Craig Henry Drive Area Traffic Management Study

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The City of Ottawa is conducting a traffic study along Craig Henry Drive between Greenbank Road and Knoxdale Road. The purpose of this study is to address traffic concerns and recommend solutions to reduce the negative impacts of motor traffic.

Online Consultation 1

Date and time

Mon, Apr 16, 2018, 8am to Fri, May 4, 2018, 5pm

The City of Ottawa completed an online survey to collect feedback on traffic behaviour along Craig Henry Drive and develop potential solutions to address these concerns.

What we heard from Online Consultation 1

ased on the feedback we received from the first survey, we identified the need for a few additional investigations. The study area and updated traffic conditions including speed, traffic volume and collisions are shown:

Online Consultation 2

Date and time

Mon, Mar 8, 2021, 9am to Fri, Apr 16, 2021, 3pm

The City of Ottawa has developed alternatives in response to residents' traffic concerns. The study examined the road conditions from the perspective of all users, including pedestrians, cyclists, drivers and adjacent residential property owners.

Review of public feedback and development of alternative plans as of January 2021 are summarized in the Craig Henry Drive Traffic Calming Report [ PDF 456 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)

Alternative plans

Two alternatives were developed for Craig Henry Drive as shown below. The alternatives share most features with a few exceptions:

Alternative 1 [ PDF 3.510 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)

  • Four cycle-friendly bulb-outs

Alternative 2 [ PDF 3.579 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)

  • 14 speed cushions

Both Alternatives

  • Bicycle Lanes and Edge Lines (extents shown below)
  • Two Pedestrian Crossovers at:
  1. Bertona Street
  2. Chartwell Avenue (west)

What we heard from Online Consultation 2

Craig Henry Area Traffic Management study area

Recommended Plan

In consideration of effectiveness, cost, and the feedback received from the second survey, the City has finalized the recommended traffic calming plan for Craig Henry Drive. It has been updated from what was presented during the consultation period as described below:

  • While Alternative 1 with cycle-friendly bulb-outs was preferred by the majority of survey respondents, Alternative 2 with speed cushions is recommended because speed cushions, in comparison with cycle-friendly bulb-outs, are more effective in speed reduction, are less expensive, and were preferred by the majority of Craig Henry Drive residents.
  • A speed cushion has been added on the eastbound approach to Conover Street considering the limited visibility and recent collision history on this segment of Craig Henry Drive.
  • The recommended plan does not include bicycle lanes but moves the existing edge line out to 2 meters from the curb and also adds a 0.5 meter buffer area to reduce the width of the traffic lanes in each direction. Bicycle lanes were not supported by the majority of survey respondents and especially not supported by Craig Henry Drive residents. Also, Sir Robert Borden High School encourages parents to drop off and pick up students at nearby community streets including Craig Henry Drive, which would be impacted by the proposed bicycle lanes.
  • Pedestrian surveys undertaken at Conover Street and Chartwell Avenue W. showed that the volume of pedestrians crossing Craig Henry Drive is higher at Conover Street. The recommended plan has therefore relocated the proposed pedestrian crossover from Chartwell Avenue W. to Conover Street.
  • A sidewalk has been added between the bus shelter west of Shoreham Avenue and Shoreham Avenue to improve pedestrian safety.
  • A sidewalk has been added between the access to 100 Craig Henry Drive and Chartwell Avenue W. to improve pedestrian safety.

Recommended Plan [ PDF 11.474 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)

Next Steps

The next steps in the project include obtaining final approval, confirming funding, undertaking the detailed design and finally construction.

Please do not hesitate to contact the project manager below if you have any questions or require clarifications about the information presented above.