Significant Weather Event

The Significant Weather Event remains in effect due to the large volume of snow on the transportation network and continued cleanup efforts. Stay up to date on the latest information.

Investor relations

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City of Ottawa Debenture Activity

The City’s Treasury Division administers the debt and investments in accordance with the Municipal Act of Ontario and City of Ottawa policy guidelines.

City of Ottawa Credit Ratings

Credit Ratings

A credit rating is a current assessment of the creditworthiness of a borrower with respect to a specified obligation. It indicates the capacity and willingness of a borrower to pay interest and principal in a timely manner.

The City of Ottawa’s current ratings are as follows:

Name  Rating
Moody's Investment Service Aaa
Standard & Poor's AA+

Long-term Ratings are also assigned an outlook indicating the likely direction of an issuer's rating over the intermediate term, typically ranging from 6 months to 2 years. The outlook is denoted (P) for Positive Outlook, (N) for Negative Outlook or (D) for Developing Outlook. No identifier is attached to the rating if the outlook is Stable.