Barrhaven South Urban Expansion Area Community Design Plan

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The Barrhaven South Urban Expansion Area (BSUEA) is a Greenfield development area established by the City of Ottawa and the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) as part of the City’s 2009 Official Plan review. This Community Design Plan (CDP) fulfills Section 3.11 of the Official Plan, which requires that a comprehensive study be prepared prior to bringing expansion lands into the Urban Area.This CDP establishes a land use planning framework for the BSUEA and also fulfills requirements under the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment for an integrated process.The purpose of the BSUEA CDP is to guide the future development of the area. The CDP is one of a number of guiding documents, the other documents include the Environmental Management Plan (EMP), Master Servicing Study (MSS), and Master Transportation Study (MTS). The role of the CDP is to provide a basis for land use planning and good urban design for this new community.Key components of this document are the goals, objectives, policies and guidelines that provide direction in applying the high-level policies of the Official Plan at a local scale. This plan for development will provide a liveable community based on: a Land Use Plan; Demonstration Plan; Area Parks Plan; servicing and transportation infrastructure plans, and design guidelines. The CDP is also intended to serve as a guiding policy document for the City of Ottawa when reviewing applications for development within the CDP area.

Barrhaven South Urban Expansion Area Community Design Plan [ PDF 7.51 MB ]