Festivals - Guidelines
Deadline for application
- Wednesday, November 20, 2024 at 4:00 pm
Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
The application must be filled out and submitted through our Online Portal(link is external).
The application for this program will go live 2 months prior to the deadline date. Applicants are responsible for submitting a complete application by the deadline date. The Cultural Funding Support Unit will not be responsible for any discrepancies or upload errors in additional information submitted after the deadline.
Entry to the Program and movement between funding categories must be approved by the Cultural Funding Support Unit.
Contact Information
Adrija Kličius(link opens email application)
Cultural Funding Officer
Major arts and cultural festivals program
Program objectives
- To support major local arts and cultural festivals that attract audiences and that celebrate the artistic and creative expression of Ottawa’s artistic and cultural communities
- To enhance the quality of life in Ottawa by providing opportunities for community participation, social interaction and cultural involvement
- To build the capacity and increase the sustainability of the local arts and cultural festivals sectors
Grant writing assistance
Cultural Funding Officers are available to help you prepare your grant application in the following ways:
- Discuss eligibility of your activities, requirements of the program and answer any questions about the application and evaluation process.
- Review a draft version of your application prior to the deadline.
- Provide peer assessment committee feedback on a previous application.
Funding categories
Annual operating funding
Festivals that meet the eligibility requirements listed in these guidelines may apply for Annual Operating Funding.
Three-year operating funding
The next three-year funding cycle starts in 2026. Please contact your funding officer for more information.
Festivals may apply for Three Year Operating Funding if they:
- meet the eligibility requirements listed in these guidelines
- have been in existence for at least four years
- must have received Annual Operating funding from the City of Ottawa’s Major Arts and Cultural Festivals Program for at least two years
- submit a three-year plan demonstrating ongoing financial stability, vision and planning
Note: Recipients of operating funding from this program are not eligible for additional municipal operating funding from the City of Ottawa.
Who and what is eligible?
Types of festivals supported by this program:
- Arts Festivals that showcase artwork from one or more artistic disciplines (dance, music, theatre, literary arts, media and/or visual art)
- Cultural Festivals that showcase the artistic and creative expression of local cultural communities (including culturally diverse or Indigenous communities)
Throughout these guidelines, when the word “festival” is used, it refers to these two types of festivals only.
All applicants must:
- be incorporated as a not-for-profit organization
- have a year-round organizational presence (office, staff, phone, mailing address) within the limits of the city of Ottawa, Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation or Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg First Nation
- have an active Ottawa-based Board of Directors comprised of a minimum of 3 members
- have at least 50% of board directors residing in the Ottawa region
- have audited financial statements for the last completed fiscal year
- be a recipient of past funding through this program OR
- If a first time applicant to the program, have received funding from the Cultural Funding Support Unit for the last 2 consecutive years through the Equity and Inclusion in the Arts Fund, the Arts Funding Program and/or the Heritage Funding Program.
In addition,
Arts festivals must:
- have presented a major arts festival with city-wide impact for the last two years or more
- produce an annual major arts festival that occurs within the limits of the city of Ottawa, Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation or Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg First Nation, and:
- is open, accessible and of interest to the public City-wide
- has a program of connected arts events that present and promote one or more artistic disciplines: dance, music, theatre, literary arts, media and/or visual arts
- has professional artists making up the majority of artists participating in the festival’s programs and activities
- demonstrates significant community involvement, participation and interaction
- runs a minimum of 2 consecutive days and no longer than a month
- reports a minimum cash operating expense budget of $100,000
Cultural festivals must:
- have presented a major cultural festival with impact in the community they represent for the last two years or more
- produce an annual major cultural festival that occurs within the limits of the city of Ottawa, Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation or Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg First Nation, and:
- is open, accessible and of interest to the public City-wide
- has a program of events that showcase the artistic and creative expression of local cultural communities (including culturally diverse communities)
- has the majority of the festival’s programs and activities delivered by individuals from the community the festival represents
- demonstrate significant community involvement, participation and interaction
- runs a minimum of 2 consecutive days and no longer than a month
- reports a minimum cash operating expense budget of $50,000
Capital assets will not be included in the calculation of an accumulated surplus or deficit.
Eligible applicants carrying an accumulated surplus greater than 50% of total operating revenue must submit a Statement of Reserves (including targets and timeline) for the use of the surplus.
Eligible returning applicants carrying an accumulated deficit greater than 10% of total operating revenue must submit a realistic deficit reduction plan. This plan must include targets, timelines, roles and responsibilities. The deficit reduction plan must be approved by the Cultural Funding Support Unit.
Who is not eligible?
- First-time applicants with accumulated deficits greater than 10% of total revenue
- Individuals
- Crown corporations and government agencies
- Educational and religious institutions
- For-profit organizations/ventures
- Political parties
- Organizations whose primary mandate is to present sporting events or tournaments
- Organizations with their operational headquarters located outside the limits of the city of Ottawa, Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation or Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg First Nation
- Organizations that receive operating funding through other CFSU programs at the City of Ottawa
- Organizations whose activities are deemed to come under the jurisdiction of other levels, divisions, departments or agencies of government (e.g. school boards, social services, hospitals, business improvement associations, universities, military programs, etc.)
What is not eligible?
- Activities already funded through other City programs
- Capital projects (purchase of land/equipment/fixtures, building projects, etc.)
- Civic and commemorative events
- Competitions and contests (exception: pow wows)
- Conferences, workshops and other forms of training
- Fundraising projects and initiatives
- One-time, non-recurring events
- Stand-alone parades
- Pre-professional development or training projects
- Projects or activities that have been completed on or before the application deadline date
- Neighborhood festivals and events (block parties, picnics, etc.)
- Sports and recreation tournaments and events
- Commercial entertainment ventures
- Trade shows and trade fairs
- A report on your organization’s activities is due on an annual basis. During an application year, the report on your previous year's activities is due at the same time as your operating funding application. If your final report for previous funding has not been submitted by the deadline date, subsequent applications to this program will not be considered.
- City of Ottawa’s Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services Department staff may not hold a key position within an organization requesting cultural funding from the City. Exception: where staff participation has been approved as one of the duties of their position.
- City of Ottawa staff are required to act in compliance with the City of Ottawa Employee Code of Conduct and all applicable laws and regulations. For further inquiries, please contact your Cultural funding officer
Meeting all program eligibility requirements does not guarantee funding.
Assessment criteria
Peer assessors will use the following assessment criteria to evaluate your request for funding. The Cultural funding support unit places priority on the arts and cultural content of all applications under evaluation within the Major Arts and Cultural Festivals Program.
- Clear festival vision and goals
- Artistic/cultural programming that reflects the festival’s vision and goals
- Successful track record of artistic achievement and excellence in program delivery
- Qualified, professional artistic/cultural leadership
- Adherence to professional standards/practices in program delivery and relations with artists and cultural community
- Appropriate resources allocated to artistic/cultural programming
- Contribution to an arts community/artistic discipline or to the cultural community represented by the festival
- Demonstrated commitment to local artists and to a local arts community or to local individuals and local organizations within the cultural community represented by the festival
- Support, participation and attendance by the general public and members of the cultural community represented by the festival
- Audience development initiatives aimed at reaching the cultural community represented by the festival as well as Ottawa’s broad, diverse communities
- Commitment to engage with local equity seeking communities
- Strong and successful partnerships
- Appropriate and effective marketing and promotion
- Ability to provide exposure to Ottawa as a tourist destination (if applicable)
- Economic benefit (employment, local hiring, training opportunities, tourism reach, monies spent in and attracted to Ottawa)
Organizational effectiveness
- Effective, appropriate governance and solid management
- Fiscal responsibility and financial stability
- Diversified revenue (earned, private, government) and appropriate expense breakdown
- Effective volunteer system
Funding priorities
Following the peer-assessed evaluation of submitted proposals, the Cultural funding support unit will look at prioritizing applications from the following Indigenous and equity-seeking communities:
- Anishinabe Algonquin Nation
- First Nations
- Inuit
- Métis
- IBPOC (Indigenous, Black, People of Color)
- People with visible and invisible disabilities
- Non-ambulatory persons
- D/deaf people
- Refugees / Immigrants / Newcomers
- People living in poverty
- Rural residents
- Francophones
- Seniors / Older adults
- Women+
- Youth
The City of Ottawa recognizes that people identify themselves in many ways. Terms used to self-identify are continually evolving. With this understanding, the Cultural funding support unit uses terms recommended by community members through various consultations.
Festivals - Application questions and required materials
Before you begin:
- Read the Program Guidelines and refer to them while completing the application.
- Make sure all the required material is ready before applying in the application portal:
- Incorporation documents (if changes)
- Standard artist’s/creator’s contract template
- List of your board of directors
- Approved minutes from most recent board meeting
- Approved minutes from most recent AGM
- List of staff
- Curriculum vitae of Festival’s Executive/Managing Director
- Curriculum vitae of artistic leaders
- List of core volunteers
- Certificate of Insurance
- Operating Budget or CADAC
- Approved audited financial statements
- Statement of reserves (if applicable)
- Deficit reduction plan (if applicable)
- Support Material (7 samples max) – including samples of promotional materials of previous year’s programming
- Your written answers to the questions. (It is much easier to edit your responses on a word document and you can simply copy/paste your answers to the online form when ready to apply)
Fill and submit your application in our Online Portal(link is external). Applicants must answer all questions and attach all required documentation.
Application questions
- Mandate of your organization (150 words max)
- Provide a brief history of your festival, giving its principal achievements. (250 words max)
- Describe your festival’s vision and goals. i.e. What/who do you want to celebrate, who do you want to reach, why is your festival important in the Ottawa cultural context? (500 words max)
- Provide a full description of your festival’s planned artistic/cultural programming for the first request year. Please be as specific as possible. If certain artists/creators are not yet fully confirmed and contracted, please indicate as such. (2000 words max)
- If applicable, Upload a summary of your programming for the second and third request years. (multi-year applicants only)
- Describe the standards/practices you follow, and the resources you allocate to contracts and payment, technical support/services and promotional opportunities for artists appearing at your festival. (500 words)
- How does your festival contribute to the development, presentation and promotion of local Ottawa artists/creators? (500 words)
- Who is your target audience? What public accessibility or audience development initiatives are you undertaking? (500 words)
- How does your organization reflect and engage equity-seeking communities listed in our funding priorities? How do you ensure access for all? * (750 words max)
- Outline your ticket pricing structure (incl. free admission components) for the request year. (250 words max)
- What partnerships does your organization have? (250 words max)
- Do you provide training or employment opportunities to local residents? Please specify. (250 words max)
- How does your programming provide exposure to Ottawa as a tourist destination? (If applicable) (250 words max)
- Include any significant tourism data related to and collected by your festival (If applicable) (250 words max)
- How does your festival provide additional economic benefit to Ottawa? (If applicable) (500 words)
- How does your Board ensure proper oversight of finances, programming and any contractual arrangements? (500 words)
- How does your festival recruit, train, retain and recognize volunteers? (500 words)
Reporting on previous year’s activities
All funding recipients must submit a final activity report detailing how they used the funds awarded to them in order to be eligible for subsequent funding. In an application year, the peer assessment committee will review your organization’s report on the previous year’s activities along with your current application.
- Provide a description of your organization’s activities for the year for which funding was awarded (1500 words max)
- Provide a summary of operating challenges and achievements (500 words max)
- Provide statistics:
- Total number of participants
- Total number of artists
- Total number of volunteers
- Total number of volunteer hours
Fairs - Program Information
Reporting deadline
Wednesday, November 20, 2024, at 4 pm.
The report must be filled out and submitted through our Online Portal(link is external).
Applicants are responsible for submitting a complete submission by the deadline date. The Cultural Funding Support Unit will not be responsible for any discrepancies or upload errors in additional information submitted after the deadline.
Entry to the program and movement between funding categories must be approved by the Cultural funding support unit.
Contact Information
Yasmina Proveyer(link opens email application)
Cultural funding officer
Program Objectives
- To support major local agricultural fairs that attract audiences and that celebrate the distinct rural nature of their communities through their operations, community engagement and event activities.
- To enhance the quality of life in Ottawa by providing opportunities for community participation, social interaction and cultural involvement.
- To build the capacity and increase the sustainability of local fairs.
Funding categories
Annual operating funding
Fairs that meet the eligibility requirements listed in the guidelines may apply for Annual Operating Funding.
Three-Year operating funding
Agricultural fairs may apply for Three Year Operating Funding if they:
- meet the eligibility requirements listed in these guidelines
- have been in existence for at least four years
- can demonstrate ongoing financial stability and
- have received annual operating funding through this program in the previous year.
Note: Recipients of Annual and Three Year operating funding from this program are not eligible for additional municipal operating funding from the City of Ottawa.
All applicants must:
- be incorporated as a not-for-profit organization
- be an agricultural society recognized by the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies
- have at least 50% of board directors residing in the Ottawa region
- have a year-round organizational presence (office, staff, phone, mailing address) within the limits of the city of Ottawa, Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation or Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg First Nation
- have audited financial statements for the last completed fiscal year
- be a recipient of past funding through this program or the Partnership Program for Major Cultural Festivals and Fairs OR
- If a first time applicant to the program, have received funding from the Cultural funding support unti for the last 2 consecutive years through the Equity and inclusion in the Arts Fund, the Arts Funding Program and/or the Heritage Funding Program.
In addition,
Agricultural fairs must:
- have presented a major agricultural fair with city-wide impact for the last two years or more
- produce an annual agricultural fair within the limits of the city of Ottawa, Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation or Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg First Nation, and:
- is open, accessible and of interest to the public City-wide
- has a program of connected arts and/or heritage events celebrating Ottawa’s rural communities
- demonstrates significant community involvement, participation and interaction
- runs a minimum of 2 consecutive days and no longer than a month
- reports a minimum cash operating expense budget of $100,000
Capital assets will not be included in the calculation of an accumulated surplus or deficit.
Eligible applicants carrying an accumulated surplus greater than 50% of total operating revenue must submit a Statement of Reserves (including targets and timeline) for the use of the surplus.
Eligible applicants carrying an accumulated deficit greater than 10% of total operating revenue must submit a realistic deficit reduction plan. This plan must include targets, timelines, roles and responsibilities. The deficit reduction plan must be approved by the CFSU.
Who is not eligible?
- First-time applicants with accumulated deficits greater than 25% of total revenue
- Individuals
- Crown corporations and government agencies
- Educational and religious institutions
- For-profit organizations/ventures
- Political parties
- Organizations whose primary mandate is to present sporting events or tournaments
- Organizations with their operational headquarters located outside the limits of the city of Ottawa, Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation or Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg First Nation Organizations that receive operating funding through other CFSU programs at the City of Ottawa
- Organizations whose activities are deemed to come under the jurisdiction of other levels, divisions, departments or agencies of government (e.g. school boards, social services, hospitals, business improvement associations, universities, military programs etc.)
- A report on your organization’s activities is due on an annual basis. During an application year, the report on your previous year's activities is due at the same time as your operating funding application. If your final report for previous funding has not been submitted by the deadline date, subsequent applications to this program will not be considered.
- City of Ottawa Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services Department staff may not hold a key position within an organization requesting cultural funding from the City. Exception: where staff participation has been approved as one of the duties of their position.
- City of Ottawa staff are required to act in compliance with the City of Ottawa Employee Code of Conduct and all applicable laws and regulations. For further inquiries, please contact your Cultural Funding Officer.
Meeting all program eligibility requirements does not guarantee funding.
Assessment Criteria
- Clear vision for the fair that reflects the agricultural society’s mandate
- Successful track record of event implementation
- Activities that reflect the agricultural society’s vision and goals
- High quality of activities, historical integrity and unique characteristics
- Qualified and competent leadership
- Appropriate resources allocated to programming of the fair
- Contribution to the agricultural, heritage and/or rural communities
- Strong and successful relationships and partnerships within the agricultural, heritage and/or rural communities
- Audience/participant development initiatives aimed at reaching Ottawa’s broad, diverse community
- Commitment to engage with local equity-seeking communities
- Broad public support, participation and attendance
- Economic benefit (employment, local hiring, training opportunities, tourism reach, monies spent in and attracted to Ottawa)
- Appropriate and effective marketing and promotion
Organizational effectiveness
- Clear mandate and effective planning (programming and operations)
- Fiscal responsibility and financial stability
- Diversified revenue (earned, private, government) and appropriate expense breakdown
- Effective, appropriate governance and solid management
- Effective volunteer system
Application process
Applicants must read and abide by the Information for applicants.
Applicants must read and abide by the Terms and conditions.
Applicants must complete the application form and attach all required documentation.
Applications must be submitted through the online portal(link is external) by 4 pm on the deadline date.
Applicants must submit support material which will be reviewed by the evaluation committee. It plays an essential role in the assessment of the application as it gives the evaluators an indication of the merit of the work proposed and provides documentation of past and proposed activities.
Your Cultural Funding Officer can provide additional information regarding this program, your organization’s eligibility, and the application process.
Allocation of funding
An applicant’s success in obtaining funding depends upon the peer assessment committee’s final evaluation and the funding available within the program.
Availability of City of Ottawa funding is subject to the approval of the annual City budget by Ottawa City Council.
The amount requested is not necessarily the amount awarded.
Contact information
For specific information on your application, or to discuss eligibility, contact:
Major Arts and Cultural Festivals Program
Adrija Kličius
Cultural Funding Officer
adrija.klicius@ottawa.ca(link opens email application)
Major Agricultural Fairs Program
Yasmina Proveyer
Cultural Funding Officer
yasmina.proveyerllopiz@ottawa.ca(link opens email application)
For inquiries related to logistical support and City services:
Events Central
eventcentral@ottawa.ca(link opens email application)
For general information, technical issues, or to request a report form, contact:
infoculture@ottawa.ca(link opens email application)
Direct deposit information
Please be advised that the City of Ottawa’s Financial Services Unit is moving to the use of an automated Direct Deposit system solely in providing all payments, including Cultural Funding allocations.
If you have not already registered your banking information, please complete the Direct Deposit Form Opens in a new tab or window(link is external). PDF opens in a new tab or window and mail it with a physical original voided cheque or a physical original encoded deposit slip, or a physical original letter from the vendor's bank to the following address:
City of Ottawa
Accounts Payable, PO Box 3426 Station D
Ottawa ON K1P 0B9
No photocopies will be accepted. Questions may be directed to Accounts Payable at 613.580.2424 extension 27888 or by email to vendormaster@ottawa.ca(link opens email application) mailbox.