Infrastructure Master Plan

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Infrastructure Master Plan

The Infrastructure Master Plan is currently under review. Provide feedback on Engage Ottawa!

A growth-focused plan for Ottawa’s water resource systems

The purpose of the City of Ottawa's Infrastructure Master Plan (IMP) is to support the overall city-wide Official Plan (OP) goals of creating more vibrant, healthy and complete neighbourhoods across the municipality while ensuring long-term affordability for both the City government and residents.

Efficient management, responsible operation and judiciously targeted growth of water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure play a major role in the pursuit of these goals. The IMP supports the OP by ensuring there is enough infrastructure capacity in the right areas of the municipality at the right service levels at the right time to accommodate development and redevelopment until 2031 when the City of Ottawa population is expected to reach 1.14 million.

Chapters 1 to 4 [ PDF 1.5 MB ]
Chapter 5.1 to Section 5.3 [ PDF 6.7 MB ]
Chapter 5.4 to Section 5.6 [ PDF 7.6 MB ]
Chapter 6 to 9 [ PDF 206 KB ]
Annex A.1 [ PDF 221 KB ]
Annex A.2 [ PDF 4.1 MB ]
Annex A.2 Wastewater Project Sheet [ PDF 5 MB ]
Annex A.3 Schedules 1 to 4 [ PDF 4.2 MB ]
Annex A.3 Schedules 5 to 7 [ PDF 3.5 MB ]
Annexes B to D [ PDF 224 KB ]

If you have questions regarding the Infrastructure Master Plan, please contact:

Christopher Rogers 
Program Manager
Infrastructure and Water Services
110 Laurier Ave West
Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1
Tel.: 613-580-2424, ext. 27785

Engagement Opportunity

A growth-focused plan for Ottawa’s water resource systems

The Infrastructure Master Plan (IMP) is a strategic document that supports the City’s New Official Plan by setting growth-related goals, objectives and priorities for municipal infrastructure related to water distribution, wastewater collection and storm water management.

The draft preliminary policies and program recommendations provide clarification on City expectations related to infrastructure planning, approvals and implementation. It also includes new program recommendations to support intensification.

Did you know that you can be involved in shaping the IMP by providing feedback on Engage Ottawa?

Resident and stakeholder feedback will be considered as the City prepares the draft final IMP for consideration by City Council. 

Information sessions are also available to all members of the public. Sign up for email updates  to ensure you don’t miss your chance to have your say in real time.