Ethical purchasing

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Supplier Code of Conduct

The Supplier Code of Conduct sets the minimum performance standards for the City of Ottawa Ethical Purchasing Policy. City suppliers and their sub-contractors agree to comply with the minimum labour standards noted below. Where national law differs from the principles set out in this policy, the standard that provides the greater right, benefit or protection to the worker shall apply.

Labour Standards Definitions
Child Labour ILO Conventions 138 and 182 No child labour will be used in the manufacture of the product supplied to the City of Ottawa. Employers will not employ workers under the age of 15, or 14 where the country has made the appropriate declaration in accordance with ILO Convention 138. If local law stipulates a higher age, it shall apply. Adequate transitional economic assistance and appropriate educational opportunities shall be provided to any displaced child worker. Workers under the age of 18 shall not be exposed to situations in the workplace that are hazardous, unsafe or unhealthy.
Forced Labour ILO Conventions 29 and 105 No forced labour will be used in the manufacture of products supplied to the City of Ottawa. Forced labour includes involuntary prison labour, indentured labour, bonded labour or otherwise. Workers shall not be required to lodge financial deposits or their original identity papers with their employer.
Harassment and Abuse Workers involved in the manufacture of products supplied to the City of Ottawa will not be subject to physical, sexual, psychological abuse or harassment, verbal abuse, or any other form of abuse, including corporal punishment.
Discrimination ILO Convention 111 Workers involved in the manufacture of products supplied to the City of Ottawa will not be discriminated against. Employers shall not discriminate against a worker in hiring, compensation, access to training, promotion, or termination on the basis of age, race, caste, national origin, religion, disability, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, union membership or political affiliation. No worker shall be subject to the forced use of contraceptives or pregnancy testing.
Hours of Work Workers involved in the manufacture of products supplied to the City of Ottawa will not be forced to work in excess of 48 hours per week. Employers will provide each of its workers with one day off for every seven-day period. If a worker is requested to work overtime, such overtime shall not exceed 12 hours per week. Overtime will only be requested in exceptional and short- term circumstances, be voluntary, with workers compensated either according to law, or where the law is silent at a premium rate.
Wages and Compensation Workers involved in the manufacture of products supplied to the City of Ottawa will be paid wages and benefits for a standard working week, at a minimum, national legal standards or industry benchmark standards, whichever is higher. Workers will receive wages that meet basic needs by local standards. All workers shall be provided with written and understandable information about their employment conditions with respect to their wages. Deductions from wages as a disciplinary measure shall not be permitted.
Health and Safety ILO Convention 155 Workers involved in the manufacture of products supplied to the City of Ottawa will not be subjected to unsafe working conditions. The employer shall provide its workers with a safe and healthy workplace in compliance with country and local health and safety laws and regulations, including access to clean toilet facilities and potable water. If accommodations are provided, such accommodations shall be clean, safe, and meet the basic needs of the workers. Adequate steps shall be taken to prevent accidents and injury to health by minimizing the causes of hazards inherent in the working environment.
Freedom of Association and the Right to Bargain Collectively ILO Convention 87 and 98 Workers involved in the manufacture of products supplied to the City of Ottawa will not be denied the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining. Workers shall have the right to join or form trade unions of their own choosing and to bargain collectively. Workers’ representative shall not be discriminated against and shall have access to carry out their representation functions in the workplace. Where the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining is restricted under law, the employer will not hinder the development of parallel means for independent and free association and bargaining.

Supplier list

Contract Number Suppliers Commodity Production Facility Location
09712-96734-P01 Atlantic Star Uniforms Edmundston North Industrial Park, 15 Miller Avenue, Edmundston, N.B., Canada, E3V 3K8 Clothing and Uniforms Atlantic Star Uniforms Edmundston North Industrial Park, 15 Miller Avenue, Edmundston, N.B., Canada, E3V 3K8
09712-96734-P01 Canada West Boots 1250 Fife Street, Winnipeg, MB, Canada, R2X 2N6 Clothing and Uniforms Canada West Boots 1250 Fife Street, Winnipeg, MB, Canada, R2X 2N6
09712-96734-P01 Carleton Uniforms Inc 5 Costello Drive, Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada, K7C 0B4 Clothing and Uniforms Carleton Uniforms Inc 5 Costello Drive, Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada, K7C 0B4
09712-96734-P01 Chemise Empire Ltée 451 Saint-Laurent, Louiseville, Québec, Canada, J5V 2L8 Clothing and Uniforms Chemise Empire Ltée 451 Saint-Laurent, Louiseville, Québec, Canada, J5V 2L8
09712-96734-P01 Confection Joly 65 Rue Principale, Joly, PQ, Canada, G0S 1M0 Clothing and Uniforms Confection Joly 65 Rue Principale, Joly, PQ, Canada, G0S 1M0
09712-96734-P01 Vêtements Cookshire Inc 725 Rue Pope, Cookshire, PQ, Canada, J0B1M0 Clothing and Uniforms Vêtements Cookshire Inc 725 Rue Pope, Cookshire, PQ, Canada, J0B1M0
09712-96734-P01 Cravate Benart (Canada) Inc. 820 Chemin du Grand-Bernier Nord, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Québec, Canada, J2W 0A6 Clothing and Uniforms Cravate Benart (Canada) Inc. 820 Chemin du Grand-Bernier Nord, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Québec, Canada, J2W 0A6
09712-96734-P01 Crown Cap (1987) Ltd 1130 Wall Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3E 2R9 Clothing and Uniforms Crown Cap (1987) Ltd 1130 Wall Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3E 2R9
09712-96734-P01 CSG International Inc. 2365 46th Avenue, Lachine, Québec, Canada, H8T 3C9 Clothing and Uniforms CSG International Inc. 2365 46th Avenue, Lachine, Québec, Canada, H8T 3C9
09712-96734-P01 Do-gree 3205 Bedford Road, Montreal, PQ , Canada, H3S 1G3 Clothing and Uniforms Do-gree 3205 Bedford Road, Montreal, PQ , Canada, H3S 1G3
09712-96734-P01 Dorothea Knitting Mills Limited 20 Research Road, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M4G 2G6 Clothing and Uniforms Dorothea Knitting Mills Limited 20 Research Road, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M4G 2G6
09712-96734-P01 Doubletex 9785 Rue Jeanne Mance, Montreal, PQ, Canada, H3L 3B6 Clothing and Uniforms Doubletex 9785 Rue Jeanne Mance, Montreal, PQ, Canada, H3L 3B6
09712-96734-P01 Tricots Drisdelle 4645 Fortier, local 1, St. Hubert, Québec, Canada, J3Y-7L3 Clothing and Uniforms Tricots Drisdelle 4645 Fortier, local 1, St. Hubert, Québec, Canada, J3Y-7L3
09712-96734-P01 Dynamic Safety International 2055 Blvd. Dagenais O., Laval, QC, Canada, H7L 5V1 Clothing and Uniforms Dynamic Safety International 2055 Blvd. Dagenais O., Laval, QC, Canada, H7L 5V1
09712-96734-P01 Grant Emblem 55 Fieldway Road, Toronto, ON, Canada, M8Z 3L4 Clothing and Uniforms Grant Emblem 55 Fieldway Road, Toronto, ON, Canada, M8Z 3L4
09712-96734-P01 Hi-Tec Intervention 840 Des Chênes, Saint-Nicolas, QC, Canada, G7A 3X4 Clothing and Uniforms Hi-Tec Intervention 840 Des Chênes, Saint-Nicolas, QC, Canada, G7A 3X4
09712-96734-P01 HP Gilbert 124, Rue des Écoliers, Saint-Victor Beauce-Sud, PQ, Canada, G0M 2B0 Clothing and Uniforms HP Gilbert 124, Rue des Écoliers, Saint-Victor Beauce-Sud, PQ, Canada, G0M 2B0
09712-96734-P01 Impact Radio Accessories 1664 Richter St, Suite 209, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, V1Y 8N3 Clothing and Uniforms Impact Radio Accessories 1664 Richter St, Suite 209, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, V1Y 8N3
09712-96734-P01 La Chemise Perfection Inc. 101 avenue Perfection, Courcelles, Québec, Canada, G0M 1C0 Clothing and Uniforms La Chemise Perfection Inc. 101 avenue Perfection, Courcelles, Québec, Canada, G0M 1C0
09712-96734-P01 Les variétés P. Prud'homme Inc 801 Rue Price, Saint-Jerôme, QC, Canada, J7Y 4E2 Clothing and Uniforms Les variétés P. Prud'homme Inc 801 Rue Price, Saint-Jerôme, QC, Canada, J7Y 4E2
09712-96734-P01 Mega Belts Inc. 1625 Chabanel West #484, Montreal, Québec, Canada, H4N 2S7 Clothing and Uniforms Mega Belts Inc. 1625 Chabanel West #484, Montreal, Québec, Canada, H4N 2S7
09712-96734-P01 OG Sécurité 449 Notre-Dame, Berthierville, PQ, Canada, J0K 1A0 Clothing and Uniforms OG Sécurité 449 Notre-Dame, Berthierville, PQ, Canada, J0K 1A0
09712-96734-P01 Outdoor Outfits 372 Richmond Street West, suite 400, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5V 1X6 Clothing and Uniforms Outdoor Outfits 372 Richmond Street West, suite 400, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5V 1X6
09712-96734-P01 QuiqLite Inc. 6100 Francis Botello, Suite D, Goleta, CA, USA, 93117 Clothing and Uniforms QuiqLite Inc. 6100 Francis Botello, Suite D, Goleta, CA, USA, 93117
09712-96734-P01 Raber Glove Mfg. Co. Ltd. 560 McDermot Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3A 0C1 Clothing and Uniforms Raber Glove Mfg. Co. Ltd. 560 McDermot Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3A 0C1
09712-96734-P01 Starline Industries Inc. 37 Staffern Drive Concord, Ontario, Canada, L4K 2X2 Clothing and Uniforms Starline Industries Inc. 37 Staffern Drive Concord, Ontario, Canada, L4K 2X2
09712-96734-P01 Stevens 425 Railside Drive, Brampton, ON, Canada, L7A 0N8 Clothing and Uniforms Stevens 425 Railside Drive, Brampton, ON, Canada, L7A 0N8
09712-96734-P01 Technofil Inc. 105 Renaud, Laurierville, Québec, Canada, G0S 1P0 Clothing and Uniforms Technofil Inc. 105 Renaud, Laurierville, Québec, Canada, G0S 1P0
09712-96734-P01 Tenaquip 20701 Ch. Ste-Marie, Ste-Anne de Bellevue, PQ, Canada, H9X 5X5 Clothing and Uniforms Tenaquip 20701 Ch. Ste-Marie, Ste-Anne de Bellevue, PQ, Canada, H9X 5X5
09712-96734-P01 The Great Canadian Sox Inc. 25 Waterman Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M4B 1Y6 Clothing and Uniforms The Great Canadian Sox Inc. 25 Waterman Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M4B 1Y6
09712-96734-P01 Underwear Mills 9200 St-Laurent Blvd., Montreal, PQ, Canada, H2N 1M9 Clothing and Uniforms Underwear Mills 9200 St-Laurent Blvd., Montreal, PQ, Canada, H2N 1M9

Ethical Purchasing Policy

Approved By: City Council
Category: Finance
Approval Date: May 23, 2007
Effective Date: May 23, 2007
Revision Approved by: City Treasurer
Revision date:  July 8, 2019

Policy Statement

The City of Ottawa (the “City”) is committed to purchasing goods, services and construction from responsible suppliers that provide quality goods, services and construction at competitive prices, and who abide by ethical standards and norms. This policy aligns the City’s purchasing practices with its values by ensuring workplaces which provide goods, services and construction for the City respect human and workers’ rights as specified in the Supplier Code of Conduct .


The purpose of this policy is to ensure that goods, services and construction purchased by the City, or by suppliers/contractors operating on City premises, meet the highest possible ethical standards by following the principles set out in the International Labour Organization (ILO) Conventions(link is external), as referenced in the Supplier Code of Conduct. This policy establishes an avenue whereby complaints of abuses in workplaces that are involved in providing goods, services and construction to the City, can be made to the City. The City shall determine the level and the degree necessary to investigate and act upon complaints.


This policy applies to City suppliers of goods, services and construction, and their subcontractors, who have entered into agreements with the City on or after May 23, 2007, the effective date of this policy.

This policy does not, however, apply to any tender or contract for the supply of such items that was issued, awarded or entered into prior to the effective date of the policy. Suppliers and their subcontractors who entered into agreements with the City before May 23, 2007 are encouraged to comply with this policy.

If and when the contracts are eligible for renewal, the supplier and their subcontractors must comply with this policy and may be required to certify compliance in writing.

Policy Requirements

The City shall not knowingly purchase goods, services and construction that have been manufactured in sweatshops or under sweatshop conditions. All products purchased by the City must be produced in accordance with the standards set out in the Supplier Code of Conduct.

Suppliers shall respect this policy and ensure that their production facilities, and those of their subcontractors, comply with national and other laws applicable in each workplace. Where national law differs from the principles set out in this policy, the provisions that accord the greatest right, benefit or protection to the worker shall apply.

If requested by the City, suppliers shall confirm compliance with this policy by providing written acknowledgement with their bid submission. In addition, when requested, a supplier shall provide the names and addresses of each subcontractor and/or production facility to be used in providing the goods, services and construction. This information is considered public information and, where warranted, will be posted on the City’s website. The City reserves the right to request that the supplier provide any additional supporting documentation that demonstrates compliance with this policy.

The City shall monitor this policy on a complaints basis only. The Chief Procurement Officer shall assess the validity of complaints in accordance with this policy. Where warranted, the City shall notify suppliers of suspected non-compliance with this policy. Suppliers shall be required to investigate the reported complaints by employing an independent third party investigation firm, at the supplier’s expense, or by other means of verification deemed acceptable to the City.

Within 30 days from the date of the non-compliance notice, the supplier shall provide the City with a report containing information on the verification program undertaken. This information shall include the name of the third party verifier, the findings of the investigation, and the corrective action taken to resolve the violation and achieve compliance with this policy.

Costs involved in the determination of compliance or non-compliance shall be borne by the supplier. All costs associated with the improvement of working conditions that would lead to compliance shall be borne by the supplier.

The Chief Procurement Officer has sole discretion to decide on issues of non-compliance, including granting a reasonable time period to achieve compliance. The Chief Procurement Officer’s decision is final and binding on all parties.

Any supplier complaint with the Ethical Purchasing Policy, or the application thereof, shall not be considered a formal complaint as defined in the City of Ottawa’s Procurement By-law.


City departments are responsible for:

  • Following the provisions of this policy; and
  • Advising Supply Services of suspected non-compliance.

Supply Services is responsible for:

  • Administering this policy and ensuring that City staff and the supplier community are informed of their responsibilities and obligations;
  • Collecting supplier certification materials and for publishing the names and locations of supplier production facilities on the City’s website; and
  • Receiving complaints and managing policy non-compliance and for ensuring that suppliers undertake third party investigations as requested by the City.


Failure to comply with this policy may result in the City exercising its rights under the default provisions set out in the contract between the City and the supplier.


General Terms and Conditions
Supplier Code of Conduct

Legislative and Administrative Authorities

Council Report (ACS2007-CMR-FIN-0004)
Council Report (ACS2010-CMR-FIN-0010)
International Labour Organization Convention(link is external)
Procurement By-law 50 of 2000, as amended


Child: any person less than 15, unless local minimum age law stipulates a higher age for work or mandatory schooling, or less than 14 if minimum wage law is set at that age in accordance with developing country exceptions under ILO Convention 138 Opens in a new tab or window(link is external).

Employer: an entity that employs or contracts a worker in the production of a product.

Factories or Production Facilities: a facility that is used to produce products for the City, whether it is a supplier’s factory or subcontractor’s facility.

Fairtrade Certified Products: products that are fair trade certified by Fairtrade Canada(link is external), or if unavailable, another National Initiative (NI) of the Fairtrade Labelling Organization (FLO) International. Examples of commodities currently include coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, quinoa, flowers, wine, sports balls, cotton, bananas and other tropical fruit.

Fairtrade Certification: a system that seeks to improve the lives of agricultural product producers in origin countries by ensuring that the owners of farms receive a guaranteed fair price for their harvest. Fairtrade Canada is the recognized certification body in Canada.

Fairtrade Labelling Organization (FLO) International: the global Fairtrade standard setting and certification organization for products bearing Fairtrade certification labels. FLO(link is external) certifies producer organizations and audits trade between certified producer organizations and registered traders in consuming countries, including all steps of processing and industrial manufacturing.

International Labour Organization (ILO) Core Labour Conventions: the minimum labour standards set out in the Supplier Code of Conduct.

International Labour Organization (ILO): the United Nations specialized agency which seeks the promotion of social justice and internationally recognized human and labour rights. The ILO Opens in a new tab or window(link is external) formulates international labour standards in the form of Conventions and Recommendations setting minimum standards of basic labour rights.

Minimum labour standards: the minimum labour standards set out in the Supplier Code of Conduct.

Purchasing: the process of procuring products from manufacturers or suppliers.

Subcontractor: an entity that has been subcontracted by a supplier. It does not have a direct business relationship with the City, however, it provides the supplier with goods and/or services integral to the manufacture, provision or maintenance of products for the City.

Supplier Code of Conduct (SCC): the minimum performance standards for the City’s Ethical Purchasing policy. The goal of the SCC is to ensure safe and healthy workplaces for the people who make products for the City; where human and civil rights are upheld in accordance with the conventions of the ILO.

Supplier: an entity that in the course of a commercial business sells a product or service to the City. These companies may have factories or production facilities of their own or they subcontract parts or their entire production.

Sweatshop: a facility where individuals manufacture, assemble or produce consumer goods under working conditions that do not meet or exceed the labour standards set out by the ILO.

Worker: a person involved in the manufacture or provision of services for a product.


For more information on this policy, please contact:

Manager, Strategic Sourcing and Supply Chain Management
Strategic Sourcing Branch,
Supply Services
Corporate Services Department
613-580-2424, ext. 13564

Ethical purchasing and the City

The City of Ottawa is committed to positive social change by purchasing goods and services from responsible producers that supply quality products at competitive prices and abide by ethical standards and norms.

The procurement policy of the City of Ottawa is open, fair, competitive and non-discriminatory. On May 23, 2007 City Council adopted an Ethical Purchasing Policy and Supplier Code of Conduct that ensures purchasing activities are aligned with the City’s values. The City ensures workplaces producing products for the City, respect human and workers rights in accordance with the conventions of the International Labour Organization.

Highlights of the policy

The Ethical Purchasing Policy guarantees that purchases of clothing, apparel, and Fair Trade products, meet the highest possible ethical standards and are produced in accordance with established local and international labour standards and applicable codes of conduct.

The Supplier Code of Conduct sets the minimum performance standards for City suppliers and their subcontractors and includes provisions on child labour, forced labour, discrimination, harassment and abuse, wages, hours of work, health and safety practices, freedom of association and collective bargaining.

The policy states that the City, as a consumer, can decide not to deal with suppliers and manufacturers that choose not to operate responsibly in accordance with the governing laws of their jurisdictions. At the time of bid submission, vendors competing for contracts will be required to certify compliance with the policy and to provide the names and addresses of each subcontractor and production facilities that will be used in the production of the goods specified. This information is considered public and an up-to-date list of successful bidder(s) will be posted on our website.

The City will monitor complaints and will determine whether to investigate and act upon them. Suppliers will be required to cooperate with third-party investigations of production facilities if the City believes an investigation is warranted and provide evidence of corrective action where abuses have been previously identified.

Contact us

To obtain more information about this policy or to report a suspected policy violation, please contact:

Will McDonald(link opens email application)
Chief Procurement Officer
Supply Services
Finance Department
City Manager’s Office
Phone: 613-580-2424, ext. 12407

Joanne Graham(link opens email application)
Manager, Procurement, Purchasing
Supply Services
Finance Department
City Manager’s Office
Phone: 613-580-2424, ext.43679

David Sloan (link opens email application)
Manager, Strategic Sourcing
Supply Services
Finance Department
City Manager’s Office
Phone:613-580-2424, ext. 13564