Family fire safety resources

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Sparky’s Fire Safety

Sparky's Fire Safety colouring book

Sparky’s Learn Fire Safety colouring book Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) has lots of activities to learn to be fire safe!

This fun filled book (PDF) has fire safety messaging delivered at a level that children will enjoy. Print copies for your classroom, group, daycare, or home. Discuss the safety tips with them to help keep them healthy and prepared!

Sparky's webpage

Visit is external) (only available in English) for more colouring pages, games, activities and information to help kids learn to be fire safe!

More fire safety printables can be found here(link is external).

Sparky’s Learn Fire Safety colouring book

Create your home fire-escape plan

Create and practice using this home fire-escape plan activity Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) and plan to get out alive in case of a fire in your home.

Create a fire-escape plan

  1. Check that smoke alarms are installed on each floor of your home and test them regularly
  2. Draw a floor plan of your home showing all possible exits from each room
  3. Plan a main exit route and an alternate exit route from each room
  4. Hang the plan up so everyone in the family can see it
  5. Ensure that everyone understands that if they hear the smoke alarm or hear someone shout "fire," they should follow the plan and leave immediately
  6. Decide on a safe meeting place outside
  7. When safely outside, call 9-1-1
  8. Meet the firefighters when they arrive, so they know that you are safe
  9. Once out, stay out; firefighters are trained to perform rescue operations - you are not

Practice your escape plan

Practice is the best way to help prevent panic when an actual emergency occurs. Have regular fire drills to test your plan and make sure that every member of the family knows what to do.

Additional information:

  • A properly installed and maintained smoke alarm usually provides enough warning to enable you to leave your home safely.
  • Before opening any door, feel it. Do not open a hot door. Use an alternate exit instead. If you can't climb out of a window, shout from it.
  • Smoke and heat rise; breathable cool air stays low down. Practice your escape plan by crawling on your hands and knees.
  • If you live in an apartment building, your escape plan should take the building-management procedures into account.
  • If there is anyone in your home who needs help to evacuate, assign someone to assist.
  • Make sure your babysitter understands your fire-escape plan.

Fire safety tips for babysitters

Babysitters are responsible for both the children and the property of their employer. Here are some tips to help you keep yourself and your charges safe.

Bring with you:

  • Flash light
  • Night light
  • Babysitter's pamphlet
  • A list of emergency numbers

When you arrive, ask:

  • For a list of emergency phone numbers such as the Poison Control Centre number
  • The full address of the residence
  • A phone number where your employer can be reached
  • For a tour of the house, and take careful note of exits
  • How door locks and windows work
  • If the family has a fire escape plan and if the children have practised it
  • Where the smoke alarm is and if the children know what it sounds like

When the parents leave, check:

  • That doors and windows are locked
  • The kitchen to ensure that the oven and stove are off
  • The living room to ensure there are no lit cigarettes
  • The bedrooms to be sure that nothing unsafe is lying in a child's reach

Note: we recommend that babysitters do not use cooking or heating stoves.

What to do in case

of a gas leak

  • Do not turn off any lights or electrical appliances
  • Get out
  • Call 911 from a safe place

of smoke

  • Shout "fire"!
  • Stay close to the floor, where there is fresh air
  • Close all doors as you leave
  • Call 911 from a safe place.
  • Do not go back into a burning building

of fire

  • Get the children out. Do not waste time getting them dressed; just wrap them in a blanket.
  • Once the children are in a safe place, call 911
  • Do not go back into the building

If you are in an apartment building and the alarm sounds

  • If the door is not warm
    • check the corridor for smoke
    • if it is clear, proceed to the nearest exit
    • Take the apartment key with you
    • Sound the fire alarm and use the stairs, not the elevator, to leave the building
  • If the door is warm or if there is heavy smoke in the corridor
    • it may be safer to stay in the apartment
    • Close the door and place a wet towel at its base
    • Call 911 and tell them where you are- even if there are already rescue workers on the scene
    • Go to a window and signal your location
    • Wait for firefighters to rescue you
  • If a fire starts in the apartment
    • Stay low, get the children out and close all doors behind you, especially your apartment door
    • Sound the fire alarm and use the stairs the get out of the building
    • If your clothing or the children's clothing catches on fire, smother the flames with a towel, blanket or other thick material, or stop, drop and roll out the fire

Halloween fire safety tips

  • The best costumes are light coloured or bright and reflective
  • Keep costumes short to avoid tripping and falling
  • Minimize the risk of contact with candles or other ignition sources by avoiding baggy pants, loose frills or billowing skirts
  • Make sure that children know how to call 9-1-1 or their local emergency number if they experience an emergency
  • Teach children to STOP, DROP and ROLL should their clothing catch fire:
    • STOP immediately,
    • DROP to the ground and cover face with hands and
    • ROLL over and over to extinguish the flames
  • Consider using only battery-powered lights or chemical light sticks in decorations
  • Small battery-powered lights are the safest for use in jack-o’-lanterns. If you use a candle, try a tea light or votive candle in a non-combustible holder
  • Always keep candles, matches and lighters out of the reach of children
  • Place candlelit jack-o’-lanterns on sturdy surfaces, away from anything that can burn, such as curtains and Halloween costumes
  • Keep decorations such as cornstalks and bales of hay away from candlelit jack- ‘o-lanterns
  • Ensure that electrical outlets are not overloaded with holiday lighting or special effects
  • Check that the batteries in your smoke alarms work

12 ways to stay safe this holiday season

12 Days of Holiday Fire Safety
Day Date Theme Message
1 December 12 Holiday Lights You don’t need to be Clark Griswold to shine bright with lights this holiday! Consider using LED lights and hang with nail-free clips for your outdoor-rated lights. Cut your loss and toss damaged strings – an electrical fire is a sure bet for a lousy holiday.
2 December 13 Candles and Decorations Is that candle too close to the snowman decoration sitting on your table? Fires caused by holiday decorations and open flames from candles are all too common this season. Battery-powered candles are a great alternative but if you must light up, keep candles away from pets and children, put the candle in a sturdy container and always blow out when you leave the room.
3 December 14 Smoke Alarms ‘Tis the season - literally! Fatal fires are at their highest rate during the holidays. When seconds matter, a working smoke alarm is the gift of time in the event of a fire. An alarm on every storey, tested monthly, and batteries replaced annually, is probably the best gift you can give your family this season. 
4 December 15 Carbon Monoxide Alarms Unlike gingerbread, it’s odourless. Unlike your uncle’s ugly Christmas sweater, it’s invisible. Carbon Monoxide (CO) is a deadly gas that can cause flu-like symptoms. A CO alarm alerts you to a potential CO emergency with four beeps and is the best way to protect your family from The Silent Killer.
5 December 16 Tree Watering Falling needles are your tree’s way of telling you it’s drying out and is a fire waiting to happen. Avoid being a statistic and water your tree daily. Be weary of heat sources near the tree including furnace vents and non-LED lights.
6 December 17 Extension Cords Getting wound up in the holiday spirit? Don’t “overextend” your outlets! Extension cords are a temporary solution and if more outlets are required, have them installed by a licensed electrician. Fire and electric shock are not on anyone’s list this season - avoid overloading a circuit and never run extension cords under a rug.
7 December 18 Kids in the kitchen Holiday baking with children this holiday season?  Make sure to keep an eye on those little bakers and remember to never leave the oven unattended. Safety first, cookies second!  #HolidayFireSafety
8 December 19   Home Fire Escape Plans Santa needs one way out of your home – you need two. Give your family the gift of peace of mind with a home fire escape plan and have two ways out of a burning home to ensure your loved ones are prepared for the worst so you can focus on the best: festive cheer!
9 December 20 Cooking Holidays are stressful enough but when 17% of fires in Ontario are cooking-related, it’s important to remember to slow things down in the kitchen. Fires caused by cooking mostly happen when the stove is left unattended so be mindful when cooking and never leave the kitchen while using a stove.  
10 December 21 Heating Sources Baby, it’s cold outside! Staying warm this Winter Solstice means practicing fire safety. Space heaters, wood stoves and fireplaces are all great ideas until an accident happens. Keep at least one metre (3 feet) distance between your heat source and combustibles, like paper and fabrics.
11 December 22 Smoking Lit cigarettes are Ontario’s number one cause of fatal fires. This season, have all smoking done outside using deep, sturdy ashtrays. Never flick your butt – a lit butt might be the difference between a holiday to remember and a holiday you’ll never forget.
12 December 23 Lithium-Ion Batteries Receiving a new lithium-ion toy during the festive period can be exciting but it can also add potential risk to your home. Always monitor the toy or device when it is charging; read the manufacturer’s instructions for safe charging & do not exceed the recommended charging time.