Property owners, managers and superintendents

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Green bin and leaf and yard waste

On April 27, 2022, Ottawa City Council approved a mandatory organics diversion program for all multi-residential properties. City staff are working with property owners, managers, and superintendents on a plan to bring green bins to all multi-residential properties. 

On May 29, 2024, Council received an update on the implementation of the multi-residential waste diversion strategy which requires multi-residential properties to participate in the Green Bin program in order to receive waste collection services from the City. Multi-residential buildings account for 17 per cent of residential waste collected by the City. Of the multi-residential waste sent to landfill, about 58 per cent could have been recycled or put in the green bin. Providing these properties with the opportunity to divert organic waste helps the City reduce greenhouse gas emissions, while in turn prolonging the life of the Trail Waste Facility Landfill.

The City currently collects waste from approximately 2,300 multi-residential properties, of which about 52 per cent have a Green Bin program. From Q3 2024 to the end of 2028 the City will onboard the remaining properties through a mandatory process. The City will support residents with dedicated education and outreach to help them use a green bin, and work with property managers to address challenges and successfully introduce the program at their properties.

Mandatory Organics Diversion Notice

Property Managers, Property Owners, Superintendents and Condo Boards, in the City of Ottawa,

The City of Ottawa is transitioning to a mandatory organics program, for all properties in the multi-residential sector starting this fall. Multi-residential properties (buildings with 6 units or more) that receive waste collection services from the City of Ottawa will transition to the organics program with help from Solid Waste Services staff from the fall of 2024 to the winter of 2028.

This initiative would see the City implement requirements for all multi-residential properties to implement and participate in the City’s Green Bin program in order to receive City waste management services, in accordance with the City’s Multi-residential waste diversion strategy.

Increased diversion of organics in the multi residential sector aligns with Objective 2 of the City’s Solid Waste Master Plan, which sets out to Maximize the Recycling of Waste. Actions under this objective that have the biggest impact on keeping waste out of the landfill are recommended for prioritizing in the short-term (0-5 years). Diverting more waste not only extends the life of the landfill but decreases GHG emissions and can help to generate revenue opportunities to offset the cost of those programs. Further, bringing the green bin to all Multi-residential properties to increase waste diversion in the multi-residential sector supports the following provincial direction and City initiatives:

  • The Province’s Food and Organic Waste Policy Statement provides direction to multi-residential properties to increase waste reduction and resource recovery of food and organic waste. The Provincial target for multi-residential properties is 50% waste reduction and recovery of food and organic waste by 2025.
  • The Province of Ontario is committed to phasing out food and organic waste from landfills by 2030.
  • The City’s Energy Evolution project calls for 98% organics diversion from landfill and 100% diversion of paper products.

If your building has an existing organics diversion program in place, this information is for awareness only.


From 2024 to 2028, the City will onboard the remaining 1,050 properties that currently don’t have the green bin onsite using a four-tier process as outlined in the MRWDS legislative update from May. The City will support residents and the property management sector through the onboarding process to ensure the program is successfully adopted. If you are a property owner or management company who manages more than one Multi-residential property in Ottawa, please work with your site managers to ensure this information is distributed accordingly to all of your properties.

 Property manager responsibilities

Currently, property managers are responsible for setting up waste disposal areas and providing ongoing recycling support. Soon, you will also be responsible for providing organics collection support for your building’s residents with the following:

  • Providing residents with equally accessible, color-coded containers for recycling, and organics use.;
  • Providing recycling and organics information and education to building residents and staff as required to ensure compliance with City’s Solid Waste Management By-law;
  • Ensuring that waste, recycling, and organics containers are only placed out at the appropriate collection times;
  • Informing residents of the garbage, recycling and organics collection services available onsite; and,
  • Informing the City of Ottawa of collection service issues and updating contact information for collection services, as required by contacting 3-1-1.

Onboarding process

  • Properties will receive an email approximately one month prior to the start of their tier's onboarding, with their schedule and onboarding toolkit.
  • Solid Waste Services staff will call Property Managers to answer their questions, provide information about the onboarding process and arrange the following details:
    • A date for a public education and outreach event
    • A timeline for when Solid Waste Inspectors (SWIs) will set up organics collection services
    • Green bin and kitchen container requirements and delivery details
      • Environmental Education Assistants (EEAs) can distribute kitchen containers as part of outreach, which helps encourage program participation with residents.
  • At this time, property managers must identify the order of the properties they would prefer to onboard and ask questions they may have about the onboarding process.
  • After, a Solid Waste Inspector will call the property manager to support onboarding building operations further.

Onboarding schedule

All properties that are not on the organics program have been classified by the City of Ottawa within tiers 1 to 3. The tier classification is based on frequency of collections and property size. The onboarding process will be phased in over the next 4 years, with all remaining properties divided into tiers as outlined below:

  • Tier 1:Properties with additional regularly scheduled collection
    • Schedule for onboarding: Q4 (October to December) 2024 to Q2 (April to June) 2025
  • Tier 2:Properties with under 100 units
    • Schedule for onboarding: Q2 (April to June) 2025 to Q3 (July-September) 2027
  • Tier 3:Properties with over 100 units
    • Schedule for onboarding: Q4 (October to December) 2027 to Q2 (April -June) 2028

The City understands that some properties may have physical constraints, that may prevent them from onboarding in their respective tiers. When contacted by the City, properties with such limitations are asked to self-identify as tier 4.

  • Tier 4:
  • These property managers will be contacted by a Solid Waste Inspector and Solid Waste Inspectors will confirm properties that move into tier 4 from a visual inspection on site.
  • These properties will have additional time to work with the City and develop diversion implementation plan to ensure an organics program is in place by the end of 2028.

Refusal to onboard

  • It is the responsibility of Property Owners and Property Managers to inform the City of contact changes and failure to do so may result in missing communications from the City of Ottawa.
  • There will be an escalation process involving communication attempts in writing and in person from the City of Ottawa to onboard properties to the green bin.
  • Properties that refuse to onboard to the green bin program following these attempts may be removed from city collection services.

 We recognize that transitioning to the organics program may seem like a big change for some of our multi-residential properties, we look forward to supporting the successful implementation of the green bin program through ongoing collaboration with the property management sector. For additional information regarding the green bin onboarding process, please connect by email at or 3-1-1.

To update your property’s contact information, please call 3-1-1. For details about the City of Ottawa’s Green Bin program, please visit

Thank you for continuing to do your part to help keep food and organic waste from the City’s landfill!


Collection details

  • Green bins and leaf and yard waste are collected once per week using the curbside organic collection vehicles.
  • Green bins and leaf and yard waste must be placed at the curb on the regular curbside collection day in your neighborhood.
  • Don’t know the neighborhood collection day? Check the Collection Calendar to confirm your collection schedule or call 3-1-1.
  • Green bins and leaf yard waste should be placed out after 6:00 pm the night before collection and no later than 7:00 am on the day of collection.
  • If a statutory holiday falls on a weekday, green bin/yard waste is delayed by one day for the remainder of the week.
  • View a list of acceptable green bin material.

Containers provided

The City provides three different sizes of green bins to multi residential properties, depending on the property needs:

47L green bin

80L green bin

80 liter city of Ottawa green bin.

240L green bin

240 liter city of Ottawa green bin

The City also provides in-unit kitchen containers for residents.

There is no charge for additional green bins or kitchen containers. Call 3-1-1 to arrange for free delivery.

Green bin maintenance

It is the responsibility of the property owner to keep the green bins clean at all times.

There is no charge for the replacement of damaged green bins. Call 3-1-1 to arrange free delivery.

Leaf and yard waste reminders

  • Please use compostable paper yard waste bags, a garbage can or cardboard box. Plastic bags are not accepted and will not be collected.
  • Leaf and yard waste should not be mixed with any other type of waste.
  • Please ensure containers and/or branch bundles do not weigh more than 15 kg (33 lbs) in weight.
  • Bundle and tie branches less than 1.2 m (4 ft) in length, 60 cm (2 ft) in width.
  • Individual branches should be less than 10 cm (4 in) in diameter.
  • Wind-fallen fruit and pumpkins can be included.
  • Soil, rock, logs and stumps are not accepted.

Buildings or properties that do not have leaf and yard waste collected regularly, should call 3-1-1 at least 24 hours prior to collection day.

Christmas trees

Christmas trees are part of the Green Bin program.

Trees will not be collected if wrapped in plastic bags or contain decorations.

To avoid problems with collection or snow removal operations, place Christmas trees at the curb the night before the scheduled collection day.

For more information on disposing of Christmas trees, visit our Green bin and leaf and yard waste webpage.

Multi-residential stakeholder working group

How can I participate?

  1. Subscribe to our mailing list: Join the multi-residential working group mailing list to receive information on how the City can assist you in increasing waste diversion, forthcoming policy and program changes, and details of the working group meetings.
  2. Provide feedback: If you wish to provide feedback, send us an email to and your feedback will be included for discussion in upcoming multi-residential working group meetings.


The City is seeking multi-residential property owners, managers and or superintendents to participate in a working group to provide feedback and share ideas on ways to increase the current waste diversion rate that is approximately 17%, compared to 50% waste diversion from single-family dwellings.

In 2016, the Provincial Government introduced the ‘Waste Free Ontario Act”. In April 2018, the Province implemented changes that will impact the management of organics in the near future. These changes will impact the multi-residential sector.

Potential changes

The Province has outlined two key items which may have major implications for the multi-residential sector.

  • 50% waste diversion target for food and organic waste by 2025
  • A commitment to phase out food and organic waste from landfill by 2030

Implement the green bin program at your property

Implementing the Green Bin Program in a multi residential building or property requires site specific decisions, such as the best size of green bin, number of green bins, storage location, set out location, resident communication and delivery details.

Call 3-1-1 today to set up a site visit to be part of the Green Bin Program.

Contact us

If you wish to provide feedback, send us an email to and your feedback will be included for discussion in upcoming multi-residential working group meetings.

Related information

Collection days

Recycling Collection Information

Recycling is mandatory for all Ottawa residents receiving City waste collection service. Multi residential properties are provided a once-per-week collection of recyclable materials from front end loading (FEL) containers or recycling carts from the City’s contracted private hauler. 

When is my building/property recycling collection day?

For your building or property’s recycling schedule, call 3-1-1.

What happens when recycling collection falls on a statutory holiday?

Recycling collection is delayed by one day. Where normal pick-up is on a Friday, recycling collection will take place on the Saturday. This applies to the following holidays: Family Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Ontario Civic Holiday, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day or New Year’s Day. 

Garbage Collection Information

When is my building/property garbage collection day?

For your building or property’s garbage schedule, call 3-1-1.

Is garbage collection delayed by one day if our building/property collection falls on a statutory holiday?

There are NO changes in the garbage collection schedule when the regular collection day falls on the following statutory holidays: Family Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Ontario Civic Holiday, Labour Day, and Thanksgiving Day.

When the regular garbage collection days falls on either New Year’s Day or Christmas Day, there is no collection service on that day for garbage. The garbage collection schedule for the remaining days of the week shall be delayed by one day, with Saturday making up for the missed day.

Green Bin and Leaf & Yard Collection Information

Green bins and yard waste are collected once-per-week. 

If a statutory holiday falls on a weekday, green bin and leaf and yard waste collection is delayed by one day for the remainder of the week.

Green bins and yard waste must be placed at the curb on the regular curbside collection day in your neighbourhood. Check the Collection Calendar to confirm your collection schedule or call 3-1-1.

Container set out time is 7:00 am

All containers must be set out by 7:00 am and accessible by the property owner/manager or superintendent.

Missed Collection

For missed collection of recycling, green bin or garbage containers, call 3-1-1.

Superintendent's handbook

Multi Residential Properties Receiving Containerized Garbage & Recycling Collection Service


The objectives of this guide are to:

  • Outline the City of Ottawa’s multi residential waste collection program and summarize the services available to your building/property.
  • Outline the role of the property owner/manager.
  • Help you share information and increase awareness to your residents through available communication material in order to maintain a successful waste and recycling program.
  • Inform you of other waste management services the City provides to help your building/property reduce waste.

Residents and property managers have a responsibility to ensure all materials designated as recyclable under the City’s program are kept separate from garbage and are properly placed out for collection.

Your efforts will reduce garbage going to the landfill and SAVE YOU money.


Currently apartments, condos and multi-units recycle only 16% of their waste.  Pop cans, plastic bottles, glass jars, newspapers and tin cans do not belong in the landfill.

Why bother recycling?

  • Save land – by recycling more, Ottawa’s Trail Road Waste Facility (landfill) can last longer.
  • Save money – if the City has to site a new landfill, it’s estimated at $200 million based on Toronto’s most recent landfill acquisition.
  • Protect our assets – by recycling more items like paper, more woodlots are protected, fewer resources are used.
  • Create jobs – recycling creates manufacturing and service sector jobs, and boosts the local economy.

What really happens to recycled materials?

  • Ottawa’s recyclables are sorted and sold to different companies to reuse or make into new products.
  • Most car parts, t-shirts, parkas, sleeping bags, home insulation, patio furniture and playground equipment are made from items you put in your recycling containers.

Putting the right item in the right bin, the processing plant has fewer problems and program costs are reduced.

Recycling is mandatory for all Ottawa residents receiving City waste collection services.  All efforts must be made by the property owner to make recycling containers available and accessible to residents.

Multi residential properties are provided a once-per-week collection of recyclable materials from front end loading (FEL) containers or recycling carts form the City’s contracted private hauler.

The once-per-week collection and processing costs for recycling is covered under the property taxes and mill rate.  There are no additional costs for the collection of recyclables to the property owner.

The following services/items are provided free of charge:

  • Supply of FEL recyclable containers or recycling carts.
  • Additional collections (whether scheduled weekly or the on-calls during a peak period).
  • Container/cart repairs.
  • Replacement or additional recycling FEL containers/carts.
  • Handling services (there is no charge for the FEL recycling containers/carts to be moved by the contractor to facilitate collection including return to their original location).

Containers provided

Recycling materials are collected in separate bins: a bin for paper and cardboard (referred to as fibre) and a second bin for glass, metal and plastics (referred to as GMP).

The City provides two different types of bins for recyclable materials collection depending on a property’s needs:

  1. 360 litre recycling cart (black for paper and cardboard and blue for glass, metal and plastic)
  2. Front end loading (FEL) container (yellow for paper and cardboard and grey for glass, metal and plastic.  FEL containers are available in 2,3,4 and 6 cubic yard capacities.

Any recycling containers/carts with graffiti, damaged or that require painting should be reported to the City immediately.

To request additional containers/carts, exchange damaged ones, or requests an extra collection, call 3-1-1.

It is the responsibility of the property owner to keep the recycling containers/carts clean at all times.

Locking of recycling containers

Locking FEL recycling containers will reduce contamination and discourage scavengers.

The contractor supplies and will unlock, empty, and relock the containers on collection day during the spring, summer and fall months. Locks are removed for the winter as they freeze and prevent the bin from being emptied.

Statutory holiday schedule: Recycling collection

When the regular recycling collection day falls on Family Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Ontario Civic Holiday, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day or New Year’s Day, there is no recycling collection service on that day.

The recycling collection schedule for the remaining days of the week will be delayed by one day, with Saturday making up for the missed day.

Acceptable recyclable material – paper and cardboard

  • Newspapers and flyers
  • Magazines and catalogues
  • Corrugated cardboard
  • Cereal and cracker boxes (liners removed)
  • Shoe and laundry detergent boxes
  • Fine paper such as writing paper, computer paper, paper pads, advertising mail
  • Paper egg cartons, toilet paper rolls and paper towel rolls
  • Paper gift wrap, greeting cards
  • Clean paper shopping bags or paper packaging
  • Pizza boxes (if your building does not have a green bin)                                             

Unacceptable material

  • Paper and cardboard lined with foil
  • Cereal and cracker box liners, chip and cookie bags
  • Chocolate bar and candy wrappings
  • Foil wrapping paper, bows, ribbons

Acceptable recyclable material – glass, metal, plastic, and cartons


  • Glass bottles and jars (remove lids)


  • Steel and tin cans
  • Soft drink cans
  • Aluminum foil (clean or soiled)
  • Aluminum pie plates, take-out containers, roasting pans, etc.
  • Paint cans (empty, lids removed)
  • Jar and bottle lids
  • Aerosol cans  (empty)
  • Frozen juice cans, potato chip tubes


  • All food and household plastic containers #1-7 (e.g. bottles, fruit or cake clamshells)
  • Pails (remove metal handle)
  • Planting trays and flower pots
  • Tubs and lids (e.g. margarine, yogurt, ice cream, cottage cheese, sour cream, etc.)
  • Single-serve yogurt
  • Clear plastic egg cartons


  • Milk and juice cartons
  • Drink and soup boxes

Unacceptable material - glass, ceramics

  • Ceramic dishes, cups and pottery
  • Drinking glasses, window glass, light bulbs and mirrors 


  • All Styrofoam containers and packaging
  • Plastic grocery bags
  • Meat and cheese wrap, stretch wrap, cereal wrap, snack food bags
  • Plastic dishes, cups, toys, make-up jars, laundry baskets
  • Plastic garden bags for fertilizers, soil, peat moss etc.
  • Empty motor oil bottles


  • Scrap metal
  • Utensils/pots and pans


Contamination in recycling containers is an important issue.  It is the property owner/manager’s responsibility to make sure only acceptable items are deposited in the appropriate recycling containers.

All contamination should be removed from the containers before collection.

Contaminated bin

  • The contractor will refuse to pick up a contaminated FEL container/cart.
  • The contaminated bin will be sealed with yellow tape and left by the contractor until the contamination is removed.
  • The property manager is responsible to remove the contaminants from the containers/carts.  When doing so, please remove only the contaminating material and do not dump the entire contents of the recycling container into the garbage dumpster.
  • Once the contamination is removed, the property owner is responsible to call the City for collection.
  • Visible signs or posters can be placed by recycling containers, to reduce the potential for contamination.
  • Being proactive, checking containers/carts regularly and removing contaminating items daily will minimize contamination.

Green Bin program and leaf and yard waste collection

The Green Bin program and leaf and yard waste collection are available to all multi residential properties.

Acceptable material

  • All food
  • Pet food
  • Kitty litter
  • Animal fur, hair, feathers
  • Cold fireplace ash
  • Dryer lint, vacuum bag and its contents
  • Microwave popcorn bags
  • Soiled paper plates, cups (waxed or unwaxed)
  • Waxed paper
  • Soiled paper towels, serviettes, Kleenex
  • Pizza boxes soiled with food
  • Wood chips, sawdust
  • Sugar, flour and potato paper bags
  • Yard waste (branches, plants, leaves, grass)

Encourage your tenants to properly dispose of fats, oils and grease:

  • To properly dispose of fat, oil and grease - put them into a milk carton, then into your green bin or garbage.
  • DO NOT pour these down your sink or toilet as they may lead to clogs in your internal plumbing or the City's sewers.

Unacceptable material:

  • No diapers, sanitary products
  • No plastic wrap


  • Green bins and yard waste are collected once-per-week using curbside organic collection vehicles.
  • Green bins and yard waste must be placed at the curb on the regular curbside collection day in your neighbourhood.
  • Don’t know the neighbourhood collection day? Check the collection schedule or call 3-1-1.
  • Green bins and yard should not be placed out prior to 6:00 pm the night before collection and no later than 7:00 am on the day of collection.
  • If a statutory holiday falls on a weekday, green bin/yard waste is delayed by one day for the remainder of the week.

Containers provided

The City provides three different sizes of green bins to multi residential properties, depending on the property needs:

  • 47L green bin
  • 80L green bin
  • 240L green bin

The City also provides in-unit kitchen containers for residents.

There is no charge for additional green bins/kitchen containers.  Call 3-1-1 and we will arrange free delivery.

Green Bin program implementation

Implementing the Green Bin Program in a multi residential building or property requires several site specific decisions, such as the best size of green bin, number of green bins, storage location, set out location, resident communication and delivery details.

Call 3-1-1 today to set up a site visit to be part of the Green Bin Program.

Green bin maintenance

It is the responsibility of the property owner to keep the green bins clean at all times.

There is no charge for the replacement of damaged green bins.  Call 3-1-1 to arrange free delivery.

Leaf and yard waste reminders

  • Please use compostable paper yard waste bags, a garbage can or cardboard box.  Plastic bags are not accepted and will not be collected.
  • Leaf and yard waste should not be mixed with any other type of waste. Please ensure containers and/or branch bundles do not weigh more than 15 kg (33 lbs) in weight.
  • Bundle and tie branches less than 1.2 m (4 ft) in length, 60 cm (2 ft) in width.
  • Individual branches should be less than 10 cm (4 in) in diameter.
  • Wind-fallen fruit and pumpkins can be included.
  • Soil, rock, logs and stumps are not accepted.

Buildings or properties that do not have leaf and yard waste collected regularly, should call 3-1-1 at least 24 hours prior to collection day.

Christmas trees

Christmas trees are part of the Green Bin Program.

Trees will not be collected if wrapped in plastic bags or contain decorations.

To avoid problems with collection or snow removal operations, place Christmas trees at the curb the night before the scheduled collection day.


All multi residential properties with 6 units or more are eligible to receive once-per-week collection of front end loading (FEL) garbage containers, as long as the building/property is actively participating in the City’s recycling program.

The City sets FEL garbage container collection limits based on the number of residential units in the building or on the property, and hires haulers to provide the collection.  FEL garbage containers are available in 2,3,4,6 and 8 cubic-yard capacities.

Once-per-week garbage collection and disposal costs are billed as a separate fee and line item on your tax bill based on the number of units in your property; while organics, recycling and other waste diversion programs are funded through the overall property taxes and mill rate.

Additional collections beyond the once-per-week collection schedule

If the amount of garbage exceeds the number of FEL garbage containers allocated by the City, the property owner must cover any additional garbage collection costs.

The City has established prices for extra collections, handling services and rental fees as part of its contract with the contracted waste hauler, thereby providing property owners with protection against price fluctuations over the life of the contract. It is the sole discretion of the property owner to set up this collection service.

For privately owned FEL garbage containers for extra collections can be set up either with the City's contracted collection hauler or a private company of the property owner's choice.

For rented FEL garbage containers, extra collection must be purchased from and provided by the City’s contracted collection haulers.

Arrangements for additional collections, container handling services and container rentals are outlined in a customer service agreement between the contractor and the property owner.  Any discrepancies regarding these arrangements must be resolved by these two parties.

The property owner will be invoiced by the contractor for these services on a monthly basis.

Information on pricing can be obtained by calling 3-1-1.

Statutory holiday schedule: Garbage collection

  • There are NO changes in the garbage collection schedule when the regular collection day falls on the following statutory holidays: Family Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Ontario Civic Holiday, Labour Day, and Thanksgiving Day.
  • When the regular garbage collection day falls on either New Year’s Day or Christmas Day, there is no collection service on that day for garbage. The garbage collection schedule for the remaining days of the week shall be delayed by one day, with Saturday making up for the missed day.
  • Bulky items (e.g. mattress/couch): As part of the biweekly curbside collection service, when the regular curbside garbage collection day falls on New Year’s Day, Family Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Ontario Civic Holiday, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day, there is no collection service on that day for bulky items. The garbage collection schedule for the remaining days of the week shall be delayed by one day, with Saturday making up for the missed day.

FEL garbage container set out and handling services (winching/pull outs)

On the scheduled collection day, the property owner/manager should set out all containers by 7:00 am and ensure they are accessible by the contractor.

If a property owner cannot bring the FEL garbage container(s) to the set out location, arrangements can be made through the City’s contracted hauler (at the property owner’s expense) to unlock doors, enter a building, unchain, winch or manoeuvre an FEL garbage container for the required distance to facilitate collection. The contractor is responsible for returning the FEL garbage container to its original location.

Handling service fees

  • There is no charge to the property owner for the first three (3) meters of the handling distance of FEL garbage containers.  After three (3) meters, the cost of the handling service is set at 85 cents per meter, one way.
  • If the handling distance is more than three (3) meters, the contractor will charge the property owner starting at the first meter (e.g. the first three (3) meters will be included with the handling service fee).
  • The contractor will not charge for the return of the FEL garbage container(s) to the original location.

FEL garbage containers and compacted garbage containers

Rental versus privately owned FEL garbage containers

Front end loading garbage containers can be rented through the hauler or be privately owned by the property owner.

Rental FEL garbage containers
  • The rental fee is based on the size of the container and is paid directly to the contractor on a monthly basis.
  • The City’s contractor is responsible for the maintenance and repair of rented garbage containers.
  • Any damaged containers (and related hardware – e.g. casters, lids or containers requiring painting due to rust, scratches or paint fading should be reported to the City immediately.
  • Graffiti on rented containers should be reported to the City immediately.
Privately owned FEL containers
  • If the property owner owns the garbage container, he/she must maintain and repair the containers at their own cost.
  • The City must be notified of any garbage containers removed or added to the building or property. If a container must be replaced/exchanged, the City must verify the size and type of container.
Information on compacting garbage containers
  • The City does not rent compacting garbage or recycling containers.
  • The contractor is not required to disconnect or reconnect compacted garbage containers from and to the compactor unit or to collect any litter on the ground (unless caused by the contractor).

Area maintenance

The paths leading to the collection area and the container collection must be kept safe and clear of obstructions such as vehicles, debris and snow on collection day.  Failure to do so will result in the garbage container not being emptied.  If an additional visit is required to collect the missed garbage, the collection cost will be at the property owner’s expense.

If the property plans any construction projects that may block access or otherwise affect your collection, please call 3-1-1 to make alternate arrangements for your pick-up.

Container maintenance

The property owner is responsible to keep the interior and exterior of the garbage container clean to avoid odours and possible infestation.

The contractor is responsible for deodorizing both rental and privately owned FEL garbage containers after every collection during the spring, summer and fall.

Encourage your tenants to properly dispose of fats, oils and grease:

  • To properly dispose of fat, oil and grease - put them into a milk carton, then into your green bin or garbage.
  • DO NOT pour these down your sink or toilet as they may lead to clogs in your internal plumbing or the City's sewers.


Graffiti on containers should be reported to the City immediately by calling 3-1-1.

Damage claims

Call 3-1-1 to report any claims regarding damages or incidents.

Please notify the City at 3-1-1 upon any changes in management so the City is up to date with contact names, emails and telephone/fax numbers.

Contaminated FEL garbage containers

FEL garbage containers will not be emptied if any of the following items are found in them:

Recyclable items

Recyclable items should go in your recycling containers, not the garbage containers.

Bulky items
  1. Items such as mattresses and furniture must not be placed in the garbage container.
  2. When you have items for pick up, please call 3-1-1 no later than one day prior to the regular scheduled curbside collection day.
  3. Don’t know the neighborhood collection day? Check the Collection Calendar to confirm your collection schedule or call 3-1-1.
  4. The City provides a bi-weekly collection service for bulky items using the curbside garbage collection vehicles.  If your building fronts onto a street, place the bulky items at the curb for pick up on the regular curbside garbage collection day in your neighborhood.
  5. If you are unable to place items at the curb, place items outside your building.  Collection location will be determined by the City.  Call 3-1-1 to set up a site visit.
  6. Collection vehicles must have clear, safe and unimpeded access to large items.
  7. Bulky items should be placed out after 6:00 pm the night before collection and no later than 7:00 am on the day of collection.
Take it Back!

Almost 600 Ottawa retailers will take back unwanted household items such as medications, hangers, car batteries and more. For different options, search materials in the Waste Explorer

Communication material

Free Communication material is available to improve the recycling program at your building/property.  To obtain recycling posters, brochures, or labels for your recycling and garbage containers, or additional copies of the handbook, please call 3-1-1.

Special waste items

How to dispose of bulky items, large appliances, construction waste, household hazardous waste, tires, electronic waste and needles and syringes.  

Bulky items

  • Items such as mattresses and furniture must not be placed in the garbage container.
  • When you have items for pick up, please call 3-1-1 no later than one day prior to the regular scheduled curbside collection day.
  • Don’t know the neighborhood collection day? Check the Collection Calendar to confirm your collection schedule or call 3-1-1.
  • The City provides a bi-weekly collection service for bulky items using the curbside garbage collection vehicles. If your building fronts onto a street, place the bulky items at the curb for pick up on the regular curbside garbage collection day in your neighborhood.
  • If you are unable to place items at the curb, place items outside your building. Collection location will be determined by the City. Call 3-1-1 to set up a site visit.
  • Collection vehicles must have clear, safe and unimpeded access to large items.
  • Bulky items should be placed out after 6:00 pm the night before collection and no later than 7:00 am on the day of collection.

Large appliances

  • The City does not pick-up large household appliances such as  stoves, refrigerators, freezers, dryers, dishwashers, air conditioners, hot water tanks, oil tanks, etc. Do not place these items next to the FEL garbage container, as they will not be picked up by the City.
  • It is the responsibility of the property owner to make the proper arrangements for collection of appliances.
  • The Waste Explorer provides a list of businesses that pick up old appliances.

Construction waste

  • The City’s waste collection service is provided for the disposal of regular household waste generated by residents. Waste generated during repair, renovation or construction work should not be placed in the garbage containers.
  • You must contact a private hauler for disposal of all construction waste. 

Household hazardous waste

  • Household hazardous waste such as batteries, turpentine, partially empty aerosol cans, fire extinguishers, fluorescent bulbs/tubes, unused paint and stain, are prohibited in the garbage container.
  • Household hazardous waste one day depots are held at different locations during the summer and fall months. Check one day depots for hours of operation, locations and dates.
  • Some household hazardous waste such as motor oil or paint can be dropped off at Take it Back! retailers. Check the Waste Explorer for a list of businesses that accept these products.


  • Tires are not collected by the City of Ottawa.
  • Check the Waste Explorer  for retailers that accept tires.  

Electronic waste (or "e-waste")

  • Electronic items such as computers, monitors, keyboards, printers, disk drives, fax machines, televisions, radios, telephones, cell phones, batteries, etc. are prohibited in the garbage container because they contain valuable components and material that can be safely recycled to manufacture new products.
  • Electronic items can be dropped off at participating retailers. To find out where you can return your electronics, search the Waste Explorer.
  • You can also bring your electronic waste to Trail Road Landfill at no charge. 

Needles and syringes

  • Needles, syringes and glass stem pipes are prohibited in the regular garbage and recycling.
  • Check the Waste Explorer for a list of businesses that accept needles, syringes and glass stems.
  • This material can be brought to a one day Household Hazardous Waste depot.

Damaged containers

Damaged recycling, green bin or garbage containers/carts

All multi residential buildings or properties receiving front end loading (FEL) container or cart service, are to report bin damage to 3-1-1.

It is the responsibility of the property owner to keep the recycling, green bin and garbage containers/carts clean at all times.

 Photo of a damaged waste container


Graffiti on containers should be reported to the City immediately by calling 3-1-1.

Free communication materials

To obtain free recycling posters or brochures, labels for your containers, or additional copies of the Recycling and Waste Handbook for Property Owners/Managers and Superintendents, please call 3-1-1.

Educational and promotional material:

Labels for recycling containers and recycling carts are available in the following sizes: 11X17, 11X7.5 and 24X18

Tips and tricks

Helpful hints to encourage tenants/residents to recycle more:

  1. Post signs informing residents where to find the recycling room.
  2. Inform your residents: The City has a recycling poster, brochure, and container labels aimed at teaching people how to recycle that you can request. You can post them around your building and distribute them directly to your residents. Call 3-1-1 for recycling information for your building/property.
  3. When new residents sign their lease, make sure you tell them how the recycling program works in your building and provide them with a copy of the Which bin to put it in? brochure.
  4. If recycling rates are low, you can have a contest: Give each unit an “I Agree to Recycle for Two Weeks” pledge card and enter all returned and signed cards into a draw for prizes.
  5. Make recycling easy and accessible by putting recycling bins in your lobby, gym, and other common areas.
  6. Get ahead of holiday waste: Let your residents know how to dispose of items like electronics and holiday trees.
  7. Create a ‘Green Team’: Enthusiastic volunteers can be a resource and help teach residents easy ways to recycle.
  8. Keep residents engaged. Make recycling updates part of your resident association meetings. If you have a newsletter, add a section on ‘Green Tips’. 

Waste Connections Canada can meet with you to discuss options for promoting recycling (including organic recycling) and other waste diversion programs. On-site consultations and tenant outreach programs are available by contacting or call 613-749-8000.

City staff are also available on a limited basis to attend special events and tenant association meetings. Call 3-1-1, or email to arrange for our outreach staff to attend your event.