrances. 
  • The frontage on Montreal Road is proposed as the main pedestrian and vehicular access to the site, while the frontage on Ste. Anne Avenue will provide loading access.
  • Montfort Street will offer vehicular access for staff parking at grade in the north part of the property. 
  • A series of outdoor amenity spaces have been included at the front, rear and southeast areas of the property. 

Current land use designation and zoning

  • The property is designated Traditional Mainstreet on Schedule B of the City of Ottawa Official Plan.
  • The Official Plan Section 3.1 permits shelter accommodation in a number of other designations where the Zoning By-law permits a dwelling use, but Traditional Mainstreets are not included. 
  • The property is currently zoned Traditional Mainstreet, Subzone 3, (TM3 H42) and Residential Fourth Density, Subzone E, (R4E).  The Residential Fourth Density zone permits a range of residential land uses from detached dwellings to low rise apartments.  The Traditional Mainstreet zone permits a broad range of uses, including community centres, community health and resource centres, emergency services, and rooming houses and permits a built form with a maximum height of 42 metres. 

What the applicant is asking for

  • The Official Plan Amendment application proposes to add site-specific provisions to the Official Plan that would permit a shelter accommodation on the subject site. 
  • The Zoning By-law Amendment application requests to include shelter as a permitted use.
  • The Site Plan Control application requests to accommodate the redevelopment of the lands to the built form described above.


Jean-Charles Renaud
Planner File Lead
Planning Services
Email: opens email application)
613-580-2424 ext. 27967

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Planning Act(link is external)
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Zoning By-law 2008-250
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Our 10 Year Housing & Homelessness Plan

Public engagement and open house

Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Ottawa Conference and Event Centre
200 Coventry Road
Drop-in anytime 1 to 8 pm 

The Salvation Army and its partners invite the public to drop by throughout the afternoon and evening and learn more about this facility. For more information, go to the Salvation Army website(link is external).

Consultation Report - As We Heard It – August 2017

As We Heard It Report [ PDF 298 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)

As of August 31, the City received a total of 347 comments from respondents as follows:

  • 310 respondents were opposed and/or had concerns
  • Five (5) were in support and 32 requested more information or to be kept informed, and
  • 334 names were included on submitted petitions of opposition with some overlap of written comments 

The report is themed into the following issues:

  • Facility location, built form and programming
  • Safety and Neighbourhood Impacts
  • Transportation
  • Zoning and Policy Context
  • Process
  • Non-related land use questions