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Common Name (English) Common Name (French) Scientific Name Legal Status Comments
Silver Spotted Skipper hespérie à taches argentées Epargyreus clarus  N/A N/A 
Northern Cloudywing hespérie nuageuse Thorybes pylades N/A N/A
Dreamy Duskywing hespérie givrée Erynnis icelus N/A N/A 
Juvenal's Duskywing hespérie du chêne Erynnis juvenalis N/A  N/A
Mottled Duskywing hespérie tachetée Erynnis martialis Endangered (ON) Extremely rare and local (Constance Bay, Burnt Lands Alvar); Layberry (2006)
Columbine Duskywing hespérie de l'ancolie Erynnis lucilius N/A N/A 
Common Sootywing hespérie fuligineuse Pholisora catullus N/A  N/A
Arctic Skipper échiquier Carterocephalus palaemon mandan N/A N/A 
Least Skipper hespérie délicate Ancyloxypha numitor N/A  N/A
European Skipper hespérie des graminées Thymelicus lineola N/A Non-native species
Fiery Skipper hespérie barriolée Hylephila phyleus N/A Erratic migrant (one record)
Leonard's Skipper hespérie de Léonard Hesperia leonardus N/A N/A 
Indian Skipper hespérie indienne Hesperia sassacus N/A  N/A
Peck's Skipper hespérie de Peck Polites peckius N/A N/A
Tawny-edged Skipper hespérie à tache costale Polites themistocles N/A  N/A
Crossline Skipper hespérie à ligne oblique Polites origenes N/A N/A 
Long Dash Skipper hespérie mystique Polites mystic N/A N/A
Northern Broken-Dash hespérie verdâtre Wallengrenia egeremet N/A N/A 
Delaware Skipper hespérie à Logan Anatrytone logan N/A N/A
Hobomok Skipper hespérie hobomok Poanes hobomok N/A N/A
Broad-winged Skipper hespérie voyageuse Poanes viator N/A  N/A
Dion Skipper hespérie de Dion Euphyes dion N/A N/A 
Two-spotted Skipper hespérie des marais Euphyes bimacula N/A  N/A
Dun Skipper hespérie rurale Euphyes vestris N/A N/A 
Pepper and Salt Skipper hespérie poivrée Amblyscirtes hegon N/A  N/A
Roadside Skipper hespérie violacée Amblyscirtes vialis N/A N/A 
Black Swallowtail papillon du céleri Papilio polyxenes N/A  N/A
Giant Swallowtail grand porte-queue Papilio cresphontes N/A Erratic (only one record)
Canadian Tiger Swallowtail papillon tigré du Canada Papilio canadensis N/A N/A
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail papillon tigré de l'Est Papilio glaucus N/A  May be P. canadensis x glaucus (Layberry 2006)
Spicebush Swallowtail benjoin officinal Papilio troilus N/A Erratic (only one record)
Checkered White piéride damier Pontia protodice N/A N/A 
Mustard White piéride des crucifères Pieris oleracea N/A  N/A
Cabbage White piéride du chou Pieris rapae N/A Non-native species
West Virginia White piéride de Virginie Pieris virginiensis Special concern (ON) No known records
Olympia Marble olympe Euchloe olympia N/A  N/A 
Clouded Sulphur coliade du trèfle Colias philodice N/A N/A
Orange Sulphur coliade de la luzerne Colias eurytheme N/A N/A
Pink-edged Sulphur coliade intérieur Colias interior N/A N/A 
Little Yellow petit coliade Eurema lisa N/A  N/A
Harvester moissonneur Feniseca tarquinius N/A N/A 
American Copper cuivré d'Amérique Lycaena phlaeas N/A  N/A
Bronze Copper bronzé Lycaena hyllus N/A N/A 
Bog Copper cuivré des tourbières Lycaena epixanthe N/A  N/A
Coral Hairstreak porte-queue abrogé Satyrium titus N/A N/A 
Acadian Hairstreak porte-queue d'Acadie Satyrium acadicum N/A N/A
Edward's Hairstreak porte-queue d'Edwards Satyrium edwardsii N/A N/A
Banded Hairstreak porte-queue du chêne Satyrium calanus N/A  N/A
Hickory Hairstreak porte-queue du caryer Satyrium caryaevorum N/A N/A 
Striped Hairstreak porte-queue à bandes brisées Satyrium liparops N/A  N/A
Brown Elfin lutin brun Callophrys augustinus N/A N/A 
Hoary Elfin lutin grisâtre Callophrys polia N/A  N/A
Henry's Elfin lutin des bleuets Callophrys henrici N/A  N/A
Eastern Pine Elfin lutin des pins Callophrys niphon N/A N/A 
Grey Hairstreak porte-queue gris Strymon melinus N/A  N/A 
Early Hairstreak lutin mystérieux Erora laeta N/A  N/A 
Eastern Tailed Blue bleu porte-queue de l'Est Everes comyntas N/A  N/A 
Spring Azure azur printanier Celastrina ladon N/A  N/A 
Summer Azure azur estival Celastrina neglecta N/A  May be ladon subsp. (Layberry 2006)
Cherry Gall Azure azur des galles du cerisier Celastrina serotina N/A May be ladon subsp. (Layberry 2006)
Silvery Blue bleu argenté Glaucopsyche lygdamus N/A N/A 
American Snout papillon longs-palpes Libytheana carinenta N/A Rare migrant
Variegated Fritillary fritillaire panachée Euptoieta claudia N/A  Rare migrant
Great Spangled Fritillary argynne cybèle Speyeria cybele N/A N/A 
Aphrodite Fritillary argynne aphrodite Speyeria aphrodite N/A  N/A 
Atlantis Fritillary argynne de l'Atlantique Speyeria atlantis N/A  N/A 
Bog Fritillary boloria des tourbières Boloria eunomia N/A  N/A 
Silver-bordered Fritillary boloria à taches argentées Boloria selene N/A N/A 
Meadow Fritillary boloria des prés Boloria bellona N/A  N/A 
Freija Fritillary boloria de Freya Boloria freija N/A  Historic record at Mer Bleue
Gorgone Checkerspot damier gorgone Chlosyne gorgone N/A N/A 
Silvery Checkerspot damier argenté Chlosyne nycteis N/A  N/A
Harris' Checkerspot damier de Harris Chlosyne harrisii N/A  N/A
Pearl Crescent croissant perlé Phyciodes tharos N/A N/A 
Northern Crescent croissant nordique Phyciodes cocyta N/A  N/A
Tawny Crescent croissant fauve Phyciodes batesii N/A N/A 
Baltimore Checkerspot baltimore Euphydryas phaeton N/A  N/A
Question Mark polygone à queue violacée Polygonia interrogationis N/A N/A 
Eastern Comma polygone virgule Polygonia comma N/A  N/A
Satyr Comma polygone satyre Polygonia satyrus N/A N/A 
Green Comma polygone à taches vertes Polygonia faunus N/A  N/A
Grey Comma polygone gris Polygonia progne N/A N/A 
Compton Tortoiseshell grande vanesse Nymphalis vaualbum N/A  N/A
Mourning Cloak morio Nymphalis antiopa N/A N/A 
Milbert's Tortoiseshell petite vanesse Nymphalis milberti N/A  N/A
American Lady vanesse de Virginie Vanessa virginiensis N/A N/A 
Painted Lady belle dame Vanessa cardui N/A  N/A
Red Admiral vulcain Vanessa atalanta N/A N/A 
Common Buckeye papillon ocellé Junonia coenia N/A  N/A
White Admiral amiral Limenitis arthemis N/A N/A 
Viceroy vice-roi Limenitis archippus N/A  N/A
Hackberry Emperor papillon du microcoulier Asterocampa celtis N/A Petrie Island (2006)
Northern Pearly-Eye satyre perlé Enodia anthedon N/A N/A 
Eyed Brown satyre ocellé Satyrodes eurydice N/A  N/A
Appalachian Brown satyre des Appalaches Satyrodes appalachia N/A N/A
Little Wood-Satyr petit satyre des bois Megisto cymela N/A  N/A
Common Ringlet satyre fauve Coenonympha tullia N/A N/A 
Common Wood-Nymph satyre des prés Cercyonis pegala N/A  N/A
Chryxus Arctic nordique orangé Oeneis chryxus N/A N/A 
Jutta Arctic nordique des tourbières Oeneis jutta N/A  N/A
Monarch monarque Danaus plexippus Special concern (CAN/ON) N/A

Based on species accounts from Butterflies of Canada (http://www.cbif.gc.ca/spp_pages/butterflies/index_e.php)
which cites Layberry et al. 1998 as the primary source of information.

Updated using Layberry (2006): Butterflies of the Ottawa District: 103 species…and counting (Trail & Landscape 41(1):16-36).

Species accounts and photos available at http://www.cbif.gc.ca/spp_pages/butterflies/speciesindex_e.php 
and http://bugguide.net/node/view/15740

Species included in Brownell and Larson (1995) but for which no occurrences were found in CBIF or other sources:
Bog Elfin
Western Pine Elfin

Species omitted on the basis of Layberry (2006):
Grizzled Skipper - record dismissed
Greenish Blue - historic record only from site north of Gatineau Park
Juniper Hairstreak - only found in one site near Eardley


Common Name (English) Common Name (French) Scientific Name Legal Status Comments
River Jewelwing caloptéryx à taches apicales Calopteryx aequabilis N/A N/A 
Ebony Jewelwing demoiselle bistrée Calopteryx maculata N/A  N/A
Spotted Spreadwing leste tardif Lestes congener N/A N/A
Northern (Common) Spreadwing leste disjoint Lestes disjunctus N/A  N/A
Emerald Spreadwing leste dryade Lestes dryas N/A N/A 
Amber-winged Spreadwing leste flamboyant Lestes eurinus N/A  No known records; one record just to south.
Sweetflag Spreadwing leste à forceps Lestes forcipatus N/A N/A 
Elegant Spreadwing leste inégal Lestes inaequalis N/A  N/A
Slender Spreadwing leste élancé Lestes rectangularis N/A N/A 
Lyre-tipped Spreadwing leste onguiculé Lestes unguiculatus N/A  N/A
Swamp Spreadwing leste matinal Lestes vigilax N/A N/A 
Eastern Red Damsel agrion rougeâtre Amphiagrion saucium N/A  N/A
Violet Dancer argie violacée Argia fumipennis violacea N/A N/A 
Powdered Dancer argie svelte Argia moesta N/A  N/A
Aurora Damsel agrion à tache jaune Chromagrion conditum N/A N/A 
Taiga Bluet agrion résolu Coenagrion resolutum N/A  N/A
Rainbow Bluet agrion arc-en-ciel Enallagma antennatum N/A N/A 
Azure Bluet agrion saupoudré Enallagma aspersum N/A  N/A
Boreal Bluet agrion boréal Enallagma boreale N/A N/A 
Tule Bluet agrion des scirpes Enallagma carunculatum N/A  N/A
Familiar Bluet agrion civil Enallagma civile N/A N/A
Northern Bluet agrion porte-coupes Enallagma c. cyathigerum N/A  N/A
Vernal Bluet agrion printannier Enallagma vernale (E. cyathigerum vernale) N/A N/A 
Marsh Bluet agrion enivré Enallagma ebrium N/A  N/A
Stream Bluet agrion exilé Enallagma exsulans N/A N/A 
Skimming Bluet agrion minuscule Enallagma geminatum N/A  N/A
Hagen's Bluet agrion de Hagen Enallagma hageni N/A N/A 
Orange Bluet agrion orangé Enallagma signatum N/A  N/A
Vesper Bluet agrion vespéral Enallagma vesperum N/A N/A 
Fragile Forktail agrion posé Ischnura posita N/A  N/A
Eastern Forktail agrion vertical Ischnura verticalis N/A N/A 
Sedge Sprite déesse paisible Nehalennia irene N/A  N/A
Canada Darner aeschne du Canada  Aeshna canadensis N/A N/A 
Mottled Darner aeschne clepsydre Aeshna clepsydra N/A  N/A
Lance-tipped Darner aeschne constrictor Aeshna constricta N/A N/A 
Lake Darner aeschne porte-crosses Aeshna eremita N/A  N/A
Variable (Interrupted) Darner aeschne domino Aeshna i. interrupta N/A N/A 
Black-tipped Darner aeschne à tubercules Aeshna tuberculifera N/A  N/A
Shadow Darner aeshne à taches jaunes Aeshna umbrosa N/A N/A 
Green-striped Darner aeschne verticale Aeshna verticalis N/A  Single historical record.
Common Green Darner l'anax Anax junius N/A N/A 
Springtime Darner aeschne printanière Basiaeschna janata N/A  N/A
Ocellated Darner aeschne fuligineuse Boyeria grafiana N/A N/A
Fawn Darner aeschne vineuse Boyeria vinosa N/A N/A
Swamp Darner aeschne majestueuse Epiaeschna heros N/A Single historical record.
Harlequin Darner aeschne pygmée Gomphaeschna furcillata N/A N/A
Cyrano Darner aeschne Cyrano Nasiaeschna pentacantha N/A N/A
Horned Clubtail gomphe cornu Arigomphus cornutus N/A N/A
Lilypad Clubtail gomphe fourchu Arigomphus furcifer N/A N/A
Black-shouldered Spinyleg gomphe épineux Dromogomphus spinosus N/A N/A
Moustached Clubtail gomphe jumeau Gomphus adelphus N/A N/A
Lancet Clubtail gomphe exilé Gomphus exilis N/A N/A
Midland Clubtail gomphe fraternel Gomphus fraternus N/A N/A
Ashy Clubtail gomphe livide Gomphus lividus N/A N/A
Rapids Clubtail gomphe des rapides Gomphus quadricolor Endangered (CAN/ON) No known records; occurs along Mississippi River to west.
Dusky Clubtail gomphe pointu Gomphus spicatus N/A N/A
Cobra Clubtail gomphe-cobra Gomphus vastus N/A N/A
Skillet Clubtail gomphe ventru Gomphus ventricosus N/A Single historical record (1924). Likely extirpated.
Dragonhunter l'hagénie Hagenius brevistylus N/A N/A
Rusty Snaketail ophiogomphe roussâtre Ophiogomphus rupinsulensis N/A Uncertain whether it occurs here; record along western boundary of City.
Eastern Least Clubtail gomphe à styles blancs Stylogomphus albistylus N/A N/A
Elusive Clubtail gomphe marqué Stylurus notatus N/A N/A
Zebra Clubtail gomphe de Scudder Stylurus scudderi N/A Single historical record.
Arrow Clubtail gomphe fléché Stylurus spiniceps N/A N/A
Delta-spotted Spiketail cordulégastre aux yeux séparés Cordulegaster diastatops N/A N/A
Twin-spotted Spiketail cordulégastre maculé Cordulegaster maculata N/A N/A
Arrowhead Spiketail cordulégastre oblique Cordulegaster obliqua N/A Single historical record.
Stream Cruiser macromie brune Didymops transversa N/A N/A
Swift River Cruiser macromie noire Macromia illinoiensis N/A N/A
American Emerald cordulie de Shurtleffer Cordulia shurtleffii N/A N/A
Racket-tailed Emerald cordulie écorcée Dorocordulia libera N/A N/A
Beaverpond Baskettail épithèque canine Epitheca canis N/A N/A
Common Baskettail épithèque à queue de beagle Epitheca cynosura N/A N/A
Prince Baskettail épithèque princière Epitheca princeps N/A N/A
Spiny Baskettail épithèque épineuse Epitheca spinigera N/A N/A
Uhler's Sundragon épithèque d'Uhler Helocordulia uhleri N/A Uncertain whether it occurs here; one record near Arnprior.
Stygian Shadowdragon épithèque de Provancher Neurocordulia yamaskanensis N/A N/A
Forcipate Emerald cordulie fourchue Somatochlora forcipata N/A N/A
Delicate Emerald cordulie de Franklin Somatochlora franklini N/A N/A
Kennedy's Emerald cordulie de Kennedy Somatochlora kennedyi N/A N/A
Ocellated Emerald cordulie mineure Somatochlora minor N/A Single historical record.
Brush-tipped Emerald cordulie de Walsh Somatochlora walshii N/A N/A
Williamson's Emerald cordulie de Williamson Somatochlora williamsoni N/A N/A
Ebony Boghaunter cordulie bistrée Williamsonia fletcheri N/A N/A
Calico Pennant célithème indienne Celithemis elisa N/A N/A
Halloween Pennant célithème géante Celithemis eponina N/A N/A
Eastern Pondhawk erythème des étangs Erythemis simplicicollis N/A N/A
Chalk-fronted Corporal la julienne Ladona julia N/A N/A
Frosted Whiteface leucorrhine frigide Leucorrhinia frigida N/A N/A
Crimson-ringed Whiteface leucorrhine glaciale Leucorrhinia glacialis N/A N/A
Hudsonian Whiteface leucorrhine hudsonienne Leucorrhinia hudsonica N/A N/A
Dot-tailed Whiteface leucorrhine mouchetée Leucorrhinia intacta N/A N/A
Belted Whiteface leucorrhine apprivoisée Leucorrhinia proxima N/A N/A
Slaty Skimmer la voluptueuse Libellula incesta N/A N/A
Widow Skimmer la mélancolique Libellula luctuosa N/A N/A
Twelve-spotted Skimmer libellule gracieuse Libellula pulchella N/A N/A
Four-spotted Skimmer libellule quadrimaculée Libellula quadrimaculata N/A N/A
Wandering Glider pantale flavescente Pantala flavescens N/A N/A
Common Whitetail la lydienne Plathemis lydia N/A N/A
Saffron-bordered Meadowhawk sympétrum rubigineux Sympetrum costiferum N/A N/A
Black Meadowhawk sympétrum noir Sympetrum danae N/A N/A
Cherry-faced Meadowhawk sympétrum intime Sympetrum internum N/A N/A
White-faced Meadowhawk sympétrum éclaireur Sympetrum obtrusum N/A N/A
Band-winged Meadowhawk sympétrum semi-ambré Sympetrum semicinctum N/A N/A
Autumn Meadowhawk sympétrum tardif Sympetrum vicinum N/A N/A
Black Saddlebags traméa lacérée Tramea lacerata N/A N/A