Significant Weather Event

The Significant Weather Event remains in effect due to the large volume of snow on the transportation network and continued cleanup efforts. Stay up to date on the latest information.

Planning an outdoor special event

Legislation governing events

AODA, amusement devices, Building Code, business licences, cannabis, drones, Electrical Safety Code, fireworks, Municipal Alcohol Policy, Noise By-law, Parks By-law, Signs on City streets, smoking and vaping, special events by-laws...

Event planning resources

Event Central Office, Event Guide, emergency planning, Party Safer, Smoke and Vape Free Event Signs, industry best practices...

Event permits and applications

Alcohol licences, Banners, Tent Permits, Business licences, Specific event fire permit, Fireworks permit, Letter of Municipal Significance, Noise exemptions, OTTAWA sign illuminations, Parking permits, Block parties, Special event permits...

Site and venue bookings

City Hall, Lansdowne Park, City parks, museums and historic sites, Terry Fox Athletic Facility, Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton Park, Ron Kolbus Lakeside Centre, NCC lands, National Museums...