Course descriptions
Yellow 1
Your child will learn how to independently float and glide on their front and back, enter and exit shallow water and will learn underwater breathing techniques. Upon completion of this level, your child will be able to complete a distance swim of at least 5 metres.
Coral 2
Your child will learn deep water skills, learn how to kick on their front and back and introduced to rollover glides. Upon completion of this level, your child will be able to complete a distance swim of at least 10 metres.
Red 3
Your child will start to learn the progression to front crawl, jump into deep water, and practice increasing distance on front and back glides with kick. Upon completion of this level, your child will be able to complete a distance swim of at least 25 metres.
Magenta 4
Your child will learn front crawl, back glide with body roll, kneeling dives and head- first sculling. Upon completion of this level, your child will be able to complete a distance swim of at least 50 metres.
Purple 5
Your child will learn back crawl, whip kick on back, disorienting entries and continue develop their front crawl. Upon completion of this level, your child will be able to complete a distance swim of at least 100 metres.
Navy 6
Your child will learn whip kick on front, eggbeater in deep water and develop their back crawl and front crawl technique. Upon completion of this level, your child will be able to complete a distance swim of at least 150 metres.
Aqua 7
Your child will learn elementary backstroke, breaststroke arms, front dives and continue to develop front and back crawl. Upon completion of this level, your child will be able to complete a distance swim of at least 300 metres.
Seafoam 8
Your child will learn breaststroke, scissor kick, stride entries and continue to develop front crawl, back crawl and elementary back stroke. Upon completion of this level, your child will be able to complete a distance swim of at least 400 metres.
Green 9
Your child will learn side stroke, shallow dives, surface dives, and ice rescues and continue to develop front crawl, back crawl, breaststroke, and elementary back stroke. Upon completion of this level, your child will be able to complete an interval swim of 400 metres.
Lime 10
Your child will learn head up front crawl and breaststroke, compact jumps, choking response and continue to develop front crawl, back crawl, breaststroke, sidestroke and elementary back stroke. Upon completion of this level, your child will be able to complete a timed swim of 400 metres in 13 minutes