Transitional Fee Schedules Effective June 13, 2024

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Rate changes schedule as foillows:

May 16, 2024 to Jun 12, 2024 (New rates under 2024 Development Charges By-law with 80 per cent phase in)

June 13, 2024 (Transition clause commences (due to a seven calendar waiting period in the City’s Development Charge By-law, 2024-218), rates for charges in Schedule B and C of the principal development charges by-law return to pre May 15 levels).

There are no transitional rates, other than for the Riverside South Stormwater Development Charge By-law, for the development charges in Schedules K to P of By-law 2024-218, nor for the other stormwater development charges.

The May 14, 2024 stormwater development charge rate for Riverside South in force immediately.

For the period from seven days after the repeal of the Development Charges Act, subsection 5(6), paragraph 4 on June 6, 2024 until August 16, 2024, in respect of any applicant for a building permit to which the Development Charges Act, subclause 26.2(1)(c) applies, the applicable development charges will be calculated according to the rates that were in effect on May 14, 2024 (Transition Fee Schedules).  This transition period does not apply to the Special Area Development Charge Rates or the Area-Specific Stormwater Development Charge Rates.

Transitional Fee Schedules Effective June 13, 2024

Category Inside the Greenbelt Outside the Greenbelt Rural  Rural - Unserviced
Single-Detached and Semi-Detached Dwelling, $ per Unit $43,494 $51,376 $37,403 $34,017
Apartment Dwelling, (2+Bedrooms), $ per Unit $23,970 $27,615 $20,351 $18,517
Apartment Dwelling (less than 2 Bedrooms), $ per Unit $17,038 $19,627 $14,466 $13,160
Dwelling Rooms $ per unit $13,169 $15,169 $11,177 $10,168
Townhouse, Multiple, Row and Mobile Dwelling $ per Unit $34,733 $40,296 $29,347 $26,674
Non-Industrial Charge Use $ per square foot $36.79 $36.79 $36.79 $33.31
 Industrial Charge Use $ per square foot $14.63 $14.63 $14.63 $13.23