Commercial, industrial and institutional buildings

On this page

High Volume User Program

Save money and water with the City’s High Volume User (HVU) Program. The HVU Program offers rebates to property owners for installing eligible water efficient toilets, urinals, spray valves and commercial dishwashers and washing machines.

What are the benefits?

Inefficient use of water increases utility costs and places undue stress on the environment. These negative outcomes can often be avoided by retrofitting inefficient fixtures with devices which use less water while providing equal or superior performance. The HVU program aims to offset the costs when retrofitting water fixtures by providing rebates. Find out how these Ottawa organizations benefitted from the High Volume User Program:

  • Ottawa Community Housing Bank Street location cut $78,000 from its annual water bill
  • Osgoode Properties sees return on investment eight months after installing water efficient toilets
  • Ramphos Holdings Inc. saves money with water efficient toilets and washing machines

Are you eligible?

The business or facility must be built before 1996, located in the City of Ottawa and be either:

An industrial, commercial or institutional property consuming a minimum of  25,000 m3 of water per year


A multi-residential property with six or more units.

Ready to apply?

  1. Complete the Screening and Application form [ PDF - 196 KB].
  2. Before removing old fixtures and appliances, take photos of what is being replaced.
  3. Send completed form and photos for review to:

WaterWise Coordinator
City of Ottawa 
951 Clyde Avenue
Ottawa, ON K1Z 5A6

Once your application has been approved, you will receive more information about next steps.

Frequently asked questions

Which toilet should I purchase?

Review the maximum performance (MaP) testing information to ensure the toilets you are considering meet the HVUP criteria. Toilet selection will be reviewed by the City as part of the screening form review and approval process.

What dollar rebate values are available?

Qualifying applications may receive:

  • Toilets: $50 rebate for single-flush and dual flush high-efficiency toilets
  • Urinals: $60 rebate for 3.8L or less; $75 rebate for waterless urinals
  • Spray valves: 50% of the pre-tax price, to a maximum of $200
  • Commercial dishwashers and washing machines: 25% of the pre-tax price, to a maximum of $1,000

The total maximum rebate is $10,000 per tax roll number.

Is there a deadline for completing the work?

After a project is approved, applicants must complete the work within 18 months.


Contact the City of Ottawa at 3-1-1 or send an e-mail to:

High Volume User success stories

Find out how local property owners have benefitted from the High Volume User Program.

Ottawa Community Housing

In 2011, the Ottawa Community Housing Corporation (OCH) installed 144 water-efficient toilets at a facility located on Bank Street.

Water conserved: ~20,000 m3 of water/year
Rebate received: $7,200 rebate
Return on investment: 1 year
Annual savings: ~$78,000

Osgoode Properties

In 2011, Osgoode Properties installed 122 water-efficient toilets in their building.

Water conserved: ~14,000 m3 of water/year
Rebate received: $6,100 rebate
Return on investment: 8 months
Annual savings: ~$54,000

Ramphos Holdings Inc.

From 2011-2012, Ramphos Holdings Inc. installed 18 water-efficient toilets and 2 water-efficient washing machines.

Water conserved: ~400 m3 of water/year 
Rebate received: $1,643 rebate
Return on investment: Five years  
Annual savings: ~$1,500

What is the Better Buildings Ottawa Strategy?

The Better Buildings Ottawa Strategy was approved by City Council in October 2021. This strategy identifies how to encourage and support deep greenhouse gas reducing retrofits in commercial, institutional, and industrial buildings as well as large multi-unit residential buildings (MURBs). This includes all buildings in Part 3 of the Ontario Building Code, excluding those owned or operated by the City since they are dealt with under a separate Municipal Building Retrofit strategy.

The Better Buildings Ottawa Strategy is made up of several key components.

City Council has directed the development of energy disclosure and performance bylaws. This is following a similar course of direction to Vancouver in 2019 and Toronto in 2020. The Better Buildings Ottawa Strategy will seek to prepare building operators for these regulatory changes and support them in undertaking energy efficiency measures in a cost-effective manner.

If you would like to receive updates on the Better Buildings Ottawa Strategy, subscribe to the Better Buildings e-newsletter.

Why is building energy efficiency important?

Existing buildings are the single biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions in Ottawa. In 2020, industrial, commercial, and institutional buildings contributed 22 per cent of Ottawa’s greenhouse gas emissions. Most of these emissions are from space heating.

To meet our target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050, 95 per cent of commercial and industrial, as well as large residential buildings, must reduce energy for heating use by 70 per cent and for electricity use by 30 per cent by 2040.

Graph outlining different levels of Natural Gas, Electricity, Propane, Fuel Oil and Diesel

An energy-efficient building is healthier to work or live in, more valuable, more resilient and reduces money spent on energy, and energy used. Building energy retrofits also create good, local, green jobs. A study by Toronto-based non-profit The Atmospheric Fund (TAF) also found that energy-efficient buildings have lower tenant turnover and vacancy rates, increased property value, and reduced insurance cost premiums.

A 2023 report by the Building Decarbonization Alliance, of which the City of Ottawa is a member, focuses on the business case for electrifying buildings. “The Case for Building Electrification in Canada” puts forward the opportunities for building owners to replace their existing fossil fuel infrastructure and equipment with electric alternatives. The full report can be found on the Building Decarbonization Alliance website.

What is energy benchmarking and why is it important?

Energy benchmarking is the process of tracking and recording a building’s energy performance over time. It is based on the fundamental principle that building energy consumption must be measured before it can be managed. Performance data can help owners and managers to identify opportunities for operational efficiency improvements and retrofit projects.

Energy benchmarking and the public disclosure of building performance data is a foundational piece for undertaking energy efficiency retrofits. Experience shows that collecting and reporting on building performance is a foundational step that alone can lead to annualized savings of between 2 and 3 percent.

Other benefits of energy benchmarking include:

  • Obtaining standardized information on building energy consumption, energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions
  • Establishing baseline reference points for building systems optimization
  • Highlighting opportunities for prioritizing underperforming buildings for energy efficiency improvement measures
  • Measuring and verifying the results of energy efficiency projects
  • Increasing transparency of the social and environmental impact of your business operations
  • Becoming eligible for ENERGY Star® Certification

Retrofit Financing Options

Deep Retrofit Financing Options

The City of Ottawa has identified several retrofit financing options available today which may serve building owners and operators looking to undertake deep energy retrofits. The City has no official ties or associations with any of these financiers.

Financing Solutions [ PDF 155 KB ]

Interactive map – Open-loop geothermal resource potential

In 2021, the City worked with J.L. Richards and Associates to perform a preliminary study of the open-loop geothermal resource potential within Ottawa. 

It is important to note that this study only looked at open-loop geothermal resource potential. Most areas in Ottawa have a strong closed-loop geothermal resource potential.

The interactive map shows the open-loop geothermal resource potential within Ottawa.  

More detail can be found in the Open Loop Geothermal Resource Scoping Study [ PDF 3.575 MB ]

Tips for using the interactive mapping feature: 

  • To view a specific address, use the search box in the upper right-hand corner of the screen 
  • Clicking on the +/- symbols or using the scroll button on your mouse also allows users to zoom in and out. 
  • To pan, click on the map and hold while moving the mouse in the desired direction. 
  • This application works best in the Google Chrome web browser. 

Webinar series

Insights Report Webinar - With Poll Results

So everyone, my name is Marie.

I'm a project manager at the City of Ottawa's Climate Change Mitigation and Resiliency team, and I focus on supporting building owners and managers in Ottawa with their energy and decarbonization objectives by running a benchmarking program with perks.

So today we have with us Daniel Eden from Open Tech who supports that benchmarking program with the public disclosure mapping tool as well at which has some new exciting features coming out very soon that everyone will get to see.

And also that group provides us with the free insights reports for every building that participates and discloses their performance data with the City of Ottawa.

So these insights reports are provided to all better building Ottawa participants as one of the program perks.

And today we get to have a deep dive into how they're created and how they're being used.

This is our first webinar, so I'm just going to take a second and see if I can get all of my functions working.

But while I do that, Suzanne, do you mind launching the first poll just to get a sense of who's in the room?

So the question is, have you or your organization participated in better buildings Ottawa yet?

And I know not everyone here is in Ottawa has buildings in the port or portfolio to work on.

So far, that's everyone who's here has answered.

Sorry, Suzanne, I can't hear you.

Sorry, can you hear me now?

Yes, I said so far, everyone's answered now.

So that's great.

Thanks so much.

So the majority is not really our current participants in the program.

It's great to see that their interest from beyond as to how they could be implementing a solution like this.

Thanks so much.

Suzanne, you want to stop the sharing of that?


And let's see.

Can you see my presentation screen?

Thank you.

All right.

Wait, so I think we see your notes right now.


How about now?

Is this better?

It is still your notes.

Thanks for hanging on.

While we go through our first round, how about now?

Does it say Poll #2?

So the second question we had for the group was really for those of you who participated in the Better Buildings program in the past, have you seen your Insights report?

I'm hoping that it didn't go to the wrong person, so please let me know.

And no need to answer, not applicable.

If it's not you, great.

I'm glad that there's nobody here saying they wanted an insights report and it hasn't arrived in their inbox yet.

That's great to see.

Thanks so much, Suzanne.

We can go to our next one, which is really for those that those small few, how valuable it was.

And perhaps instead of answering a poll, you could just put some information in the chat to provide a little bit of feedback so we can keep our promise of 30 minutes or less.

So without further ado, I'd like to pass it over to Daniel, who is kind enough to, well, it's wonderful to work with Open Tech and Daniel specifically.

And thanks so much for giving us a walkthrough today of the Insights report.

You bet.

Thank you so much for having me.

Hi, everybody.

My name is Daniel Eden.

I'll be asking Marie to switch through the slides too.

So Marie, can you go to the next slide, please?

Working on it, yes.

So yeah, I mean, why?

Why am I here?

Why are you listening to me?

Well, I'm a professional engineer.

I have 10 years of experience doing engineering consulting, specifically in the green building space.

So looking at energy audits and green building certifications as well as capital planning.

I've also been an adjunct professor at the University of British Columbia, you know, delivering a course specifically on building energy systems.

But for the last few years, I've been working in software as the product manager for GRID.

And GRID is a tool that we've built to help deliver and support benchmarking programs and create these insight reports.

So let's go to the next slide.

So what am I going to be talking about today?

Well, I'm going to give you an overview of these scorecards or these insight reports.

I'm going to dive a little bit deeper into the methodology.

So specifically looking at you know how we're doing weather normalization, how that leads to end use breakdowns.

And finally I'm going to focus on you know the now what, what are the targets and recommendations that flow out of these.

And you know, as Marie mentioned at the beginning, we're really looking for feedback and your questions.

If anything's not clear, please feel free to add that to the chat and we'll circle back to it at the end.

Let's go to the next slide.

You know, I'll be talking a lot about energy use intensity EUI and greenhouse gas intensity GHGI.

So before we go any further, I think there's one last poll here just to see how familiar everybody is with those terms.

All right, a few more are gonna add their results here.

I think that's pretty good.

Let's see.

See the final what's happening?

It's 73% are answering yes, they know, which means 27% are Now saying that you're not familiar with that.

You can see those results.


All right, so most people are familiar with it.

But for those who aren't Marie, can you click through the next few animations here?

I mean, intensity simply means dividing the the energy use or the greenhouse gas use by the gross floor area.

So if you have two buildings like this, one small one and one big one, and they have the same energy use.

So let's reveal a few more things here.

So for example, they're both using 15,000 gigajoules of energy, but they have a very different gross floor area.

If you take the energy use and divide it by the gross floor area, you'll see that they have a very different energy use intensity.

The building on the right has actually a better energy use intensity, so it would be considered the higher performer in this case.

So let's go to the next slide.

All right, So enough of an intro, Let's get into the scorecards.

So the scorecards basically look like this.

There's three key sections.

The first one is focusing on your annual results for the, the year in question, the year that was being analyzed.

The second section looks at your monthly results.

So this is really where we kind of get into the juicy stuff.

And then the third section kind of takes all of that and says, well, now what?

What are the recommendations?

What can you do from there?

All right, let's jump into the first section, the annual results.

So the first page of your insight report looks like this.

And at the very top.

So Marie, if you can click through three times here, the very top has your basic building information.

So in there, we're seeing what kind of property type have you been classified as.

That's really important because that's the peer group that you're being compared against for the rest of these scorecards.

And we're also showing here at the top your gross floor area.

So that's also very important because we saw that the gross floor area is used to calculate the intensity metrics which are used throughout the second part of the scorecard are your highlights.

So this shows your rankings against basically the other buildings of the of your peer group for that year.

And obviously as the program grows, those insights and those rankings are going to become more and more valuable to you.

So we can see here there's fifty other office buildings and those highlights we're showing, we're kind of bubbling up what your trend is for greenhouse gas intensity.

So this building has an increase of 13% of their GHGI.

And then we could also see your rankings against the rest of the group.

So they're six out of 50th here for office buildings and 24th out of 333 for the whole cohort of buildings.

Those highlights are focusing specifically on greenhouse gas emissions because we know that greenhouse gas emissions are the main contributor to climate change.

The third part of this annual results are your year over year results, so essentially comparing your building to itself throughout the years.

So each column here is a different year in that table and each row is a different performance metric and the last column is basically showing you your trend from one year to the next.

So if we look at the 3rd row, for example the site UI, we can see that in 2021 the performance is 166.7 equivalent kilowatt hours per meter squared.

And just below that, I don't know if you can see my mouse, but just below the 167 point 66.7 we can see your percentile too.

So your percentile is showing your ranking against the rest of the the office buildings in Ottawa.

And this building is 90 in the 90th percentile and here a the 100th percentile is the best performer.

So this is a very, you know, good, performant, high performing building.

All right.

Let's go to the next slide.

You know, the second page of the scorecards are showing your annual results, but more in a visual format.

So again here each of these histograms is showing one performance metric.

So the first one here is your greenhouse gas intensity.

We can see that you're, you know, in sixth position out of 50.

That second bubble is highlighting the histogram itself.

So you know it goes from red, which is bad, to blue, which is a good performer.

So we can see here for energy use intensity, most of the buildings are kind of clustered around about 200 equivalent kilowatt hours per square foot.

And then there's a tall black bar in each of these crafts, and that is the performance of your building.

So in this case, your building is performing slightly better than the majority of buildings for energy use intensity.

And let's go to the next slide.

So that's just showing kind of where your performance is compared to the rest of the peer group, all right.

So the monthly results, this is kind of getting into the, the juicier section of the scorecards.

So Marie, if you click once through here, we'll see the top part of the scorecard is showing your monthly performance for the last three years.

If we have three years of data for your building and it's showing basically the the darker bar, it's showing this by energy type.

So on the left we have energy use intensity, sorry energy, electricity use and on the right we have thermal energy usage and thermal energy usage is combining all of the fossil fuel based energy types.

And so one thing that's important to note here is that you know if you're comparing one year of energy consumption to the next, it's not a fair comparison if the weather was different each year.

So what we've done is a weather normalization essentially trying to take weather out of the equation.

And the way we do that is for each year we compare the your energy consumption compared to the weather of that year.

And if there's a strong correlation between energy and weather, then we can use that.

We can basically pull out an equation to predict your energy based on weather.

We do that for each year and then that captures the behavior of that year and we can then plug in the 30 year average weather for each year.

So it's basically giving the same weather to each year.

Like I said, taking weather out of the equation in a sense.

If you click once again, we can see here also on the graphs we put in the average performance band.

So for this particular building, we can see for electricity, they're basically kind of in the average, maybe slightly on the lower end of the average.

And for thermal energy use the graph on the top right, we can see that this building is performing slightly better than average.

All right.

So let's click once more.

So the bottom half of this page is showing you now the energy use breakdown by energy type.

And the reason we can do that is because we found that correlation between energy consumption and outdoor weather.

And so if we look at the bottom left graph, we're looking at the electricity breakdown.

We can pull out what part of your electricity, your monthly electricity consumption is probably used for heating and what part is used for cooling and what part can be attributed to a base load, So a consistent load throughout the year.

We do that for both electricity and for therm water to use.

That's good.

You can go to the next slide.

Thanks, Marie.

So I also wanted to show you comparison, because for some of you there may not be a correlation between energies and weather that happens as well.

So let's click one more time and you'll see here on the right hand side a second scorecard where there was no correlation.

So if you click once more, we'll see here.

When there is no correlation in the title of the graph, we'll just say that we're presenting your build value, so basically your your raw utility consumption data.

And if you click once more, we'll see on the bottom.

Since we weren't able to pull out a strong enough correlation between weather and energy use, we're just showing all of your energy as the base load.

All right, so let's go to the next page.

What this energy use breakdown allows us to do is then take your greenhouse gas intensity and break that down into the end uses.

So on the graph here on the left hand side, so if you click once more we can see this is your building's performance, your greenhouse gas intensity performance for broken down by the different end uses.

On the right side of the building is the average building type.

Eventually what we want to include on this graph too is 1/3 column that would show what is the net zero energy or the net 0 consumption building and how do you compare to that as well.

And if you click once more, we'll see that, well, where do these colors come from?

They come from that energies breakdown that we did on the previous page.

So if you click through a few times, we'll see that, you know, the colors relate here.

The the teal is the teal, the blue is the blue, the orange is the orange.

And for this particular building, most of their greenhouse gas intensity comes from thermal energy heating.

And that's the case for a lot of buildings.

All right, let's go to the next slide.

Finally, we move on to the recommendation.

So what do we have here?

You'll see that we essentially take those N uses again and we compare each N use to the rest of your peer group.

So if you click through once more, so here we have your heating energy.

This combines heating energy from electricity and from thermal energy usage.

And we're showing your percentile ranking.

So 100 percentile is the best building.

This building is 86 percentile.

So it's doing very, very well.

And just below that, we also set a target.

So if you click once more, if your building is below the 75th percentile, well we're going to give you the 75th percentile as your target if your building is above the 75th percentile.

So as is the case here, we say well what if you also had a 10% improvement over that and then we show what it would be the impact of achieving that target in terms of reducing your greenhouse gas emissions.

So here there would be a reduction of 3.84 tons and also what would be your energy cost savings.

So here it's roughly $3500 per year.

And so we're trying to provide a bit of intensive here of like you know what would, what would the world look like if you did kind of achieve the the cream of the crop in terms of performance.

I think you can click through a couple more times.

So once again, I'm just showing here that you know, these results are coming from the energy use breakdown that we did at the monthly energy performance level, All right.

So the last page here is now looking at, well, what do we do with all of this information, A couple things here.

So the first one, if you click once more, we'll see that some of the scorecards, some of the insight reports actually also include thermal image scans.

So Marisa I think is going to talk a little bit more about why some buildings have this.

It's it's a pilot program that the city is running.

If you click again we'll see also for the main building archetypes, for example office buildings, multi unit residential, the City of Ottawa worked with WSP to develop retrofit Rd.

maps for those building types.

So if that's applicable, applicable for your building type, it's going to be linked here.

And finally, we also encourage everybody to, you know, register for the next year of the program.

So I think that's all I had from my end.

Obviously very open to any questions that you have.

And yeah, thank you for your attention.

So are there any questions?

Let's take a look at the chat and see if there were any specific questions on that.

Daniel, there was a question on the GHG breakdown graph.

Is the average building in Ottawa specifically or Canada?

It's an Ottawa specifically, it's looking at the average building of the same building type.

So it's looking at your peer group.


And the next question was on the monthly performance graphs.

Is the Gray band for the building being reported on or for all buildings in this type?

There's a great band for the building being reported on?

Oh yeah, OK.

It's for all buildings of that type.

So if you're an office building, it's showing you the average performance band for office buildings in Ottawa.


That's it for questions that I see right now.

There is one more, I'm sorry, in the Q&A is the data drawn from ESPM.

So the data originally comes from Energy Star Portfolio Manager and is shared with an account that the City of Ottawa has a better buildings Ottawa account and that feeds grid seed and all of this information.

So it's the exact same data that gets input into Energy Star Portfolio Manager.

That is the key data source that we're using for this analysis, Yes.

Harry Harry's next question is, so no other data sources and I'd have to think really hard to see if there are any other data sources that are being pulled in.

There are for other parts of the analysis.

But Daniel, is there anything else in order to produce the these map, these insight reports?

Rather, yeah.

The insight reports come purely of comparing the energy that's flowing from Energy Star Portfolio Manager.

So it's all of the energy data that the participants in the program are reporting.

We're not pulling any of the Canadian wide averages or anything like that.

It's all just compared to the the data that's being reported as part of the Better Buildings Auto program, right.

But Harry, some of those additional elements like the thermal imaging scan that doesn't come from Energy Star Portfolio Manager and WSP specific Architect reports on 0 carbon pathways with costing that's also a separate piece of information.

And one more question back in the chat, was there a process in place for excluding data points that were considered to be incorrect, like consumptions of 0 or unusually high consumption values, Dan?


So one of the features that we've built into GRID, which is the tool that helps to generate these reports is that it flags any incomplete data or it flags any unusually high or low consumption data.

And then it allows the the program manager, in this case the City of Ottawa to mark those buildings as incomplete or invalid and they don't get included in the analysis at that point.

Absolutely, yeah.

And we do find frequently actually there was just a case earlier this week of a large portfolio owner that submitted their data to us and we went through that kind of high level quality check and found that the information they were submitting and other sources was incomplete and inaccurate.

And so we were working with them to correct that so that we can have a fulsome set of accurate data in our benchmarking program.

Can you still see my slide?

Because I want it with six minutes left and I'm committed to the 30 minute mark.

And so I just wanted to be clear that the Insight reports are really just one of the many growing Perks that we're offering in our program.

I'm constantly listening to our current and potential future stakeholders to hear what would be enticing for participation in the program or what their current struggles are in terms of, you know, engaging in further action on decarbonization or access to data.

So I'm listening to that and that's how we're developing our list of perks.

So Insights report is 1.

Also, we have access to free training, so participants in our program get access to sessions like energy efficiency for building operators is one that we've run.

We ran another one of making the case for decarbonization projects.

We're going to continue running the energy efficiency for building operators.

I was such a valuable workshop and the building operators are really a key stakeholder in moving all of this forward.

And how I like to divide this sometimes is the difference between investment projects on capital and investing in in people and operational changes, getting better checklists, policies, procedures, recommissioning of buildings.

So they're in two different categories in my mind all the time.

We also are offering any current participants discounts on a number of services.

One is the thermal images.

So if your property didn't have a beautiful thermal image to give a sense of how much energy leakage there is from the building envelope, feel free to participate in the program or ask me questions about how to get access to those those discounts, standardizing information, additional training programs.

We've just launched our webinar series and are open to feedback on how, what additional topics we should have moving forward.

Retrofit financing programs is another perk.

So there's right now a call for expression of interest any building that's multi unit residential to that condos or apartments that are large.

So part three of the Part 3, but there is funding right now specifically for Ottawa, a limited time offer.

So please do throw your hat in the race, just send me an e-mail after this and I'll send you the link.

It's about 10 questions to potentially receive funding for all incremental elements of replacing your mechanical equipment and getting off of majority natural gas and having a major reduction in GHG emissions and more are being added on a regular basis.

So please feel free to let me know what else you'd like to see from the program.

If you're already participating in EWRB, then what we like to say is this is about 10 to 15 minutes of additional work for that laundry list of perks and programs as which is always growing and is here to meet your needs.

And if you're not already in EWRB participants, we can help.

Just send us an e-mail and we can help get you started on that path.

Our next webinar is planning to be on the state of building envelopes in Ottawa.

So it's going to be the high level results from the pilot project that we ran of having 191 buildings have thermal imaging scans, aerial and from from from street views.

So we'll have the results of that.

So the state of building envelopes in Ottawa.

You can register at this link and if you're missing any of that information, feel free to scan the QR code on the left.

We'll get you signed up for the Better Buildings Ottawa newsletter.

So you hear about all of the UpToDate information that we have launching or the one on the right is the general.

Send us an e-mail saying you were at this webinar and you have additional questions or e-mail better buildings at Ottawa dot CA if you don't have your smartphone handy.

And that's all we have for you today.

I'm just going to double check the chat in Q&A with two minutes to spare.

Oh, I see One more idea of a perk of the program from Houston.

Thank you so much.

I will continue to look into that.

Was there anything else in the Q&A?


Suzanne, do you want to launch the last poll then to get a sense of future webinar topics?

Thanks so much Suzanne.

Ooh, looks like EV charging is of great interest, but also program perks updates.


One minute to spare.

I just want to thank Daniel so much for making the time today for Suzanne for anything, everything in the background for everyone who is able to come today to a 29 minute webinar on your lunch hour or at a different time of the day.

Thanks so much.

It means a lot to me and to all of us as we continue evolving our program.

Have a great day.

Thanks so much.

Thanks, Marie.

Thanks, Suzanne.
Eric Ibey: Suzanne, if you want to start rolling, let's do it.

Suzanne Tewnion: absolutely. so welcome to our second better buildings, Ottawa. Webinars of soon-to-be series, like I said to some of you already. We're going to be doing a 30Â min presentation, and then a 15Â min. Question and answer with Eric.

Suzanne Tewnion: feel free to stay for that. But if you want to enjoy the rest of your lunch also feel free to take off after, as I'm sure you all have the notification, it will be recorded and eventually posted on our web page. So either feel free to look out for that if you want to come back and re-watch it. One important fact of this webinar is that we will be staying on topic today. Any outside chats and irrelevant information in our chats will likely be deleted as we keep going. And last, but not least, I'll pass it off to Eric, as I know he has a lot of talk about

Eric Ibey: for being here. I know lunch hour presentations are not everybody's favorite, so I do appreciate you being here, and I want to be aware of timing like, Suzanne said. I'm gonna try to get this wrapped up about 25 minutes and then I'm happy to stick around for questions.

Eric Ibey: As Suzanne said, we're gonna try to stay on topic. We've got a lot of different people coming from a lot of different, you know, areas and buildings. And so we don't wanna get into the weeds too too much. But if you have to take off for any reason, and you have some questions that weren't answered, and you'd like to add answered, I'm happy to take a conversation offline later. Just so, you know. So my name is Eric Ivy. I am a project manager in the climate change and resiliency Department at the city of Ottawa.

Eric Ibey: My background is, I'm a mechanical engineer, and I've dabbled in few different areas. But mainly I've done Hvac design and energy audits for commercial buildings during my career. So I'm here today to talk about decarbonization and different pathways towards decarbonizing your part. 3 buildings. And the reasons, again, some of these reasons might not be new to you. But we're gonna dig into them. Just a little bit more this present or this, this. The data that you're gonna see in this presentation is from a study we had done from an outside consultant who looked at our building stock?

Eric Ibey: Not specifically. It's it's a very It’s an average representation of different clusters of buildings in Ottawa. So I just wanna kind of caveat before I start that you're gonna see some numbers. It might not be relevant specifically relevant to your building. I'm gonna show you some of the assumptions that were made for the modeling and for the the numbers that you're going to see. But I just wanna everyone to keep in mind that this is a high level average. We're not looking at the worst performers, the best performers. It's really kind of an average. So with that. we got a couple of poll questions. So the first poll question is, what type of part 3 building retrofit are you most interested in just to get an idea of the folks we have. So we have apartment buildings, condos, hotels, office buildings, retail spaces and warehouses, and I believe, can I scroll? I can scroll to?

Eric Ibey: We have institutional buildings, or all the above

Eric Ibey: awesome

Eric Ibey: 10 to 2019. Here we go.

Eric Ibey: Got 2 more. Are those last 2 people gonna participate.

Eric Ibey: 5, 4, 3, 2, one. Alright, Suzanne, let's let's see what we have. Gonna show the results. So 50% condos very interesting, and the other 40% apartment buildings alright.

Eric Ibey: Well, that makes me feel a little bit better, I guess, about the examples that I'm using in the presentation because we are. I use a lot of multi unit residential type buildings for this for this presentation. So that's great. See, we got some office buildings, all of the above interesting, all the above. That's If you said all the above, if you wouldn't mind, just maybe writing in the chat where maybe a little more specificity around all the above. Maybe your portfolio manager. Maybe you're coming from like hydro autoware, something like this. But anyways, we're just curious. But alright! Let me close this Suzanne, or do I? Share results? How do I do this?

PRED EDLRP: I did hit share results. It should have come up but see it, there's there's not okay, cool.

Eric Ibey: alright.

Eric Ibey: So first of all, the building archetypes that we're gonna look at in this study. They were clustered together. So you can see the building types. We have older Merbs, newer Merbs, large mix use institutional, commercial. Not so much industrial. Obviously, auto was not a big industrial town mid size, commercial, small, retail, low rise office and small warehouse.

Eric Ibey: Now you can see that I apologize. It's a little grainy, but the age of the building, and roughly, the size. This is what I'm talking about an average. This is really not, you know, your building might not really fall into that category. Maybe they do. But just to give an idea that when you see some of these numbers, although most of them are on a per square foot or per meter squared basis.

Eric Ibey: those numbers can be affected by a lot of things. As everyone knows, no no 2 buildings are really the same. So just to be aware of that.

Eric Ibey: So these matrices, I'm gonna show you these decarbonization measures matrices. I'm gonna take a moment to to explain, because I know there's a lot going on right there on the left hand side. We have the types of things that you can renovate in your buildings. So the first 3 walls, roof windows you've got envelope, and you've got Hvac delivery in the plant. Domestic hot water, and then the last is solar photovoltaic.

Eric Ibey: Across the top you'll see baseline level, one improvement level, 2 level. 3. Improvement. These are increasing in complexity usually cost, but also decreasing in the amount of you know utilities. You use decreasing greenhouse gas emissions and like, I say, a lot of these might not necessarily pertain to your building, depending on you having hot water, you know. Hot water heating system, a forest air system, but again pretty pretty high level. Along the bottom. You see 6 boxes. These are the different pathways that I'm going to be referring to throughout the presentation. So first, we have like for similar.

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Eric Ibey: So I'm gonna scroll through them. And you're gonna see boxes light up. So for like for similar, you can see that over the baseline. There's only 3 things happening. You're increasing the insulation to your roof. You're improving your windows and doing a little bit of work with your domestic hot water delivery on an easy fuel switch.

Eric Ibey: Little bit more. Not too much. You're just really adding a. The balcony, mounted heat pumps, air source heat pumps, or a central chiller and heat pump fuel switch ready.

Eric Ibey: Now we're getting into more envelope work, improving walls and roof. A little bit more Hvac delivery. We're installing ensuite ervs. Energy recovery ventilators and still no Pv. No photovoltaics in a fuel switch. Only now we're not touching the envelope. But we're just looking at air source heat pump for heating and and domestic hot water, also an air source heat pump.

Eric Ibey: and then for 0 carbon ready. Which is what I, what we're talking about, what we're the goal that this is the end goal. This is where we're trying to go.

Eric Ibey: We have envelope improvements, heating system and cooling system. If it's available improvements. And we're also adding photovoltaics to 50% of the roof area And then we have one level above which is Max site potential. The 3 differences here are, instead of an wall installation. You're going up to our 30. You are also centralizing your Hvac delivery by using a variable airflow Erv system and you're installing a ground source heat pump as opposed to an air source heat pump. So you might ask, well, why isn't that the goal? This seems better. And we're gonna get to that.

Eric Ibey: Let me just go back to that for a second. Are there any questions anything coming up that? Or you? I can just keep rolling. I'm gonna take a sip of water. So if there's anything, come up, feel free to put up your hand, or write something in the chat at any point.

Eric Ibey: Hmm! And Suzanne, if there are questions that come up sometimes I missed them in the chat, if you wouldn't mind just interrupting me. That would be great. Thanks.

Eric Ibey: alright. So let's get into the 7 reasons why we should
upgrade, retrofit our buildings to 0 carbon ready. The first reason is, you are going to make more money part of this study that we had d10, sorry! Go ahead, Susan.

Suzanne Tewnion: There are a couple of questions now coming in. Sure, sure.

Eric Ibey: I guess I can open that up there.

Eric Ibey: So from Houston, Hi, Houston, consider vacuuming solution for increasing well, causing problem there, but I just only wanted to see. But as thank you, that's a that's a great suggestion. I appreciate that your opinion on geothermal heating, cooling. Are you also considering installing ef charging opinions on a lot of things? I don't know if this is getting into the weeds. Geothermal heating, I will say this on the geothermal. It's really dependent on your building sometimes. It's just not possible. That's from sorry. That's from Diana. Thanks for your question, Diana. We can talk about this a little more offline. But I would say it is really, really dependent on your building where you're located.

Eric Ibey: it's not a a solution. I don't think for everybody, but it could be. And it it could be a really great solution if you're if if it's possible. But and if sorry if charging you're referring to.

Eric Ibey: can you specify what what you mean by that? Sorry

Eric Ibey: if you want to turn your mic on I you don't have to turn your camera on. But sorry about that.

Eric Ibey: So ev charging wasn't considered in the study because we're mainly looking at where we can save on greenhouse gas emissions, really building, level, heating, cooling.

Eric Ibey: But yes.

Eric Ibey: this is a huge, huge topic. So again, probably a better conversation offline, and I have a colleague as well specifically works in ev charging, so perhaps I can even point you in his direction. But you can talk about those later. And your great question those effective nominal those are I. I don't. I think they are nominal. They are increasing from, you know, the baseline of 5.

Eric Ibey: That's total total R value if that if that answers your question, I'm gonna keep rolling.

Eric Ibey: So from this Kpmg report that was done for us. We're talking again about making making more money.

Eric Ibey: they found in in studying buildings, specifically multi unit residential and office buildings that the value of the building went up with when it became more efficient. And that's also lease rate. Differential went up as well. So buildings became more attractive to buyers, the tenants.
Eric Ibey: effectively.

Eric Ibey: you know, you can charge more for your building, whether you're selling or renting, II guess, but there is a bit of a caveat to this. I want to be as as transparent as I can. The study did not specify whether that meant that it was based on the high efficiency systems, or if it was based on aesthetics. Usually when a building is renovated even for energy efficiency type. Or, you know, greenhouse gas reducing reducing measures.

Eric Ibey: you improve the aesthetics of the building. And so, where people were the value going up because of aesthetics of both. I would probably argue both. But

Eric Ibey: just to say, too, that if in the future, if there's ever, if very hypothetical, if we have a building rating system. The building rating system would include things like energy efficiency, greenhouse gases. You know your how high your emissions are. So in that case the value would be tied to that rating again. That's in the future, not sure how that's ever gonna be a roll up, but it is being being used in places like Europe, and I believe a few jurisdictions in the United States have started using it as well.

Eric Ibey: So the second thing is, you're gonna save more money, which, of course kind of stands the reason. So to show that we're going to look at energy, use intensity, EU i. Eui, is really the amount of electricity and gas you're using in your building. So obviously, you make your building better. more efficient. You lower your utility uses you save more money.

Eric Ibey: but, as you can see in this chart are along the bottom. On the X-axis we have baseline Lfs is like for similar Fs ready is fuel switch ready. Then we have a like for similar plus fuel switch was, which was kind of that like light fuel switch and then we have 0 carbon ready without without Pv. With Pv. And Max. Site with Opv.

Eric Ibey: With Pv.

Eric Ibey: So you can see that. And our energy evolution target. By the way, energy. Evolution is city of auto strategy. Sort of our action plan to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and getting to net 0 citywide by 2,050, our buildings, the corporations building city buildings. We have a goal of 2,040.

Eric Ibey: Now that target, as you can see, of 87, the closest we come to. It is with 0 carbon ready, and Max site. In all other scenarios we're not saving as much money. So this is a

Eric Ibey: I mean an argument to say that you you'd like to move as close to 0 carbon ready as you can progressively, and you also would like to do it in a way that makes sense.

Eric Ibey: You know, I'm gonna say this now, because I know people are. Gonna ask those questions. You know, what do you do. First, you do the fuel switch. Do you do the envelope?

Eric Ibey: We know realistically, and I know realistically from being in this industry for a number of years. That envelopes are very hard. They're they're expensive, you know. See? A lot of good payback. But that's there's a lot of things that are also happening that I'm gonna talk about late as we move along here. But I think envelope work is becoming more and more attractive because of the changing climate, not climate, weather, but climate of the industry as well, and So I you know they both have to be done envelope and mechanical systems but the order. Of course it always makes more sense

Eric Ibey: in perfect world. We would do our envelopes first, because then we lower our heating and cooling loads on the building, and then you install a smaller heating system than you would otherwise, which

Eric Ibey: I mean saves more money again in capital cost. So, depending on the the order of operations. You do your your renovations. It could affect costs later on.

Eric Ibey: Just gonna stop for a second and check the chat.

Eric Ibey: Okay.

Eric Ibey: alright, cool. Sorry, just taking a quick look at the chat. Alright.

Eric Ibey: So third one, you're gonna lower your greenhouse gases.

Eric Ibey: Kind of kind of obvious. But let's look at a chart that shows again for older merges. I'm I'm using the older merges archetype.

Eric Ibey: So our Ghg intensity.

Eric Ibey: So kilogram Co. 2 per meter squared. You can see from the baseline we're starting at around 42, 43 and getting down to about 10 at 0 carbon ready. Something interesting. I find interesting. The difference in emissions. Reduction from 0 carbon ready to Max site. Is not that significant?

Eric Ibey: at least not as significant as I originally thought it might be. So again, when we talk about the ground source heat pump versus air source heat pump.

Eric Ibey: Well, that doesn't look. That doesn't make the ground source seat pump as attractive as it should again.

Eric Ibey: very building specific, you might be able to make way. Better gains. But in terms of this is showing not a huge gain. So 0 carbon ready seems more attractive. It also seems more attractive, comes to the fourth point is that the 0 carbon ready scenario is cheaper. Ultimately, it's cheaper than going to this Max site, potential and more realistic.
Eric Ibey: So I'm going to give a little bit of love to the mid-size commercial building can see here at the bottom. Now we're talking. Capital costs dollars per square foot. So in a like for similar scenario.

Eric Ibey: you're looking at $63 per square foot. That's total to go up to 0. Carbon ready is $84 a square foot.

Eric Ibey: oh, $20 more, but 25 increase, I would say in most scenarios that I've seen the premium on going from like for similar to 0 carbon ready that 20 to 30% range seems pretty standard again depends on your building.

Eric Ibey: But to go from 0 carbon rating to the Max site it's a pretty big jump.

Eric Ibey: It's almost $30 a square foot.

Eric Ibey: So to get that very small gain in greenhouse gas emissions very small, gain in energy use, intensity.

Eric Ibey: Maybe that doesn't seem as worth it.

Eric Ibey: I think if I was a building owner I'd be dev definitely giving that a big, hard look. So that that's why it for the for this study we're saying that 0 carbon ready is you know, should be the goal.

Eric Ibey: So that's another question. What is the biggest challenge to decarbonizing your ability.

Eric Ibey: Suzanne? Thank you very much

Eric Ibey: alright. So we've got capital financing, lack of incentives, technical barriers, or lack of knowledge, lack of regulations or standards, human resource, capacity or other.

Eric Ibey: If you do have another. We'd love to hear what it is in the chat

Eric Ibey: way. Welcome to everybody that came in late. Thanks for being here. and thank you for participating in the polls. Alright, we got 71%, 5%. We're gone almost there.

Eric Ibey: Couple more seconds

Eric Ibey: more people griggle from 5, 4, 3, 2, one, all right.

Eric Ibey: and that share our results. So it looks like capital. Financing is the big winner. Surprise, surprise.

Eric Ibey: technical barriers, lack of knowledge, interesting lack of regulations. Also very interesting. Thank you very much. Everybody for participating. That's great.

Eric Ibey: And of course it's not a big surprise to see capital financing as the as the winner.

Eric Ibey: Alright! Can you confirm if that stop sharing? I have to click that a couple of times. Is it gone alright?

Eric Ibey: So next point

Eric Ibey: by going to net carbon, 0 carbon ready, you will improve your buildings. Resiliency resiliency is a word that is coming up a lot more lately given changing weather conditions.

Eric Ibey: Power outages. Resiliency is, I think, becoming a lot more pertinent on people's radars. And as it should.

Eric Ibey: how resilient is your building! How well can your building withstand a power outage or some sort of weather weather disaster? And when we talk about multi inter residential as we have been, mostly, as we saw in the beginning. Most of you are interested in those sorts of buildings, you know, where people live.

Eric Ibey: This this matters so the metric that we use to measure resiliency, or at least one of the metrics is called Teddy. Thermal energy demand intensity. So it's a energy per meter squared calculation, which is basically the heating load. It's only a heating time of year measurement, and it is a heating the heating load on your building.

Eric Ibey: So the things that decrease your thermal energy, demand intensity, are improving your envelope and improving the way you ventilate your building so as opposed to bringing 100% makeup, bear into your building. You know you replace that with heat, recovery, energy, recovery.

Eric Ibey: That also will get your Teddy down, and you can see through by this graph that the only 3 that get us down there, the fuel fuel switch ready, 0 carbon ready in the Max site.

Eric Ibey: The other ones don't get us too close. Now, why does this matter? And II found this graph. And I really really love this graph. So this is from the thermal Resiliency Design Guide at the University of Toronto. If you wanna dig farther into building resiliency.

Eric Ibey: Google, that maybe Suzanne can find that. Actually, I didn't put that in the notes, but that thermal. If you, if you're really interested, it's a great great guide so passive habitability as you can see. It's measure of how long a building remains habitable during extended power outages.

Eric Ibey: That's again like, I said, becoming more important. Given that. We've seen a lot of power outages in the last few years. So on this graph, you can see outdoor air temperature goes from above 2°C down to minus 10 over the course of a week.

Eric Ibey: That red dotted line is your survivability threshold. So 50°C is the is the line that below that your building is not survivable any longer and you can see a typical existing building drops below that threshold. After 2 days a code compliant building drops after 3 days, and a high performing building still stays habitable after 7 days and maybe longer.

Eric Ibey: That's becoming like, I say, a huge factor in why we should upgrade our buildings. This is not something that necessarily shows up in the Ghgs or your bottom line when you're you're talking about your electricity and gas bills.

Eric Ibey: But this is something that's becoming more and more important for residents of buildings all the time. So anyway, that's again again, if you want more information on resiliency, go check out that guide really really great resource.

Eric Ibey: Just gonna take a look at the challenge here. Thought, Thanks.

Eric Ibey: Jacob. Sorry I didn't. I missed that. In addition to the lack of human capital is also the the regulation like to like where it's nearly impossible to get approval by condominium members.

Eric Ibey: Yes, condos they are. They seem to be that that. That tough one. Right? That's yeah.

Eric Ibey: That's I'm gonna point to Marie. She is the expert on all things, Condo related. But again, we know that there's a lot of different challenges. And you know, again brings me back to my original point. It's a building by building basis. Everyone has different board members, and the way you share utility costs, it's. you know this, there's so much to this. So a. A. Again. I know this is very high level, but I hope it's also providing just a little bit of you know little bit of guidance or a little bit of hey? I didn't. I couldn't think about that. I didn't think about that before 6 point escalation rate.

Eric Ibey: So this was an assumption made in the modeling where you're seeing all these graphs and all this information coming from The electricity and gas escalation rates were assumed to be 2%. Now. this is like, I said, this is. This is not a knock on on what the assumptions are. This is how we have to run computer models is the way it goes. But

Eric Ibey: if we look at. So again, electricity and gas assumed to be both the same as an escal as an escalation rate. But the Canada Energy Regulator made an update in 2023, very recently. And you can see in commercial buildings electricity from 2023 to 24 to 2050

Eric Ibey: goes down. And this is projected year by year. You can go look at this. Again on the website. I think, Suzanne, did you share that? Oh, can I share it, please?

Eric Ibey: Absolutely so, if anybody wants to. You know, this is, this is a really cool tool but you'll see natural gas is going up from 2023 to 2050. It's more than tripling in cost now. Nobody has a crystal ball. Nobody knows exactly what the future holds.

Eric Ibey: but

Eric Ibey: if we're planning for the future asset management planning. And we're thinking about our buildings. If I were to go into the model, which, unfortunately, I can't, I don't have access to our consultants models. But if I were to go in and change those escalation rates to reflect what you're seeing on the screen right now and guarantee you those

Eric Ibey: all those scenarios that are dropping your emissions? Are gonna look a lot better. They're gonna look a lot more attractive because that cost of of gas is going up so much, and the cost of electricity is essentially dropping. So

Eric Ibey: again, we don't know what the future holds. But if we're talking about future proofing our buildings, planning for the future.

Eric Ibey: We don't know but you know the way things are going. If I had a crystal ball I would. Probably III think this is probably not far off. But again, who knows? We will see, time will tell.

Eric Ibey: And the final, the final thing that I wanted to mention in this model. Carbon price assumption was was used at $170 per ton as a flat rate into 2050.

Eric Ibey: Yeah, do we know what's gonna happen? Do we know what is going to happen with carbon pricing? No. That's a very political charge question.

Eric Ibey: But if the carbon price increased. if it increased over time, if it was higher than 170 per ton. Then, again.

Eric Ibey: those scenarios are going to change, and decarbonizing becomes a lot more attractive again.

Eric Ibey: So our final question, this is a pretty simple one. Does your building's long term asset management strategy incorporate carbon pricing.

Eric Ibey: basically yes or no, or not applicable to you. Give you a couple of seconds.

Eric Ibey: I used to know we're pretty neck and neck right now.

Eric Ibey: and go from 5, 4, 3, 2, one.

Eric Ibey: and share the results.

Eric Ibey: pretty even split from yes and no. Interesting.

Eric Ibey: yeah. Think that's that's good to know. So I would say that.

Eric Ibey: And just to expand on this real quick, if you are using, I mean, there are, there are free tools on the Internet that you can find red screen from Nrc. And is a pretty decent one. There's one called King set but you can. You can start to look, and some of you will probably been involved in other webinars and workshops have seen those. These are tools that you can use to predict what the you know what's gonna happen with utility costs, and you can adjust things like carbon pricing like escalation rates and get a better idea of, you know, what the future might hold, whether or not you do certain certain retrofits or not.

Eric Ibey: So

Eric Ibey: before I open it up, I just want to say that our next webinar is gonna be on October fourth 12 pm. Again. That's gonna be program purpose Update for the better buildings. Ottawa program. We hope that everybody here is a part of our better buildings auto-up program. So if you wanna scan I QR code,

Eric Ibey: you know. And you want to join that Webinar, please. We'd love to see you there.

Eric Ibey: We can throw. We can send out an email after with with all these things as well. If you don't quite get there. And on the left we, we have a newsletter if you'd like to subscribe a lot of great information there. And if you wanna send us an email, the emails at the bottom. You can also scan that QR code on the right to send us an email directly, like, I say, if you wanna take any of these conversations offline, if you think that it's a little bit in the weeds of your particular building, I'm happy to chat about it, and otherwise.

Eric Ibey: Thank you very much. All for being here, and I'm gonna open up the chat and see what we got here. Diana, please repeat the names of these tools to estimate carbon pricing. Sure red screen. II don't. I haven't played with redscreen a lot lately. I know there's been up some updates made, maybe Marie, or I don't know if you can comment on that specifically. But it's a pretty decent tool. King set

Eric Ibey: KKIN. GSET. T. Is another great asset management tool for predicting you know, paybacks and emissions, reductions. And and

Eric Ibey: you know also I would say that if you are part of the better buildings auto program and you are already reporting your data to Ewrb and sharing with auto, there's a lot of great stuff you can get out of that. So I would encourage you. If you are not reporting, please report. It is mandatory province wide, and if you are going to please share it with us, it helps us, and it helps.

Eric Ibey: you know, if the more we know, the more data we have, the more we can create incentives and programs that are gonna help buildings. Because, as we see, there is premium on going to net 0, that's we're not hiding that. That's that's just that's a reality.

Eric Ibey: But the more we know the more we can help. So you know, please get involved and and share that data with us. It would be really helpful.

Eric Ibey: And Diana, there's also another one. I'm I'm blanking on the name right now, but I can look that up later, and I'd be happy to send it over to you.

Eric Ibey: Will the presentation be shared? I absolutely we can. That's not a problem. We're gonna share some per, would you say? Are we not sharing it?

Suzanne Tewnion: I can speak to that. It will be shared. It probably usually takes about a month to, but you put up, but it will be on our better buildings Ottawa Web page.

Eric Ibey: I'm sorry you mean the the video or the actual slides.

Suzanne Tewnion: Oh, because I mean.

Eric Ibey: we can do both. And I mean the video takes a little longer. But I

Eric Ibey: we'll be quiet. Suzanne is the guard for that.

Eric Ibey: Will there be grants from the city to help buildings reach the Bbo targets, Samuel? That is a great question. I hope so. We're trying. We are working really hard on that.

Eric Ibey: There's that's that's a big part of what we do. And yeah, we're trying absolutely. But yeah, if we if we are expecting people to to do to go to net 0. There's gonna have to be some help. And it's it's not just coming from the city to. There's gonna be a lot of help coming from a lot of other places, too. So

Eric Ibey: we we are. I know we're working hard behind the scenes to to try to get those those rolled out for sure.

Eric Ibey: And again, if you are registered with better buildings, Ottawa you will get first first access. First look at information for all those things that come out.

Eric Ibey: we update that newsletter that I just shared. You know, that's something that you're gonna get that information right away, and you get in the door first to that money, because money is always incentives, grants. It's always limited. So you wanna be first again, if you are a part of our better buildings auto already, you're getting that knowledge. If you're not, I encourage you to sign up so you can get access to that.

Eric Ibey: Jacob, you're welcome. I'm glad it was helpful. Thanks for being here.

Eric Ibey: So what am I taking from today's webinar that since we have a plan or a study to replace signing with the next 5 years. This may be one of the best investment stores we're using kind of footprint. Or

Eric Ibey: do you agree with that?

Eric Ibey: Generally speaking, yes, I would say yes. And the thing is, Jacob, what's important is replacing siding. You have one chance to do building envelope work in the building's life.

Eric Ibey: New construction and one renovation is really what you're going to get. Probably. So if you're doing the siding.

Eric Ibey: Look, try to, you know. Maybe you're looking at the windows at the same time. If you've already got all that scaffolding and all that things set up. You wanna try to do as much as you can, because the chances are you're probably not gonna do it again. And especially if it's in 5 years, you know. You look at the sign. You look at the installation we also have. You know, we've been just as an aside. We've been. We've had some thermal scanning done at a lot of the buildings around Ottawa, and we've seen from those

Eric Ibey: thermal scans that most buildings have issues with with infiltration, with, you know, icing with thermal bridging. There's just so many issues going on with envelopes. So I would probably encourage you also to, you know, to have maybe a study done. Maybe you've already done that. But

Eric Ibey: you know, try to see what can be done.

Eric Ibey: At the same time as you're doing, deciding, because, like, I say, you, you get one shot at this. But yeah, I would. I would agree that that's one of the best things you can do right away.

Eric Ibey: and I, as I said, you improve your installation, you improve your envelope, it drops your heating and heating, cooling demand on your building the load. And now, when you go in 5, 1015 years to replace your central heating, your your whatever your you know, you put in an air source heat pump. Well, now, that heat pump can be a lot smaller, which means a lot cheaper. So you're gonna save money.

Eric Ibey: So thanks for the question.

Eric Ibey: no confirmation.

Eric Ibey: There are grants and fine thanks, Janice.

Eric Ibey: perfect. So there, there you have it, Samuel.

Eric Ibey: please loosed.

Eric Ibey: Go to our website. Check it out you're welcome and as appreciate you being here.

Eric Ibey: Yeah, thanks, Janice. Janice is the the authority on grants and and money. So II can't really answer that as well as she can. So thanks, Janice, and private funding. Absolutely.

Eric Ibey: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Oh, this is awesome. Brian. So there's no other questions.

Eric Ibey: Thank you all for being here much appreciated, taking time out of your lunch. Like, I say, if there's any questions, I'm really happy to get on email, jump on a phone call and and chat a little bit more about that. Otherwise have a great afternoon and a great rest of your day. Folks.

BBO Webinar #3 Perks Update(Edited)

All right, the time has come.

Welcome everyone.

Thanks so much for joining today.

My name is Marie.

I work with the City of Ottawa on a team focused on climate change mitigation and resiliency.

We have colleagues in our team who work on building retrofits for the city's portfolio where they have ownership and operational control.

But what I work on is buildings that the city does not own.

So through that we have a program to support those building owners through the journey from understanding how their buildings are performing to planning and implementing retrofits to support their GHG reductions.

This program is called Better Buildings Ottawa.

And today I'm going to talk through the seven current perks of our program and I'll be asking for your feedback as I go through this webinar on how to improve the current perks of the program.

Because, yes, we are growing as a program, right?

And I just wanted to note, if there's commentary in the chat, feel free to add in questions as they come up.

Some of my colleagues, I'll be trying to answer those as much as as quickly as possible, but if there's commentary that's off topic, may be deleted.

So today our goal is to learn all about the programs that we're offering for our participants in the Better Buildings Ottawa program.

There are seven of them.

I could read through them, but that's very, very boring.

So we'll walk through them one at a time.

The first thing we offer to any participating building in our program that has shared their building performance data with us and completed an intake form is we give them an energy performance scorecard and an insights report.

This is about a five to six page PDF with a highlight page right at the beginning showing how you're building ranks compared to peers, similar buildings, similar property types as well as across all buildings in Ottawa that are benchmarking in our program in total.

You can see that information in that PDF example on the left, that's the scorecard, that's the first piece of information in that report.

And in addition in that same PDF you would receive as the insights report.

This provides information on high level diagnostics.

So based off of the electricity usage in the summer versus winter and using regression analysis of weather normalization, it can give a breakdown of how energy is being used in the building and what potential conservation members measures are most valuable to you.

So that's all included for free for all potential building, all building participants.

Potentially in the future we could maybe have the opportunity to add high level decarbonization paths or plans that would be costed for buildings participating in our program.

So that might happen in the future and I'd like to get a sense from you if that would be useful and it likely would only be for multi unit residential buildings and office.

That brings me to the first poll questions.

Suzanne, would you mind launching it for me, for us all.

So the question is, you have a sense of the upfront cost to decarbonize your buildings.

Thank you so much for the responses coming in.

Oh, I'm very interested in that group that says no.

And I don't think anyone in my organization does equally impressed by the group that's saying yes.

They know that for all buildings inside their portfolio.

That's phenomenal.

Suzanne, do you want to close it off and can everyone see the results?

They should be able to.



Thanks, Eric.

All right.

So that gives me a sense as to whether or not decarbonization pathways per building would be valuable as an additional perk in the program coming up in the future.

So the next thing that we offer is discount discounts on thermal images.

Thermal imaging of buildings, leaky buildings means it's not just air leaking out of buildings.

Of course there's heat moving through unintentionally.

Thermal inspections like this can show building owners where heat loss is occurring and even highlight structural problems and moisture issues.

So program participants get discounts on thermal imaging services through a specific service provider who's going to be giving our next webinar in November and they'll be sharing the results of scans they did on behalf of the city of 191 buildings.

So that's going to kind of talk through the state of building envelopes in the City of Ottawa in general, broken down by archetype.

But anybody who is participating in our program can get discounted services through this group.

The next thing we offer is training.

This is a little bit of my favorite piece.

We started offering free training through CIT is the organization.

The first training course that we were offering was Energy Efficiency for Building Operators.

This is a 2 day session that we hosted in May 2023 for the first time and we toured on the second day.

The second day is meant to be hands on learning with an energy hunt and we toured 150,000 square foot building as a group.

So group of building operators that could be seen as competitors came together and found 21% GHG savings opportunities through low and no cost capital upgrades or changes to the building automation system schedule set temperature set points, 23% operational cost savings and 65 tons of GHG savings on an annual basis for one building.

So this is an example of getting technical training and then applying it right away to a building as a group.

So this was such a success.

So we had wonderful reviews from the participants asking for more of these.

We're going to have many more of these sessions that we've committed to and just started planning out.

So the next one is for that same group of people, they're going to have a session October 31st, touring a hotel and looking to identify savings there.

There's a wait list available.

If you're interested in participating even though you weren't part of that first group, please send a note to better buildings at or you can put it in the chat right now and say I'm interested.

Highlight that to Suzanne and we'll see what we can do for you, but have No Fear if you don't get into that one.

We have the next cohort coming right behind that and that's going to focus specifically on multi unit residential buildings, so both apartments and condos.

We're going to start November 14th and 15th.

We have a tour of a specific built apartment building already planned out and then we'll have that same group come together again two months later, early January and tour a second building together to just continue that that that learning and sharing of information.

And then after that we're going to have two just short working group meetings for an hour and a half online, same set of building operators to continue working through their specific challenges.

So if they found an opportunity but don't feel comfortable presenting the business case, how can we support them moving forward or there was a technological problem or they didn't understand operating conditions, We will work through that with those participants in these cohorts as we move forward.

And then we'll have a third cohort and we're not sure what group should focus on next, maybe it's hotels, maybe it's offices, maybe condos, need a sub group specifically for themselves.

So please feel free to let us know as we continue to design this what would be most useful for you.

Beyond that, we also offered one round of making the case for building decarbonization.

This was an online course offered to better buildings, Ottawa participants and some of the consultant groups locally that supported decarbonization plans.

And so we're hoping to come up with similar training as we move forward to continue supporting this knowledge base, which might look like the session that we have coming up between January and March in 2024.

So we'll have something that's almost called Carbon Fundamentals for Engineers.

This should be held in person in Ottawa.

This is developed by Climate Risk Institute for CA, GB C from funding they received from Economic and Social Development Canada.

We're still working out our final arrangements, but we have every intent of offering this training program that is as I said at the beginning, not yet ruled out and also in development for free training that we make available to better buildings.

Ottawa participants is climate change considerations and their integration into asset management plans.

Because those the biggest opportunity is to not make those distinct plans but rather integrate your plan into what you're already planning on doing when you're building and make sure that those considerations of climate are being considered when you're looking at asset renewal or mechanical equipment end of life.

Those are the best times to look at your building as a system altogether again and then we're working on, we have in development condo specific material for condo directors and property managers looking to really clarify legally what's allowed to take place, technological best practices as well as operational best practices in moving this forward.

So whole question #2 for the group, which training program do you think is most valuable for your building or portfolio?

And there's a long list there actually.

So you can select more than one answer, anything from certified energy managers, building commissioning, building operator training or condo managers.

There's actually two options under building operators, my apologies.

One is energy efficiency for Building Operators, which is just a two that two day training workshop I talked about.

And the second one is mentioned here is being a certified sustainable building operators A5 day training force that comes with a designation at the end.

And I'm seeing the overwhelming result as more building operators understanding how to operate their buildings efficiently, which is great because that's the training program we selected to start with and roll with and coming in second behind that is working with condos, which is great because that's the one we're trying to put additional resources behind now.

Thank you so much for answering.

All right.

The next free thing that we offer to participants of our program is educational and networking events.

So some of these are free and some of these are discounted.

One of these series is called the Better Buildings Breakfast Events.

These are hosted by James McNeill about every six weeks and Better Buildings Ottawa participants get a discount to attend these events.

The next one is October 25th.

In case anybody hasn't signed up for those yet, feel free to do so and you would see most of our team at that event and can ask us additional questions.

Second, we've been working with we worked with Urban Land Institute earlier this summer in Ottawa and gave a tour of the first Zero Carbon certified Merb in in Ottawa.

It was very exciting and we were able to like that's another networking event with an educational component in for our members.

Members were first to know about this event and the next one.

Here was another thing that our members were first to hear about it was the recovery initiative partnership with CHB as NET 0 Renaults initiative nationally and that just took place last Thursday.

It was a technical workshop with ideation almost like an integrated design process or small charette focused on how to do panelized exterior retrofit for cooperative housing complex in Ottawa.

And we had attendance.

It's a great networking event between University College instructors, renovators, energy advisors, a National Association, federal government employees, city building officials who do permitting, the residents of the building themselves, property managers of other portfolios, Mechanical Engineers.

It was it was a comprehensive session and a great place to network and hear about what's up and coming in this space.

So we'll just continue finding more opportunities like this for our members.

Next, it's great to be a part of our program because you find out the details of financing and funding.

So earlier this summer the better buildings Ottawa participants were the first to hear about a private opportunity that I secured for some multi unit residential buildings to get all incremental costs of mechanical equipment covered if their equipment was coming to end of life and they were pursuing a very low carbon solution upon renewal.

So better buildings.

Ottawa participants heard about it first and they were scored in the wedding criteria to assess from all of the everyone who has wanted the money.

Those who are participating in a program had additional weight in the waiting criteria to make the final selections.

And note the final selections are not actually done.

We're down to six of the original 39.

I hope I'm staying in touch with people sufficiently about what the next steps are.

If not, please do feel free to reach out to me directly and I will let you know where we are.

Beyond that, we do put together a high level list on the Better Buildings Ottawa web page of all funding and financing that we become aware of, including CIB Canada, infrastructure bank aggregators and utility incentive programs.

So that list is pulled together for our participants.

What else could you possibly want?

You might want to know you might want to get an alert if your water consumption is higher than you would have expected.

And it's better to get an alert than just that big bill at the next billing date.

So if you would love to have alerts of abnormal water consumption, there are really two options.

One, the city has a program through my service Ottawa and I would be happy to put together some additional resources on when this applies to this building, how you can set up those alerts in a meaningful way, your building owners or the appropriate staff.

But it's not always the best solution for all buildings.

So where that's not the best solution, we're going to be offering water monitoring equipment and with that comes with alerts at a discounted price as well.

The last one is something very, very new that we added to the program and it's EV charging assessment.

So we're working in partnership with the Electric Vehicle Council of Ottawa to provide this as a pilot or just 10 condos in Ottawa and what this is going to do is try to de de risk some of the challenges of electric vehicle charging in condos.

So it's really trying to get at who needs EV charging now from the residents in the building and who needs electric vehicle charging in the near term and design a custom solution just for that while having conversations with the property manager discussing this with the board and engaging with the residents to work through any of the perceived challenges, perceived or real challenges that may come up.

So poll #3.

If we were able to add additional perks to our program, what would be most valuable to the program and for learnings?

Would you rather get Energy Star certification for your building, high level decarbonization plans?

Would you like to get support on accessing funding and incentive programs?

Would you like a pre populated calculator that can give you a sense of the electricity rate increases, natural gas increases, carbon price, water price so that you can play with your operational budget as time goes on?

Would you like support on building recommissioning or do you want just more monitoring equipment like leak detection?

Looks like the overwhelming response is support for applying for funding and finding the right incentive programs.

That's interesting to hear and I am here for it.

And the second one is assumptions and calculators for the future energy prices.

This is great to know.

Thanks so much.

OK, Is Janice here?

Janice is my boss and the section manager for the Better Buildings Ottawa program and our division inside the city.

Janice, would you mind?

Janice, would you mind turning your camera on?


I didn't think I could.

Oh, I'm actually going to quiz you now.

I don't.

I think I told you that there was a quiz coming specifically for you in today's session.


So do you know, Janice, the details of who's eligible for the perks of the program?

I just mentioned all seven.

Well, let me think.

I think it must be schools, everyone who participates in the benchmarking program.


That's right.

It's participants in the benchmarking program.


And there are some participants that kind of have a portfolio of 50 buildings and participated and shared information for six buildings.

The six buildings that participate would get access to the reports on their buildings, but they would be eligible to send additional staff from additional buildings to some of those trainings.

Janice, how does one become a participant?

I think they send you a box of cookies.

I wish they completed.

Just fill in the form, share your share, your monthly data, your energy and utility data.

That's right, two steps.

We've had people say this is 10 to 15 minutes worth of work.

So complete an intake form saying you're going to share your information with the City of Ottawa and step #2 is.

Share that data with the City of Ottawa through Energy Star Portfolio Manager.

Most likely there is an additional step for condos where condo managers are getting board permission first.

So if you're here from a condo, that's the thing that you would probably need to consider.

An add on Janice, When's the deadline for participation for 2022 data or 2022?

October 31st?

That's right, Halloween.

Don't get caught off guard.

And how do people find out about the perk details for each of those seven perks?

By attending this webinar?

Sure, absolutely.

You already found out, so people will automatically receive the Insights report and scorecard If you sign up for the Better Buildings Ottawa newsletter.

You'll hear about the events and training for the electric vehicle charging.

If you already completed your intake form and have shared your data with us, then you can e-mail and just say I want to be one of the 10 buildings getting a free EV assessment per Better Buildings Ottawa That's enough.

It does.

It is limited to 10 condos that are participating in our program.

To get access to the thermal image discounts, e-mail and say you're a participant in the program.

And for the water monitoring piece, we're still working through exactly how to provide you that that perk of the program, so feel free for now to just send me a box of cookies.

Nope, just kidding.

Send me an e-mail and I will put you on pause and let you know as soon as we have that ready to roll out.

And the question that I get asked the most as we roll out the Better Buildings Ottawa Program and new conversations is what's the difference between AWRV and the Better Buildings Ottawa program because they're both benchmarking programs, looking at the performance of individual buildings.

So EWRB is mandatory.

The City of Ottawa's program is voluntary.

EWRB is for buildings over 50,000 square feet.

Ours is for anything over 20,000 square feet.

The software is the same.

The data to report is the same with the exception that EWRB also needs you to have a specific ID number.

We don't need that EWRB.

The disclosure is directly to the Ministry of Energy and then they do publicly share that information in an Excel open data format at the end down to the FSA, which is the first three characters of a postal code.

And the City of Ottawa's disclosure is we provide that information publicly on a map.

It wouldn't have a building address, but it is pretty specific on the map.

That's why we have the intake form, to make sure people are comfortable with the final disclosure of the buildings in EWRB.

You don't get a free insights report, you don't get an energy scorecard, you don't get access to discounts on thermal images.

There's no local networking or learning events and opportunities.

There's no training for building operators.

There's no funding, financing support or EV charging support.

So we're really trying to come up with perks of our program to make it valuable for you to participate and feel like you're getting something out of this in a.

So thank you for sharing your data with us.

We are here to help and bring you down that pathway towards decarbonization because our goal is really to support the private building sector as you work through this journey of understanding your building's current performance planning, finding money and implementing retrofits over time.

Thanks so much.

That's it.

I think our next webinar is going to be November 22nd on the state of building envelopes in Ottawa.

You can register in advance with this link here.

And I did have one other poll question, which was about what you'd like to hear about in an upcoming webinar for December or January.

Suzanne, can you launch that one, please?

It says launched on my side.

I don't know, but maybe.

OK, I don't see it.

That's OK.

Maybe we should go straight into chat questions.

That sounds good.

You put the answer to that question in the chat.

If people have ideas for topics.

Yeah, please.


One moment.

I'm trying to copy it.

It's not letting me.

I can just say it.

So what topic would you most likely hear about for a December or January webinar?

The options are the water monitoring best practices, updates on financing retrofits, case studies of deep energy retrofits in the building, academic research results, or other.

Which is your ideas?


I figured it out.

I'm sorry, it should be up now.

The polls there now.


Thank you.

So the poll question is what should the webinar, after we talk about building the state of building envelopes, be case studies and updates on financing retrofits?


Thanks so much.


Do you, Janice, are all the questions in the chat?

Have they all been addressed?

There's some new ones.

So list of all the incentives available.

That's on the Better Buildings website.

I can put that in the chat.


The Energy Evolution program is a question about that.

I can answer that one.

So the Energy Energy Evolution strategy is really our overarching climate change mitigation strategy.

How are we going to reduce emissions in many aspects of the community and the corporation, the the municipality that is.

So Energy Evolution is a much broader, A broader program, broader, broader strategy.

Within Energy Evolution, there were 20 priority projects and this is one of those 20.

So focusing on commercial buildings and reducing emissions in commercial buildings is one of the the the projects under Energy Evolution.

But there's lots of great information.

If you look up Energy Evolution on the City of Ottawa's website, you'll find all sorts of great documents and and information there about what the city is doing overall for climate change and emissions reductions, both within the municipality and in the community.

Marie, this one's maybe for you.

Have you weather normalized for public buildings in better buildings, Ottawa?

Yes, absolutely.

There is weather normalization in those insights reports, Yes.

And if you have additional technical questions on how the final results come through, we just recorded a webinar maybe two months ago with the producers of those four cards and insights reports.

So I would refer you to that if you want to go through the details.


And then Houston suggests that case studies, I presume you mean Houston are also incredibly valuable.

Are there any from MERS and condos?

Yeah, we gave a webinar on that just a few weeks ago.

Maybe we can share that with the group.

So Houston, I'd add that there are some public decarbonization pathway studies that are publicly available.

We just added one to our actually our public map and disclosure information for buildings.

I'd be happy to share that with you more specifically one-on-one and beyond that that's the reason for that specific funding for multi unit residential buildings on mechanical equipment was to come up and de risk decarbonization of existing Merbs so that we can have case studies to bring forward in the future.

Thanks and Kathleen had asked a question about the list of all the incentives.

I would just add that since the Ontario's Save on Energy program as such, they get updated at a much faster speed.

This is not a comprehensive list of all of the incentive programs currently available for the utility incentive programs.

You'd need to refer back to to those ones at a certain point.

But that's why I was asking do would you appreciate more of a concierge service or support in navigating all of the funding and financing and incentive programs?

So I hope that answers that Kathleen great, well with only one minute overtime.

Thank you so much for your time today and joining our quick conversation on building parks and participating in our program.

I hope to see all your buildings in here soon.

Have a great day.
00:00:00:00 - 00:00:26:12
Good morning. Good afternoon. Exactly noon. What do you say at that time of day for everyone? Hello. Thanks so much for joining today. In order to honor everyone's time, we are going to start in just 2 minutes. So as folks join in to the webinar, they'll see a first of all pop up just to get people in the in the mood to be thinking about building envelopes.

00:00:26:14 - 00:00:55:14
Feel free to give an educated guess as that answer. There will be no naming and shaming happening here today on individual buildings, building owners or attendees of the webinar. We're here really just to learn high level what we found as we looked in detail at 191 buildings in the city. So the question for this poll is how do you think average building envelopes compares to the current Ontario building code?

00:00:55:16 - 00:01:07:16
Yes, that's right. This is the easy answer, my question for sure. They are performing worse in general than what we see in current Ontario building code.

00:01:07:18 - 00:01:31:14
A few housekeeping items as people continue answering that poll as they join in. If there's commentary in our Q&A, that's off topic and not aligned with our overall objective today, which is to learn about the state of building envelopes in Ottawa might be deleted from that chat today. We are fortunate to have Justin Kim, a VP from QEATech, here to talk about the findings from the work in analysis.

00:01:31:14 - 00:02:00:20
That he performed for the City of Ottawa with thermal imaging back in November 2022 of 191 private buildings. So the initial work was funded by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. Thank you very much to them for their financial contribution. We will have a full report on the better buildings Ottawa Web page in about a month. We're just putting the finishing touches on that and we'll be going through all the necessary processes to have that published.

00:02:00:22 - 00:02:54:28
Today is meant to showcase the big highlights of that work and give them lessons from analyzing 191 building envelopes. Let's close down this first poll. 81% of you nailed it. State of building envelopes is that they're not at current building code. And can we do the second poll before we get started with our detailed presentation? Absolutely. Just finishing that poll there and should be good. Great so the second questions is of the 191 buildings scanned, what percentage do you think showed signs of water ingress and a former colleague of mine said that there were two types of walls, walls that are wet and walls that will get wet.

00:02:55:03 - 00:03:37:20
So I'm just wondering what you guys think about water ingress for our Ottawa buildings has some pessimistic people in here, 76 to 100%. Great. Thanks so much for answering, folks. Everyone has answered who's joined our webinar so far today. You're all warmed up. That correct answer was 64% of the buildings scanned had signs of water ingress, and that should scare enough people to hopefully stick around for the next 27 minutes and hear all of the insights we got from Justin and the QEATech team.

00:03:37:20 - 00:04:21:15
So thanks so much. Over to you, Justin. Thank you very much Marie. Very interesting results. I don't know, pessimist or realist, I guess, Will, we'll kind of delve deeper into some of those findings. So thank you very much, Marie and the City of Ottawa for organizing this webinar. My name is Justin Kim. I'm a VP with Qeatech, and today I'll walk through a project that we completed with the City of Ottawa earlier this year where we evaluated the building envelopes of 191 buildings in downtown Ottawa, as well as in Kanata.

00:04:21:18 - 00:04:50:08
So first off, let's level set on what we mean by the building envelope, just to make sure everyone's on the same page, the building envelope really separates the interior and the exterior environments, and it's the primary thermal barrier between the inside and the outside. It can include things like the walls, the windows, doors, roofs and insulation as well.

00:04:50:11 - 00:05:25:14
So why is the building envelope important? Well, existing buildings are the single largest source of greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gas emissions in Ottawa. Industrial, commercial and institutional buildings account for about 22% of Ottawa's greenhouse gas emissions. This is actually better than many other major cities in some major cities. Boston, New York, Chicago buildings can account for up to 70% of total greenhouse gas emissions.

00:05:25:14 - 00:06:04:13
So buildings are often looked at as a disproportion culprit for energy use, as well as GHG emissions. To meet Ottawa's net zero 2050 target, 95% of commercial, industrial and large residential buildings must reduce energy for heating use by 70% and for electricity use by 30% by 2040. The building envelope plays a really critical role in the overall energy consumption and operations of a building.

00:06:04:15 - 00:06:33:29
So there's lots of case studies and scientific papers that point out over 40%, some going as high as over 50% energy savings potential through the building envelope, depending on the health and overall state of the building envelope. The degradation of the building envelope over time can be considered a natural process. So don't want to name and shame anyone in this group.

00:06:34:01 - 00:07:09:07
We just want to stay objective. And in addition, many older buildings were also built before building codes and some modern materials and things like that. So typically they have a poor performing building envelope. A little introduction of our company, QEATech. QEAtech has patents and we use proprietary software with artificial intelligence to pinpoint various issues and quantify the energy loss from specific points around the building envelope.

00:07:09:09 - 00:08:10:08
The animation on the left is just a screen capture of how we present our findings, which includes a 3D model and comprehensive PDF reports. Our clients can click and drill down on specific issues that we've highlighted. We're also measuring the effective U-value or R-value of specific elements, specific building envelope materials across the entirety of the building envelope. So our key objective is to enable data driven decisions on specific and targeted retrofits that will really maximize your energy savings, your GHG savings, and your return on investment based on the budget that you may have to invest in your building envelope. For our standard service offering, we start by capturing very high volumes of data.

00:08:10:10 - 00:08:44:00
So we use commercial drones to take thousands of infrared and high resolution images of a given building. And we also deploy IOT (internet of things) devices for a short period of time and these images and data are then analyzed through our patented AI software and the software combined with our building science team, pinpoint specific issues throughout the building envelope and also quantifies the energy loss from major pin points.

00:08:44:03 - 00:09:27:12
And then finally, as the last step, we're providing a comprehensive PDF report and an interactive 3D model that shows the return on investment of potential repairs and retrofits. So for this particular project, in November of 2022, our team captured infrared images of the building facades using a commercial drone, as well as handheld thermal cameras. Over 16,000 images were captured for the street facing facades of each building, as well as the roofs.

00:09:27:15 - 00:09:57:05
These are two catchment areas that we looked at. One is downtown Ottawa and the other region is Kanata. So short abbreviated reports for each building were created and made available to each building manager owner. As part of the scope of this exercise, I do want to note that these scans for the two catchment areas differ slightly from QEATech standard three step process.

00:09:57:08 - 00:10:35:12
Typically, we're capturing thousands of images for a single building for this project. For the two catchment areas. It was an abbreviated version of our standard practice. So in the summer of this year, QEATech subsequently conducted further analysis of the data to summarize the overall health of the building envelopes in these two catchment areas. We also established vintages or categories based on the building age that was also used to help segment the data.

00:10:35:14 - 00:11:07:04
There were several assumptions associated with the analysis that were noted in our report, which is going to be made publicly available by the City of Ottawa in the coming weeks. So with that, I'll create another poll here for those on the call who manage buildings within the two catchment areas that we're talking about. Did you receive our building envelope briefing?

00:11:07:06 - 00:11:45:24
And I understand many folks on this call may not be aware of this project beforehand or do not have buildings in the catchment areas, so that's totally fine. If you feel like you are within the two catchment areas and have not received information from us or the city of Ottawa, I would definitely encourage you to get in touch with either myself or a representative from the Better Buildings team with the City of Ottawa, so 82% said not applicable.

00:11:45:27 - 00:12:35:15
I hope that means that many folks on this call, you know, are interested to hear about this project and may not be from the Ottawa area, did not have buildings within the area. But again, if you feel like you were in the two catchment areas, please get in touch and we'll follow up. So in terms of the conclusions through the analysis of the building envelopes overall, there was poor performance of building envelopes relatively across the board average building and the average building envelope was observed to be performing about 75% worse than the current building code in Ontario.

00:12:35:15 - 00:13:13:27
Building Code 2017 was used. This is based on primarily the walls which had comprised most of the building envelopes in the properties. Every building observed had some instance of building envelope issue and our report goes into more details on what specifically these issues included connections with different materials, thermal bridging, inconsistent or decay, insulation, heat loss to doors and frames, as well as moisture accumulation.

00:13:13:29 - 00:14:05:07
About 122 buildings or 64% showed signs of water Ingress. Water ingress issues were found to be more common in the downtown buildings. Interestingly, in downtown Ottawa, moisture issues were found to be more common as well. With the increased age of the building, most building envelopes were performing below Ottawa's energy evolution expectations, or EEP . It was found that only two buildings had wall u-values within Ottawa's EEP and only three buildings had roofs U-values within Ottawa's EEP buildings in Kanata were performing slightly better than the buildings in downtown Ottawa.

00:14:05:10 - 00:14:41:22
This is likely due to the newer age of the buildings in Kanata compared to downtown and Kanata is also a smaller sample size than downtown Ottawa that we have to acknowledge. Kanata buildings were typically built between 1996 and 2002, while downtown buildings are built between 1950 and 1975. For the scope of this project, it was not known what renovations or retrofits had occurred to which buildings.

00:14:41:22 - 00:15:25:18
Specifically, I suspect some of the older downtown buildings may have had some work completed. So here's a summary of some of the most common issues found in the downtown catchment area. Heat loss through frames and insulated glass units was the most prevalent issue that was found. In addition, 67% of buildings in this group were found to have issues with inconsistent insulation or decay of insulation, and this was followed by about 57% of buildings that had some instance of moisture accumulation.

00:15:25:21 - 00:16:28:09
And on the building's exterior elements. due to higher altitude of the drone flight During this engagement, the image resolution was slightly lower than what we typically do for a given building. So there may be additional moisture issues that were not detected by QEATech software as well. And then looking at the same summary in Kanata of the most common issues affecting Kanata, heat loss through frames and insulated glass units, which found to be impacting a high proportion of buildings in the area, higher proportion compared to what was the case for downtown Ottawa, similar to downtown inconsistent insulation or decay of insulation was seen as the second most prevalent issue in moisture accumulation, as the third

00:16:28:12 - 00:16:58:14
most prevalent issue affecting the buildings in this catchment area. And you can see some of the the other statistics here of what we found and then looking at the u-values and for those who may not be familiar with the term U-value U-values just a measure of the heat transmission through a given material, the u-values lower for better insulated material.

00:16:58:16 - 00:17:35:13
You may also be familiar with the term R-value as well, which is just the inverse of the U-value. So we measure the effective u-values for the windows walls, doors and roofs in the sample facades. The windows and doors in particular were found to be poor performers when it comes to U-values and we've singled them out here on this slide and you can sort of see the distribution, the u-values for the windows to the left and the doors to the right plotted on this distribution graph.

00:17:35:15 - 00:18:15:27
Provide some insights as to how these values can vary between the different sites and the different vintage groups that we've outlined in the report. In our summary report, these values are also compared against the building code Ontario Building Code 2017 and the City of Ottawa's EEP assumptions. And then looking at the energy loss from the doors, specifically in the downtown region, our software has the ability to estimate the amount of annual heat loss from the building facade.

00:18:15:29 - 00:18:59:00
This slide shows the distribution plot for the annual energy loss per square meter of the doors that were sampled for downtown Ottawa in line with the previous slide Windows and Doors had a relatively high energy loss with a tight, relatively tight distribution and our software also estimates the amount of energy that could be saved compared to the building code if it were performing per building code. buildings in downtown Ottawa showed a greater range and spread of values for the annual preventable energy loss.

00:18:59:03 - 00:19:33:12
And the highest u-values in the data set are seen in this downtown catchment area, again likely due to the age of construction in some of the materials. And then looking at walls specifically for downtown. This slide shows the distribution plot for the annual energy loss per square meter of the walls. Since only one facade was inspected for many of the buildings in the study, we didn't have information for all the building elements for every single property.

00:19:33:14 - 00:20:21:20
For this distribution, you can see a fairly varied distribution and performance of the walls. In downtown, we have this distribution across the other building envelope materials as well, and then looking at windows and specific to Kanata. So here's the energy loss per square meter for windows sampled in Kanata. Acknowledging that this is a smaller sample size, we were a bit surprised to see poor performance in the windows in Kanata, assuming that these buildings were newer and there are some outliers with poor performance that you can see in this distribution as well.

00:20:21:22 - 00:20:57:07
But it looks like a high concentration of relatively decent performing windows. But some outliers that might be skewing the overall averages. And getting to our poll question, would anyone who has not received a building envelope audit be interested in one and QEATtech Standard service offering is is really a detailed envelope energy audit per building. Our audits take typically a day for data collection.

00:20:57:11 - 00:21:38:29
The infrared images, as an example, are captured within 2 hours in the middle of the night. Our audits are non-intrusive and there's no inconvenience to tenants and is cost effective. I understand there are some varying levels of familiarity with what we do, and I'm happy to follow up with some of the specific results. So those buildings in these catchment areas and also provide other information on how we could potentially work to decarbonize the buildings through the building envelope.

00:21:39:01 - 00:21:41:08

00:21:41:11 - 00:22:11:01
So that provides a quick summary of what we're seeing through the report. If you would like us to conduct the standard audit that provides a bit more detailed analysis and specific recommendations on the building envelope or if you have any questions that we're not able to get to in this relatively short lunch and ,learn please get in touch. I'm happy to set up an additional call, go through any questions.

00:22:11:03 - 00:22:47:18
It's really important to understand the health of your overall building envelope and what kind of remediations you can do. And these can often prevent greater or more expensive issues down the line. So our goal is really to facilitate data and evidence-based decisions on what kind of target data and selective retrofits that you can take to really maximize the investment you're going to put into any envelope remediation or or retrofit work that you're going to do.

00:22:47:21 - 00:23:12:25
So thank you very much for allowing me the opportunity to present some of these quick findings on our report. And I think we have a few minutes to take some questions. Then I did want to remind everyone that I think QEATech does offer discounts to better buildings Ottawa participants. If that's the case, do you want to talk about that briefly?

00:23:12:26 - 00:23:50:28
Yes. And thanks very much Marie for that reminder. So you are eligible for a 20% discount as part of QEATech’s partnership with the city of Ottawa. In terms of eligibility, please get in touch. I think some folks may not be in the Ottawa area on the call, but for folks who are eligible in the Ottawa regions, then there is a 20% discount rate and there were quite a few questions I answered some because some of them were related to the city's questions in terms of building selection and exact catchment areas.

00:23:51:00 - 00:24:24:05
But here's a detailed question that's not for me from Matthew Jarmon. I hope I pronounce that properly. How do you calculate wall and roof U-value is using the images and also comment a very interesting work with an exclamation point. Yes. So we're, we're capturing a number of data points through Iot devices. We're factoring in inside temperature, outside temperature, surface temperatures, environmental conditions, humidity and a number of other kind of atmospheric data that we capture.

00:24:24:08 - 00:25:08:11
We're also consuming integrating utility bills, energy bills, additional details on energy consumption, architectural drawings and data, as well as for a given building, taking well over a thousand infrared images that our software stitches together. In our software, it is looking sort of pixel by pixel, looking at patterns, using our AI to understand what understand the specific issues, a variety of different issues that are plaguing a given building envelope as well as quantifying the energy loss from specific points, quantifying that U-value and R-value using all that data together.

00:25:08:11 - 00:25:38:20
So at this point we've done over 500 going on 600 buildings in the last three years and we have over a million data points in our data set. So our AI capabilities are quite good and our building science team is quite experienced and has quite a bit of expertise in this in this area. Thanks Justin, there's other people are really asking, can you explain how the window u-values are estimated using thermography?

00:25:38:23 - 00:26:09:27
More specifically, how is the reflective nature of glass accounted for when calculating these values? Yeah, we understand that it's not an easy process and we try to minimize as much noise as possible. We're trying to capture a lot of data, a lot of different data points to try to mitigate or minimize some of the complicating factors associated with trying to capture u-values from glass.

00:26:09:29 - 00:26:44:22
We're also capturing thousands of images, just a high volume of images at different angles that our software is able to process through. And we're also typically doing we're also doing the operations in the middle of the night, typically 2 to 4 a.m. and we need certain weather conditions the day before that that are ideal, that that could help to minimize some of the the noise and other factors that can skew some of those calculations.

00:26:44:24 - 00:27:16:22
Okay. Thanks. And there are more questions then we're going to have time to answer. But another one is ideally what information is needed from buildings to estimate heat losses? And I'm assuming this means from building owners and managers as part of that input to that larger report. Yes, it's things like energy builds. If utilities, energy consumption, their architectural drawings and information on what retrofits have been completed.

00:27:16:24 - 00:27:55:16
And so we'll sit down with every building and go through a questionnaire that we have and we'll get as much information as the building has. If you have some sort of BIM (building information modeling) in place and if we're able to obtain some data from that we’ll integrate that into our software and our analysis. Other than that, it's very non obtrusive, non-intrusive and, you know, traditional methods that you may be familiar with, such as pressurizing the building, doing a blower door or smoke fog type of test.

00:27:55:18 - 00:28:25:15
It can be quite intrusive and quite resource intensive and cost intensive as well. So we're trying to minimize the amount of effort and the burden that's placed on the buildings. We understand that building envelopes have been often in the past ignored or it's just sort of misunderstood, but it plays a significant factor. And we want to reduce the barriers in terms of doing an evaluation and understanding.

00:28:25:17 - 00:28:54:14
The true health of your building envelope. Super. Just answering some more questions as they come in. But actually were 2 minutes before our stop time and I'm pretty committed to ending on time so that people can get back to their lives. Thanks so much for sharing your lunch time with us. We'll try to get to any additional Q&A, maybe reach out to either me or Justin with any additional questions or if you were one of those people who said that you wanted to have your building scanned.

00:28:54:17 - 00:29:32:12
Justin is here to try to support you and make that happen as you move forward with one last minute. I did want to get some feedback from this group of 49 participants here in our webinar today and ask what you think we should do for a December webinar, because we usually have a monthly session. And I just wanted to get a sense of if we should have a technical session or if people want to share or have more of a networking sharing of energy savings measures like please make sure that you communicate to tenants not to turn off their heating systems completely leave and leave their windows and doors open and have burst pipes.

00:29:32:20 - 00:30:02:10
If so, we could have technical we can have a little bit more networking and social where everybody's a participant and actively involved or skip December altogether because we're all so busy. This does help me plan new networking, training and educational events as we move forward. So thanks so much for voting. Thank you so much, Justin Kim for coming today and giving the presentation.

00:30:02:10 - 00:30:29:00
We will have that report up on the web page hopefully within a month or so. And this I can't wait for everyone to dive into the details and ask Justin all of the final questions on these technical elements of that report was great to be able to get a sense of 190, 191 buildings. I know we said different numbers at different points in the presentation and the state of those buildings.

00:30:29:03 - 00:30:36:03
So thanks so much for all of your time. Thanks, Justin. Have a great day, everyone. Thank you very much.