Garbage and recycling
get a calendar, request new bins, report a missed collection...
Road and sidewalk maintenance
potholes, ditches, gravel shoulders, catch basins, street lighting...
No parking zone, no stopping zone, on private property, fire hydrant...
alarms, barking dogs, loud music or shouting...
City tree inspection, stump removal, determine ownership, get a tree planted...
Park maintenance
debris/litter, grass or weeds, broken, damaged or missing items in a park...
Animals and pets
cats, dogs, prohibited exotic animals...
Health and safety
Water testing, illegal tobacco sales, smoking in the workplace, smoking at a City facility or property...
Property damage or maintenance
Graffiti, uncontrolled grass/weeds, junk or debris on a property...
Claims to the City
how to file a claim, claims investigation process, common types of claims…
Submitting a request for information
Provides formal access to records held by the City of Ottawa in compliance with applicable law.
Commissioner of Oath
Commissioner of Oaths’ services are offered in person at our Client Service Centres.
Report a problem with e-scooters
mis-parked e-scooter, sidewalk riding, accident or collision, damaged e-scooter
Issue with City staff or facility
dissatisfaction with a service, facility, staff member, customer service...