Project overview
The City of Ottawa initiated the study to develop a Recommended Plan for the widening of the Airport Parkway between Brookfield Avenue to the Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport and the widening of Lester Road from the Airport Parkway to Bank Street.
Study Area

Some aspects of the study will require examination of a broader area in order to address environmental effects; to co-ordinate with relevant ongoing studies and projects, and to study and identify tie-ins to the roadway network.
Rationale for widening the Airport Parkway and Lester Road
The Airport Parkway is a major north-south arterial road in the city. Along the corridor it connects with the neighbourhoods of Confederation Heights, Riverside Park, Ellwood, South Keys, Hunt Club, Gloucester, Uplands and Blossom Park at the Brookfield, Walkley, Hunt Club and Lester interchanges.
Rapid growth in the communities south of Hunt Club Road, including Leitrim, Riverside South and Greely has increased traffic volumes on the Airport Parkway, leading to congestion during the peak commuting periods. Future development of the airport lands, with a planned airport expansion as well as commercial development will also put increased pressure on these corridors. The establishment of the Ernst & Young Centre trade show facility at the northwest corner of the Airport Parkway and Uplands Road has further increased traffic in the area of the Lester/Albion Road corridor.
This Environmental Assessment (EA) study will take urban and rural growth, the development of the Ernst & Young Centre, as well as the Rideau Carleton Raceway operations as a source of demand effect on the Airport Parkway into consideration.
Study Process
The study is being conducted in accordance with Ontario's EA Act, fulfilling requirements as a Municipal Class EA process for Schedule C projects. The City must consider alternative designs for the project, undertake public and agency consultation, assess the potential environmental effects of the Recommended Plan and identify measures to mitigate these impacts.
The study will also address potential implications of federal and National Capital Commission (NCC) properties and the potential for federal permits and funding to implement the project.
As part of the study process, an Environmental Study Report (ESR) will be prepared for public review. Following the public review period, the project will be considered to have EA approval and may proceed to implementation once financing is in place.
Study Timeline
The EA process requires a comprehensive consultation program involving many stakeholders, including the City of Ottawa, the Airport, the NCC, approval and regulatory agencies, local community associations and businesses, special advisory and interest groups and members of the public. The study is expected to take 24 months to complete.
Get involved!
You are encouraged to participate in the study by attending consultation events or by directly contacting the study team with information, comments or questions. Updated project information will be posted periodically on the study website.
The study will also have the benefit of input from three consultation groups namely an agency, business and public consultation group that will also meet at key points during the study.
Three open houses will be scheduled throughout the study as an opportunity for interested persons to learn about the study and provide input. Notifications for the open house will be provided through local newspapers, e-mails to the study mailing list and postings on the website.
To have your name placed on the study mailing list or to submit comments or questions, please contact:
Frank McKinney
Senior Program Manager, Transportation Planning
City of Ottawa
110 Laurier Avenue West, 4th Floor
Ottawa ON K1P 1J1
Tel: 613-580-2424 ext. 28540
Fax: 613-580-2578
E-mail: opens email application)
Open House #1 - January 27, 2015
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Jim Durrell Recreation Centre, Ellwood Hall
1265 Walkley Road
6 to 8:30 p.m. (presentation at 7 p.m.)
OC Transpo routes 1, 8, 41, 87, 114, 144 and 146.
Free parking is available
The City of Ottawa has initiated the Airport Parkway and Lester Road Widening Environmental Assessment (EA) Study to determine the most appropriate means to accommodate and manage increasing transportation requirements related to growth in the surrounding communities and airport lands as illustrated in the key map.
Open House Display Boards
Study Overview [ PDF 529 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Objectives and Process [ PDF 464 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Study Schedule [ PDF 4.131 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Consultation Activities [ PDF 80 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Existing Conditions Overview [ PDF 2.476 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Existing Conditions Map [ PDF 14.960 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Planned Function and Role of the Airport Parkway and Road Link [ PDF 72 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Growth at the Airport and Southern Communities [ PDF 6.098 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
2013 Transportation Master Plan [ PDF 40 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Existing Transportation Conditions [ PDF 596 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Existing Northbound Traffic Patterns within the Airport Pkwy-Bronson Corridor (AM peak hour) [ PDF 5.493 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Existing Congestion and Delay on the Airport Parkway [ PDF 592 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Travel Forecast and Needs [ PDF 77 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Travel Choice Assumptions [ PDF 593 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Need to Improve Safety, Resiliency and Reliability to the Airport [ PDF 36 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Identifying Opportunities [ PDF 33 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Alternative Solutions Overview [ PDF 469 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Alternative Solutions Evaluation Results [ PDF 416 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Preliminary Preferred Solution [ PDF 34 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Upstream and Downstream Implications [ PDF 29 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Anticipated Travel Patterns Along the Corridor and Downstream Implications [ PDF 32 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
What would Result if the Airport Parkway is Not Widened [ PDF 34 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Alternative Design Development [ PDF 576 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Design Objectives for Transportation Facilities through/along the Wetland [ PDF 30 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Alternative Designs Evaluation Criteria [ PDF 30 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Alternative Cross Sections [ PDF 13.097 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Alternative Cross Sections 2 [ PDF 9.034 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Preliminary Design Concepts for the Airport Sector [ PDF 7.254 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Preliminary Design Concepts for the Airport Sector 2 [ PDF 7.254 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Next Steps [ PDF 50 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Summary of Participant Comments
Attendees were asked to sign-in upon entering the Public Open House. A total of 95 people signed-in over the course of the evening. Based on the addresses provided, individuals attending the Public Open House were largely located along the within the study area in proximity to the Airport Parkway and Lester Road corridors (Figure 1). A total of 30 Comment-Questionnaires were returned during or following the Open House. All of the comments received are listed below:
What Specific interest do you have in this Study?
- Oppose widening of Lester. Our backyard directly borders on City-owned land North of Lester, presently zoned conservation, we paid a premium for this lot because of this.
- Traffic and noise this will create, as well as how this will affect my property value.
- I use the airport frequently for business and personal travel. At Least 18 times per year.
- I am in total agreement of widening the airport parkway and beautifying it for visitors coming to the Nationals Capital.
- Increased traffic flow through my neighbourhood.
- Need. Environmental impact.
- Directly impacts immediate neighbourhood. Environmental impacts of emphasizing automobile traffic over public transit and cycling. Encouraging use of cars and continuing congestion at commuter time. Priorities of spending need to be reconsidered.
- Walk, cycle and drive along Walkley. Use Walkley Transit Station. Drive to and from airport. Neighbours and children found Walkley and Bronson unpleasant and dangerous for cycling and walking. Climate change.
- Interested in efficient transportations solutions.
- Airport user/lives in south end off Hunt Club.
- Increased traffic from southern communities using the Airport Parkways to commute to and from downtown.
- My research and consulting is automotive safety and emissions.
- Noise in our backyard as it back onto the Airport Parkway.
- Interested in the impact on my area.
- Alignment of Airport Parkway – Brookfield and its proximity to houses to the west, ie. Plante, Linton etc. What noise deadening will be put on west edge wall, berm?
- Quicker, less traffic, better access to Walkley Road with southbound off ramps and northbound on ramps.
- I walk Lester Road from May – Oct. once a day
- Easier and faster access to downtown and Airport and home again. As you may be aware there are 3 golf courses or more plus the racetrack plus villages.
- Commute daily on Airport Pkwy, to Ottawa Civic Hospital.
- Airport traveler/user, employed in the Airport area
- The widening of Lester Road, multi-use bike/pedestrian path along Lester and Airport Rd. (proposed). Intersection of Lester and
- Albion Rd. Conservation area along Lester must not be affected.
- Concern over increased noise levels in our residential neighbourhood. Widening should not be completed until LRT completed to Leitrim.
- On/Off ramps at Walkley Road. Bicycle path south of Hunt Club.
- About damn time
- I travel the Airport Pkwy on a regular basis
- From Hunt Club onto Airport Parkway North
- Smooth and efficient traffic flow on an arterial North/South route. Convenient and efficient road transportation into the Ottawa Airport.
- Effect of greatly increased traffic flow on areas north of the canal – not adequately dealt with although this is required for an Ontario EA. I.e. vehicle numbers at Hunt Club could double to 3600ph – what will be the effect on Bronson North of canal?
- Traffic to downtown might have decreased relatively, but still increased. Many vehicles are headed for the Queensway, not downtown. Suggested that overload traffic will find alternative routes – through residential neighbourhoods.
- Backing onto Lester, I am concerned with the increase in noise as a result of the increased traffic on this road. I am also concerned with any loss of green space on the North side of Lester as a result of the road widening.
Existing Conditions: Do you have any comments on the background information presented tonight?
- Oppose widening of Lester. Support multi-use pathways.
- It's quite complete.
- No justification for traffic pattern assumptions of Airport Parkway.
- More information on existing conditions would have been welcome. E.g. Re wildlife: why just mention road kill.
- Background info deficient – Did not clearly state that development so far favour car traffic, low density development over walking, cycling, transit, and that this project continues this imbalance. Note that existing ramp from Walkley onto Parkway is very dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists.
- Useful. I don't feel like enough time was spent evaluating alternatives to road widening.
- I will be asking for more info on crash sites along the Parkway.
- Your study is 1: too marrow (Not widening other road, just Lester) 2: Your estimates for growth south of Lester appear incorrect.
- There was no clear plan to the proposed LRT route going south to reach new and future development (Trillium Line Ext.).
- Not enough on noise levels.
- Bronson is already overloaded north of Carleton U.
- Background information focuses too much on current traffic congestion as a reason for roadway expansion.
- Satisfactory. However some data should have been presented regarding traffic volume, departing on Hunt Club to the airport and proceeding south of the airport. A major detrainment of the solution.
- Identify existing problems e.g. speeding on Walkley need for traffic calming, facilities for pedestrians and cyclists. Many schools etc. in the area. Need to enhance public transit and O-Train capability. Bus service has been steadily reduced over past 6 years.
Alternative Solutions: Do you have any comments or specific concerns regarding the evaluation of alternative solutions or the Preliminary Preferred Solutions? If yes, please describe them.
- Needs to be a discussion re the LRT North – South route, taking into account Findlay Creek. No date was given on to any LRT construction line to accommodate communities in the South. Many questions on this.
- Do AP north of Hunt Club and WAIT for transit south of Hunt Club.
- I fail to understand how the proposed road widening will address the traffic congestion. The bottlenecks will be moved to new sections of today's busiest routes.
- No – we just have to widen the route to the airport from the city.
- What options are being considered for the preferred solution? Are they considering widening the roads by one lane instead of two? Will the use of traffic controls be used to slow traffic, make it safer and reduce noise?
- Can Leitrim be an alternative to Lester for expansion? Or River Road and Limebank on the West Side? More frequent LRT service and transfer + extension options should be options to avoid need to widen Lester. If car transportation is made more attractive the incentive to use mass transportation is reduced.
- People respond to the circumstances they meet. The O-Train including the spur to the Airport should be built first. Then the need for widening should be evaluated. Without the alternative in place, the projections of "need" are not reliable.
- Existing Ramp from Walkley onto "Parkway" is very dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists. It would be disastrous to add connections at Walkley without rebuilding Walkley for safety for pedestrians and cyclists. Given that we have an aging populations, need to redesign the city to reduce climate impacts we need more transit, slower road speeds, safer walking –
- Doubling the "Parkway" should be postponed until we know the ramifications of these factors, and be reassessed after getting a better balance (toward transit, walkability)
- I really feel that the combination of #8 depresses Median + Buffer in conjunction of #5 urban with buffered bike lanes would be a preferred solution. Separate the pedestrians from bikers. two lanes, makes more sense for security/safety.
- Are we going to see an East-West arterial road linking Riverside South (Earl Armstrong and the Bridge to Barrhaven) Through Findlay Creek and East to the Highway, to avoid congestion coming North through Hunt Club, etc.?
- I believe that Vision Zero could be achieved on the Parkway and Lester. The "flatland" between the river and the canal should become "Shared Space" (Search for it on Wikipedia).
- It seems like the decision has already been made to proceed so there was very little information about alternatives provided.
- I would like to see an exit onto Walkley Road.
- Completing this by 2031 is much too late. Also make the Hunt Club Bridge wider, too much related traffic there. I highly recommend completing all phases as soon as possible. Is there a possibility to extend the Airport Parkway South to Leitrim Road? (i.e. open the gate at Bowesville Road) to help the people heading farther south?
- Has thought been given to adding an exit ramp off southbound Airport Pkwy onto Walkley Road? This would take some traffic pressure off the Parkway during evening rush hour.
- I'd like to see the final roadway configuration at the Lester/Airport Parkway intersection incorporate a better turn from Lester (northbound/westbound) onto Airport Parkway (Southbound). The current turn is awkward, unsafe and disconnecting for those not used to making it (hotel guests etc.) None of the 8 preliminary designs address this. Leaving Airport Parkway (Hunt Club to Lester segment) expansion to the last phase will simply create bottlenecks on the Parkway.
- Widening Parkway will reduce transit demand and modal share. Does not consider increased noise levels nearby (with 1KMS).
- Does not consider wildlife corridor and crossings: deer, fox, raccoons, and coyotes.
- What alternative routes were considered?
- Have you considered following the rail line south past the Airport? The west side of the line has adequate room for an arterial road. This would avoid most residential areas.
- Complete Trillium Line expansion to both the Airport and Bowesville. Allow traffic pattern to modify in accordance with the public transit services, and then evaluate if expansion is still necessary. Construct rail infrastructure first and roadway expansion second.
- Please be advised that the working people were not present (the silent majority) only the retired concerned people show up for this meeting. These participants are against any progress, any improvement.
- Ottawa needs a major arterial north/south road east of the Airport. The planned widening only partially responds to this need.
- Albion needs to be widened to 4 lanes from Lester South and a smooth, efficient connection from Airport Pkwy at Hunt Club to
- Albion at Lester needs to be built. We do not need to widen Lester or Airport Pkwy south of Hunt Club to achieve this.
- Need to integrate widening of Albion south of Lester in the near future. I agree that roads are #1 good infrastructure. #2 would be the addition of rapid transit to help reduce traffic and parking. Good access to airport is provided by both of above.
- Focus on O-Train and Buses – public transit. Traffic to core in cars has doubled commuting time. Bank/Walkley becoming more dense with high rise building – need to provide environment suitable for cycling/pedestrians/neighbourhood/ Solution to congestion is encouraging used of public transit – making it accessible and cost efficient. Limited green space in Walkley/Bank/Hunt Club area. Sad to sacrifice natural environment green space in Airport Parkway corridor. Walkley has a serious problem of people going well over the speed limit. Safety considerations need to be taken into account. Especially adding on north ramps. Green corridor is being increasing understood we should try to maintain continuous corridors already in place – much easier than trying to recreate them after the fact. Need to think of consequences of outlined strategies, climate change etc. area a result of taking many small decisions considered too narrowly at a minimum. Beginning better public transit and then reassess. Really need better bus service (Compare what we have now to ten years ago thanks).
- Do light rail first and then direct traffic to Bank Street.
- It would be disastrous to add connections at Walkley without rebuilding Walkley for safety for pedestrians and cyclists. Given that we have an aging populations, need to redesign the city to reduce climate impacts we need more transit, slower road speeds, safer walking – Doubling the "Parkway" should be postponed until we know the ramifications of these factors, and be
- reassessed after getting a better balance (toward transit, walkability) The Sawmill Creek National space has already been severely stressed, and the wetlands lowered and diminished (look at older aerial photos!) This damage should not be increased.
When asked if the Public Open House has given a better understanding of the project, the results were:
Yes – 19
No – 0
Somewhat – 8
No response - 3
If no, or somewhat, please describe what we could do differently, or what additional information you would like to have.
- What will be the role of the NCC and Canada Lands? Both are key players to any future planning in the short and long term.
- I would appreciate information related to cost benefits analysis comparing road with upgrades/essentials to the current rail transit systems.
- Would have been useful to have to info on the charts ahead of this meeting.
- Too much emphasis on alternative design solutions. Too little on need. Will the ditches along Lester Road be maintained? They are there to reduce drainage of the wetlands.
- The Sawmill Creek natural space has already been severely stressed, and the wetlands lowered and diminished (look at older aerial photos!) This damage should not be increased.
- Not a truck route. Need rapid transit transitway to be included. Could/would OC Transpo be allowed to have a designated lane/route to the airport? Or get a shuttle service to accommodate clientele to get from home to airport at a lower cost than taxi or paying money for car parking at airport.
- The article I read in the Ottawa South News had already provided much of the information.
- Please notify me when decisions taken/meetings scheduled re Walkley on/off ramps
- What consideration of the Conroy-Alta Vista corridor was taken in, re traffic from Leitrim and Greely?
- This presentation had little information outside this study area.
- Too many assessment/preliminary studies.
- Open houses to be held in communities north of canal, which will be severely impacted.
For further information or to provide comments, please contact:
Frank McKinney
Senior Program Manager, Transportation Planning
City of Ottawa
110 Laurier Avenue West, 4th Floor
Ottawa ON K1P 1J1
613-580-2424 ext. 28540
Fax: 613-580-2578
E-mail: opens email application)
Ron Clarke, MCIP, RPP
Manager of Urban Planning and Design
1223 Michael Street, Suite 100
Ottawa, ON K1J 7T2
613-738-4160 ext. 5226
Fax: 613-739-7105
E-mail: opens email application)
Open House #2 - June 17, 2015
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Jim Durrell Recreation Centre – Ellwood Hall
1265 Walkley Road
6 to 8:30 p.m. (presentation at 7 p.m.)
OC Transpo routes 1, 8, 41, 87, 114, 144 and 146.
Free parking is available
The City of Ottawa is undertaking the Airport Parkway and Lester Road Widening Environmental Assessment (EA) Study to determine the most appropriate means to accommodate and manage increasing transportation requirements related to growth in the surrounding communities and airport lands.
This second Open House will provide an overview of the study progress to date including:
- Alternative designs considered
- Evaluation criteria and methodology used to determine the preliminary preferred design
Open House Display Boards
2. Study Overview [ PDF 1.462 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
3. Objectives and Process [ PDF 999 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
4. Study Schedule [ PDF 1.251 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
5. Consultation Activities [ PDF 1.423 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
7. Existing Conditions Map [ PDF 1.584 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
8. Planned Function and Role of the Airport Parkway and Road Link [ PDF 932 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
9. Planned Function and Role of Lester Road [ PDF 818 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
10. Growth at the Airport and Southern Communities [ PDF 2.969 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
11. 2013 Transportation Master Plan [ PDF 1.375 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
12. What We Heard So Far [ PDF 497 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
13. Confirming the Preferred Solution [ PDF 734 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
14. Evaluation of Alternative Designs [ PDF 897 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
15. Choices for Accommodating Pedestrians and Cyclists in the Corridor [ PDF 805 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
15a. Design Recommendations for Pedestrians and Cyclists in the Corridors [ PDF 1.025 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
16. Alternative Designs Evaluation Criteria [ PDF 281 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
17a. Airport Parkway Sector : Alternative Design Descriptions [ PDF 963 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
17b. Airport Parkway: Brookfield to Walkley Road Sector [ PDF 1.244 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
17c. Airport Parkway: Walkley Road to Hunt Club Road Sector [ PDF 5.677 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
17d1. Preliminary Preferred Design for Airport Parkway Brookfield to Walkley Sector [ PDF 1.644 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
17d2. Proposed Walkley Road Community Connection [ PDF 1.440 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
17d2-2. Proposed Walkley Road Community Connection [ PDF 1.469 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
17d3. Preliminary Preferred Design for Airport Parkway Walkley to Hunt Club Sector [ PDF 1.808 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
18a. Alternative Design Descriptions for the Airport Connectivity Sector [ PDF 904 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
18b. Airport Connectivity Sector [ PDF 1.666 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
18c. Preliminary Preferred Design for Airport Sector [ PDF 1.406 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
18d. Airport Parkway Interchange at Lester/Uplands [ PDF 1.441 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
19a. Lester Road Sector: Alternative Design Descriptions [ PDF 1.277 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
19b. Lester Road: Trillium LRT Line and Albion Road [ PDF 2.409 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
19c. Lester Road: Albion Road to Meandering Brook Drive Sector [ PDF 1.443 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
19d. Lester Road: Meandering Brook Drive to Bank Street Sector [ PDF 1.375 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
19e1. Preliminary Preferred Design for Lester Road: Trillium Line to Albion Road Sector [ PDF 1.977 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
19e2. Preliminary Preferred Design for Lester Road: Albion Road to Meandering Brook Sector [ PDF 1.135 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
19e3. Preliminary Preferred Design for Lester Road: Meandering Brook to Bank Street Sector [ PDF 1.090 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
20a. Managing Noise Impacts [ PDF 374 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
20b. Alternative Designs for Noise Attenuation [ PDF 1.212 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
20c. Options for Noise Attenuation [ PDF 518 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
21a. Considerations Related to Impacts on Natural Heritage Features [ PDF 886 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
21b. Mitigating Wetland Impacts [ PDF 998 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
22. Next Steps [ PDF 803 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Existing Peak Hour Turning Movement Volumes [ PDF 933 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
1. Preliminary Preferred Design – Brookfield to Walkley Sector [PDF 7.775 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
2. Preliminary Preferred Design –Walkley to Hunt Club Sector [ PDF 9.476 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
3. Preliminary Preferred Design – Airport Connectivity Sector [ PDF 6.130 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
4. Preliminary Preferred Design – Lester Road Sector [ PDF 10.699 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Summary of Participant Comments
As We Heard It Consultation Report
1. General Need/Timing of the Widening
1.1Trillium Line extension should be given priority17
1.2Does not support the plan to widen7
1.3Supports the plan to widen5
1.4Enjoyed the style of the consultation and presentation2
1.5Does not fit in with plan to remove vehicles from our streets1
2. Impacts of Widening along the Airport Parkway
2.1Increased noise/traffic/pollution along Surrounding Areas11
2.2Consider downstream effects on Centretown2
3. Impacts of Widening along Lester Road
3.1Concerned Lester Road feeds into Uplands instead of the Parkway1
4. Walkley Connection
4.1Does not support the Walkley Connection14
4.2Concerned about the cut-through traffic on Southmore7
4.3Connection will make Walkley unsafe6
4.4Connection will cause increased cut through traffic on McCarthy6
4.5Concern over the impact to schools along Walkley2
4.6Supports the Walkley Connection1
4.7Design ramp to expressway standards1
4.8Desires a northbound ramp1
4.9Please mail residents information on open houses1
5. Other General Comments
5.1Walkley Road is a residential community2
5.2Concerned about the accuracy of traffic volumes2
5.3No need for an additional pathway along the parkway2
5.4Concerned about impact on natural environment2
5.5Concerned about lack of cycling infrastructure in the area2
5.6Install as many ecopassages as possible2
5.7Traffic lights along Walkley Road are not timed properly1
5.8Opposed to at-grade cyclist crossing of Hunt Club1
5.9Install permanent ‘No Left Turn’ signage at Southmore and Walkley1
5.10Lower speed limits across the city1
5.11Adding one southbound HOV lane would solve congestion problem1
5.12Cycling infrastructure should be along routes other than highways1
5.13Complete streets approach on Walkley between Riverside and the Parkway1
All comments received by comment sheet are included below:
- Do not put an off ramp at Walkley Road. It will cause traffic to turn left at Southmore Dr. & cut to McCarthy Road to get to Hunt Club
- If the ramp is installed then have a no left turn sign installed at Walkley Rd & Southmore Dr. for cars coming from Airport Expressway.
- Also bring back no left turn at Southmore and Walkley Road for a 24 hour period not just the limited hours it is now. The same applies turning right on Southmore coming from Hunt Club for 24 hours.
- Cars do not stop at stop sign at Southmore and Linton. This stop sign needs to be enforced more by police. My driveway is available for police.
- Outside of the Southbound off ramp @ Walkley I have no concerns with the proposed plan.
- The off ramp at Walkley seems to do nothing to assist with the south bound traffic issue.
- Walkley Road is already congested and driving well beyond the 50k/hour speed limit
- On Southmore we often have south/west bound traffic using our street as a cut through, the increase in traffic is marked and the street is in the same condition as it was when it was built.
- Limited sidewalks and blind corners numerous times myself or my wife have almost been hit by cars whose drivers do not respect the 50k/hour speed life. This off ramp will be wholly detrimental to the quality of life.
- Thank you for this consultation
- I am very much concerned about the Walkley off-ramp proposal.
- I am concerned that this assessment is being done at a time when the city is rapidly expanding public transportation options. Has the impact and the reduction in traffic been calculated/taken into consideration.
- As an individual who bikes on Walkley (towards Mooney's Bay) frequently, I am already concerned about my safety. There is no bike path and the hills/road conditions on the side of the road are poor. Increased traffic will render bicycling more dangerous.
- As someone living off Walkley I am concerned about the noise congestion on an already busy area.
- Please do not create an off-ramp onto Walkley.
- The Airport Parkway should have been expanded to four lanes years ago.
- I can't believe that this will drag on for another 16 years.
- No off-ramp going south at Walkley which is a residential neighbourhood.
- No need to put four lanes beyond Hunt Club going south.
- Before anything is done to the roads need to expand public transit to airport and south needs housing.
- I do not approve of the proposed widening.
- I think a single additional southbound road could be built at a very little cost without the need to rebuild the Walkley road overpass.
- This additional lane could be for taxis, permitted buses and cars with multiple passengers.
- Other options (like rail) should be first considered.
- Need to conduct more actual baseline noise level testing beyond modeling. Need to know peak noise levels during rush hour and night.
- Recommend advancing O-Train/million prior to airport parkway extension.
- Thanks for excellent presentation by client consultant.
- I am concerned about the increase in noise from the widening of the Airport Parkway. I would like to be part of a consultation regarding noise attenuation.
- The existing trees in the berm are at their life and need to be replaced. What are the landscape plans for the berm?
- I think your traffic study numbers are very conservative.
- You need to spend more time and effort explain how you came to these conclusions because clearly the neighbourhood does not agree with your assessment.
- I would like more information on the impact on wildlife.
- This is a premature Capital Expenditure.
- Get the O-Train into the Airport and the O-Train bus Transitway in place from Lester South to Leitrim Rd before expanding capacity on the Parkway.
- Analyze the impact on traffic volume from Hunt Club towards Centre-town on the Parkway and then see if a widening project is required.
- Now id the time exercise fiscal Prudence.
- Rapid Transit investments need to be allowed to mature prior to Parkway widening.
- Phasing needs to be reconsidered O-Train first/ Widening second.
- I totally agree and positive to widening of Airport Parkway.
- My only concern is the off-ramp from Airport to Walkley. I live across Walkley rd. and the traffic and noise during rush hours are already significant.
- Speeding and noise are annoying issues just in Walkley.
- This sis a residential area and opening an off-ramp to Walkley from Airport will increase the problems.
- This is totally dangerous for the neighbourhood and should be stopped!
- My concern is that adding an exit at Walkley going west will add more traffic & faster driving to the already congested quick moving vehicles.
- It is already an issue at any time of day or night where traffic exceeds the 50km limit.
- Instead of adding more roads why would you not add light rail instead of encourage more cars. Less cars, less pollution, "Green" isn't that where we want to go?
- The explanation vis-à-vis the bottleneck through the Glebe makes no sense. If I take the parkway north during the morning traffic it often takes an eternity to proceed further north up Bronson. Adding another 2 lanes will make it even worse.
- I live @ 1225 Plante & you say that you have no intention of installing a noise attenuation barrier along the roadway behind my & my neighbour's houses, it's already noisy during the day so if you install a barrier I want it too.
- 1. Has sufficient consideration been given to FIRST building the necessary infrastructure to provide rapid public transit to residents (light rail, O-Train extension) needing to travel north, from their new neighbourhoods in Barrhaven (south Nepean), Riverside South or Leitrim? Reasoning: Habits of using public transit are easier to establish when infrastructure for such a choice PRECEDES the construction of roadways favouring car travel.
- 1st: Public Transit
- 2nd: Infrastructure to accommodate more cars
- 2. Where does this project fit in with the goal of removing 7300 vehicles from our streets daily? And with Transit Route Optimization?
- I asked Marc? Why a northbound on-ramp from Walkley was not part of the plan. He replied that the topography, i.e. many meters from Walkley level down to the ground surface at the Parkway, made the construction of the ramp very expensive. May I suggest that you consult the citizens of Alta Vista and around Walkley east to see if they would make the extra expense very worthwhile by high usage?
- Access ramps to SB Parkway from Walkley @ Hunt Club should be designed to expressway standards using appropriate acceleration lanes and tapers per the TAC geometric design guidelines for consistency of driver's expectations.
- The existing ramps require very sudden merges, which are difficult and potentially unsafe during heavy traffic.
- This approach would be consistent with the approach taken for the design of the ramps to/from the north at the Hunt Club interchange, undertaken by the former Region in the late 1990's. To do otherwise would be to ignore the reality of how traffic will operate on this facility.
- The road will likely continue to be posted at 80kph, which means a design speed of 90-100kph. I would be very surprised if a professional Engineer would certify a lesser design standard.
- Consider extending the EB it turn storage lane on Hunt Club Road to compensate for the relocation of the signal and pedestrian crossing west of its current location.
- I remain concerned the Lester Road continues to feed into Uplands instead of into the Parkway as provided in the City TMP. I understand that the subsidy was made in response to the Airport Authority's long term plan, most of which is aspirational guesswork in my view and should be discounted.
- I remain opposed to the at-grade crossing of Hunt Club by the west cycle path. This is already a very complex intersection, increasing the duration of blockage due to pathway traffic will make it worse. The existing crosswalk is almost never used – a pathway crossing will be.
- Walkley cannot cope with the proposed increase in traffic. It is already increasing, noise, volume, accidents... without the off-ramp please look at re-designation of this road.
- Could you publish noise levels currently on Walkley and Proposed levels? This was not shown.
- Provost – already dangerous.
- Southmore – Already setting increased traffic.
- This is not practical for anyone living in this area.
- More buses, train, Yes!
- I don't believe the 500 car increase will be an even split – Bank Street cannot take more – McCarthy is now backing up as is Riverside – Not Practical.
- Hunt Club is the problem need lane east/west. Thank you!
- I am appalled..... I could not get me questions raised ... Thank you
- This is an existing multi-use wide path on the east side of the AP Parkway from Brookfield to Hunt Club which could be continued to the AP. The Widening of the shoulder on the west side of the AP could satisfy cycle commuters. No one wants to stroll along the AP of speeding cars. They would likely prefer walking along the ponds path.
- The Walkley proposed westbound off-ramp goes directly into a residential community where speed to 80k is occurring regularly and will likely cause more grief. You already have data on this issue. Residents cannot get out of their driveways. Riverside Drive is already jammed with traffic
- It appears there will be three traffic lights between the proposed Walkley off-ramp and Bank Street. – Nightmare
- How about lowering the speed limit in the City overall – it's a nightmare.
- Walkley traffic westbound is going to Riverside mostly to Hunt Club & Riverside South or Downtown.
- What about Noise attenuation on Walkley APP to Riverside?
- Re: Proposed Walkley off-ramp:
- Am extremely concerned that this will significantly increase the through traffic on Southmore Dr. E.
- We already have more than reasonable numbers of speeding pass-through car.
- I note that there are no before/after traffic counts for Southmore.
- Also, another traffic light on Walkley doesn't make sense, too many between Riverside and Bank already.
- Wonder, too, why another "multi-use' pathway, one already exists between Hunt Club and Brookfield.
- Easy way to reduce current congestion would be to simply add another southbound lane for Taxis, two person vehicles, etc...
- Seems to me that more of the effort should be put into expanding the O-Train first.
- 1. Will there be bike paths through the greenbelt as opposed to the highway for safety.
- 2. Bike path could be where rails are currently and rails could follow the parkway route.
- 3. Then route could go right to the airport instead of a spear line into the airport.
- 4. O-Train beside Airport Parkway instead of the Greenbelt, O-Train can then go right to the airport.
- 5. Ecopassages! Many
- 6. No Walkley exit!
- Following tonight's discussion there is a much greater need to focus on the LRT
- Communities do not want to see the widening of roads.
- I am concerned about the McCarthy Road, I have lived there for fifty years, and there is bumper to bumper traffic from 3:30 to 5:30.
- There are many trucks, larger ones, who use this road as well.
- Cars also speed on McCarthy all day, what will you do about this?
- I think the off-ramp onto Walkley would be an environmental nightmare.
- We have constant speeding on Southmore from McCarthy to Walkley Rd & cars always go through stop sign @ Southmore & Linton.
- More cars & trucks on Walkley would NOT ONLY make Walkley a much busier, noisier and dangerous but all connecting streets as well.
- We have been working for years to slow traffic & keep residential areas "RESIDENTIAL".
- Concern: Trees are often planted but no one cares for them – i.e. – new multi-use pathway on east side of Airport Parkway has many dead "new" trees.
- Need for safe bike passage from Mooney's Bay to Sawmill Creak pathway &/or transitway.
- Walkley is a very unsafe route for cyclist & pedestrians.
- Walkley between Bank & Riverside is not an arterial – it is a residential area.
- Build the off-ramp, it makes sense, mitigate traffic on Walkley, looks good.
- I believe that prioritizing the Trillium Line is the best use of resources. A major reason cars are such a problem is because they are always given priority.
- Expanding the Parkway only encourage suburban sprawl in the long run and reduces incentive to consider more suitable modes of transportation.
- The Queensway always expands yet always ends up clogged again sooner or later, while encouraging developing further out of the City.
- I hope that there is hope that alternatives will be considered. Cities in Europe that tackled these problems 40 years ago prioritized people over cars and are now living proof of having the most efficient and sustainable infrastructure and healthiest population.
- No Off-Ramp
- Please mail residence with this information. The communication problem was not handled.
- Please consider the sound levels at Walkley, Southmore and Garwood.
- When the Airport Parkway was built it wasn't to be a commuter route. It was only to get to the Airport faster.
- Way too much traffic on Walkley Road now!!
- Go for It!
- Do not want barrier or foot path behind my property, noise has not been a problem
- I live on Cromwell Dr. and my property backs onto the Airport Parkway, my concern is the noise of a widened Parkway plus increased pollution level due to increased traffic.
- Please do not cut into the green space between my property & the existing Parkway – one solution might be to have only one more lane constructed and use directional lights for north/southbound traffic. 3 lanes heading into centre in morning and reverse for southbound traffic at end of workday.
- It's already TOO NOISY with traffic to enjoy my backyard during the summer.
- Speaker spoke more about the O-Train than about the Roads.
- 1. This project should be part of the transit to Airport (O-Train Extension)
- 2. Hunt Club to Brookfield ok because that's where the congestion exists.
- 3. Lester Road widening loses Species at Risk (SAR)
- 4. Providing a third (passing) lane on Lester is ok as long as Lester is made into ecopassages for the aquatic reptiles /fish and mammals.
- 5. The benefit is building magnificent ecopassages around all wetlands on Lester/Albion/Parkway.
- 6. NO EXTENSION OF O-TRAIN through the Greenbelt unless along the Airport Parkway and into the Airport ABSOLUTELY NO INVESTMENT in new roads to the Airport until after 2050.
- The public across Canada have been asking for transit into the Airport, NEVER has the public asked for new roads to the Airport.
- No Walkley Exit!
- This project represents old fashion transportation planning, i.e., that the solution to congestion is to provide more road capacity. It has been proven over and over again that this does not work (more recently example locally: Hunt Club Road). If transportation model projection deem this to be the solution that only proves that these models were built on wrong assumptions. While these models can accommodate certain projected changes in the context (as well as, of course, the proposed road change) they need to appropriately incorporate changes in attitude – both leading to more traffic (when more road capacity is offered) and less traffic (when mobile alternatives are offered). The practical conclusion is: First build the alternative (in this case the extension of the O-Train) allow a year or two to bring people to switch, then if and only if congestion continues – consider widening the Parkway. My hunch is that it will prove to be unnecessary. Remember: there are 16 lanes on the 401 @ downtown Toronto and traffic is at a standstill during peak times.
- Quick Solutions: To allow lane access to the Airport, taxis should not be allowed on the transitway. (Offer proper training and licensing).
- This is not a good project, it encourages more automobile use and urban sprawl to the south end of the City. It also discourages transit usage and is bad for modal split.
- Bronson, north of Brewer Park, is already at capacity and even if only some of the increased traffic continue north, no time savings will be affected for any drivers.
- When the Hunt Club Ramps were added 15 years ago it was linked with the opening of the O-Train. The proposed Parkway widening must also be linked to enhance an extended Trillium Line as far as Leitrim Rd.
- The proposed southbound Walkley ramps will place huge volumes of traffic onto Walkley towards Riverside and onto McCarthy. Both of these are residential roads and should not become major arterials.
- Serving noise attenuation is required for lanes on Plante, Avocado and towards Owl Drive.
- Walkley Road from Riverside should be rebuilt & re-lowered to 2 lanes, to enable cycling paths, trees, grassed Boulevards & even street parking.
- Traffic calming and "complete streets" concepts.
- The off-ramp from Parkway onto Walkley is a bad idea since it will derive traffic going south onto east-west streets which is non-sense. Yesterday I listened to the noise the traffic is already creating with only 2 lanes, imaging 4 ways will already double the noise and lesser the quality of life we are enjoying.
- Also, the traffic already present on Walkley makes it difficult to cross the street, more traffic will just make it more difficult.
- The traffic issue starts with the amount of light completely unsynchronized which creates the clogging. Install intelligent street lights which would dissipate traffic by itself and ease traffic south of Hunt Club.
- There needs to be more indebt consideration of the fast tracking of public transit to communities in the south. Current traffic on Walkley – Volume + speed (check the regular police tickets daily on Walkley) should be an indicator of how, once it is twinned + the new exit, the traffic will be unbearable.
- Since the Armstrong Bridge opening the traffic increased exponentially on Walkley, Riverside, McCarthy, and the Parkway.
- There needs to be solutions for safe crossing of students for Brookfield.
- I have 2 Kids attending Bayview & Fielding (future Brookfield) it is not safe for them to cross the road or bike in the community. This will make more traffic on Southmore, McCarthy and throughout Riverside Park.
- There are other public transit, bike paths, lite rail and other options that need to be considered and implemented before more urban roads are created. Bike paths on Walkley, on Riverside and the Parkway, all needed and safe crossing on Walkley.
- I am also concerned for the environmental impacts and the noise impacts of this proposal, in addition people continue to speed and will run lights as they add more lights on Walkley Rd.
- I do not about the corridor but I am very close and back on to Walkley. I would welcome being contacted for additional discussion.
- There are no crossing guards and no one respects the speed limit.
- 1. Walkley and Southmore are already difficult corners to navigate at peak hours.
- 2. There have already been a considerable number of accidents in this Walkley Area & Southmore Drive E.
- 3. Increased traffic and noise are not tolerable.
- 4. Preference should be given to O-Train and improved bus transportation which is excellent access to uptown area.
- 5. There are 2 Schools south of Walkley and 2 schools north of the street in the residential areas and children moving across the street.
- 6. No turn signals and stop signs often ignored.
- 7. Only alternative for ramp is to go south thru residential.
- I was at the meeting on June 17, 2015 and we are very concerned on the impact the widening of the parkway will have on the noise level in Cromwell Drive. How near is the widening going to come to the buildings (Homes)? This question was brushed over very quickly and not really answered.
- The Parkway was built as a rapid access to the airport by NCC. This seems to be forgotten. There is no rapid access and 4 lanes is not going to solve this. Suburbia will soon block rapid access. What is needed is a rapid train from the centre of town to the airport, which most big cities have.
- I the short term:
- What provisions are being made to make it tolerable to live in Cromwell Drive?
- The presentation on June 17 at the Walkley Arena spent little time on the effect of the proposed Southbound exit on Walkley Road. Riverside Park is a community with 4 schools and this exit would adversely affect this area. Its already have and look at Riverside, McCarthey and Walkley. There is no left turn at Southmore at 3:00 PM. Where will the traffic go? Will it head to Provost Dr, a street with no sidewalks, many parked cars, a hill, and a school nearby!!! Safety is a big issue.
- Gridlock appears to be the result of this small area is your proposal is followed through. Priority should be the 4 lane Airport Pkwy and the extension of the Trillium Line to the Airport and Riverside South.
- Comments on Meeting on June 17, 2015 at Jim Durrell Recreation Centre ion the proposed southbound lane exit from the airport expressway onto Walkley Rd.
- This will increase traffic through the Riverside Park Residential Community
- It will increase traffic in the 3 school areas in the community
- West bound traffic from the proposed exit will be about cutting south on the Residential Streets of Southmore, Thorndale and Provost.
- If a southbound exit is being proposed due to the roadway traffic need, when will a northbound exit from Walkley Rd to the Airport expressway be proposed?
- In listening to the presentation, considerable time was given to addressing the environmental issues, but not much, if any, to the community and people issues (safety issues, etc.) Are they unimportant?
- When exiting Thorndale to make a left turn onto Walkley the wait times as sometimes so long that it is more necessary to take provost to McCarthy to the traffic light at Walkley
- Provost is a dangerous street with no sidewalks, parked cars, poor sight lines (curved road with a hill), used by many school students travelling to and from Sir Georges Etienne Cartier School.
For further information or to provide comments, please contact:
Frank McKinney
Senior Program Manager, Transportation Planning
City of Ottawa
110 Laurier Avenue West, 4th Floor
Ottawa ON K1P 1J1
613-580-2424 ext. 28540
Fax: 613-580-2578
E-mail: opens email application)
Open House #3 - March 10, 2016
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Jim Durrell Recreation Centre – Ellwood Hall
1265 Walkley Road
6 to 8:30 p.m. (presentation at 7 p.m.)
OC Transpo routes 1, 8, 41, 87, 114, 144 and 146
Parking is available
The City of Ottawa is undertaking the Airport Parkway (Brookfield Road to the Airport) and Lester Road (Airport to east of Bank Street) Widening Environmental Assessment (EA) Study to determine the most appropriate means to accommodate and manage increasing transportation requirements related to growth in the surrounding communities and airport lands.
This third and final Open House is to present the Recommended Plan for the project. Your participation in this Open House meeting is important as we are seeking feedback on the proposed work before it is presented to City Council for approval in late spring 2016.
Presentation of the Recommended Plan [ PDF 1.891 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Open House Display Boards
- Study Overview [ PDF 2.036 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
- Study Objectives and Process [ PDF 1.245 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
- Study Schedule [ PDF1.283 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
- Consultation Activities [ PDF 2.038 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
- What we have heard so far[ PDF 1.717 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
- General Planning and Design Principles[ PDF 2.033 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
- Recommended Plan for Pedestrians and Cyclists in the Corridors [ PDF 2.149 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
- Recommended Plan: Airport Parkway shifted east between Brookfield Road and Walkley Road [ PDF 2.216 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
- Recommended Plan: Proposed Walkley Road Community Connection [ PDF 2.069 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
- Recommended Plan: Proposed Walkley Road Connection and Road Corridor Modifications [ PDF 2.213 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
- Recommended Plan: Airport Parkway Walkley Road to Hunt Club Road [ PDF 2.048 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
- Recommended Plan: Airport Parkway Connectivity [ PDF 1.753 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
- Recommended Plan: Lester Road Trillium LRT Line to Albion Road [ PDF 1.998 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
- Recommended Plan: Lester Road Albion Road to Meandering Brook Drive [ PDF 2.086 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
- Recommended Plan: Lester Road Meandering Brook Drive to Bank Street [ PDF 1.955 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
- Managing Noise Impacts [ PDF 1.815 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
- Considerations related to impacts on Natural Heritage features [ PDF 1.976 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
- Mitigating Wetland Impacts [ PDF 2.148 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
- Cross section : Brookfield Road to Walkley Road [ PDF 473 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
- Airport Connection Plan [ PDF 379 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
- Plan - Brookfield Road to Walkley Road [ PDF 328 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
- Cross section : Lester Road west of Albion Road [ PDF 271 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
- Cross section : Lester Road east of Albion Road [ PDF 395 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
- Plan – Lester Road [ PDF 216 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
- Recommended Plan - Brookfield Road to Walkley Road [ PDF 366 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
- Recommended Plan - Walkley Road to Hunt Club Road [ PDF 308 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
- Recommended Plan - Hunt Club Road to Lester Road [ PDF 327 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
- Recommended Plan - Lester Road [ PDF 486 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
- Recommended Plan – Airport Parkway to Uplands Drive [ PDF 431 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
- Cross section : Sawmill Creek [ PDF 279 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
- Cross section : Walkley Road to Hunt Club Road [ PDF 274 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
- Recommended Plan – Walkley Road Modifications [ PDF 217 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
- Cross section : McCarthy Road to Off-ramp [ PDF 379 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
- Plan – Walkley Road to Hunt Club Road [ PDF 264 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
- Cross section : Brookfield Road to Walkley Road South[ PDF 260 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
- Next Steps [ PDF 2.041 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
This EA study is being undertaken in accordance with Ontario's EA Act, fulfilling requirements as a Municipal Class EA process for a Schedule 'C' project.
Further information on the Airport Parkway and Lester Road Widening EA Study is available at All of the Open House information will also be available on the website.
Public input and comment on the information presented at the March 10, 2016 Open House will be received until April 7, 2016. Comments received will be collected under the Environmental Assessment Act and, with the exception of personal information, will become part of the public record.
Accessibility is an important consideration for the City of Ottawa. If you require special accommodation, please call or email the project lead below before the event.
For further information or to provide comments, please contact:
Frank McKinney, P.Eng
Program Manager, Transportation Planning - Environmental Assessments
City of Ottawa
110 Laurier Avenue West, 4th Floor
Ottawa ON K1P 1J1
613-580-2424 ext. 28540
Fax: 613-580-2578
Email: opens email application)
Notice of study commencement
Airport Parkway Widening and
(Brookfield Avenue to Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport)
Lester Road Widening
(Airport Parkway to Bank Street)
Environmental Assessment Study
The City of Ottawa has initiated the Airport Parkway Widening and Lester Road Widening Environmental Assessment (EA) Study to determine the most appropriate means to accommodate and manage increasing transportation requirements related to growth in the surrounding communities and airport lands as illustrated in the key map. A Recommended Plan will be developed and evaluated in accordance with Ontario's EA Act, fulfilling requirements as a Municipal Class EA process for a Schedule C project.
The EA process will involve developing, assessing and evaluating alternatives, which will result in a Recommended Plan which will be presented to City Council for approval.
Three open houses will be held during the course of the study to review and discuss the project with residents and solicit feedback. Open house notices will be published in local newspapers and on the City website. Information about the study will also be available on the City's website at
Upon completion of this study an Environmental Study Report will be available for public review and comment. A notice of Study Completion will be published at that time.
Interested persons can provide comments throughout the EA process. Any comments received will be collected under the Environmental Assessment Act and, with the exception of personal information, will become part of the public record.
For further information or to provide comments, please contact:
Frank McKinney
Senior Program Manager, Transportation Planning
City of Ottawa
110 Laurier Avenue West, 4th Floor
Ottawa ON K1P 1J1
Tel: 613-580-2424 ext. 28540
Fax: 613-580-2578
E-mail: opens email application)
Ron Clarke, MCIP, RPP
Manager of Urban Planning and Design
1223 Michael Street, Suite 100
Ottawa, ON K1J 7T2
Tel: 613-738-4160 x 5226
Fax: 613-739-7105
E-mail: opens email application)
Notice of Study Completion and Filing of the Environmental Study Report
The City of Ottawa has completed the Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study for the Airport Parkway (Brookfield Road to Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport) and Lester Road Widening (Airport Parkway to Bank Street). This Study was carried out in accordance with the requirements for a Schedule 'C' project under the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment document (October 2000, as amended 2007, 2011 and 2015).
An Environmental Study Report (ESR) has been prepared to document the planning and design process and the recommended plan for widening of the corridors. The ESR is available for public review at the following locations during regular business hours for a period of 30 calendar days, starting on September 9, 2016.
City Hall Client Service Centre110 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa Main Public Library
120 Metcalfe Street
Carleton University
MacOdrum Library
1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa Alta Vista Branch Library
2516 Alta Vista Drive
University of Ottawa
Morisset Hall
65 University Private
Ministry of the Environment
Ottawa District Office
2430 Don Reid Drive
Ottawa Lorry Greenberg Branch Library
363 Lorry Greenberg Drive
During the public review period, interested persons are encouraged to read the ESR and provide comments.
Please direct written comments to:
Frank McKinney, P.Eng.
Program Manager, Transportation Planning – Environmental Assessments
City of Ottawa, 110 Laurier Avenue West, 4th Floor
Ottawa ON K1P 1J1
613-580-2424 ext. 28540
Fax: 613-580-2578
Email: opens email application)
If concerns regarding this project cannot be resolved in discussion with the City, a person/party may request that the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change make an order for the project to comply with Part II of the Environmental Assessment Act (referred to as Part II Order). The Part II Order request must be received by the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change during the 30 day review period and a copy of the request should be forwarded to the City of Ottawa. If there are no requests received by October 11, 2016, the project will be considered to have met the requirements of the Municipal Class EA, and the project may proceed to design and construction as presented in the ESR.
Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, Ontario
The Honourable Glen R. Murray
77 Wellesley Street West
11th Floor, Ferguson Block
Toronto, ON M7A 2T5
With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record. Information collected will be used in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and solely for the purpose of conducting the environmental assessment.
This Notice was first published on August 25, 2016