
Under the Building Code Act, a building permit is required for the construction of a new building, an addition, or alteration of any building or structure with a building area of over 10 square metres (approximately 108 square feet).

Before you begin

  • Regardless of the deck’s walking surface area, if the deck is adjacent to or attached to the house and its walking surface is more than 600 mm (24 in.) above the adjacent grade, a permit is required.
  • Regardless of the deck’s walking surface area, if the deck is an elevated deck providing principal access to a building a permit is required.
  • If the deck is independent from the house (eg. is in the middle of the yard) and has a walking surface greater than 10 square metres (approximately 108 square feet) in area and its walking surface is more than 600 mm (24 in.) above the adjacent grade, a permit is required.

The Ontario Building Code outlines the minimum requirements for various elements, such as joist size, beam size, foundation requirements, guard requirements, and can be viewed on the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing website.

Development Information Officers

In order to provide effective service to clients, the Development Information in-person service is available by appointment only.  If you require the services of a Development Information Officer, please call 613-580-2424 ext.23434 or email, include the subject address, proposed use, and other pertinent information relevant to the inquiry.  Upon receipt of the inquiry, a phone call or an email response will be provided within 2 to 3 business days, in the event more information is required there will be options to allow for further discussion.

Cost and timeline

Approximate Cost

Refer to Applicable Fees

Approximate Timeline

Approximate Timeline based on City Council approved enhanced service level:

  • First review - 5 business days

What you need

Required inspections

At key stages of building construction, your work must be inspected to ensure that the completed construction complies with the Ontario Building Code. The permit plans and specifications must be on site and made available to the Building Inspector at the time of inspection. To ensure the availability of a Building Inspector, you should book inspections 48 hours in advance. Failure to have the appropriate inspection performed may result in your having to uncover and expose the work for inspection, or other Orders issued, etc.

Inspectors can be booked via the online customer portal or by contacting the Building Inspector. The Building Inspector's name and phone number are identified on the building permit. For a list of required inspections that may apply based on the proposed sundeck, please refer to the following table.

Inspection Description
Excavation/Foundations Footing and Foundation – For in-situ piers and pads prior to backfill, the Building Inspector will confirm that the foundation system is constructed as per the Ontario Building Code and permit plans.
Framing Required at completion of structural framing and guards.
Final Required at completion of the deck framing, stairs and guards.


Online Submissions 

Deck applications can now be submitted online using the new Building, Planning and Land Development online application and permitting portal available through My Service Ottawa. The new Land Management System (LMS) is a digital technology providing access to online permits and applications for Building Code Services. 

Applying for applications and access to the customer portal requires a My ServiceOttawa (MySO) account set-up and registration with the new Building, Planning and Land Development system. 

Do you currently have a My ServiceOttawa account? 

  • No - Please proceed to My ServiceOttawa  login page and select the green ‘create an account’ button. Assistance is available for creating your account. 
  • Yes - Please login to your My ServiceOttawa  account and complete the system registration by selecting the Building, planning and land development service widget. 

Please refer to the My ServiceOttawa’s help page for assistance on how to manage your account. Several Customer Portal user guides have been developed to provide information on how to use the new system. You may find out more about the new Building, Planning and Land Development online application and permitting system by visiting the Engage Ottawa page. 

Please note that payment must accompany all applications. Additional costs for photocopies may apply. 

In Person 

Building Code Service counters are open for personal services by appointment only. This includes the submission of permit applications, payment of fees and the issuance of permits.  

There are various methods for submitting applications.

Application Forms: Application for a Permit to Construct or Demolish  (For reference only)


A Development Information Officer (DIO) can advise on zoning regulations impacting your sundeck design; particularly set backs to lot lines. Please call 3-1-1 for assistance.