Employment Ontario

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Employment Support

Job Seekers

The City offers help to job seekers looking to build skills, find work and/or plan for a career change. Our experienced Employment Specialists provide: 

  • Help with the job search process 
  • Advice on building an effective resume 
  • Help to prepare for an interview 

Job seekers can access to our resource centre which is equipped with computers, Wi-Fi, and other essential tools for your job search. To get started or learn more about our services, contact us: 

370 Catherine Street, 1st floor (near Bay Street) 
Open 8 am to 4:30 pm (Monday to Friday) 
613-580-2424 x 14372 

Training programs and apprenticeships

Better Jobs Ontario

Are you finding it difficult to find stable employment? Better Jobs Ontario could help you get the skills training and financial support for your new career.

To learn more about Better Jobs Ontario, read the information on this webpage Better Jobs Ontario | ontario.ca(link is external) and contact us to work with an Employment Specialist that will:

  • Help you decide if this program is right for you
  • Help you complete the application

Ontario Job Creation Partnerships

The goal of Ontario Job Creation Partnership (OJCP) is to offer meaningful recent work experience, that can be added to you resume. By engaging in OJCP projects, you develop and improve your employability skills, thereby enhancing your overall professional capabilities. This hands-on experience, coupled with the networking opportunities available during the project, will boost your likelihood of securing long-term employment.

To learn more about Ontario Job Creation Partnership, read the information on this webpage Ontario Job Creation Partnership(link is external) and contact us to work with an Employment Specialist that will:

  • help you develop a plan that outlines your skills, career interests and the services needed to help reach your goals 
  • Identify suitable Ontario Job Creation Partnership opportunities available in your community


Interested in learning about one of more than 140 skilled trades in Ontario? Meet with one of our Employment Specialist who will help you gain a better understanding of the process, the benefits and help you develop an action plan.

To learn more about Apprenticeships, read the information on this webpage apprenticeship(link is external) and contact us to work with an Employment Specialist

Services for employers

If you have hiring needs, our City of Ottawa Employment Ontario team can help! 

Need someone who fits with your business and is ready to work? We’ll find them for you. Employment Ontario offers a simple, cost-free way to hire job-ready, qualified candidates to fill your vacancies.

We will help you recruit motivated people who are actively looking and ready to start work. We can also create, promote and coordinate hiring events or share information about events you may be hosting.

Our services include:

  • Job postings
  • Job fairs
  • Recruitment (screening applicants and hosting interviews)
  • Financial incentives
  • Information about apprenticeships
  • And more...

Post a job for free

Find the people and talent you need to help your business thrive.

Job fairs and recruitment

  • Our professional job developers can help you coordinate a job fair, information session and/or host job interviews
  • Choose one of our Employment and Social Service Centres to host your event. We have four locations across the city
  • We can also help advertise your event to ensure it’s a success!

Hiring and training incentives for employers

Take advantage of funding, programs and federal tax incentives to hire and train employees for your business, not-for-profit or public-sector organization.

  • Get financial incentives from the City to hire eligible candidates
  • Use the incentives to offset the cost of training and supervision

For more information, visit Ontario.ca(link is external) or email EOemployers@ottawa.ca(link opens email application) 

Grants to help train employees

Learn about the Canada-Ontario Job Grant(link is external). Find funding to help your business pay for training of current or onboarding of employees. Financial support is available for short, medium and large businesses with a plan to deliver short-term training to existing and new employees. Employers can get up to $10,000 in government support per person for training costs.

For more information, visit the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development or call us at 613-580-2424 ext. 14372.

Employment and people with disabilities

Find a job that works for you. 

City of Ottawa can help with career exploration, skills training, financial supports, workplace accommodation and inclusive employer networks. 

If you are in receipt of the Ontario Disability Support Program, ask your ODSP case worker to refer you to the City’s Employment Ontario program. An employment specialist will work with you to help you figure out what supports you need to help you get and keep a job.