Forest Valley Drive Traffic Calming Study

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Online Public Consultation III Results and Final Recommendations (Update October 2023)

In the spring 2023, a third online public consultation was conducted to seek community feedback about the proposed Recommended Plan [ PDF 7.264 MB Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) for Forest Valley Drive. The survey was available from April 10 to May 10, 2023. Since then, the results from the survey have been reviewed and analyzed. A total of 144 people responded to the survey. The highlights of the survey results are as shown below:

  • 44 per cent of the respondents are supportive and 43 per cent of the respondents are not supportive of the final recommended plan along Forest Valley Drive. The remaining 13 per cent are indifferent.

Complete results of the survey are provided in an As We Heard It (AWHI) Report III [ PDF 141 KB ]. Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)

Final Recommendations (October 2023)

Similar to previous consultation activities, the results of third online consultation survey (AWHI Report III) indicates that the number of respondents who supported the implementation of traffic calming measures along Forest Valley Drive is almost the same as those who did not support.

Previous communications with this community through the local ward Councilor’s office indicated that permanent traffic calming measures would only be approved if there was a clear majority of support from residents.  Due to the lack of major community support, only the proposed measures/modifications along Forest Valley Drive that are directly related to pedestrian safety/comfort and accessibility improvements will proceed. A summary of the measures that have been considered to move forward for preliminary/detail design and construction are shown as Forest Valley Plan 2023 [ PDF 3.449 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external); which include the following:

  • Relocation of bus stop (west side) from north of Rivermill Crescent to south of Rivermill Crescent along with required bus pad/platform
  • At the intersection of Forest Valley Dr/Rivermill Crescent which is an All Way Stop Control (AWSC) – implementation of crossings (pavement marking) on the north and south side of the intersection along with the required landing pads and Tactile Walking Surface Indicators (TWSIs).
  • At the intersection of Forest Valley Dr /Meadowglen Drive which is an All Way Stop Control (AWSC) – Relocation of the existing bus stop along with implementation of required bus platform. Implementation of crossing (pavement marking) on the north leg as well along with required landing pads and TWSIs.
  • Upgrade of existing crossing/Pedestrian Crossover (PXO) near Des Ravins Place by making it a raised crossing/PXO. The PXO will also include a flashing beacon and an overhead sign  (i.e., PXO type B).

If you have any questions or require clarifications about the information presented above, please do not hesitate to contact the project manager identified below.

For any inquiries, please contact:

Kunjan Ghimire, P.Eng.
City of Ottawa
110 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, ON; K1P 1J1
613-580-2424, ext. 21685 opens email application)


In response to traffic concerns raised by the residents of Forest Valley Drive, the City of Ottawa has reinitiated a Neighbourhood Traffic Calming (NTC) Study to address these concerns.

This study has investigated the existing conditions on Forest Valley Drive between St. Joseph Blvd and Orléans Blvd. This includes the review of the land use context, traffic conditions and any past and future plans that may impact Forest Valley Drive. A traffic calming design concept then developed to mitigate negative impacts of motor traffic and support safer street environment.

Once the study recommendations have been finalized and funding confirmed, the approved traffic calming plan would proceed to design and construction. The entire process from study initiation to final construction can take approximately 2.5 to 4 years to complete.


Forest Valley Drive traffic concerns have previously been qualified and prioritized for a traffic study under NTC program (formerly known as Area Traffic Management) in 2014. At the time, multiple public consultations were completed and a draft traffic calming plan was developed, however, the plan was never approved. The study was paused per the previous Councillor’s request in 2016. The city received a number of complaints from residents in 2017 and after few years the study reinitiated again per the new Councillor’s request.

Information on Traffic Calming

Traffic calming is defined as the combination of mostly physical measures and street design elements that are intended to reduce the negative impacts of motorized vehicles and improve safety for all street users. For more information, please refer to the Traffic Calming Design Guidelines.

Online Public Consultation – Proposed Concept Plan (June 2022)

Date and time

Mon, May 23, 2022, 12:15pm to Mon, Jun 20, 2022, 11pm

The City is hosting an online engagement for the Forest Valley Drive Traffic Calming project. The purpose of this online engagement is to share the recommended traffic calming plan for Forest Valley Drive with the community and seek feedback. This online engagement is organized into two parts:

We invite you to review the display boards first to learn the information you need to answer the questions in the online feedback form. The deadline date for submission of comments on the recommended plan is June 20, 2022.

Accessibility is an important consideration for the City of Ottawa. If you require special accommodation, please call or email the City of Ottawa Project Manager, to provide your feedback.

For more information, please contact:

Mahsa Sharbaf(link opens email application), P. Eng
Project Manager, Active Transportation Planning Branch
City of Ottawa
613-580-2424 ext. 13256

Online Public Consultation Result

In the early summer of 2022, an online public consultation was conducted to gather feedback on a proposed concept plan to address traffic concerns along Forest Valley Drive between Orleans Blvd. and St. Joseph Blvd. The deadline to complete the survey was June 24, 2022. Since then, the results from the survey have been reviewed and analyzed.

A total of 150 people responded to the survey. Complete results of the survey are provided in an As We Heard It Report (AWHIR) [ PDF 177 KB ]. Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)

New Alternative Options and Online Public Consultation II

As indicated in the AWHIR, there was lack of majority of consensus on the originally proposed conceptual plan along with concerns about loss of on-street parking and too much traffic calming measures. Thus, the City continued to review potential roadway modifications for Forest Valley and have developed two new options: Alternative Option 1 Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) [ PDF 6.395 MB ] and Alternative Option 2 Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) [ PDF 6.404 MB ]  based on a review of background data and public input to address identified traffic concerns on Forest Valley Drive. Main difference between option 1 and option 2 is:  in option 1, majority of the geometric change (speed cushions, narrowing) as proposed in the original conceptual plan have been removed. Whereas in option 2, some of these geometric changes are still maintained in the vicinity of schools and park where there are move vulnerable road users.

The following is a summary of changes that have been made to the previous recommended plan to develop these two new alternative options.

Alternative Option 1 [ PDF 6.395 MB ]: Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)

  • Removed all 5 sets of proposed speed cushions
  • Removed the proposed mid-block narrowings (cycling-friendly bulb-out) from two locations:
  1. east and the west side of Forest Valley Drive north of Willowbark Drive, and
  2. east and the west side of Forest Valley Drive between Des Ravins Place North and Des Ravins Place South
  • Removed the proposed cycle-friendly bulb-out from two intersections:
  1. northwest corner of Forest Valley Drive at Meadowglen Drive
  2. northwest corner of Forest Valley Drive at Rivercrest Drive
  • Replaced the proposed dedicated bike lanes with a standard bicycles route designation (like Bearbrook Road) to advise motorists and cyclists where bicycles and vehicles are both permitted and anticipated. With this option, the existing on-street parking regulations would remain as is today.

Alternative Option 2 [ PDF 6.404 MB ]:  Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)

  • Removed 3 sets speed cushions out of the 5 that were originally proposed. The 2 speed cushions that are maintained are located:
  1. between Des Ravins Place North and Des Ravins Place South (school and park area)
  2. between Valley Field Crescent North and Valley Field Crescent South as there is no nearby All Way Stop Control (AWSC) and the road is straight.
  • Removed 1 proposed mid-block narrowing that was located between Des Ravins Place North and Des Ravins Place South.
  • Removed the proposed cycle-friendly bulb-out from the west side of Meadowglen Drive considering existing roadway drainage concerns as well as the bus route from Meadowglen Drive to Forest Valley Drive
  • Added a mid-block narrowing (offset like a chicane due to consecutive driveways) near 1403/1404 Forest Valley Drive. This is expected to work as a gateway to the community in the southbound/eastbound direction.
  • Replaced the dedicated bike lane with standard bicycles route (like Bearbrook Road) to advise motorists and cyclists of officially designated bicycle routes along Forest Valley, where bicycles and vehicles are both permitted and anticipated. With this option, the existing on-street parking regulations would remain as is today.

Between December 2022 and January 2023, an online survey was conducted to gather feedback about the proposed concept plan along Forrest Valley Drive. The deadline to complete the survey was January 25, 2023. Since then, the results from the survey have been reviewed and analyzed. Complete results of the survey will be provided in an As We Heard It Report.

Please do not hesitate to contact the project manager identified below if you have any questions or require clarifications about the information presented above before providing your feedback.

Thank you for your participation!

Accessibility is an important consideration for the City of Ottawa. If you require special accommodation, please call or email the City of Ottawa Project Manager.

For any inquiries, please contact:

Kunjan Ghimire, P.Eng.
City of Ottawa
110 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, ON; K1P 1J1
613-580-2424, ext. 21685 opens email application)

Online Public Consultation II Results

In the winter 2022, a second online public consultation was conducted to seek community feedback about the two new alternative traffic calming options for Forest Valley Drive. The survey was available from December 15, 2022 to January 25, 2023. Since then, the results from the survey have been reviewed and analyzed. A total of 188 people responded to the survey. The highlights of the survey results are as shown below:

  • 66 per cent of the respondents are supportive with one of the revised alternative traffic calming plans along Forest Valley Drive. 25 per cent are not supportive and the remaining 9 per cent are indifferent.
  • 43 per cent of the respondents are supportive of Alternative Option 1 and 35 per cent are supportive of Alternative Option 2. 15 per cent do not support any traffic calming measures and the remaining 7 per cent are indifferent.

Complete results of the survey are provided in an As We Heard It Report II [ PDF 153 KB ]. Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)

Recommended Plan and Online Public Consultation III (April 2023)

Link to survey: Online Public Consultation III(link is external)

The results from the second online survey indicates that, between the two designs, Alternative Option 1 was preferred by a plurality of respondents. However, several comments were also raised concerns about stronger safety measures near the schools. Due to the presence of schools, a park and a new splash pad, there are more vulnerable road users on Forest Valley Drive between Des Ravins Place N and Des Ravins Place S.

Considering these comments and upon further review, it is recommended to add a single set of speed cushions to Alternative Option 1 on this section of Forest Valley Drive, as an additional measure to reduce speeds and improve safety, and consider it as a Final Recommended Plan [ PDF 7.264 MB ]. Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)

As this is a slight change to Alternative Option 1, we are seeking your input on this via this survey link that will be available from April 10, 2023 to May 10, 2023. Your input is important to assist the study team in finalizing the ultimate plan for this roadway.

Please do not hesitate to contact the project manager identified below if you have any questions or require clarifications about the information presented above before providing your feedback.

Thank you for your participation!

Accessibility is an important consideration for the City of Ottawa. If you require special accommodation, please call or email the City of Ottawa Project Manager.

For any inquiries, please contact:

Kunjan Ghimire, P.Eng.
City of Ottawa
110 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, ON; K1P 1J1
613-580-2424, ext. 21685 (link opens email application)