Programs and public spaces at Ottawa City Hall

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Rink of Dreams

Check for status updates before leaving home.  Due to the warmer spring days, the rink may close for a few hours in the afternoons but will reopen later the same day or the next morning once the ice refreezes.

We aim to keep the Rink of Dreams open until April 8.

Regular hours

  • Sunday
    • 9 am to 11 pm
  • Monday
    • 9 am to 11 pm
  • Tuesday
    • 7 am to 11 pm
  • Wednesday
    • 9 am to 11 pm
  • Thursday
    • 7 am to 11 pm
  • Friday
    • 9 am to 11 pm
  • Saturday
    • 9 am to 11 pm

The Rink of Dreams is a 12,500-square-foot outdoor refrigerated ice surface that operates annually from December through to the end of March.

The ice surface serves as a community gathering place for both residents of the National Capital Region and tourists visiting our city.

Skating safety and regulations.


There is no talking in this video. The Rink of Dreams is a 12,500-square-foot outdoor refrigerated ice surface that operates annually from December through to the end of March. The ice surface serves as a community gathering place for both residents of the National Capital Region and tourists visiting our city. Many hours go into building the ice surface each fall which includes setting up the rink boards and building the ice surface over several days. There is also a technical component for our staff who maintain and operate the refrigeration equipment to ensure consistent ice temperatures when the Ottawa weather is often anything but consistent! There are three ice resurfacer operators over the winter season who prepare the ice daily before the first skater and continue to maintain its quality condition throughout the day until close-up at 11 pm.

Use of public space at Ottawa City Hall

Although the primary use of Ottawa City Hall is for municipal related business, rental of space can be booked for public use as available. Whether it’s a large gathering, outdoor event or festival, City Hall offers a variety of facilities to suit your needs.

Priority of space availability

As outlined by the Corporate Policy on the Use of Public Space, booking of space for municipal related business at Ottawa City Hall is given priority.

Space at City Hall is available for booking for:

Non profit organizations

Weekday bookings are available only after regular City Hall business hours (5 pm).
Weekend bookings are available.

  • Non-profit organizations conducting City/municipal related business and fund-raising groups
  • Non-profit organizations conducting non City/municipal related business
Other users

Weekday bookings are available only after regular City Hall business hours (5 pm).
Weekend bookings are available.

  • Such as wedding receptions, private functions

User fees and occupancy

As of April 2024.

Fees shown do not include HST. Applicable taxes will be added during the payment process.

Fees are subject to change.

Rental Fees City Hall
  Occupancy Rate Non-profit (per four hours) Rate Non-profit (all day) Rate Other Users (per four hours) Rate Other users (all day)
Jean Pigott Place 200 seated at tables, 200 chairs only, or 400 standing (no chairs / tables) $207 $414 $1,714 $3,428

Marion Dewar Plaza


To provide direction for use of the Marion Dewar Plaza located at 110 Laurier Avenue W. adjacent to the Ottawa City Hall complex. Marion Dewar Plaza forms one part of the Festival area, which also includes Confederation Park (across Laurier Street) owned by the National Capital Commission. While these guidelines only apply directly to the Marion Dewar Plaza, they are also consistent with relevant National Capital Commission guidelines.

Enquiries opens email application)

Terms and conditions

To enquire about public space availability at Ottawa City Hall
E-mail: opens email application) or
Call: 613-580-2424 ext. 22771

Terms and Conditions for use of public space at Ottawa City Hall

The Special Events Co-ordinator or designate must approve furniture, equipment and/or signage, which are brought in by the organizer for an event, prior to the function date.

Items brought in for an event are to be removed upon completion of the same. All articles left on Ottawa City Hall property will be disposed of within 24 hours after the event.

To ensure that your event is a success we request that details be finalized at least two weeks prior to the function date.

Please review the additional information below:


  • all City of Ottawa properties are a public facility, therefore, we request that no event may block or hinder the normal passageway for pedestrians (including furniture, displays, cords, etc.).

Alcoholic beverages

  • all applicants shall be bound by the Terms and Conditions of the Municipal Alcohol Policy.
  • the use of alcohol in the facility is governed by the regulations as set out by the L.C.B.O., and a L.C.B.O. Special Occasion Permit(link is external) is required.
  • the sponsor of the Special Occasion Permit is required to complete, sign and submit the Acknowledgement Statement (Release of Liability, Waiver of Claims and Assumption of Risks and Indemnity Agreement) prior to the event as identified in the Municipal Alcohol Policy.
  • a copy of the Special Occasion Permit must be posted where the event is being held (near the area where alcohol is being served).
  • the City reserves the right to withhold the sale of refreshment and/or alcoholic beverages for any reason.

Audiovisual services

  • all set up, operation and maintenance of City audio-visual equipment will be handled by the Special Events Co-ordinator.
  • should you require additional equipment that’s not in stock, a charge to the organizer will apply.
  • if City A/V equipment is required, a rental cost for equipment and cost of audio-visual staff required during and after work hours to operate equipment will be charged to Lessee.
  • alternately, Lessee may provide and operate his/her own equipment (Note: you cannot combine two different systems)
Equipment Rental Costs (flat rate):
  • LCD projector $100 + HST

  • Sound System $230 + HST

  • 60” diameter tables, 25 on-site free


  • only propane barbecues will be permitted (outdoors), provided that the event organizer/applicant supplies one fire extinguisher per barbecue unit.
  • barbecues must be enclosed at all times.
  • hot plate warmers are allowed indoors as long as they meet the Fire Code Regulations.


  • open-flamed candles and the burning of incense are not permitted within Ottawa City Hall due to Fire Code Regulations.

Catering / Food services

  • the City reserves the right to regulate all catering and refreshment services for any public or private event held in any of the meeting rooms and activity areas.


  • children under the age of 12 years are not to be left unattended on Ottawa City Hall property.


  • there will be a charge for full payment to the organizer if there’s a cost associated with damage and/or excessive cleaning requirements as a direct result of an event


  • please advise the Special Events Co-ordinator regarding your decorating setup prior to your event.


  • all scheduling of loading and unloading privileges must be co-ordinated at least one week in advance through the Special Events Co-ordinator.
  • the freight elevator may also be used and is scheduled in specific time blocks based on availability.
  • loading dock access is available; if you have to arrange deliveries outside our normal business hours, a charge may be incurred by the organizer.


  • floor plans for displays such as tables, showcase and/or stand-alone panels must be co-ordinated and approved by the Special Events Co-ordinator or Representative prior to the event.

Electrical power

  • all electrical requirements and plans are to be presented two weeks prior to the event for approval by our technical staff.
  • additional power requirements that require extra wires and/or electrical services will be made available upon request; cost may be incurred by the organizer.
  • the Building Operations staff of the facility will do all operating and adjustment of the facilities electrical or mechanical equipment.


The organizer of an event is responsible for obtaining the necessary insurance. Should the event require liability insurance, the following provisions must be included:

  • proof of liability insurance may be required in accordance with the City’s insurance policy.
  • minimum liability of $2,000,000.00
  • the City of Ottawa to be named as an additional insured; and
  • cross liability/severability of interest clause.


  • all City of Ottawa properties have various lighting capabilities and must be requested in advance.
  • please note that all properties have emergency lighting, which cannot be dimmed or turned off.


  • the applicant is responsible for the issuing of any press release or public service announcement unless the event is co-sponsored by the City of Ottawa.


  • parking is available at your own cost at Ottawa City Hall. An enclosed public parking area is located underneath City Hall. Parking lot locations and parking fees.
  • deliveries (see “deliveries” section”) may be arranged via temporary parking permits, however, we request that all vehicles be removed promptly after loading and/or unloading.
  • all unauthorized vehicles on City Hall property will be ticketed and/or towed at the owner’s expense.

Placards and Signage

  • placards and/or picket signs are not permitted on Ottawa City Hall property.
  • printed material is not to be affixed to any walls, pillars, windows, etc. at Ottawa City Hall.
  • signs may be placed on easels and/or display units with prior approval.
  • all signs shall be in both official languages. Failure to comply will result in removal of signage.


Rules and Regulations

  • the organizer must comply with all applicable City of Ottawa rules, regulations and by-laws.
  • failure to comply will result in the event being cancelled.
  • no illegal activity shall be permitted.

Safety and Security

  • for safety and security reasons, all exits, stairwells and security/reception desks must remain accessible at all times.
  • all security and life safety requirements for events must be co-ordinated through the City of Ottawa Special Events Co-ordinator.
  • the City reserves the right to request security personnel to be present at specified periods during the rental period, costs to be charged to the Lessee.


  • no commercial sale of goods or services is permitted.
  • sales by charitable organizations require prior approval.
  • for public events with an admission charge, the Lessee is responsible for providing ticket sellers and takers.


  • the No Smoking By-Law (in public spaces) is enforced on Ottawa City Hall property.
  • please be advised that anyone caught smoking will be dismissed from the premises and are susceptible to personal fines and/or the termination of the entire event.

Staffing costs

  • additional staff may be required during an event. After finalization of event details, the Special Events Co-ordinator will forward specific staff requirements.
  • the rates (based on four-hour minimum) are as follows:
    • Housekeeping Personnel $45.00 /hour/Cleaner
    • Security Staff $37.50/hour/Officer
    • Technical (A/V) Staff $46.00/hour/Technician
    • Building Eng. (HVAC) $62.00/hour/BST

(Rates are subject to change)


  • storage facility/space is not provided at Ottawa City Hall.
  • the City of Ottawa is not responsible for any stolen or misplaced items left on City Hall property. In the event it should happen, please call the City of Ottawa Special Events Co-ordinator at 613-580-2424 ext.22771 or e-mail opens email application)

Updated September 2018