Shelter - Its Loss and Replacement

Photograph of the described sculpture.
1994 and 2003
Justin Wonnacott
Granite and aluminium set into sidewalk
Collection number
1994-0009 et 2004-0002
Art in the street


Two messages explore ideas about shelter:

  1. As shown in this photograph, Compass Rose combines images of Ottawa taken from space, a navigation instrument known as a sextant and the word “domicile.”
  2. The large granite disc, From a Camper’s Diary (not shown), uses a surveyor's words in a spiral around images of flames and a rabbit to suggest an old campfire story: “The tin mug – the only tea cup, went round till all had drunk and each with his bush knife cut toasted meat on a shive of bread. A tot or two of weak grog finished the feast, then some would fall asleep. Reclining thus like a parcel of spoons, our feet to the fire we often found the hair of our heads frozen to the place where we lay. Thus we spent our Merry Christmas in 1826."


Rideau Street at Waller Mall