Chapman Mills Extension and Bus Rapid Transit - Environmental Assessment Study

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Notice of completion and filing of Environmental Study Report

Chapman Mills Part II Order - Minister's letter (en anglais seulement) [ PDF 887 KB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)

Chapman Mills Part II Order - Proponent letter (en anglais seulement)  [ PDF 595 KB ]  Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)

The City of Ottawa has completed the Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study for the extension of Chapman Mills Drive from Longfields Drive to Strandherd Drive and a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) corridor from Greenbank Road to Borrisokane Road. This Study was carried out in accordance with the requirements for a Schedule 'C' project under the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (October 2000, as amended 2007 and 2011) document.

An Environmental Study Report (ESR) has been prepared to document the planning and design process and the recommended plan for the corridor. The ESR is available for public review at the following locations during regular business hours for a period of 30 calendar days, starting on Friday, 18 November, 2016.

Ruth E. Dickinson Library
100 Malvern Drive, Ottawa, ON K2J 2G5

Rideauview Community Centre
4310 Shoreline Drive, Ottawa, ON, K1V 1N4

City Hall Client Service Centre
110 Laurier Ave. W., Ottawa, Ontario

Ottawa Public Library, Main Branch
120 Metcalfe Street, Ottawa, Ontario

Carleton University
MacOdrum Library
1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario

Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change
Ottawa District Office
2430 Don Reid Drive, Ottawa, Ontario

University of Ottawa
Morisset Hall
65 University Private, Ottawa, Ontario

During the public review period, interested persons are encouraged to read the ESR and provide comments. Please direct written comments to:

Jabbar Siddique, P. Eng.
Senior Project Engineer,
Transportation Planning Branch
Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development
City of Ottawa
110 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1J1
613-580-2424 ext. 13914
Email: opens email application)

If concerns regarding this project cannot be resolved in discussion with the City, a person/party may request that the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change make an order for the project to comply with Part II of the Environmental Assessment Act (referred to as Part II Order). The Part II Order request must be received by the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change during the 30 day review period and a copy of the request should be forwarded to the City of Ottawa. If there are no requests received by Monday, December 19, 2016 the project will be considered to have met the requirements of the Municipal Class EA, and the project may proceed to design and construction as presented in the ESR.

Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, Ontario
The Honourable Glen R. Murray, MPP
11th Floor, Ferguson Block
77 Wellesley Street West
Toronto, ON M7A 2T5

Any comments received will be collected under the Environmental Assessment Act and, with the exception of personal information, will become part of the public record as per the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA).

This notice was first published on November 10, 2016.

Open House #2 - September 28, 2015

Monday, September 28, 2015
Walter Baker Sports Centre (Barrhaven)
Room 202, 100 Malvern Drive
Transit Access: Route # 170
6:30 to 9 p.m (Presentation: 7 p.m.)

The City of Ottawa has initiated the Chapman Mills Drive Extension (Longfields Drive to Strandherd Drive) and Bus Rapid Transit (Greenbank Road to west of Cedarview Road) Environmental Assessment Study to determine the most appropriate means to accommodate and manage increasing transportation infrastructure requirements around the Barrhaven Town Centre area. 


There will be ongoing public consultation activities during the course of the study.

This second Open House will provide an update on study progress to-date, including the evaluation of alternative corridor alignments and an update on the preliminary functional design completed to date. Your participation in the Open House meetings is important at which you can discuss the project with the study team and provide feedback.

Open House Display Boards [ PDF 3.449 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
BRT Corridor (Longfields Drive to Cedarview Road) Board 18 Roll Plan [ PDF 3.127 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Chapman Mills Drive Extension to Strandherd Drive –Board 19 Roll Plan [ PDF 3.394 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)

The EA study is being undertaken in accordance with Ontario's EA Act, fulfilling requirements as a Municipal Class EA process for a Schedule 'C' project. The EA process will involve developing, assessing, and evaluating alternatives. This will result in a Recommended Plan which will be presented to City Council for approval.

Interested persons can provide comments throughout the EA process. Any comments received will be collected under the Environmental Assessment Act and, with the exception of personal information, will become part of the public record.

For further information or to provide comments, please contact:

Jabbar Siddique, P. Eng.
Sr. Project Engineer - Environmental Assessment
City of Ottawa
110 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, On K1P1J1
613-580-2424, ext. 13914
Fax: 613-580-2578
E-mail: opens email application)

Project Overview

Chapman Mills Extension (Longfields Drive to Strandherd Drive) and Bus Rapid Transit (Greenbank Road to west of Cedarview Road)
Environmental Assessment Study

The City of Ottawa initiated this Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Schedule C project to study the proposed extension of Chapman Mills Drive (Longfields Drive to Strandherd Drive) and Bus Rapid Transit (Greenbank Road to west of Cedarview Road). The 2013 Transportation Master Plan (TMP) identifies Chapman Mills Extension as an affordable project to be implemented in Phase 2 (2020 - 2025). The TMP identifies this rapid transit project for implementation post 2031.


Rapid growth in the Barrhaven area has resulted in advanced development plans for the vacant lands around Barrhaven Town Centre. Before these areas are fully developed it is imperative to identify and protect for future transportation corridors to ensure effective integration with the planned land uses.

The 2006 Community Design Plan (CDP) for South Nepean (Barrhaven) Town Centre shows the right-of-way for Chapman Mills (between Longfields Drive and Kennedy-Burnett SMF) as 41.5 m which includes a transit facility in the median. This right-of-way was revised by the Barrhaven-Riverside South Rapid Transit (BRRT) EA completed in 2012 for the bus rapid transit facility between the Barrhaven Town Centre and Riverside South Town Centre. In the Barrhaven section of that transit project, the bus transit facility is identified in the median of Chapman Mills Drive, resulting in a combined road-transit corridor width that varies between 41m and 43m.

The area west of the Kennedy-Burnett Stormwater Management Facility (SMF) to Strandherd Drive is subject to the Secondary Plan for South Nepean Town Centre.

In response to increased pressures for development around Barrhaven Town Centre and to guide future development accordingly, there is a need to:

  • Determine and confirm the right-of-way requirement for Chapman Mills Drive between Longfields Drive and Kennedy-Burnett SMF, incorporating the Council-approved EA's functional design of a median BRRT facility
  • Establish an alignment and right-of-way protection for Chapman Mills Drive Extension from Kennedy-Burnett SMF to Strandherd Drive as illustrated in the 2013 TMP Map Road Network - 2031 Affordable Network
  • Establish an alignment and right-of-way protection for a bus rapid transit facility from Greenbank Road to west of Cedarview Road (as an extension of the BRRT facility) as conceptually shown in the 2013 TMP Map Rapid Transit And Transit Priority Network - 2031 Network Concept.

The purpose of this EA Study is to:

  • Establish the alignment, identify the right-of-way protection and complete the functional design for Chapman Mills Extension (Longfields Drive and Strandherd Drive) and Bus Rapid Transit (Greenbank Road to west of Cedarview Road) as identified in the 2013 TMP
  • Identify measures that will be undertaken to provide efficient transit service through the area during the interim period until such time that a dedicated BRT is implemented.

Key considerations in this EA Study include:

  • Detailed evaluation of future travel demands for the east-west direction
  • Assessment of transportation elements that support people movement and sustainable travel solutions
  • Identification of infrastructure needs including rapid transit station locations and park-and-ride requirements
  • Integration of stations with existing and future communities and planned uses that will promote Transit Oriented Development (TOD)
  • Development of cycling and pedestrian facilities and their linkages to existing and future facilities
  • Evaluation of potential effects on the natural environment, including the Jock River Floodplain, the Kennedy-Burnett SMF
  • Assessment of stormwater management and hydrology
  • Assessment of effects on the existing and future community
  • Provide construction phasing
  • Cost effective implementation that respects the limits established through the 2013 TMP affordability analysis.

The Statement of Work for this study was approved on April 10, 2014 by the Transportation Committee of the City of Ottawa. Further information on the TMP, including a link to the staff report and Council approval can be found on the City's web site at and the staff report for the Statement of Work(link is external).

Open House #1 - May 7, 2015

Notice of Study Commencement and First Open House

Thursday, May 7, 2015
Walter Baker Sports Centre (Barrhaven)
Library Meeting Room (Concourse Level)
100 Malvern Dr, Ottawa, ON K2J 2G5
6:30 to 9 p.m (Presentation: 7 pm)
Transit Access: Route # 170

Open House Display Boards [ PDF 4.131 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)

The City of Ottawa has initiated the Chapman Mills Drive Extension (Longfields Drive to Strandherd Drive) and Bus Rapid Transit (Greenbank Road to west of Cedarview Road) Environmental Assessment (EA) Study to determine the most appropriate means to accommodate and manage increasing transportation infrastructure requirements around the Barrhaven Town Centre area.

This first Open House will provide an overview of study progress to-date including:

  • The evaluation of alternative corridor alignments
  • An overview of design alternatives which will be considered in the next phase of the study

Your participation in the Open House meetings is important and we encourage you to discuss the project with the study team and provide feedback.

The study is being undertaken in accordance with Ontario's EA Act, fulfilling requirements as a Municipal Class EA process for a Schedule C project. The EA process will involve developing, assessing and evaluating alternatives. This will result in a Recommended Plan which will be presented to City Council for approval.

Accessibility is an important consideration for the City of Ottawa. If you require special accommodation, please call 3-1-1 or e-mail the project lead below before the event.

Interested persons can provide comments throughout the EA process. Any comments received will be collected under the Environmental Assessment Act and, with the exception of personal information, will become part of the public record.

For further information or to provide comments, please contact:

Jabbar Siddique, P. Eng.
Sr. Project Engineer - Environmental Assessment
City of Ottawa
110 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, On K1P1J1
E-mail: opens email application)
613-580-2424, ext. 13914 ,
Fax: 613-580-2578

Open House #3 - March 21, 2016

Third and Final Open House

Monday, March 21, 2016
Walter Baker Sports Centre (Barrhaven)
Upper Concourse, 100 Malvern Drive
Transit Access: Route # 170
6 to 8:30 p.m (Presentation: 6:30 p.m.)

Open House #3 Display Boards [ PDF 2.159 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)

The City of Ottawa has initiated the Chapman Mills Drive Extension (Longfields Drive to Strandherd Drive) and Bus Rapid Transit (Greenbank Road to west of Cedarview Road) Environmental Assessment Study to determine the most appropriate means to accommodate and manage increasing transportation infrastructure requirements around the Barrhaven Town Centre area.


This third and final Open House will provide an overview of study progress to-date and present the Recommended Plan for the corridor to obtain feedback from study stakeholders. Your participation in the Open House is an important component in the consultation process and provides an opportunity to discuss the project with the study team and provide feedback. Public input and comment on the information presented at the Open House event will be received until April 4, 2016.

After the Open House meeting, City staff will prepare a report along with study recommendations that will be presented to the City's Transportation Committee and Council for approval in mid 2016. An Environmental Study Report (ESR) will also be finalized and placed at various locations for 30-day public review period in July/August 2016.

The EA study is being undertaken in accordance with Ontario's EA Act, fulfilling requirements as a Municipal Class EA process for a Schedule 'C' project. The EA process involves developing, assessing, and evaluating alternatives which results in a Recommended Plan for the project.

Interested persons can provide comments throughout the EA process. Any comments received will be collected under the Environmental Assessment Act and, with the exception of personal information, will become part of the public record as per the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA).

Accessibility is an important consideration for the City of Ottawa. If you require special accommodation, please call or email the project lead below before the event.

For further information or to provide comments, please contact:

Jabbar Siddique, P. Eng.
Sr. Project Engineer - Environmental Assessment
City of Ottawa
110 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, On K1P1J1
Email: opens email application)
613-580-2424, ext. 13914 ,
Fax: 613-580-2578