Off-site servicing project identification

If Step 1 of the urban or village Boundary Expansion OPA application process established that existing and planned capacity is insufficient to accommodate the expansion, applicants are required to initiate Step 2, should they wish to continue the application process.  In Step 2, the City will identify off-site works and associated costs to provide the capacity required.

Before you begin

Before applying for Step 2 of the process, applicants need to have received information from the City confirming that Step 1 of the project has established that existing and planned capacity is insufficient to accommodate the expansion.

Cost and timelines

The City will not commence work on Step 2 until the invoice has been paid. The applicant will be invoiced following application submission for step 2. 

The fee for Step 2 is $150,000.

The time for the City to complete Step 2 after receipt of payment will vary depending on the site in question. Timelines will be provided staff based on the scope of the application.

Next steps

After the applicant receives the results from staff, applicants proceed to submit their Urban and Village Boundary expansion Official Plan amendment application, provided that they have completed all other requirements.