Animals and pets

On this page

To report a dog bite, dog at large or dog being held please call 3-1-1

You may create a service request online to report:

Please refer to the Animal Care and Control By-law for more information.

Coyotes are usually wary and fearful of humans.  But should you encounter a coyote, follow these important instructions:

  • Remain calm and slowly back away from the coyote
  • Do not turn your back and run
  • Stand tall, wave your hands, and make plenty of loud noises

Report a coyote sighting in your neighbourhood

Please note the City utilizes this data to track coyote movements and the creation of a service request does not mean a By-law Enforcement Officer will be dispatched to attend.

If a coyote is posing an immediate threat or danger to the public, call 9-1-1 immediately.

Please refer to the Coyotes page for more information.